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The suffering that at present chiefly remains upon faithful Friends in divers counties in this nation, by imprisonment and spoil of goods, is for their christian testimony against the oppression of tithes; of which we have account at this meeting of about forty-six still remaining prisoners; and many others have their goods taken away in some places excessively. And, therefore, this meeting renew their desires that true accounts be kept upon record, as well of the taking away goods in that case, as of imprisonment; because in some places there is a defect in that particular. And also it is our desire, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, and his holy testimony, that all Friends be faithful to him in their testimony against tithes of all sorts; knowing that since they were ended by Christ, they were imposed and originally sprung from that antichristian root A POPISH URSURPATION in CHURCH and STATE. And that Friends would tenderly considthat where any decline their testimony, or are negligent in this weighty case, they do thereby increase the weight and burden of sufferings upon them that are faithful, and strengthen the hands of their adversaries.


And dear Friends; it is our christian and earnest advice and counsel to all Friends concerned, (so far as they are able, or may be capapable) to provide school masters and mistresses, who are faithful Friends, to teach and instruct their children. And not to send them to such schools where they are taught the corrupt ways, manners, fashions, and language of the world, and of the heathen in their authors, and names of the heathenish gods and goddesses; tending greatly to corrupt and aleniate the minds of children into an averseness or opposition against the truth, and the simplicity of it: but to take care that you train up your children in the good nurture, admonition, and fear of the Lord, in that plainness and language which become truth. And parents and masters, &c. to be good examples to them, in a sober and godly conversation, and plainness of speech. And not to use the word you, or ye, to a child or servant, &c. nor suffer your substance to be bestowed on your children to furnish them with such things as tend to pride, and to lift them up in vanity, or affect them with the vain fashions of the world.

And also it is our advice, and earnest desire, that parents and guardians of children, in the fear of God, take special care to prevent those under their charge from being engaged or entangled with any upon the account of marriage, before all things relating to their outward estates be firmly agreed on both parts; that so no breach may be made upon the account of outward things, to the hurt or prejudice of young people.

And we do also in the name of the Lord advise and exhort all



young and unmarried people among Friends, that they do not make any motion or procedure one with another upon the account of marriage, without first acquainting their parents or guardians therewith; and duly waiting upon them for their consent and agreement therein. And we also advise, that, in the first place, all young persons concerned, serionsly wait upon the Lord for counsel and clearness in this weighty concern, before they make any procedure with any in order to marriage; that the Lord may be in their eye: so as they may not be led by any forward, brittle, or uncertain affections in this great concern, to their own hurt, grief of their friends, and dishonour of truth. And let it be the godly concern of both Monthly and Quarterly Meetings, to be careful and mindful of the preservation and good of children in this matter, as here proposed and signified; and not to omit giving due and faithful warnings and admonitions in this great and weighty concern.

Several good and comfortable epistles from Friends in divers parts were read in this meeting; as Barbadoes, New-Jersey, Antigua, Bermudas, Ireland, Scotland, Amsterdam, and Dantzick, &c. signifying the state and condition of Friends in those parts, and that love and unity are continued amongst them; and that truth prospers in New-England, and other American parts.

By letters from Ireland, we understand that their meetings are peaceable and quiet. But as to their outward substance, many have sustained great loss, and are bronght low, by the common calamity that lies upon that nation. In consideration whereof, Friends of the Meeting for Sufferings have already taken some care to convey some relief to them, according to last Yearly Meeting's advice. Which being done, was kindly and tenderly accepted of by Friends concerned in the north of Ireland. And the further care concerning them is still continued to the said Meeting for Sufferings.

By their letters from Amsterdam and Dantzick, we understand that our Friends in Dantzick are again imprisoned; and that nothing is laid to their charge, but meeting together to wait upon the Lord; nor any thing else required of them by the magistrates, but to promise to depart from that city; which they cannot for conscience sake consent to. This meeting has ordered something to be sent over to the Friends of Amsterdam, for the present relief of our said suffering Friends at Dantzick. And in case there shall be further need before the next year, this meeting doth intrust the Meeting for Sufferings here to supply their necessities, as they shall see cause.

The Friends appointed to view the accounts, report that they have found them well stated and kept; and judge that there is

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no present necessity for a further contribution this year. And also they are very sensible of the great care, labours, and endeavours of Friends at London with the government in Friend's behalf, for their ease and relief; which the Lord has made effectual in several respects.

And as concerning our Friends at Mequinez and Sally, endeavours have not been wanting to obtain their redemption; but as yet it cannot be effected. We hear from them that they are well; and desire that their loves might be communicated to Friends here in their native country.

And we give you notice, that the six Friends of the city, that are entrusted this year with the accounts, are Walter Miers, Walter Benthall, Thomas Cooper, Thomas Lacy, George Green, and Hercey Wilson.

And dear friends; although we gave plain and christian advice and admonition last year for Friends to beware of all airy discourses, disputes and controversies, about the kingdoms of this world; that all might walk wisely and circumspectly, in subjection to the divine and over-ruling power and wisdom of God; yet contrary wise, to our grief, we have heard too much complaint and reflections, occasioned by some who have not observed a true bridle to their tongues but have been too busy, loose and airy, in discourses of that nature. And therefore, we do exhort and admonish all such in the fear of God, and as they have respect unto his holy truth and innocent people, and their own safety, to be watchful, careful, and circumspect for time to come; that none may suffer as busy-bodies, nor bring suffering, or reprorch, or cause jealousies to be raised, upon or against others that are innocent; and singly desire the preservation, safety and peace of all Friends, in truth and innocency towards all men. And that all Friends be truly thankful to God for the present mercy, as to the peace and liberty and blessed opportunities we now joy; and desire that all Friends may make a faithful improvement thereof; and may show it forth by their diligent attending upon the worship and service of God, at the usual times and seasons appointed for the same.


Lastly, it is agreed and concluded unanimously, that this meeting be continued the next year, at the usual time, as the Lord shall please to give us liberty and make way for the same. And that in order thereunto, two faithful and understanding Friends in every county may be desired to come up; who may be enabled to give a certain account of the condition and sufferings of Friends in their respective counties.

And we leave it to Friends that are now come up to this meeting, to give further account of the good service and advantage



thereof; through the Lord's love and goodness plentifully manifested among us. Blessed be his glorious name and power for


The God of peace, and fountain of all our mercies, be with you all.


Signed in behalf, and by order of the Meeting aforesaid.



Dear and Faithful Friends and Brethren,

We tenderly salute you all in our Lord Jesus Christ, and blessed union of his precious life; who hath eminently appeared among us and with us in this our heavenly solemnity; still ministering fresh encouragement unto us, by his divine power and counsel, to persevere in faithfulness and diligence in his work and service to the end of our days, and finishing our course with joy, as many of his dear ancient and faithful servants have already done. Blessed be his glorious name forever.

We are much comforted at this our weighty assembly, in the many good accounts given as heretofore of truth's prosperity, and the increase of Christ's kingdom, and the abounding of love, peace and unity, among Friends; and the decrease and dying of the spirit of division and enmity in divers places where it has entered; and that meetings are increased, and many people's hearts opened to hear and receive the truth: and that in some places new meeting-houses are erected, and others about preparing and building; which are and will be of great advantage for truth's promotion, we doubt not, as experience hath long and clearly shown; and that good order and christian care in your meetings aforesaid, is, and we hope will be, continued in the service of truth and one another, to the honour of God and exaltation of his holy name and truth, and the strengthening and encouraging of Friends in general, and one another in the service thereof; which our souls earnestly desire, and hope you will ever be mindful of; that our God may have his praise, and you all your lasting peace and comfort.

We perceive the suffering that chiefly remains on faithful Friends in divers counties, by imprisonment and spoil of goods, doth increase, for our ancient christian testimony against the old and grand oppression of tithes ; we having now account of about eighty Friends prisoners on that account; whose faithfulness the

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Lord will reward. And we desire that the same christian testimony may be duly kept up; and such as are unfaithful therein be diligently exhorted to obedience and faithfulness to Christ Jesus; that they may not strengthen the persecutor's hands, increase other sufferings, nor make void truth's testimony therein, which so many have offered up and laid down their lives for.

These things are also recommended to your godly care; and it is our tender and christian advice, for the Lord's sake, and his blessed name and,truth's sake, that Friends be diligent in keeping their Week-day meetings, as duly as on First-days, in his worship and service; and that you do encourage the faithful Women's meetings, and the settling them where they are wanting, and may with convenience be settled; knowing their service, and what need there is also of their godly care in the church of Christ in divers weighty respects, proper to them. And that great care be taken about marriages, for the consent of parents, due and orderly publications thereof, and solemnizing of them in a meeting appointed for that end and purpose; which method is convenient and commendable, as it has been lately made appear in the eye of the government, and well resented. And that Friends be reminded of this meeting's former advice against marriage with near kindred, and against marrying by priests, and with persons of the world, unequally yoking with unbelievers ; and against too early and unsavory procedings in second marriages after the death of husband or wife, contrary to the due method and practice of faithful Friends in truth, and tending to the dishonour and reproach thereof.

And that Friends take care to keep to truth and plainness, in language, habit, deportment and behaviour; that the simplicity of truth in these things may not wear out nor be lost in our days, nor in our posterity's; and be exemplary to their children in each, and train them up therein; that modesty and sobriety may be countenanced, and the fear of the Lord take place and increase among them; and to avoid pride and immodesty in apparel, and extravagant wigs, and all other vain and superfluous fashions of the world, and in God's holy fear watch against, and keep out the spirit and corrupt friendship of the world; and that no fellowship may be held or had with the unfruitful works of darkness, nor therein with the workers thereof. And to avoid unnecessary frequenting taverns, ale-houses, all loosness, excess, and unprofitable and idle discourses, mispending their precious time and substance, to the dishonour of truth, and scandal of our holy profession. Let your godly care and earnest endeavours be to stop and prevent all reproaches and scandals in these or any other cases. And that all Friends watch over their children; and none

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