An Essay on the Treatment and Conversion of African Slaves in the British Sugar Colonies

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J. Phillips, 1784 - Black people - 298 pages



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Page 68 - ... and cattle. The time allotted for this branch of work, and preparation of dinner, varies from an hour and an half, to near three hours.
Page 205 - When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.
Page 245 - Though the mafter hadjudgment to know when he was well ferved, and policy to reward good behaviour, he was inexorable when a fault was committed ; and when there was but an apparent caufe of fufpicion, he was too apt to let prejudice ufurp the place of proof.
Page 68 - ... leathern thongs. The wretch, rather than be carried to judgment in another man's plantation, is fain to efcape with the lofs of his bundle, and often to put up quietly with a good drubbing from the robber into the bargain. The hour of delivering in his grafs, and renewing his talk, approaches, while hunger importunately folicits him to remember its call ; but he muft renew the irkfome toil, and fearch out fome green, fhady, unfrequented fpot, from which to repair his lols.
Page 50 - The intendants are charged with their protection, proper miffionaries are appointed for the purpofe of training them up to a certain degree of religious knowledge; and ample eftates or funds are allotted for the maintenance of thofe ecclefiaftics.
Page 70 - Jo prepare fome fimple mefs for fupper, and to-morrow's breakfaft. This employs them till near midnight, and then they go to fleep till the bell calls them in the morning.
Page 251 - He arose, ordered a large account that the man had with him, to be drawn out: and in a whim, that might have called up a smile on the face of charity, filled his pipe, sat down again, twisted the bond, and lighted his pipe with it. While the account was drawing out, he continued smoking, in a state of mind that a monarch might envy. When...
Page 61 - Nay a horfe, a cow, or a fheepj is much better protected with us by the law, than a poor flave. For thefe, if found in a trefpafs, are not to be injured, but fecured for their owners; while a half ftarved negroe, may, for breaking a...
Page 67 - ... into the field. Their work is to manure, dig, and hoe, plow the ground, to plant, weed, and cut the cane, to bring it to the mill, to have the juice expressed, and boiled into sugar.
Page 69 - Ifraelites in Egypt, to cull, blade by blade, from among the weeds, their fcanty parcels of grafs. About feven o'clock in the evening, or later, according to the feafon of the year, when the overfeer can find leifure...

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