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and Authorit[ies] [y] therein menconed and vpon your death or absence out of our said Territory vnto the Commander [in] [or] cheife to Whome Wee doe therefore by these p❜sents give and grant all and singular the powers and authorities aforesaid to be exercised and enjoyed by him dureing our pleasure or vntill your arrivall within our said Territory and Dominion And if in case of such death or absence there be noe pson vpon the place appointed by vs to be Comander in Cheife Our Will and pleasure is that the then p'sent Councill of our said Territory aforesaid doe take upon them the administration of the Government and execute this Comission and the severall powers and Authorities herein contained and that the first [Councillor] who shall be at the time of your death or absence resideing within the same doe p❜side in our said Councill with such powers and p'heminences as any former p'sident hath vsed and enjoyed within our said Territory or any other our Plantacons in America vntill our pleasure be further knowne or your arrivall as aforesaid And lastly our Will and pleasure is that our Comission bearing date the seaven and twentieth day of September 1 in the first yeare of our Reigne constituting our Trusty and Welbeloved Joseph Dudley Simon Bradstreet William Stoughton Esquires and others to be our p'sident and Councill of our Territory and Dominion of New England do from the publicacon of these p'sents cease and become void And that you the said Sir Edmund Andros shall and may hold Execute and enjoy the Office and place of Captain Generall and Governor in Cheife in and over our Territory and Dominion aforesaid with all its rights members and appurtances whatsoever together with all and singular the powers and authorities hereby granted vnto you for and dureing our Will and pleasure In witnesse [Whereof Wee haue Caused these our Letters to be made Pat

1 The copy of Dudley's Commission as President recorded in the Public Record Office, Colonial Office, Class 5, Vol. 904, pp. 252–258, bears date 27 September; but the copy on the Patent Roll bears date 8 October: see p. 43, ante.

tents] [&c] Witnesse our selfe at Westminster the third day of June [In the second Yeare of our Reigne]

[By Writt of Privy Seale]
[per Breve De Priuato Sigillo]

-Public Record Office Patent Roll, 2 James II, Part 9, Rot. dors., No. 4. Compared with the copy (Massachusetts Archives, Vol. 126, pp. 7-16) in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth.1

1 In the Commissions of which there are copies both in the Public Record Office in London and in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, words and letters in brackets are such as appear in the Record Office copies, but not in the copies in the Secretary's office; and words in brackets, italicized, occur in the copies in the Secretary's office, but not in the copies in the Record Office. Trivial differences - such as the use of the ampersand, punctuation, initial capital letters, and spelling (as "Massachusetts " or "Massachusets," mere or "meer,' ” “ tried ” or “ tryed,” "“shore” or “shoar,' ""well beloved" or "welor "Lieut," "" territories" or "territorys," etc.) — are


beloved,' not noted.

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7 APRIL, 1688

James the Second by the Grace of God king of England Scotland France and Freland Defender of the Faith be To Our Trusty and Welbeloved Sir EDMUND ANDROS Knight Greeting

De concessione


Whereas by Our Commission vnder Our Greate Seale of England beareing date the third day of June in the second yeare of Our reigne Wee have constituted and appointed you to bee Our Captaine Generall and Andros militi Governor in Cheife in and over all that part of Our Territory and Dominion of New England in America knowne by the name of Our Colony of the Massachusetts Bay Our Colony of New Plymouth Our Provinces of New Hampshire and Main and the Narragansett Country or King's Province And Whereas since that time Wee have thought it necessary for Our Service and for the better protection and security of Our Subjects in those parts to Joyne and annex to Our said Government the neighbouring Collonyes of Rhode Island and Conecticut Our Province of New Yorke and East and West Jersey with the Territories thereunto belonging, as Wee do hereby Joyne annex and

vnite the same to Our said Government and Dominion of New England Wee therefore reposeing speciall Trust and Confidence in the Prudence Courage and Loyalty of you the said Sir Edmund Andros out of Our especiall Grace certaine knowledge and meere motion, have thought fitt to constitute and appoint as Wee doe by these presents Constitute and appoint you the said Sir Edmund Andros to bee Our Captaine Generall and Governor in Cheife in and over Our Colonyes of the Massachusets Bay and New Plymouth Our Provinces of New Hampshire and Main the Narraganset Country or Kings Province Our Colonyes of Rhode Island and Conecticut Our Province of New Yorke and East and West Jersey and of all that Tract of land Circuite Continent precincts and lymitts in America lyeing and being in breadth from Forty degrees of Northern latitude from the Equinoctiall Line to the River of Saint Croix Eastward and from thence directly Northward to the River of Canada and in length and longitude by all the Breadth aforesaid throughout the maine land vppon the Atlantick or Westerne Sea and Ocean on the East part to the South Sea on the West part with all the Islands Seas Rivers Waters Rights members and appurtenances therevnto belonging Our Province of Pensilvania and Country of Delawere onely Excepted to bee called and knowne as formerly by the name and Tytle of Our Territory and Dominion of New England in America and for your better Guidance and direction Wee doe hereby require and Command you to doe and execute all things in due manner that shall belong vnto the said Office and the Trust Wee have reposed in you according to the severall powers Instructions and Authorityes mentioned in these presents or such further powers Instructions and authorityes as you shall herewith receive or which shall at any time hereafter bee granted or appointed you vnder Our Signett and signe mannuall or by Our Order in Our Privy Councell and according to such reasonable laws and Statutes as are now in force or

such others as shall hereafter bee made and established within that Our Territory and Dominion aforesaid And Our Will and pleasure is that you the said Sir Edmond Andros haveing after the publication of these Our Letters Patents first taken the Oath of duely Executeing the Office of Our Captaine Generall and Governor in Cheife of our said Territory and Dominion which Our Councell there or any three of them are hereby required authorized and Impowered to give and Administer vnto you you shall administer vnto each of the members of Our Councell the Oath for the due Execucon of theire places and Trusts And Wee doe hereby give and Grant vnto you full power and Authority to suspend any member of Our Councell from sitting voting and assisting therein as you shall finde Just Cause for soe doeing And if itt shall hereafter att any time happen that by the death departure out of Our said Territory or suspention of any of Our Councillors or otherwise there shall bee a vacancy in our said Councell any five whereof Wee doe hereby appoint to bee a Quorum Our Will and Pleasure is that you signifye the same vnto vs by the First opportunity that Wee may vnder Our Signett and Signe Mannuall constitute and appoint others in theire Room And Wee doe hereby give and Grant vnto you full power and Authority by and with the advice and Consent of Our said Councell or the mayor part of them to make Constitute and Ordaine Lawes Statutes and Ordinances for the publicke peace Welfare and good Government of Our said Territory and Dominion and of the people and Inhabitants thereof and such others as shall resort thereto and for the benefitt of vs Our heires and Successors Which said lawes Statutes and Ordinances are to bee as neare as Conveniently may bee agreable to the lawes and Statutes of this Our kingdome of England Provided that all such Lawes Statutes and Ordinances of what nature or duration soever bee within three months or sooner after the makeing of the same transmitted vnto vs vnder Our

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