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a much larger body which had been detached to intercept the party retreating from Powles Hook, Ball made a circuit to avoid the enemy; and Buskirk, finding a detachment he had not expected, took the same measure to secure his own retreat. The two parties, narrowly missing each other, returned to their respective points of departure.

This critical enterprise reflected much honour on the talents of the partisan with whom it originated, and by whom it was conducted. General Washington announced it to the army in his orders with much approbation; and Congress bestowed upon it a degree of applause more adapted to the merit and talent displayed in performing the service, than to its magnitude.*

A few days after the surprise of Powles Hook, the long-expected fleet from Europe, under the command of Admiral Arbuthnot, having on board a reinforcement for the British army, arrived at New York.

Sir Henry Clinton, in his official account of this affair, remarks, that the retreat of the Americans was as precipitate and disgraceful, as the attack had been spirited and well conducted. Sir Henry seems to have entirely lost sight of the nature and object of the expedition. It was never designed to retain the post, but to surprise and carry off the garrison. That celerity which he terms precipitation was indispensable to success, and adds to the reputation of the officer he censures. The orders of General Washington too on this point were peremptory.

This reinforcement, however, did not enable the British general to enter immediately on that active course of offensive operations which had been me ditated. It was soon followed by the Count D'Estaing, who arrived on the southern coast of America with a powerful fleet; after which Sir Henry Clinton deemed it necessary to turn all his attention to his own security.

Previous to the receipt of this information, Lord Cornwallis had embarked with a considerable detachment for Georgia and South Carolina, but he returned in a few days; soon after which, Rhode Island, and the posts up the North river, were evacuated, and the whole army collected in New York, the fortifications of which were carried on with unremitting industry.



Saint Lucia taken by the British; Saint Vincent's and Grenada by the French-Count D'Estaing with his fleet arrives on the southern coast of America-Siege of Savannah by the combined armies-Unsuccessful attempt to storm it-The siege raised-Victory gained by General Sullivan over the Indians at NewtownSpain offers her mediation to the belligerent powers -War between Spain and England—Letter from General Washington to Congress-The American army go into winter quarters.


HE Count D'Estaing and Admiral Byron, having sailed about the same time from the continent of North America, met in the West Indies, where the war was carried on with vigour, and with various success. St. Lucia surrendered to the British, in compensation for which the French took St. Vincent's and Grenada. About the time of the capture of the latter island, such large reinforcements were received by D'Estaing as to give him a decided naval superiority; after which, a battle was fought between the two hostile fleets, in which the count claimed the victory, and in which so many of the British ships were disabled, as to compel the admiral to retire into port in order to refit, while his adversary remained in a condition to keep the sea.


The earnest representations made on the part of the United States, of the great advantages which would result to the allied arms from a powerful fleet employed on their coast, had prevailed on the cabinet of Versailles to instruct the Count D'Estaing to afford all the aid in his power to the Americans, whenever a fair occasion for doing so should present itself.

The present moment seemed a fit one for paying obedience to these orders. The British fleet had retired into port to repair the damage sustained in the late action; and letters received from General Lincoln, from the executive of South Carolina, and from the French consul at Charlestown, urged him strongly to pay a visit to the southern states; and represented the situation of the British in Georgia to be such, that the destruction of the army in that quarter, and the recovery of the state, would be almost certainly achieved, as soon as he should appear.

Yielding to these solicitations, the count sailed with twenty-two ships of the line and eleven frigates, having on board about six thousand land forces from Cape François, to which place he had retired after the naval engagement near Grenada; and arrived so suddenly on the southern coast of America, that the Experiment of fifty guns, and three British frigates, fell into his hands. A vessel was dispatched to Charlestown with informa

tion of his arrival; on the receipt of which, General Lincoln concerted a plan for the siege of Savannah with Major-general Viscount de Fontanges, who had been dispatched to him by the French admiral, and with the executive of South Carolina.

It was agreed that on the 11th of September D'Estaing should land three thousand men at Beaulieu; and that on the same day Lincoln should cross the Savannah with a thousand Americans, and effect a junction with him. To facilitate the landing of the French troops, a number of small vessels were sent round from Charlestown, and the militia were ordered to assemble for the purpose of aiding these military operations, from which the liberation of the whole southern country was confidently expected. The town of Savannah was at that time the head-quarters of General Prevost, who still commanded in the southern districts. Apprehending no immediate danger, he had weakened the garrison by the establishment of several distant outposts in Georgia, and by leaving Colonel Maitland with a strong detachment in the island of Port Royal in South Carolina.

On the first appearance of the French fleet, expresses were dispatched to Colonel Maitland, and to all the outposts, directing the troops to repair without loss of time to Savannah. These orders were promptly obeyed: and on the 10th of September



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