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tibi, (n.) ashes, cf. pi.

tig (J), a shell, Lithodoma.

tigri, v. to pour out; mer tigri, to command, to speak.

tigur, v. to draw water. [tigrari.]

tik (?), pone tik, dim, of eyes.

tikau, v. to fetch.

[blocks in formation]

tonar, n. custom, habit, character, quality, nature, fashion.

torob wag (M), n. storm, tempest.

tot (M), n. a roof.

totoam, n. a kind of fish which follows floating seaweed.

totoam (M), v. to fall.

tsi (m), n. dew.

tuab (1), ad. here.

tugar, n. the shoulder.

tuk, n. a boil.

tulik, iron knife (probably introduced); tulik-le, rust; cf. turi,


tum, n. the top; tumge, ad. on the top; tumem, prep. to the top, over,


tumtum, a. on the top, superficial, shallow; not inside; uiaba tumtum

nerkěp, their hard hearts.

tup, n. a small fish which comes in-shore in large shoals.

tuprik, v. to shorten.

turi, turik, tori, cf. tulik.

turum, n. fruit.

turumturum, a. fruitful.

tut (M), n. a hammer; cf. itut.

tute (?), laip tute, n. an ear ornament. tuter, a. right, right-hand side.

U, uě, n. coconut, palm and fruit. Macfarlane gives the following:-ugem, coconut palm [gem = trunk]; u gebgeb, ripe coconut: upez, green coconut; u sor, empty coconut; ip sor, dry coconut; u ai, germinated coconut. Jukes gives-bunari ("boonarri") for the fruit (cf. list of introduced words); u, mes, muti, for the husk, and lid for the shell; su, young leaf of the coconut palm.

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umer-kak, v. to be unable, cannot, not to know how.

umi, n. the season when the yam tubers begin to swell.

upi, n. the tail of an animal.

upiatidar, v. to comfort; n. a comforter.

upinati, v. to help; n. a helper.

[blocks in formation]

upuna (M), n. small-pox.

ur, n. fire; ur kup, firewood; ur etoamered (M), v. to light a fire;

ura tuam (J), v. to blow a fire (ur, urami).

urarap (м), n. fuel (lit. buy-fire).

urem, v. to burn (lit. make fire).

uret (), a. contrary, of the wind.

uridili, pro. demons, they all.

urim =urem.

urker, n. anger; urkerem, a. angry (lit. in anger).

urweri, a. hot, warm; n. heat; gem urweri, n. a fever.

[blocks in formation]

usiam, n. the Pleiades, a constellation, the season for early food. usurusur, (M), a. muddy, mud.

utapit, v. to doze; utab (L), n. a bed.

utěb, n. a dwelling, abode, a place, a village, Mark, vi. 36; etkobei utěb, burying-place; Satanara utěb, hell (introduced).


uteid, v. to lie down, to sleep; n. sleep. [uteidi, uteidilu, utirdelu, ut, uta.]

uzer, n. paddle, oar.

Wa, pron. you two.

waba, pron. you, your.

wabog, v. to go up, ascend, go back, cf. ogi.

wabu, pron. yourselves.

wada, n. a large bean of a deep red colour.

wadali (uadali), pron. they two.

wademer (M), v. to mend, repair.

wader, a. some, a few.

waeakai = weakai.

wag, n. wind, air.

wăgăb (J) n. a bivalve shell (Cyrena).

wai (uai), n. blade of grass (?), Mar. iv. 28; uai kekëm, sik keubu, the blade first, the ear after.

waiai, interj. an exclamation of wonder or surprise; sometimes, wai! waiwaiwai (5), often accompanied by flipping the thumb nail against the teeth.

waiker (?), Jno. xv. 8, ia uabim uaiker kara kaimeg gig, so shall ye be my disciples.

waimari, v. to stretch out, cf. imo, imu.

wairapare (M), n. religion (probably a word compounded from wai and


waiwai, n. the wild mango and its fruit; waiwai lid, the pomum Adami (lit. bone or stone of the wild mango).

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wakokop, n. the crossed shoulder-belt made of the young leaf of the

coco palm (M).

waku (L), a. sulky.

wali, n. cloth, clothes, a bandage; am wali, clothing; gem wali, shirt, chemise (jacket, L); wali lino, linen; mog wali, a towel; ziau wali, paper, cf. ewa, ewer.

wamen, wamenwamen, a. quick, fast.

wami, v, to blow (of the wind).

wanarminale (M), v. to imitate.

wao, wau, ad. yes.

wap, n. a dugong harpoon; wap omaiter, n. a wap used in sorcery. wapi (J), n. a fish; this is the Saibai name, cf. lar.

wapu (s), v. to delay.

wapum, a. slow, taking a long time; nole wapum kak, not long after. war, n. a figure, a numeral, a letter of the alphabet (probably original meaning is a mark).

waraz, n. a kind of Oliva; a necklace made of olive shells; a shell ear ornament (5).

warem, interj. wait-a-bit! hold on! stay! mop warem, the end shall not be yet.

warem (M), n. teeth (plural).

waridub, n. the eagle, a large hawk.

warowěr (м), n. a colour; a. coloured; n. writing (L), cf. war.

warup, n. a large drum, constricted in the middle, with a jaw-like orifice at one end; warup le, the drum clan (?), probably hereditary musicians.

wate detager (M), v. to accuse, inform.

watupili, v. to be coming and going. [watupilu.]

watur = oitulu.

watwet, a. dried up, withered; watwet gur (м), n. salt.

wauri, n. Conus millepunctatus; the shell-armlet made from the coneshell.

we, n. sand.

weapu, n. the larva of the ant-lion which makes pitfalls in the sand,

cf. abu or apu.

weakai, conj. then, so that.

web (M), v. to feed.

wed, n. a song; wedakiriar, wedekiri, v. to sing a song (wed, ikěli) wederakodo (s), n. music and dancing.

wěegimurua, v. to settle on, to stay on, cf. egimulu.

weirag (s), v. to separate.

wekuge, v. to murmur, cf. wiker.

wer, n. a star; egg (? a ball); golegole wer, the pupil of the eye. wer, n. appetite, cf. werer.

weraki (J), n. a wig worn by men.

wěrem, n. child, children, family; the vertical fire-stick; sursur wěrem, a baby; deg werem (Hunt), abortion; werem pez (M), to have an abortion; we do not know what deg means, pez may be unripe (cf. upez, green coconut).

werer, v. to be hungry; werer udili (M), v. to starve.

wererge, a. hungry (lit. in hunger).

wěrěs, n. a conical basket used in catching tup.

werir, n. the poles used for frightening the tup in order to catch


werkab, a. blessed. Mark, xi. 9, John, xx. 29.

wertik (M), n. the Milky Way, cf. dad.

werut, n. the tongue.

wěsĕemur, see eseamuda.

wěser (J), v. to eat; n. a glutton (1).

wěskip (J), n. a kind of yam.

wěsor (L), n. turtle eggs.

weswes, n. a branching coral (Madrepore).

wětpur, n. a feast.

weu, an exclamation of sorrow.

wez, n. the croton.

wez, n. grass or leaf tail, inserted in the belt when dancing.

wi (M), n. a guest.

wi, pron. they two.

wiaba, pron. they, their.

wiabielam, pron. through them.

wiabim, pron. to them.

wid (u) = wit, a. bad.

wiker (s), v. to murmur, cf. wekuge.

wit, a. bad, v. to do bad, cf. adud.

witha (J), n. a bivalve shell, a kind of Tellina.

wiu (J), n. a shell, a kind of Triton.

wiwar, n. a stone used in sorcery for producing sickness,

wonwon, n. a sea-urchin, Echinus.

wonpis (J), n. a mask.

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