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Chapter VIII.

REGARD FOR KNOWLEDGE AND TRUTH.-1 From Willmann, Didaktik, II., 7.—2Mikrokosmus, Leipzig, Hirzel, Introduction, I., p. VII.-3Paulsen, Ethik, 6th edition, II., 232.4Bruno, Kuhlenbeck's German Translation: Reformation des Himmels, Leipzig, 1889, p. 129.-5Reported by Walther Poppelreuter. in Zeitschrift fuer Pædagogische Psychologie, Pathologie und Hygiene, VIII., 104ff.-See chapter on "Poltergeists" in Podmore's History of Spiritualism, Vol. I., ch. 2.-7Fragmente aus dem Nachlasse, VII., 322.—8Bain, Education as a Science, 410.Fichte, Popular Lectures, 307.

Chapter IX. ESTHETIC REGARD.—1 Kritik der Urtheilskraft, II., 168.—2Marshall, Pain, Pleasure, and Æsthetics, 356.—3 Adolescence, II., 257.-4Op. cit., VI., 339.-5Ethics, English Translation, I., 307-308.-6Ethik, II., 135.-7Education as a Science, 417.8Phænomenologie des sittlichen Bewusstseins, 161-162.-Esthetische Zeitfragen, 6-7.

Chapter X. RELIGIOUS REGARD.-1Beitraege zur Weiterentwick lung der christlichen Religion, Muenchen, 1909, p. 6.-2The Varieties of Religious Experience, 510.—3Einleitung in die Philosophie, 13th ed., 354.—*Kleinere Schriften zur Ethik und Religionsphilosophie; zweite Abteilung, VIII., 176.—5The Christian Philosophy of Life, Heinrich Pesch, S. J., 406.—6Op. cit., 405-406.-7Religion und Religionen, Otto Pfleiderer, 21-22.-8Thomas Aquinas, Summa III., Supplementum, qu. xciv., I., 2.-9Works of President Edwards, New York, 1829-1830, VI., 476.-10 Cathrein, MoralPhilosophie, 4th ed., II., 580.-1156.-12 August, 1906, 341-342.13Kant, VII., 351.—14Rein's article in "Beitraege zur Weiterentwicklung der christlichen Religion,'' 285.

Chapter XI. CONCLUSION: GENERAL APPLICATIONS.-1 Herbart's Pædagogische Schriften, Langensalza, 1874, I., 23.-2Map of Life,



Adjustment as aim of educa-
tion, 15; dependent on knowl-
edge, 16; character, 22f.
Admiration, 71; of lies, 179;
motive power of, 260.
Affability, 59, 119, 184.
Affectation, 184, 193.
Affection, in veneration, 72f;
gratitude, 76; see also Liking.
Affinity, see Liking.

Aim, distinguished from End,
13, 167; keeping in mind,
274f; of education, 11-28;
working statement, 27.
Ambition, 51f; inordinate, 52f;
attitude toward rivals, 60ff;
friends, 63f; principle, 64f;
reducing, 68, 86f.
Amusements, 272f.
Appreciation, 70.

Aristotle, 12, 25, 30, 34, 53, 139,

Art, relation to conduct, 200f;
relation to play, 204f; func-
tion, 205f; life viewed as art,
223; for art's sake,'' 230.
Astronomy, 122.


Athletics, 207, 271f.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Egotistic, see Egoistic.
Emerson, 76, 119, 182, 256, 271.
End, distinguished from Aim,

13, 167; human beings not
mere means, 145.
Environment, at school, 265f.
Equity, 118.

Esteem, 71; proper basis, 78.
Esthetic experience, nature of,

Esthetic feeling, 221f.
Esthetic illusion, 201f.
Esthetic pleasures, value, 213;
as cause of physical deteriora-
tion, 213f; self-indulgence,
219f; aid to morality, 220,
222, 228ff; compared to at-
titude of moral conduct, 229.
Esthetic regard, 199-231.
Esthetic valuation, as related to

ethical valuation, 209f; as cri-
terion of conduct, 210f.
Estimation, attitude of, 70-90;
forms, 70f; as related to lik-
ing, 71-77; wrong basis, 77f.
Ethical valuation, compared to
esthetic, 209f.
Examinations, 192.

Example, of teacher, 197.

Exaggeration, 181, 197f.

Exercise, physical, 214f; sub-
stitutional, 205f.
Expression, need of, 33-35.

[blocks in formation]

261, 262.
Herder, 135.

History, 84, 121.

Honor, sense of, 45; among
thieves, 52.

Humbolt, W. von, 163.
Humility, 48f.
Hutcheson, 200.
Hypocrisy, 57, 58.

Ideals, 259.

Identification, of self with ob-
ject, 31f, 125, 150; aid in
development of benevolence,

[blocks in formation]

Kant, 12, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 50,

78, 135, 140, 141, 142, 144,
145, 148, 149, 156, 157, 194,
202, 204, 236, 237, 255, 256.
Kempis, Thomas à, 164.
Knowledge, conditions, 17; func-
tion, 161; forms, 161; nature,
161; belief and opinion, 246f;
criterion, 247.

Labor, disrespect for, 79ff; re-
spect, 87f.

Laisser faire, in education, 270-

Lange, 202, 203.

Lao-tse, 68, 159, 186, 188.
Law, expression of our

will, 154.

Lawlessness, 152f.

Lecky, 159, 273.


Legality, Kant's use of term,
140, 150.

Lessing, 165, 238, 278.

Lies, types of, 180f; detection,
181f; condonation, 194, 195f,

Liking, growing out of estima
tion, 71f; natural affinity,
93f; acquired, 94f; respect,
Literature, 121.
Locke, 52.
Lotze, 165.

Love, 92f; test, 97; discrimina-
tion, 112f; not whimsical,
123; in teacher, 130f; as
guide to conduct, 150f; sex-
ual, 98f; "puppy'' love, 110;
of country, 126f; of duty,
155f, 237; of truth, 164f; of
recognition, 51-69.
Lowell, 123.

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