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Dis'ci-pline, rule; correction.

Dis-creti'on, prudence.

Dis-gust', aversion.


Di-shev'el, to spread the

Dis-mem'ber, to divide,

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E-nor'mi-ty, atrocious crime.

En-sue', to follow.

En-tan'gle, to involve in difficulties.
E-nu'mer-ate, to count over.
En-vel'ope, to cover.

En-vi'ron, to surround.


Ep'i-taph, inscription upon a tomb-
E-qui-lib'ri-um, equality of weight.

hair dis- E-quip', to dress out.

Dis'si-pate, to scatter; to disperse.
Dis-si-pa'tion, profligacy.
Dis-re-gard', to neglect.
Dis-solve', to melt.

Eq'ui-page, attendance; retinue.
E'ra, an epoch; period of time.
Er-ro'ne-ous, wrong.
E-rup'tion, a bursting out.
Es-sen'tial, necessary.
Es'ti-ma-ble, worthy of esteem.
E-ter'ni-ty, duration without end.
E-the re-al, heavenly.

E-vap'o-rate, to fly off in vapours.
E-vince', to show; to prove.
Ev-o-lu'tion, the act of unfolding.

Di-verg'ing, going different ways Ex-ag'ge-rate, to heighten by rep

Dis-tinc'tion, difference

from one point.

Di-vest', to strip.

Doc'ile, easily taught.

Doc'trine, learning; precept.

Du-bi'ous, doubtful.

Dwin'dle, to shrink; to fall away.


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Ea'ger, zealous; keen.

Ear'nest, eager; serious.

Ec'logue, a pastoral poem.

E-con'o-my, good management.

Ed'dy, a whirlpool.

Ex-clu'sive, debarring; excepting. Ex-e-cra'tion, a curse.

Ex-em'pli-fy, to illustrate by example. Ex-er'tion, effort.

Ex ́er-cise, to employ.

Ef-face', to blot out; delete; erase;

obliterate; expunge

Ef-fer-ves'cence, act of growing hot. Ex'ile, banishment.

Ex-haust', to drain.

Ex-hil'a-rate, to enliven.

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El'e-vate, to raise up; to exalt.
El-lip'ti-cal, having an oval form.
El-on-ga'tion, a lengthening out.
E-lude', to escape; to evade.
Em'bry-o, germ of future offspring.
E-merge', to rise out.
E-mit', to send forth,
Em'pha-sis, stress upon a word.
E-mo'tion, strong feeling.
Em'u-late, to rival; to imitate.
En-act', to ordain.

En'er-gy, force; vigour.
En'gine, a machine.

En-gulf, to swallow up.

En-liven, to make gay.

En mi-ty, hatred.


Ex-pe'ri-ence, knowledge by prac-
Ex-per'i-ment, a trial.

Ex-plore', to search; to examine.
Ex-plo'sion, a bursting out with
noise and violence.
Ex'qui-site, excellent.
Ex-ter'nal, outward.
Ex-tinct', extinguished.
Ex-tract', to draw out.

Ex-tra'ne-ous, foreign; outward.

Ex-trav'a-gant, wasteful.

Ex-treme', utmost.

Ex-ude', to ooze out.

Fab-ri-ca'tion, the act of building.

Fab'u-lous, feigned; not true.

Fac'ile, easy; pliant.

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part of the face.

Feign, to invent; to pretend.

Fe-lic'i-ty, happiness.

Fe-roc'i-ty, fierceness.

Fer'vour, heat; ardour.

Fes'ti-val, time of feast.
Fet'ters, chains for the feet,

Man'a-cles, chains for the hands.
Feud, quarrel; dissension.
Fi-del'i-ty, faithfulness.

Fil'a-ment, a slender thread.

Film, a thin skin.


Gi-gan'tic, big; like a giant.
Gla'ci-er, ice.

Glim'mer, to shine faintly.
Glis'ten, to shine; to sparkle.
Glu'ti-nous, sticky; like glue.
Gorgeous, splendid; showy.
Grace, free iavour.
Gra-da'tion, regular progress.
Grad'u-al, step by step.

Grad'u-ate, a man dignified with an
academical degree.

Gram-i-niv'o-rous, eating grass.
Gran'u-late, to form into small grains.
Grate'ful, thankful; pleasing.
Grat'i-fy, to indulge; to delight.
Grat'i-tude, duty to benefactors.
Grav-i-ta'tion, weight; act of tend-
ing to the centre of the earth.
Gross, bulky; fat.
Group, a cluster; a crowd.
Gy-ra'tion, a whirling.

Filial, of or belonging to a son or Ha-bit'u-al, customary.

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Ge'ni-us, nature; disposition;
Gen'u-ine, real; not spurious.

Im-me-mo'ri-al, beyond memory.
Im-mense', measureless.

Germ, a bud; a sprout. [the body. Im-merge', to put under water.

Ges'ture, movement or posture of Im-pair, to lessen.

Im-pal'pa-ble, not to be perceived In-spect', to look into.

by touch.

Im-pel', to urge on; to incite.

Im-pet'u-ous, violent; forcible.
Im-pinge', to dash against.
Im'ple-ment, a tool; instrument.
Im-port', to carry in.

Im-preg nat-ed, filled; made fruitful.
Im-press', to print; to stamp. [sure.

In-spire', to breathe into.
In-sti-tu'tion, establishment.
In-suf-fici'en-cy, want of ability.
In'su-lat-ed, separated.

In'su-lar, of or belonging to an is-
In-teg'ri-ty, honesty. [derstanding.
In-tel-lec'tu-al, relating to the un-
In-tel'li-gence, understanding; news.

Im-pres ́sion, mark made by pres- In-tel'li-gi-ble, that may be under

Im-prov'i-dent, without foresight.


Im'pu-dent, shameless.

Im-pute', to ascribe.

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ing by chance.

In-tense', vehement; ardent.
In-tent', eagerly fixed upon
In-ter-ces'sion, mediation.
In'ter-est, concern; advantage.

In-te'ri-or, inward; inner.

In-ter-me'di-ate, lying between.

In-ter'nal, inward; intrinsic.

In-ci-den'tal, falling upon; happen- In-ter-pose', to place between.

In-cisi'on, a cut.

In-com-mode', to embarrass.
In-com-pat ́i-ble, inconsistent with.
In-con-sid'er-a-ble, unworthy of no-
tice; trifling.

In-cred'i-ble, not to be believed.
In-crust'ed, covered over.
In-cur', to become liable to.
In-cum bent, resting upon.

In-ter-sect', to divide; to cut.
In'ter-val, space between.
In-ter-vene', to come between.
In'ter-view, a conference.
In-tes'tine, inward.
In-tox'i-cate, to make drunk.
In-trep'id, fearless.
In-trigue', a plot.

In-tu-iti'on, immediate perception.
In-un-da'tion, a flood; a deluge.
In-vēi'gle, to wheedle; to allure.
In-vent', to find out something new.
In-vig'o-rate, to strengthen.
[tion. In-vul'ner-a-ble, that cannot be
distinc- wounded.

In-de-cisi'on, want of determination.
In-del'i-ble, not to be etiaced.
In'di-cate, to point out.
In-dif'fer-ent, regardless.
In-dis-crim'i-nate, without
In-dul'gence, favour.

[thing. Ir-res'o-lute, not determined. [ence. or Ir-rev'er-ent, not paying due reverIr-ri-ta'tion, provocation.

In-di-vid'u-al, a single person
In-ert', sluggish.

In-ev'i-ta-ble, not to be avoided
In-falli-ble, incapable of mistake.
In-fest', to harass.
In'fi-nite, unbounded.
In-ge'ni-ous, witty.

In-ge-nu'i-ty, acuteness; candour.
In-gen'u-ous, fair; candid.
In-gra'ti-ate, to win favour.
In-gre'di-ent, a component part.
In-iti'al, placed at the beginning.
In-of-fen'sive, harmless.

In-sa'ti-a-ble, not to be satisfied.

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In-sin'u-ate, to introduce gently; Lim'it, a bound.

to hint artfully.

Lit'er-al, word for word.

Lit'er-a-ry, pertaining to learning. Mis-cel-la'ne-ous, composed of va

Lit'er-a-ture, learning.
Lobe, a distinct part.
Lo-cal'i-ty, place.

Loi'ter, to idle away time.

Lon-gi-tu'di-nal, running lengthwise.
Lo-quac'i-ty, talkativeness.
Loy'al, true to a sovereign.
Lu'di-crous, laughable; burlesque

Lug'gage, any thing cumbrous.

rious kinds; promiscuous. Mis-rep-re-sent', to present not as it is; to falsify.


Mis'sion-a-ry, one sent to propagate
Mode, form; manner. [tremities.
Mod-er-a'tion, refraining from ex-
Mod'ern, late; recent.
; Mod'i-fy, to shape; to qualify.
Mole, a mound.
Mo-men'tous, important.

Lu'mi-na-ry, any body which gives Mon'arch, sovereign; king.


Lus'trous, bright; shining.
Lux-u'ri-ant, plenteous; exuberant
Lux'u-ry, delicious fare; excess.
Mag-a-zine' (e'), a store-house
Mag-nif'i-cent, grand.
Mag'ni-fy, to make great.
Mag'ni-tude, greatness.
Ma-jor'i-ty, the greater
Man'i-fest, plain; evident.
Man'sion, a dwelling.

Mon'as-ter-y, a religious house.
Mo-nop'o-ly, the sole power of selling.
Mo-rass', a fen; a marsh. [of sound.
Mo-not ́o-nous, having a sameness
Mor'ti-fy, to deaden; to humble.
Mor-ti-fi-ca'tion, a gangrene; vexa-


[full age. Mo'tive, the reason of an action.
number; Mu'ral, pertaining to a wall.
Mus'ter, to assemble.

[artifice. Mute, dumb; silent.

Man-aû'vre, skilful management; Mu'ti-ny, a rising against authority.

Mar'i-ner, a sailor.

Man'u-script, written with the hand. rocal.

Mar'tyr-dom, death for the truth.

Mu'tu-al, acting in return; recip

Myr'i-ad, any great number.

Nar'ra-tive, an account; story.

Nat'u-ral-ist, a student of Natural

Mau-so-le'um, a pompous monu- Mys-te'ri-ous, secret; obscure.


Max'im, general principle; axiom.

Me-an'der, a winding; a maze.

Me-chan'i-cal, according to the laws Na'val, of or belonging to ships.

of motion.

[chinery. Ne-glect', to omit.

Mech'an-ism, construction of ma- Neu'tral, one of neither party.
Med'i-cine, a remedy.

Nim'ble, quick; swift.

Med'i-tate, to muse upon. [land. Noi'some, offensive.
Med-i-ter-ra'ne-an, in the middle of Note, mark; importance.
Me'di-um, a mean or middle state. No'ta-ble, remarkable.

Mem'brane, a web of fibres. [row. Nov'el, new.

Med'ul-la-ry, pertaining to the mar-Nui'sance, something offensive.
Men'ace, a threat. [ing wild beasts. Nup'tials, marriage.

Me-näger-ie (zh), a place for keep- Nu-triti'ous, nourishing.

Me-rid ́ian, noon-day.

Ob'e-lisk, a pillar.


Men'tal, of or belonging to the mind. Ob-li-ga'tion, an engagement; faMes-si'ah, the Anointed. [the sky. Ob-lique', not direct.

Me'te-or, a transitory appearance in Oblong, longer than broad.

Mim'ic-ry, a burlesque imitation.

Ob-noxi'ous, liable to; odious.

Min'ia-ture, a representation in a Ob-scure', dark; mysterious.

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Ob-ser-va'tion, notice; remark.
Ob-struct', to hinder.

[under age. Ob'sti-nate, stubborn; contumacious.
Ob'vi-ate, to meet; to oppose.
Ob'vi-ous, easily discovered.
Oc'eu-py, to seize; to employ.
Oc-cur'rence, anything that happens.
O'di-ous, hateful.

O-do-rif'er-ous, sweet-scented.

Ol-fac'tor-y, pertaining to smell.

Om-nip'o-tence, almighty power.

Per-spec'tive, view; arrangement of objects in a picture.

Per-spi-ra'tion, sweat.

Om-nis'ci-ence (sh'), knowledge of Per-suade', to influence by argument.

all things.

Op po-site, adverse; contrary.
Ap'po-site, proper; suitable.
Op'ti-cal, relating to the science
optics or sight.

Orga-nize, to construct properly.
Or'i-gin, beginning.

Per-vade', to pass through.
Per-vert', to turn to a bad use.
Pes'ti-lence, the plague.

of Pet ́al, the leaf of a flower. [ances.
Phe-nom ́e-na, wonderful appear-
Phil'o-mel, the nightingale.
Phi-los'o-phy, love of wisdom; know-
ledge natural or moral.
Phys'i-cal, pertaining to nature.
[lum. Pic-tu-resque', like a picture.

O'ri-ent, rising as the sun; eastern.
O-rig'i-nal, primitive.
Or'na-ment, decoration.

Os'cil-late, to vibrate like a pendu-Pi'e-ty, duty to God.

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Pa-cific, peaceful.

Pil'lage, plunder.

Pin'na-cle, a high point.

Pin'nat-ed, feathered.

[tenuate. Pi'rate, a sea robber.

Pal'li-ate, to lessen guilt; to ex- Plan'et, a wandering star.

Pal'mat-ed, having five lobes or di- Pla-teau' (o ́), high table-land.

visions, like the hand.

Pam'phlet, a small book unbound.
Pan'ic, fright without cause.
Par'a-dise, a place of bliss.
Par'al-lel, every where equidistant.
Par'a-sol, a small umbrella to shade
from the sun.
Par-ti-al'i-ty, undue favour.

Plau'dit, applause.

Plen'i-tude, fulness.
Plight, condition; state.
Plu'mage, feathers.
Poise, to balance.

Poʻlar, of or belonging to the pole.
Pol'i-cy, art of government; cun-

Pol-i-tici'an, a statesman.
Po-lyg'a-my, a plurality of wives.
Pol-y-ne'si-a (zhe), many islands.
Pop'u-lar, pleasing to the people.
Po-siti'on, situation.

Par-tic'i-pate, to share.

Par'ti-cle, a small part.

Par'ti-san, a party man.

Pa'tri-arch, the head of a family.

Pat'ri-mon-y, inheritance.

Pen ́al-ty, punishment.


Pos-ses'sion, a having in one's power.

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Pen'ance, suffering as a mark of re- Pos'si-ble, that may be.

Pen'non, a small flag.
Pen'sive, thoughtful; serious.
Pen'u-ry, poverty.

Per-cep'tion, the act of perceiving.
Per-fec'tion, state of being complete.
Per-fid'ious, treacherous.
Per'fo-rate, to bore through.
Per'il-ous, dangerous.

Pe'ri-od, a portion of time.

Per'ma-nent, lasting.

Per-nici'ous, hurtful.

Per-pen-dic'u-lar, at right angles.
Per pe-trate, to commit a crime.
Per-pet'u-al, continual.

Per-plex', to disturb; to embarrass.
Per'se-cute, to pursue with enmity.
Per-se-vere', to persist.

Pos'ture, attitude.

Po'ten-tate, one possessed of sovereign power.

Prair'ie, a meadow.

Pre-cau'tion, a preventive measure

Pre-cede', to go before.
Pre-ce'den-cy, priority.

Pre-cinct', outward limit; boundary.
Pre-cip'i-tate, to throw headlong.
Pre-cise', exact.

Pre-des'tine, to foredoom.

Pre-dict', to foretell.

Pre-dom'i-nant, prevalent.
Pre-em'i-nence, superiority.
Prej'u-dice, judgment formed be-
forehand; hurt.
Pre-lim'i-na-ry, previous.
Prel'ude, something introductory.
Pre-ma-ture', too early.

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