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THE Charter grants to the Trustees and their Succeffors all the Lands and Territories from the most Northern Stream of the Savanah River, all along the Sea-Coaft to the Southward unto the moft Southern Stream of the Alatamaha River, and Weftward from the Heads of the faid Rivers, respectively in direct Lines to the South-Seas, and all that Space, Circuit, and Precinct of Land lying within the faid Boundaries, with the Iflands in the Sea lying oppofite to the Eastern Coast of the faid Lands, within twenty Leagues of the fame, which are not already inhabited, or fettled by any Authority derived from the Crown of Great-Britain, together with all the Soils, Grounds, Havens, Ports, Gulfs, and Bays: Mines, as well Royal Mines of Gold and Silver, as other Minerals, Precious Stones, Quarries, Woods, Rivers, Waters, Fifhings, Pearls, Commodities, Jurifdi&ions, Royaltics, Franchises, Priviledges, and Preheminences within the faid Territories, and the Precincts thereof, and thereunto in any Sort belonging; TO HOLD to them and their Succeffors for ever for the better Support of the Colony.

THE Country is at prefent a Foreft of Oaks, Beech, Elm, Cedar, Chefnut, Walnut, Cyprefs, Myrtle-Trees, and many others, befides the Mulberries, and Vines, which I have mention'd before. That it is capable of great Improvements, is generally agreed by thofe, who have feen the Plice; and there needs no other Proof than this: Many of the People in SouthCarolina, hearing of this Charter, have gone thither to survey the Lands, and have (as I am inform'd) applied fince to the Trustees for Grants. His Majefty has order'd the Governor of South-Carolina to give what Afflance he can to the new Settlement; this the Affembly alto (I her) have promis'd. The Governor is very hearty in promoting it, and has generously contributed towards it. He has been engaged likewife to provide feveral Sawyers in South-Carolina, and fore of the most friendly among the Indians to allift the Pope

in clearing the Lands, &c. There are but few Indian Families within four hundred Miles, and those in perfect Amity with the English. Port-Royal the Station of his Majesty's Ships is within thirty; and Charles-Town a great Mart, that freights every Year near two hundred Ships, is within one hundred and twenty Miles. If the Colony is attack'd, it may be reliev'd by Sea from Port-Royal, or the Bahamas, and the Militia of South-Carolina is ready to fupport it by Land.

As Towns are establish'd, and grow populous along the Rivers Savanah, and Alatamaha, they will make such a Barrier, as will render the Southern Provinces of the British Colonies on the Continent of America, fafe from Indian, and other Enemies.

UNDER What Difficulties was Virginia planted? The Coast and Climate then unknown, the Indians numerous, and at Enmity with the first Planters, who were forced to fetch all their Provisions from England; yet it is grown fo great a Province, that the Revenue is increafed 100,000 7. for Duties upon Goods that are fent yearly home from thence.

WITHIN these fifty Years Penfilvania was as much a Forest as Georgia is now, and in thofe few Years, by the wife Occonomy of Mr. Pen, and those who affifted him, it now gives Food to eighty thousand Inhabitants, and can boast of as fine a City as moft in Europe.

THE Poor, who are fent to Georgia on the Charity, have all the Expences of their Paffage defrayed, have likewise all Conveniencies allowed them in their Paffage: And great Care is, (as I hear) and will be taken not to croud too many of them in a Ship for fear of Illness. When they are fet down in Georgia, the Trustees fupply them with Arms for their Defence, Working-Tools for their Industry, Seeds of all Kinds for their Lands, and Provifions for a Year, or 'till the Land can yield a Support.


As Experience has fhown the Inconvenience of private Perfons poffeffing too large Quantities of Land in our Colonies, by which means, the greatest Part of it must lye uncultivated, and they are thrown at fuch a Distance, that they can neither affift, or defend one another; the Trustees fettle the People in Towns, a hundred Families in each: · And allot no more Land than what can with Eafe be cultivated, and yet will afford a fufficient and handsome Maintenance. They divide each Man's Share into three Lots, viz. One Lot for a Houfe and Yard in the Town, another for a Garden near the Town, and a third for a Farm at a little Distance from the Town. These Lots are all to be laid out, and the Houses built by joint Labour and Affistance; and when finish'd, Chance is to determine, who fhall be the Proprietors of each of them; by this Conduct no Man will have reason to complain, fince Fortune alone can give the Preference.

As they will not, it feems, be fuffer'd to alienate their Lands without Leave of the Trustees, none certainly will go over, but with a Design to be industrious; and as they will be fettled in fuch a Frugality, none, who can live here, will think of going thither, where, tho' they will have a sufficient and plentiful Maintenance, they will have no room for Luxury, or any of its attendant Vices.

FOR Continuing the Relief, which is now given, there will be Lands referv'd in the Colony, and the Benefit arifing from them is to go towards carrying on the Truft. So that at the fame Time, the Money by being laid out preferves the Lives of the Poor, and makes a comfortable Provifion for thofe, whofe Expences are by it defrayed; their Labour in improving their own Lands will make the adjoining referved Lands valuable, and the Rents of thofe referved Lands will be a perpetual Fund for relieving more poor People.

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A POWER is granted to the Trustees by the Charter to enjoy Lands, &c. in Great-Britain, in Fee, not exceeding one thousand Pounds a Year beyond Reprises; alfo Estates for Lives and Years, and all Chattels and Things whatsoever, for the better fettling, fupporting, and maintaining the faid Colony, and to demife the fame for a Term of Years in Poffeffion, and not in Reverfion, not exceeding thirty one Years from the Time of Granting; and if no Fine is taken, the full Value to be referved, otherwise at leaft a Moiety of the full Value.

THE Corporation and their Succeffors may import and export their Goods at, and from any Port or Ports in Georgia, without being obliged to touch at any other Port in Carolina.

THE People, who fettle there, are declared by the Charter to be free, and not fubject to any Laws, but fuch as are fram'd by the Corporation, and their Succeffors; these not to be repugnant however to the Laws of England, and to be approv'd by the King in Council.

CIVIL Liberty is to be establish'd there in its full Extent. No Appearance of Slavery, not even in Negroes; by which means, the People being oblig'd to labour themselves for their Support, will be, like the old Romans, more active and useful for Defence of their Government.

THAT the People may not be long without publick Worfhip, the Trustees (as I am inform'd,) have already fix'd on a Clergyman, who is well recommended, is to embark very foon, and is to be allowed by the Society for Propagating the Gofpel in foreign Parts, as good a Salary, as they give any of their other Miffionaries.

As Liberty of Confcience will be granted, it cannot be doubted, but a well regulated Government in a Country fo temperate, so pleasant, and fo fruitful, will draw thither many of the distress'd Saltzburghers, and other perfecuted Proteftants; and by giving Refuge to thefe, the Power and Wealth of



Great-Britain, as a Reward for her Hospitality, will be encreased by the Addition of fo many religious and industrious Subjects.

SINCE I have mention'd the foreign Proteftants, it may not be improper to confider their present Situation, and to fhow how prudent it is to establish fuch a Colony as Georgia, if only on their Account. As Men, as fellow Christians, and as perfecuted Chriftians, they have, as well as our own Poor a Claim on our Humanity, notwithstanding the narrow Opinions, and miftaken Politicks of fome, who think their Charity fhould begin, continue, and end at home *.

THE Proteftant Intereft in Europe hath declin'd very much fince the Treaty of Weftphalia. In France there were several flourishing Proteftant Churches, which are now entirely deftroyed. There were five hundred Churches in Poland; but being neither permitted to rebuild or repair the Places of Affembly, they are now reduced to forty, who are harrafs'd on every Pretence, of which Thorn has been a bleeding Inftance. In Hungary they are at this Time depriving the Proteftants of their Churches, and it is to be fear'd that a Perfecution now rages as openly there, as ever it did in France. Every one must know, and there can be few but feel the Miferies which the Saltzburghers have lately undergone: Their Hardships could only be equal'd by their Refolution in meeting, and their Patience in bearing them. Many of these have been dragg'd from Prifon to Prifon 'till they perish'd by Want; the reft, Men, Women, and Children forc'd to renounce their Faith, or drove Vagrants from their Country. There have been above twenty three thoufand of these Exiles; and by Advices receiv'd here lately, the Number

Qui Civium Rationem dicunt effe habendam, Externorum negant, Hi dirimunt communem Humani Generis Societatem; Qua Sublata, Beneficentia, Liberalitas, Bonitas, Juftitia funditus tollitur; Que qui tollunt, etiam adverfus Deos iminortales Impii judicandi funt. Cicero, De Officiis.

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