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LOVE'S DRUG STORE, 515 Main Street - Kansas City, Mo. Has constantly on hand a large stock of


SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES, & RUBBER GOODS. Editors of the INDEX will make selections if requested. SEND FOR CATALOGUE.

The Security Mutual Benefit Society,


No. 233 Broadway, New York City.

A. L. SOULARD, President.

Wm. D. CHANDLER, Sec'y and Treas.

E. A. QUINTARD and J. F. MORSE, Vice-Presidents.


O. D. BALDWIN, President Fourth National Bank, N. Y.

R. CARMAN COMBES, President Exchange Fire Ins. Co., N. Y.
A. L. SOULARD, President Sterling Fire Ins. Co., N. Y.
E. A. QUINTARD, President Citizens' Savings Bank, N. Y.
W. D. SNOW, Secretary American Loan and Trust Co., N. Y.
HENRY C. ROBINSON, of Porter Brothers & Co., N, Y.
WM. B. FULLER, with H. B. Claflin & Co., N. Y.
HENRY B. PIERCE, of Hutchinssn, Pierce & Co., N. Y.
E. D. WHEELER, M. D., Medical Director, N. Y.

Only Seventeen Assessments

Have been levied from 1881 to 1886, making the cost for
assessments to a man of forty years of age,

Dollars A Year

Less Than Ten

For each Thousand Dollars of Insurance.

Send for Circulars.

Liberal Discount to Physicians.


Manufactured by E. SCHEFFER, Louisville, Ky.


of the standard strength of U. S. Pharmacopoeia.



eight times the strength of the Saccharated.

E. Scheffer claims for his preparations uniformity, absence of odor and taste, and particularly stability. His Pepsines are not impaired by age, do not lose their digestive power, and do not assume an offensive odor when exposed to the air.




Complete Novels and Other Works, by Famous
Authors, Almost Given Away. The following books
are published in neat pamphlet form, and all are printed
from good type upon good paper. They treat of a
great variety of subjects, and we think no one can examine
the list without tinding therein many that he or she would
like to possess. In cloth-bound form these books would cost
1.00 each. Each book is complete in itself.

1. The Widow Bedott Papers. This is the book
over which your grandmothers laughed till they cried, und
it is just as fauny to-day as it ever was.

2. Winter Evening Recreations, a large collection of Acting Charades, Tableaux, Games, Puzzles, etc., for social gatherings, private theatricals, and evenings at home. 3. Back to the Old Home. & Novel. By Mary Cecil Hay, author of "Hidden Perils."

4. Dialogues, Recitations and Readings, a large and choice collection for school exhibitions and public aud private entertainments.

5. The Standard Letter Writer for Ladies and Gentlemen, a complete guide to correspondence, giving plain directions for the composition of letters of every kind, with innumerable forms and examples.

6. The Frozen Deep. A thrilling Novel. By Wilkie Collins, author of The Woman in White," etc.

7. Red Court Farm. An interesting Novel. ByMrs. Henry Wood, author of East Lynne, etc.

8. The Lady of the Lake. By Sir Walter Scott. "The Ludy of the Lake" is a romance in verse, and of all the works of Scott none is more beautiful than this.

9. In Cupid's Net. A Novel. By the author of "Dora Thorne.'

10. Amos Barton. A Novel. By George Eliot, author of Adam Bele," The Mill on the Floss "eta.

11. Lady Gwendoline's Dreami.

anthor of Dora Thorne."

A Novel. By the

12. The Mystery of the Holly Tree. A Novel. By the Author of "Dora Thorne."

13. The Budget of Wit, Humor and Fun, a large collection of the funny stories, sketches, anecdotes, poems and jokes.

14. John Bowerbank's Wife. A Novel. By Miss Mulock, author of "John Halifax, Gentleman," etc.

15. The Gray Woman. A Novel. By Mrs. Gaskell, author of Mary Barton," ete,

16. Sixteen Complete Stories by Popular Authors, embracing love, humorous and detective stories, stories of society H, of adventure, of railway life, etc., all very interesting.

17. Jasper Dane's Secret. A Novel. By Miss M. E.

Braddon, author of Aurora Floyd," etc.

18. Fancy Work for Home Adornment, an entirely new work upon this subject, containing easy and practical instructions for making fancy baskets, wall pockets, brickets, neeile work, embroidery, etc., etc., profusely and clegantly illustrated.

19. Grimm's Fairy Stories for the Young. The finest collection of fairy stories published. The children are delighted with them.

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21. Useful Knowledge for the Million, a handy book of useful information for all, upon many and various subjects.

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24. 87 Popular Ballads. Same size as sheet music.
Words of all the old and new songs.

23. Called Back. A Novel. By Hugh Conwar.
26. At the World's Mercy. A Novel. By Florence
Warden, author of The House on the Marsh." etc.

27. Mildred Trevanion. A Novel. By "The Duchess,”
author of Molly Bawn," etc.

28. Dark Days. A Novel. By the author of "Called

29. Shadows on the Snow. A Novel. By B. L. Far-
jeou, author of Bread-and-Cheese-and-Kisses, etc.
30. Leoline. By Mary Cecil Hay, author of Brenda

31. Gabriel's Marriage. A Novel. By Wilkie Collins,
author of No Name," etc.

32. Reaping the Whirlwind. A Novel. By Mary Cecil Hay, author of "Old Middleton's Money, etc.)

33. Dudley Carleon. A Novel. By Miss M. E. Braddon, author of "Lady Audley's Secret,

[ocr errors]

34. A Golden Dawn. A Novel. By the author of "Dora Thorne, etc.

35. Valerie's Fate. A Novel. By Mrs. Alexander. author of The Wooing O't," etc.

36. Sister Rose. A Novel. By Wilkie Collins, auther of The Woman in White," etc.

37. Anne. A Novel. By Mrs. Henry Wood, author of "Fast Lynne."

38. The Laurel Bush. A Novel. By Miss Mulock. author of John Halifax, Gentleman." etc.

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42. Gems of the Poets, containing charming selec
tious from Tennyson. Longfellow, Whittier, Byron, Shelley.
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43. Building Plans for Practical, Low-cost
Houses, a full description and pla of Eight moder
houses, ranging in price from $500 to $4500. Illustrated.
44. Anecdotes of Public Men-Wahington. Frank
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Gladstone, Butler, Hancock, Lee, and all the leading men e
the century.

45. Esop's Fables. The work of an ancient genius
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We have arranged with the publishers of these books to furnish the whole forty-
five with one year's subscription to our paper for $2.50; or we will send any five for
25 ets., or the whole forty-five for $1.50. Address all orders to publishers of
**THE MEDICAL INDEX," Kansas City, Mo.


Specify Battle when Prescribing our Preparations.


Formula.-Every Fluid drachm contains 15 gra ns EACHO pure Chloral
Hydrate, and purified Brom. Pot. and one-eighth gr. EACH,
of gen. imp. ext. Cannabis Ind. and Hyoscyam.

Dose. One half to one fluid drachm in WATER or SYRUP every hour
until sleep is produced.

Indications-Sleepnessness, Nervousness, Neuralgia, Headache, Convulsions,
Colic, Mania, Epilepsy, Irritability, Etc. In the restlessness
and delirium of fever, it is absolutely invaluable.




Papine is the Anodyne or pain-relieving principle of Opium, the Narcotic and
Convulsive elements being eliminated. It has less tendency to cause
Nausea, Vomiting, Constipation, Etc.
Indications.-Same as Opium or Morphia.

Dose.--(ONE FLUID DRACHM)-represents the Anodyne principle of
one eighth grain of Morphia.



Chemists' Corporation,

76 New Bond St., London, W.
5, Rue de La Paix, Paris.

9 & 10 Dalhousie Square. Calcutta.


Tissue Phosphates.

Specify Battle when Prescribing our Preparations.

Bone-Calcium. Phosphate (Ca∙ P2 04), Sodium phosphate (Na2IIPO4), Ferrous phosphate Fe3 P04), Tri-Hydrogen phosphate (H3 PO.)

Wheeler's Compound Elixir of phosphates and Calisaya :—A Nerve Food and Nutritive Tonic for the treatment of Consumption. Bronchitis, Serofula and all forms of Nervous debility.

The Lactophosphates prepared from the formula of Prof. Dusart, of the University of Paris, combine with a superior Pemartin's Sherry Wine and Aromatics iu an agreeable cordi-il, easily assimilable and acceptable to the most itritable stomach.

Phosphorus, the oxidizing element of the nerve centers, for the generation of Nerve force; Lime phosphate, an agent of cell development and nutrition: Soda phosphate, an excitant of functional activity of liver and pancreas, and corrective of acid fermentation in the alimentary canal; Iron phosphate, the oxidizing constituent of the blood, for the generation of heat and motion: phosphoric Acid, Tonic in sexual debility; Alkaloids of Calisaya, anti-malarial and febrifuge; Extract of wild cherry, uniting with tonic power the property of calming irritation and diminishing febrile excitement.

The Superiority of the Elixir consists in uniting with the phosphates the special properties of the Cinchona and prunus, of subduing fever and allaying irritation of the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal, which adapts it to the successful treatment of stomach derangements and all diseases of faulty Nutrition, the outcome of Indigestion, mal-assimilation of food, and failure of supply of these essential elements of Nerve Force and Tissue Repair.

The special indication of this combination of phosphates is spinal affections, caries, necrosis, un united fractures, marasmus, poorly developed children, alcohol, opium and tobacco habits, gestation and lactation to promote development, etc., and as a physiological restorative in sexual debil ity and all used-up conditions of the nervous system should receive the careful attention of good therapeutists.

There is no strychniæ in this preparation, but when indicated the liquor strychnis of the U. S. Dispensatory may be added, each fluid-drachm of the solution to a pound bottle of the Elixir making 1-64 of a grain to a half fluid ounce, an ordinary dose, a combination of a wide range of usefulness.

DOSE: For an adult, one tablespoonful three times a day after eating; from seven to twelve years of age one dessert spoonful; from two to seven one teaspoonful. For infants, from five to wenty drops, according to age.

PREPARED at the CHEMICAL LABORATORY of T. B. WHEELER, M. D., Montreal, D. C. [7]


FORMULA.-Every Fluid-Drachm represents FIVE grains EACH-Celery, Coca, Kola, Viburnum and Aromatics.

INDICATIONS.-Impotency, Spermatorrhea, Loss of Nerve-Power (so usual with Lawyers, Preachers, Writers and Business Men), Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Dysmenorrhea, Hysteria, Opium-Habit, Inebriety, Prostatitis, Dyspepsia, and ALL LANGUID or DEBILITATED conditions of the System.-Indispensable to restore a patient after alcoholic excess.

DOSE.-One or two teaspoonfuls three or more times a day, as directed by the Physician.




INDICATIONS.- Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Leucorrhea, Prolapsus Uteri, Sterility, to PREVENT Miscarriage, Etc. DOSE.-One teaspoonful three or four times a day.

Unrivaled as a Uterine Tonic in Irregular, Painful, Suppressed and Excessive Menstruation,

IT RESTORES NORMAL ACTION TO THE UTERUS, AND IMPARTS VIGOR TO THE ENTIRE UTERINE SYSTEM. Where Women have aborted during previous Pregnancies, or in any case where abortion is feared, the Aletris Cordial is indicated, and should be continuously administered during entire gestation.



Prepared from Manna, Purified Cathartic Acid, and Fruit Juices.

INDICATIONS.-Constipation, Biliousness, Congestions, Etc. INDISPENSABLE AS AN APERIENT FOR WOMEN DURING PREGNANCY. In teaspoonful doses, 3 times a day, it favors the SECRETION and EXCRETION of bile, and gradually removes the congested and torpid states of the liver, and keeps the bowels in a regular and soluble condition. DOSE.-ONE or MORE teaspoonfuls as directed by the Physician.







INDICATIONS. - Albuminuria, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Night-Sweats, Hemorrhages, Profuse Expectoration, Catarrh, Sore Throat, Leucorrhea, and other Vaginal Diseases, Piles, Sores, Ulcers, Burns, Scalds, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Etc.

When Used as an Injection, to Avoid Staining of Linen, the WHITE Pinus should be Used. Recommended by DR. J. MARION SIMS, and other Prominent Physicians.


Samples FREE to any Physician who will pay Express charges, and mention this Journal.

Liebig Co.'s Coca Beef Tonic.

Liebig Co.'s Coca Beef Tonic with Quinine.
Liebig Co.'s Coca Beef Tonic with Citrate of Iron.

Liebig Co.'s Coca Beef Tonic with Iron and Quinine.

In the preparation of our Coca Beef Tonics, Coca Wine, Elixir Coca, Coca Cordial, etc., we use the celebrated Imperial Crown Sherry. We quote in this connection the following cable dispatch, and for proof, should it be desired, we beg to refer to the N. Y. Office of Messrs. Gonzalez, Byass & Co., 39 Broadway. It will be seen, therefore, that we control absolutely the whole growing of this famous brand, and use it in the manner named in this dispatch.


JERES, SPAIN.-The representative of the Liebig Company of New York has closed with the celebrated growers, Messrs. Gonzalez, Byass & Co, for their entire growing of Imperial Crown Sherry. This brand has been the recognized king of Wines for centuries for those out of health. The Liebig Company will use it in the preparation of their world renowned Coca Beef Tonics and Coca Wine.

The following combinations of the Coca Beef Tonics are computed on the basis of the tablespoonful or, more strictly speaking, the half ounce. These ingredients are in solution in Imperial Crown Sherry. In addition to these ingredíents: each tablespoonful also represents the essence of an ounce of choice meat.

LIEBIG Co.'s COCA BEEF TONIC WITH QUININE contains 5 grs. Coca ( quality guaranteed) 3 grs. Calisaya Bark, and 2 grs. pure Quinine.

LIEBIG Co.'s COCA BEEF TONIC with Iron; Coca 5 grains, Citrate of Iron 2 grains, Calisaya 3 grains, Nux Vomica grains.

LIEBIG Co.'s COCA BEEF TONIC WITH IRON AND QUININE; 5 grs. Coca, 3 grs. Calisaya, 2 grs. Quinine, 2 grs. Citrate of Iron.

LIEBIG Co.'s COCA BEEF TONIC WITH IRON, QUININE AND STRYCHNINE; 5 grs. Coca, 4 grs. Citrate of Iron, 2 grs. Quinine, and 1-60 gr. Strychnine.

LIEBIG Co.'s COCA BEEF TONIC WITH IRON, QUININE, STRYCHININE AND PEPSINE; 5 grs. Coca, 1 gr. Quinine, 2. grs. Pyrophosphate of Iron, 1-32 gr. Strychnine and 3 grs. Pepsine. LEIBIG Co.'s COCA BEEF TONIC WITH CALISAYA, IRON AND PHOSPHORUS; 5 grs. Coca, 10 grs. Calisaya, 4 grs. Pyrophosphate of Iron, 1-100 gr. of Phosphorus. FORMULAS OF LIEBIG Co.'s COCA BEEF TONIC WITH BISMUTH, IRON AND STRYCHNINE, with Pespine and Pancreatine with Calisaya, with Pepsine, with Wild Cherry, &c., cheerfully sent LIEBIG Co.'s COCA WINE. Unequalled in flavor Made with Imperial Crown Sherry.


In the practical use of coca are many and serious difficulties. The conditions under which a maximum effect may be obtained are numerous and delicate. The leaves must be grown in certain soils and climates, picked at a certain stage of maturity, and in certain weather. They must be packed in small quantities so as to prevent crushing, heating, mould. ing or decay. In transportation they should be kept in cool, well ventilated places, and as far away from bilge, fumes, gases and vapors as possible. When delivered at their destination, they should be used immediately. The importance of these precautions may be gathered from the fact that out of a thousand pounds of leaves gathered upon the haciendas of Western South America, one-half are from other species of the Erythroxylon, one-eighth are spoiled in the picking, one-eighth in the subsequent transportation and storage, leaving but twenty-five per cent. available for medical and scientific use. Of the coca leaves which reach the United States, the largest proportion is received and consumed by the Liebig Company of New York, Paris and London, a corporation which offers the remedy in two general forms-viz., Liebig Co.'s Wine of Coca and Liebig Co.'s Coca Beef Tonic. Of these two preparations nothing can be said but in high praise. Their Wine of Coca is practically an admirable tincture of the leaf. Each fluid ounce contains the virtues of ten grains of erythroxylon. The Wine or menstruum, is worthy of remark, being a rich and pure Spanish sherry imported directly from the great house of Gonzalez, Byass & Co.. in Xeres, Spain. As imperial Crown, this wine has gained a fame superior to that of the Oloroso and the Amontillado of former days. Without the Coca the Wine would be a splendid adjunct to every dining-table or sick room. With the Coca it makes a delicious beverage as well as a medicine, and forms as perfect a preparation of erythroxylon as science and art can produce.

The Coca Beef Tonic consists of Imperial Crown Sherry with ten grains of coca and the nutritive elements of two ounces of choice beef to the ounce of wine. It is used as a basis for eleven combinations, comprising quinine, citrate of iron; iron and quinine; iron, quinine and strychnine; pepsin; pancreatin; pepsin and pancreatin; calisaya, iron, bismuth and strychnine; iron, quinine, strychnine and pepsin; and calisaya, iron and phosphorus. All of these preparations will be recognized and appreciated by the professional eye.

The Liebig Co. is to be complimented upon the success of its efforts, and upon the intrinsic excellence and value these preparations.-THE AMERICAN ANALYST, Oct. 1886. When prescribing please specify LIEBIG CO. S, to prevent substitution. Above prepared only by THE LIEBIG LABORATORY AND CHEMICAL WORKS CO.,


LIEBIG CO.'S ORANGE WINE. Made from the pure juice of choice California Oranges. Non-Alcoholic. Cooling. Anti-Scorbutic. Anti-Bilious.

LIEBIG CO.'S PINE GLYCERINE. Chemically pure and inodorous. Prepared specially for medical use.

IMPERIAL CROWN SHERRY. Guaranteed to be a pure natural Spanish Sherry. The wine of wines for invalids. Direct from the vineyard. Address,

P. O. Box, 2902.

R. E. PALMER, Agent,

New York City.


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