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Warner of Farmington, read by his son, Ex-Governor Fred M. Warner. "Michigan's Loss" was the subject of the address given by Joseph Greusel, Detroit. He said in part: "In material facts Michigan has never lost anything through the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society. We have saved for them. All civilized nations have made progress by such societies. Progressive nations have always prepetuated this sort of societies. Among the countries of Europe and the ruling powers of the earth, in every one are striking evidences of wealth and intellectual progress. In Berlin one finds the Museum of Hohenzollern wherein are personal relics and mementoes of the rulers of the nation, from their birth until their death. Here are placed beautiful robes worn on special occasions through long and historic lives. This museum is devoted to personal mementoes, also manuscripts book and maps. Another museum deals with specific countries; there you may see relics of the American Indians, second only to the Smithsonian Institute in America, relics from India, China, even the excavations of Troy, from South America and every country on the globe, are represented and show their history and progress. Large sums are expended annually to keep up these. Go to Italy, Rome, to Pagan and Christian countries alike, not for paintings and art, but for history and progress shown by the collections made by the people.

In Paris go see what the French government has done for such a society as this, which is given so little encouragement and not well sustained. France has a large staff of people perfecting the French language for the purpose of a dictionary. They have been working for years and it will take many more to complete the undertaking. Then again France expends millions of dollars for prizes to writers and inventors. Theodore Roosevelt was awarded $10,000 a short time ago. It all tends to the improvement of mankind.

Again in England, go to London; there the great British Museum was started by an individual, a collector of maps, books and manuscripts; a man whose hobby it was to gather £50,000 worth in his life time. He sold it to the British government for £20,000 and they have been spending millions since to extend the wonderful work.

Now look toward the less enlightened countries, how they encourage these things. Mexico, with its national museum of relics dated before the time of Cortez. The Aztec Indians, on canvass, illustrated objects and events which happened in their time and these are preserved under the encouragement of the government.

In the United States there are many states that recognize this work. In Washington, D. C., we find the Smithsonian Institute which was started by an Englishman, Smithson. They do there something that we are trying on a small scale to do here. For years this Society has been

making little donations to the educational world, worthy of admiration of any scholar and any one can learn many things from that little bit of a room on the fourth floor of the capitol, heaped up high with historic articles.

In Newburg, Orange county, New York, is a museum in which there are things that recall the time of Washington and the Revolutionary war, bonnets, Hessian boots and dainty satin slippers worn by the ladies who danced at the Colonial balls. The state of New York is proud to have such things preserved. Our state perhaps miss some things, but we are doing the best we can. We merely want encouragement.

A short time ago I read in a newspaper of Bancroft the historian, selling to the state of California, Spanish manuscripts referring to the early history of that state for $200,000. California has not the history or romance of Michigan, yet they paid $200,000 for that old manuscript to preserve it for the state's benefit.

We have a man here that is expending large amounts of money and time for the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society. What does he get out of it? Pleasure to contribute to the people of this state. What is the value of the thirty-seven volumes of this Society's Collection which tell of living Michigan history, of the rich past, the romance, the hardships, the struggles, the clearing of the land and the making of the log homes? Far beyond the $200,000 that the state of California paid for its manuscripts. We should remember there is a duty we must perform for our children and raise the intellectual standards. But the Society gets little encouragement. It has the sympathy of the people but we need more. It was started by individuals interested in the public and its work is for them for all time.

During Pontiac's conspiracy when he with his Indian tribes besieged Detroit, a man in the town started a diary, and every day wrote of the doings, of course all in the French language. This manuscript came into the possession of Lewis Cass. He gave it to Mr. Parkman who was writing a history of Pontiac, and afterwards was lost track of. A little over a year ago Mr. C. M. Burton of Detroit received a telephone call from a man about to dispose of some half dozen barrels of old papers as rubbish, and wanted to know if he would like to look them over. Mr. Burton took them as a boy trades jackknives, "out of sight and unseen." He went through the papers and there found among those old manuscripts that French Diary. He is now looking for the writer. The owner of the book must have been a French scholar for the French men who could read or write in Detroit at that time were few and far between. Mr. Burton employed a French Catholic girl to translate the documents, and one day she asked him if he knew the manuscript was written by a priest, and proved her assertion by a cross placed at

the top of each page. This caused Mr. Burton to commence a search among the church and clercial papers of old Ste. Anne's which has the oldest continuous records of any church in the North West. One day in old Ste. Anne's church I came upon Mr. Burton and a photographer with the pages of an old register opened after the year 1763, photographing those names to compare with his manuscript and to run down the author of it.

Contributions have been many, to the Pioneer and Historical Society, to the museum and to the thirty-seven volumes published. Why should the work not be encouraged, this work worthy of civilized people? We have not lost one thing but we have gained a great deal."

"Early transportation, East and West," was the subject of an address presented by Lew Allen Chase, Fellow in American History, University of Michigan.

The singing of the "Yellow and the Blue" and the encore "Michigan my Michigan" by the Industrial School Boy's Choir was especially fitting for the occasion. This was followed by a short address by President H. B. Hutchins of the University of Michigan. He said in part:

"The University of Michigan has had a considerable part in the history of Michigan and I certainly have a great interest in this Society, and in regard to 'Michigan's Loss' I am in accord with Mr. Greusel. This is the duty of this state and the public should lend their willing support. I shall go back to Ann Arbor enthusiastic, and with renewed interest in the historical department. The University belongs to the state, not to the faculty or regents. Every one has a share and interest in it for it has done much for the cause of education. It certainly is worth all that it has cost the state. The high school system has been developed and teachers sent out from the University, which has also had supervisory control over the secondary institutes of the state, and I know and say it is certainly worth all it has cost the people.

I wonder if we appreciate that there are ten thousand graduates of the University in Michigan doing things worth while. There are students from every state in the Union at the University attracted here by educational standards. The life of the University is due to benefactions received from the Government, aiding it in making it one of the leading institutions of its kind in the United States, and now standing third in attendance. It is also at the head of all state universities in educational local school work, the idea coming from the ordinance of 1789. The system was completed and first embodied in the state constitution in 1810. The people first inaugurated such a system and it was supported by the people. We of the present day surrounded by such benefactions, little realize what it meant to launch such a system. It was done by such men as the father of Gov. Warner of whom the latter

read this evening, and to whom such opportunities were not afforded. Other universities sprang up in other states patterned after Michigan. We have students at Ann Arbor from every state. In only seventy-five years how is it that it has been built up, and how is it so much has been accomplished in so short a time.

There are several reasons in my mind; first, the success of the University of Michigan is due to the original plan. The founders did not contemplate merely a college or a university, but a university and a school system complete. The territorial act of 1817 planned a complete school system. At the present day we have not as yet filled out that system in all its completion. Michigan has not been hampered by tradition as are colleges in the east, but has been developed on a broad and most comprehensive plan. Secondly, the College was fortunate in its first president, and in all its presidents down to and including my predecessor. Thirdly, Michigan people have a passion for education; they will willingly vote money for education. Michigan has always impressed foreigners. There are 50,000 students in Michigan being educated at the expense of the public. This is covered by the large tax. If we are to do the work the people must come forward with their liberal support, votes and private donations. We have not only a state university but a national university. One of the things state universities strive for is to get non-resident students. It is an education to come in contact with students from other states. We have 350 from Ohio, 500 from New York, 300 from Indiana, 300 from Illinois, and so on. We have alumni all over, the largest number in Michigan, of course. These men are doing things worth while, loyal work for the University and state, and looking out for the prosperity of the University. We are attempting alumni organizations in nearly every county in the state of Michigan, about 53 when completed. These will act as an advisory board to the Board of Regents to assist in the governing of the University. We can do better, and we are doing it."

Rev. W. H. Thompson, assistant pastor of the First Baptist church, sang two selections, following which a reception was held to President H. B. Hutchins, Mrs. Elizabeth Burling of Ripon, Wis., Ex-Governor Warner and the alumni of the University of Michigan. Music was furnished by the orchestra from the School for the Blind, and punch and wafers were served.

Thursday morning June 8th was taken up with the board meeting. At two o'clock in the afternoon the Girls' Chorus of the 8th grades of the public schools opened the program by singing "Ebb and Flow" Oliver King. Principal N. B. Sloan of the Lansing High School, read a paper on "Citizenship and the Public Schools." Miss Anna Louise Gillies of Flint pleased the audience by singing "Down in the Forest"

Rowland and the "Birth of Dawn" Leoni, Mrs. Jason Hammond accompanist.

Mrs. A. B. Avery of Pontiac read a paper on the "Revolutionary Soldier of Oakland County." Mrs. James H. Campbell, of Grand Rapids very pleasingly presented Mrs. R. Russell and Mrs. C. C. Demaray of Lake Odessa, Mich., the twin daughters of a genuine Revolutionary soldier.1 Mrs. Russell spoke briefly for herself and sister saying that they were born in 1840, when their father was past seventy-eight years old. Each of the ladies were mothers of fourteen children.

The memoir of Rev. R. C. Crawford of Grand Rapids was written and read by Dr. H. C. Bartholemew of Lansing. This was followed by two selections "Anne Laurie" and "My Gentle Child" Del Riego sung by Miss Anna Louise Gillies.

The report of the nominating committee, Judge Cahill, Mrs. Mary C. Spencer and Dr. H. S. Bartholemew, was given as follows: President, C. M. Burton, Detroit; vice president, Hon. Fred M. Warner, Farmington; secretary, H. R. Pattengill, Lansing; treasurer, B. F. Davis, Lansing; board of trustees, Lawton T. Hemans, Mason, A. C. Carton, East Tawas, Mrs. Nathan Judson, Lansing; board of historians, C. E. Bement, Lansing, Junius E. Beal, Ann Arbor, Rev. Frank O'Brien, Kalamazoo, W. L. Jenks, Port Huron, Joseph Greusel, Detroit. This was passed upon and accepted. Mr. Jenks presented the following resolutions:

Resolved, That the Trustees be requested to take such action as they shall deem best to distribute the publications of this Society now accumulating, in such manner as shall make them useful to the public;

Resolved, That the Trustees of this Society are hereby authorized and empowered to cause the property of the Society to be transferred to the State of Michigan whenever such action shall, in their judgment, be for the best interests of the Society. Both resolutions were unanimously adopted.

Judge Cahill proposed the following resolution which was also adopted:

1October 24, 1910, on their seventieth birthday four of the Sophie de Marsac Daughters of Grand Rapids and one member of the State D. A. R.'s arrived to celebrate the day. Mrs. Demaray and Mrs. Russell have each fourteen children and with their families it swelled the number of guests to thirty-six. They were the recipients of many beautiful gifts. A foot race resulted in the defeat of Mrs. Demaray.


Their father, John Peter Frank, joined the Colonial regiment at Philadelphia in 1776, serving in Washington's army. At the close of the war he moved to Canada where he married his second wife and where the twins were born. the age of ninety-five he was engaged in shingling his son's house and died after a week's sickness from heat prostration.

Mrs. Demaray moved to Michigan about 1860, and made her home in Bonanza, which was the name of the village a mile away from Lake Odessa, which has taken nearly all its population. They are among the youngest of the genuine D. A. R.'s and the only twins on the Revolutionary pension roll.

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