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executive council of Pennsylvania, through their dele-
gates, having on the 19th of June made a verbal report,
and on the 20th of the same month a report in writing,
and the written report being on the 30th recommitted.
that they might amend it, by adding thereto their ver
bal report, and the report being this day brought in
with the amendment:

Ordered, That it be entered on the journal.
The report is as follows:

The committee to whom were referred the letters and papers communicated to Congress by the executive council of Pennsylvania, through their delegates, report,

United States, and quartered in the barracks of this city, having mutinously renounced their obedience to their officers, did, on Saturday the twenty-first day of this instant, proceed, under the direction of their serjeants, in a hostile and threatening manner to the place where Congress was assembled, and did surround the same with guards: And whereas, Congress in consequence thereof, did on the same day resolve, "That the President and Supreme Executive Council of this state should be informed, that the authority of the United States, having been, that day, grossly insulted by the disorderly and menacing appearance of a body of armed soldiers, about the place within which Congress were assembled; and that the peace of this city being endangered by the mu- That they had a conference yesterday, as directed, tinous disposition of the said troops then in the barracks; with the supreme executive council, in which, in the it was, in the opinion of Congress, necessary, that effec- first instance, the propriety of calling out a detachment tual measures should be immediately taken for support- of militia to intercept the mutineers on their march ing the public authority:" And also, whereas Congress from Lancaster, was proposed to the council, suggestdid at the same time, appoint a committee to confering the danger of their being suffered with impunity to with the said President and Supreme Executive Council join the troops in the barracks, who a few days before on the practicability of carrying the said resolution into had manifested a dangerous spirit by an insolent and due effect; and also, whereas the said committee have threatening message sent to Congress in the name of a reported to me, that they have not received satisfactory board of serjeants, and who it was apprehended would assurances for expecting adequate and prompt exertions be ready to make common cause with those on their of this state for supporting the dignity of the federal march for mutinous purposes. That the council hay government: And also, whereas, the said soldiers still ing shown a reluctance to call out any part of the milicontinue in a state of open mutiny and revolt, so that tia, expressing an opinion that they would not be willing the dignity and authority of the United States would be to act, till some outrage should have been committed by constantly exposed to a repetition of insult, while Con- the troops: there appeared to the committee no altergress shall continue to sit in this city. I do therefore, native but to endeavour to dissuade the mutineers from by and with the advice of the said committee, and ac- coming to town, and if they failed in that attempt, to cording to the powers and authorities in me vested for make use of expedients to prevent the troops in the this purpose, hereby summon the Honourable the De- barracks from joining in any excesses, and to induce the legates composing the Congress of the United States, detachment from Lancaster to return to that place. and every of them, to meet in Congress on Thursday the That in this view, and at their desire, the assistant se26th of June, instant, at Princeton, in the state of New cretary at war met the detachment then on its march Jersey, in order that further and more effectual measures to the city, and endeavoured to engage them to return may be taken for suppressing the present revolt, and to the former place, urging the considerations contained maintaining the dignity and authority of the United in the annexed instructions to him, but the said detachStates, of which all officers of the United States, civil ment persisted in their intention of coming to this city, and military, and all others whom it may concern, are and arrived here this morning. That upon conferring desired to take notice, and govern themselves accord- with the superintendent of finance, they find there is a ingly. probability that the paymaster general, to whom the Given under my hand and seal at Philadelphia, settlement of the accounts of the army has been comin the state of Pennsylvania, this twenty-mitted, and who having all the documents in his po3fourth day of June, in the year of our Lord session, can alone execute the business with propriety, one thousand seven hundred & eighty-three, will shortly arrive from the army, and will immediately and of our sovereignty and independence the enter upon a settlement with the troops in this state; seventh. that in the mean time measures will be taken to prepare the business for a final adjustment. That there will immediately be sent to Lancaster, a sum of money to be paid to the troops on account of the month's pay heretofore directed to be advanced to them, the payment of which has hitherto been delayed by particular circumstances, together with notes for three months pay, is tended to be advanced to the men when furloughed. That they have desired this information to be transmitted to the commanding officers here, and at Lancaster, with this declaration, that the corps stationed at Lancaster, including the detachment, can only be settled with or paid at that place.


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Princeton. Tuesday, July 1, 1783. On the report of a committee, consisting of Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Ellsworth, and Mr. Bland, to whom was referred a motion of Mr. Hamilton.

Resolved, That Major General Howe be directed to march such part of the force under his command, as he shall judge necessary, to the state of Pennsylvania, in order that immediate measures may be taken to confine and bring to trial all such persons belonging to the army as have been principally active in the late mutiny, to disarm the remainder, and to examine fully into all the circumstances relating thereto.

That in the execution of the foregoing resolution, if any matters shail arise which may concern the civil jurisdiction, or in which its aid may be necessary, application be made for the same to the executive authority of

the state.


The instructions to Major Jackson.

Information having been received, that a detachment of about eighty mutineers, are on their way from Lancaster to this place, you will please to proceed to meet them, and to endeavour by every prudent method to engage them to return to the post they have left. You will inform them of the orders that have been given, permitting them to remain in service till their accounts shall have been settled, if they prefer it to being furas-loughed, and of the allowance of pay which has been made to the army at large, and in which they are about to be included. You will represent to them that their accounts cannot be settled without their officers whom they have left behind them at Lancaster. You will represent to them with coolness but energy, the impropriety of

That the executive of Pennsylvania be informed of the foregoing resolutions, and requested to afford their sistance whensoever the same shall be required.

The committee, consisting of Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Ellsworth, and Mr. Peters, to whom were referred a letter of the 17th June, from colonel R. Butler, at Lancaster, and sundry papers communicated to Congress by tho

such irregular proceedings, and the danger they will
run by persisting in an improper conduct. You will as
sure them of the best intentions in Congress to do them
justice, and of the absurdity of their expecting to pro-
cure it more effectually by intemperate proceedings.
You will point out to them the tendency which such pro-
ceedings may have to raise the resentments of their
country, and to indispose it to take effectual measures
for their relief. In short, you will urge every consider-
ation in your power to induce them to return, at the
same time avoiding whatever may tend to irritate. If
they persist in coming to town, you will give the earli-
est notice to us of their progress and disposition. Should
they want provisions, you will assure them of a supply,
if they will remain where they are, which you are to
endeavour to persuade them to do, in preference to
coming to town.
I am, Sir,

Your most obedient Servant,

In behalf of the Committee.

Philadelphia, June 19, 1783. Major JACKSON, Assist. Secretary at War. The committee, consisting of Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Ellsworth, appointed on the 21st of June, to confer with the supreme executive council of Pennsylvania, on the practicability of taking effectual measures to support the public authority, having delivered in a report: Ordered, That it be entered on the journal. The Report is as follows:

posed to do every thing in their power to support its dignity. That they regretted the insult which had happened, with this additional motive of sensibility, that they themselves had a principal share in it. That they had consulted a number of well-informed officers of the militia, and found that nothing in the present state of things was to be expected from that quarter. That the militia of the city in general, were not only ill provided for service, but disinclined to act upon the pre. sent occasion. That the council did not believe any exertions were to be looked for from them, except in case of further outrage and actual violence to persons or property. That in such case a respectable body of citizens would arm for the security of their property and of the public peace; but it was to be doubted what measures of outrage would produce this effect; and in particular it was not to be expected merely from a repetition of the insult which had happened.

The council observed that they thought it their duty to communicate their expectations with candour, and passed from the subject of the practicability of vigorous measures to the policy of them. They stated that General St. Clair, with the approbation of several members of Congress and of council, had, by a declaration in writing, permitted the mutineers to choose a committee of commissioned officers to represent their grievances to council, and had authorised them to expect that a conference would be allowed for that purpose. That it was said the mutineers began to be convinced of their error, and were preparing submissions. That from "The committee appointed to confer with the su- the steps which had been taken, the business seemed preme executive council of Pennsylvania, on the practi- to be in a train of negotiation; and that it merited consicability of taking effectual measures to support the pub-deration, how far it would be prudent to terminate the lic authority, in consequence of the disorderly and me- matter in that way rather than employ coercive means. nacing appearance of a body of armed soldiers surrounding the place where Congress were assembled, on Saturday the 21st instant, beg leave to report;

The committee remarked with respect to the scruple about giving an answer in writing, that they could not forbear differing in opinion as to its propriety. That nothing was more common than written communications between the executives of the different states, and the civil and military officers acting under the authority of the United States; that for a much stronger reason there was a propriety in this mode of transacting business between the council and a committee of the body of Congress. That indeed it would be conformable to the most obvious and customary rules of proceeding. and that the importance of the present occasion made it desirable to give every transaction the greatest precision.

That they had a conference the morning following with the supreme executive council, agreeably to the intention of Congress, and having communicated their resolutions on that subject, informed the council, that Congress considered the proceeding on which that resolution was founded, of so serious a nature, as to render palliatives improper, and to require that vigorous measures should be taken to put a stop to the further pregress of the evil; and to compel submission on the part of the offenders. That in this view they had thought it expedient to declare to the executive of the state in which they reside, the necessity of taking effectual measures for supporting the public authority. That though they had declined a specification of the measures which they would deem effectual, it was their sense, that a number of the militia should be immediately called out sufficient to suppress the revolt. That And with respect to the policy of coercion, the comCongress unwilling to subject the United States to a re-mittee remarked, that the incasures taken by Congress petition of the insult, had suspended their ordinary deliberations in this city, till proper steps should be taken to provide against the possibility of it.

With respect to the practicability of employing the militia, the committee observed, that this was a point of which the council was alone competent to judge. That the duty of the committee was performed in explicitly signifying the expectations of Congress.

clearly indicated their opinion, that the excesses of the mutineers had passed the bounds within which a spirit of compromise might consist with the dignity, and even the safety of government. That impunity for what had happened might encourage to more flagrant proceed

The council, after some conversation, informed the committee, that they would wish, previous to a determination, to ascertain the state and disposition of the mili-ings, invite others to follow the example and extend the tia, and to consult the officers for that purpose.

The day following the committee waited upon the council for their final resolution, having previously presented a letter addressed to his excellency the president, of which a copy is annexed, requesting the determination of the Council in writing.

The council declined a written answer, alleging that it had been unusual on similar occasions; that they were unwilling to do any thing which might appear an innovation in the manner of conducting conferences between their body and committees of Congress; adding. however, that they were ready to give their answer in writing, if Congress should request it. They then proceeded to a verbal answer, in substance as follows:

That the Council had a high respect for the representative sovereignty of the United States, and were dis

mischief. That the passiveness of conduct observed towards the detachment which had mutinied at Lancaster, and come to the city in defiance of their officers, had, no doubt, led to the subsequent violences. That these considerations had determined Congress to adopt decisive measures. That besides the application to the state in which they reside, for its immediate support, they had not neglected other means of ultimately executing their purpose, but had directed the commander in chief to march a detachment of troops towards the city. That whatever moderation it might be prudent to exercise towards the mutineers, when they were once in the power of government, it was necessary, in the first instance, to place them in that situation. That Congress would probably continue to pursue this object unless it should be superseded by unequivocal demonstra

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Under this state of things the committee could not forbear suggesting to the council, that it would be expedient for them so to qualify the reception which they should think proper to give to any propositions made by the mutineers, as not to create embarrassments, should Congress continue to act on the principle of coercion.

The committee finding that there was no satisfactory ground to expect prompt and adequate exertions on the part of the executive of this state, for supporting the public authority, were bound by the resolution under which they acted, to advise the president to summon Congress to assemble at Princeton or Trenton on Thursday the 26th instant.

Willing however to protract the departure of Congress as long as they could be justified in doing it, still hoping that further information would produce more decisive measures on the part of the council, and desirous of seeing what complexion the intimated submissions would assume, they ventured to defer advising the removal till the afternoon of the day following, that on which the answer of council was given. But having then received no further communication from the council, and having learnt from General St. Clair, that the submissions proposed to be offered by the mutineers, through the officers they had chosen to represent them, were not of a nature sufficiently explicit to be accepted or relied on-That they would be accompanied by new demands, to which it would be improper to listen; that the officers themselves composing the committee had shown a mysterious reluctance to inform General St. Clair of their proceedings; had refused, in the first instance, to do it, and had afterwards only yielded to a peremptory demand on his part-The committee could no longer think themselves at liberty to delay their advice for an adjournment, which they this day according ly gave; persuaded, at the same time, that it was necessary to impress the mutineers with a conviction, that extremities would be used against them before they would be induced to resolve on a final and unreserved submission.

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Of DR. JOHN DAVIS, late of Chester county, Penn sylvania. Br M. MORGAN, M. D. Surgeon in the U. States' Navy.

DR. JOHN DAVIS was born in Tredyffrin township, Chester county, on the 13th of December, 1745. His ancestors came from Wales, towards the latter part of the 17th century, and were among the first settlers of the Great Valley, where they purchased a considerable tract of land. His parents were much respected and beloved by their neighbours, being alike distinguished for industry, temperance, and benevolence, and thei sincere piety. They lived to an advanced age, and are still recollected with veneration by many of the older inhabitants. His father, having a large family, and the want of physicians being very much felt in the neighbourhood at that early day, encouraged the predilection of his son for the profession of medicine. There was no school convenient to his residence, where the Latin and Greek languages were taught, and he obtained his preparatory education from Dr. William Currie, a highly respectable Episcopalian clergyman, who was then pastor of the churches of the Great Valley, Radnor and Perkioming.

Dr. Currie did not teach a regular school, but employed his leisure in instructing his own children, and admitted the son of his friend to his paternal care.

While with Dr. Currie, his application to his studies was as assiduous as could be permitted by his other avocations. He had to assist his brothers in the cultivation of the farm, a healthful exercise, which fortified both his body and mind, and prepared him for the life of labour and usefulness which he afterwards pursued. Not having as much time for study as he wished, he learned early to appreciate its value, and wasted none in idleness and dissipation. From the exhausting fatigues of the field, he returned, in the evening, with avidity to his books, and was seldom allured by his companions to pleasure or amusements; for his character in youth and manhood was firm and inflexible. Having acquired a good English education, and a competent knowledge of Latin and Greek, he commenced the study of medicine at eighteen years of age, with Dr. Cadwallader Evans, of Philadelphia. He remained three years with Dr. Evans, who was well qualified to give him a liberal course of instruction, having finished his education in London, and carefully taken notes of the lectures of Dr. William Hunter, and other celebrated professors, who

Philadelphia, June 24, 1783. The Letter to His Excellency the President of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania. Sir-We have the honour to enclose for your excellency and the council, a copy of the resolutions communicated in our conferences yesterday. Having then fully entered into all the explanations which were necessary on the subject, we shall not trouble your excel-attended to the hospitals of that metropolis. Dr. Evans lency with a recapitulation; but as the object is of a delicate and important nature, we think it our duty to request the determination of the council in writing.

We have the honour to be, with perfect respect, your excellency's most obedient servants. Philadelphia, June 23, 1783.

Friday, July 11, 1783.

On motion of Mr. Williamson, seconded by Mr. Ellsworth, Congress, came to the following resolution.

One of the delegates from Pennsylvania having read in his place, a letter from the supreme executive council of that state, complaining of an ambiguity in part of the report of a committee which was entered on the journal of the 1st instant, in the following words: "That they (the executive council) regretted the insult which had happened, with this additional motive of sensibility, that they had themselves had a principal share in it."

Resolved, That Congress do not conceive the com

was one of the physicians to the Pennsylvania hospital, then an infant institution, and his pupils attended to this as well as to his extensive private practice.

Lectures were delivered at this period by Doctors Shippen and Bond, and soon after the college was organized, in which the first course of lectures was given in 1765. He attended to this course, as well as the private lectures which had been previously read in the hospital, and was a favourite pupil. He cherished thro life an affectionate regard for the abilities and virtues of these excellent men, and a lively recollection of the great benefits he had received from their attentions.

He finished his studies under Dr. Evans, and soon af ter settled himself in Vincent township, Chester county, where he almost immediately obtained a large circle of practice; but not being satisfied with his knowledge of anatomy and surgery, he resolved to return to Philadel phia, and spend a year in the Pennsylvania hospital.Being recommended by his former exemplary conduct, he found no difficulty in obtaining the appointment he

solicited; and having spent one year there, as house surgeon, he, at the expiration of this time, established himself at his native place in 1768.

He was now conscious of having availed himself of every opportunity which his country at that time afforded, of obtaining a sound knowledge of his profession, and was well prepared for commencing the practice. Possessed of warm affections, a cheerful temper, and polished manners, in a short time he gained general confidence and extensive patronage: but what contributed most to his advancement was his skill in surgery, to which he had carefully applied himself. Soon afterwards he formed a happy matrimonial connexion, and the commencement of the revolution for independence found him with a rising family and a well earned reputation. In the part of the county in which he resided there were few who were loyal to the cause of the mother country, and scarcely any who were lukewarm and indifferent. Most of them, on the contrary, put every thing cheerfully at hazard to oppose British misrule and violence. Among the most enthusiastic were Gen. Wayne and Dr. Davis, who lived neighbours to each other, were nearly the same age, having been born the same year,) and between whom there had long existed a community of feeling and congeniality of principles. They acted in concert in preparing the public mind and arranging the little military resources of the surrounding country for the approaching conflict, and when a determined spirit of resistance was excited, they were among the first to give up the comforts of home, and trust every thing to the issue of the momentous struggle. Gen. Wayne immediately received a commission as colonel of the 4th battalion of infantry raised by congress for the defence of the colonies; and on the 5th of March, 1776, the general assembly of Pennsylvania voted fifteen hundred men, (officers included,) to be taken into pay for the immediate defence of the province, and to serve until the 1st of January, 1778. Of these troops, two battations, of five hundred men each, were riflemen, and placed under the command of colonel Samuel Miles.The other battalion was infantry, and the command given to colonel Atlee. Dr. Davis received the appointment of senior surgeon of the staff, and they were soon in readiness to co-operate with Washington's army.

country, many of whom are still living, who were raised from the bed of sickness by his hand.

His abilities in his profession were of a high order, the fruits of intense labour, and a steady, exalted tone of moral feeling. He had great judgment and sagacity in all the practical branches of the healing art. The true theories in physic had of course received a proper share of his attention. But he was precise in his reasonings and deductions, and though naturally quick and imaginative, he kept this faculty under just subordination to a discreet and chastened judgment. Having witnessed in early life the evils derived to medicine from too strong an attachment to authorities loosely hypothetical, and having seen the subversion of a succession of visionary doctrines, from the reign of Boerhaave to nearly the present times, he knew well the true fountain of human knowledge, and always discountenanced a dogmatical adherence to speculative reveries, which he regarded as seducing the mind from the proper objects of its puruit, and as tending to impede the progress of the science. The improvements in medicine and surgery were not neglected by him, as is too commonly the case with country practitioners; he read the best periodical works, and purchased good books.

The most common operations in surgery he frequently performed with success, and never attempted such as were improper or of very doubtful efficacy.

No state of the weather, or condition of his domestic affairs, interfered with his attention to his patients, and in his intercourse with the sick he was kind and affectionate. Perhaps no man was ever more free from the pedantry of the profession.

He was ready to consult, on all proper occasions, with the neighbouring physicians, and not one ever accused him of want of candour, or any thing that could be construed into duplicity. He was not overbearing to the youthful, and never disparaged the judgment of the absent. In speaking of others, he seemed to consider them as present. Sincere and modest in his deportment, he was exempt from an ostentatious display of learning, always indicative of a weak mind, and little knowledge of the world, and he detested every species of trick, hypocrisy, and charlatanry, which would degrade the character of the faculty, in the eyes of the judicious.Among the other officers of this afterwards gallant Conversation on medical topics was never obtruded by and distinguished corps, we find the names of the fore-him on people unacquainted with them, but he answered fathers of a number of the respectable families in the counties adjacent to Philadelphia; but most of the veterans themselves have long since slept in the bosom of the land which they loved so much, and which they spent the best part of their lives in defending.

When Washington resolved on the perilous attempt of meeting the British forces on Long Island, in order to prevent them from obtaining possession of New York, these battalions were in the hottest part of the action, and suffered severely. Colonel Miles, Dr. Davis, and one of his brothers, were among the prisoners, but were so fortunate as to be exchanged soon afterwards, and escaped the hard fate of many of their companions, who were sent to the prisonships at the Wallabout, the melancholy history of which is but too well recollected.

He continued with the army, where his services were highly appreciated, where he had a great deal of experience in surgery as well as the diseases incident to military life, until nearly the close of the revolution: when the fatigues of duty, and the mental anxiety and suffering, brought on by the destitute condition of the hospital department, occasioned a dangerous fever, which compelled him for awhile to absent himself from his regiment, and which he with great difficulty survived.

At the termination of the war, he returned to his agricultural labours and professional pursuits on his farm, in the Great Valley, where he spent the remainder of his life.

With what zeal and ability that life was devoted to the discharge of all his duties, social and professional, can be well attested by the inhabitants of a large extent of

all questions with courtesy and brevity. His conduct was marked by great good sense, in which he was excelled by few, and by unaffected dignified behaviour; nor is it now recollected that he was at enmity with any well educated and honourable physician. His charges were moderate, his farm afforded him more than a support for his family, and his bills were not rendered till called for.

It is the fate of physicians every where, to make greater sacrifices to the unfortunate and destitute classes of their species than any other set of men. This is peculiarly the case in a country practice, where the population is much scattered. Every log hut in the woods, and every cottage, however remote, must receive the punctual calls of the physician, without any prospect of pecuniary reward. To those who were unacquainted with Dr. Davis, it would appear like exaggeration truly to declare, how this part of his duty was performed. Of the measure of his charity, therefore, the writer will say nothing, but the manner in which his favours were dispensed, left no load on the poor man's heart, and he was always glad to meet his smiling benefactor.

He practised medicine for nearly half a century, and never refused a call, except from indisposition. This rarely happened, for his own health was seldom interrupted, and Providence seemed pleased to give that to him, which he so much delighted in bestowing on oth


He was of a temperament uncommonly free and ardent, His mind was unfettered by contracted systems, and he entertained sanguine views and anticipations with

regard to the moral improvement of man. He was there-pressive. His head was well proportioned, his forehead fore indifferent to nothing which related to his condi- full and high, his hair brown, eyes gray, and all his feation. Education was the object dearest to his heart, and tures regular and strongly developed. he esteemed good teachers as the most useful members of every community. Accordingly, he procured the best he could for his own children; but he suffered the affliction so bitter to a fond and aged parent, of seeing several of his promising sons cut off at that period of life when the prostration of a father's hopes desolates the heart.

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In the political concerns of his country, he felt a strong solicitude, and took an active part, but he was a purely disinterested republican, and never sought or accepted an office. He had a deeply rooted attachment to the illustrious man who has always held, and always must hold, the first place in the affections of his countrymen; he, however, belonged to that party which elevated Mr. Jefferson to the presidency. The war with Great Bri. tain of 1812, was warmly advocated and supported by him, believing that it was a war of national character and honour, without maintaining which, the advantages of the revolution would have been in a great measure lost, and the requisite confidence in the stability and energy of the representative system, impaired.

His taste for literature was better cultivated than usual ly happens with men engaged daily in an arduous profession. His historical knowledge was by no means circumscribed, and he was conversant with the beauties

of Shakspeare, Milton, and Pope. Moral philosophy was a favourite subject of his thoughts, and he had examined with attention most of the works on the mind from the time of Mr. Locke. From him he obtained his first principles, and he was an admirer of some of his works. He viewed his labours as having established a new era in the history of man, and as setting at liberty the human mind. With Locke, he believed "that revelation was natural reason, and natural reason revelation." This gave much concern to some of his friends, lest he should be too sceptical in his religious opinions. But a life of rectitude and integrity like his, wanted no apology, and his homage for the Creator of christianity was shown in the habitual reverence for its precepts evinced in his daily intercourse with the world. It is true, he regarded bigotry and fanatacism as the deepest stains on the human character, as tending more than any thing else, to debase the soul, by eradicating charity, destroy. ing health, banishing social comfort, and counteracting

all the benevolent aims of God towards his creatures.His abhorrence however was equally great of the cold, unstable and frivolous character of the sceptic, who gives no serious thought to any of the important relations of life, and makes light of all that is most deeply interesting to mankind.

His last

His philanthropy was conspicuous to the last, and to this, it may be truly affirmed, he was a martyr. professional act was one of charity, and cost him his life. A poor woman was suffering under the interesting pangs peculiar to the sex, and demanded his assistance. He hastened as usual to her relief. The weather was cold, the fire became low, there was no wood cut short, and no person about the house but females and children.The Doctor took the axe himself, but finding his coat too tight, he was obliged to lay it off, and remained some time exposed to the cold. Having finished his attendance, he returned home, and in a few hours was seized with croup. His disease was violent and painful, but was endured with the firmness and resignation which were to have been expected, from the general tenor of his life. On the 13th day of February, 1816, in his 71st year, he closed his eyes upon the world, towards which he had discharged all his duties with unsurpassed fidelity, and few have better merited the divine salutation of well done, good and faithful servant."

There was an obvious affinity between his physical and moral structure. In his stature he was of good size, his person finely formed, his face handsome and ex

Possessing human fallibility, he doubtless had faults, but it would scarcely become any one who knew him to mention them, if recollected; because almost every one had received some great kindness at his hand. They were but foibles at most, and in comparison with his virtues, like the spots on the sun, which are not easily discoverable, and which neither diminish his heat nor obscure his brightness.


AccoUNTS OF THE GUARDIANS OF THE POOR, and Managers of the Almshouse & House of Employment of the City of Philadelphia, the District of Southwark, and Township of the Northern Liberties, for the year ending 26th of May, 1828.


We at first designed making an abstract of these accounts; but recollecting that they are the last, which will under the old system of poor laws, and that they will probably, at some future time, be required for reference, we have concluded to publish them entire. There are few subjects in which the public are more interested, than in the expenditures of public money for the support of the poor, and therefore we presume, it will be satisfactory to every one to have an opportunity of investigating these matters for himself. The details of such an immense establishment as the Alms House bas become, are deserving of attention.


The Auditors of the County of Philadelphia,
Respectfully state:

the Guardians of the Poor and Managers of the Alms That they have carefully examined the Accounts of House and House of Employment, of the City of Philadelphia, District of Southwark and Township of the Northern Liberties, commencing on the 29th day of May, 1827, and ending on the 26th of May, 1828; and they have compared them with the vouchers and Documents, relating to the same, and now report the following statement.

Almshouse, Oct. 29th, 1828.

[blocks in formation]

141,741 lbs. beef
26,393 do. pork
18,396 do. mutton
964 bbls. wheat flour

13 do. and 62 tons, 11 cwt.
3 qr. 5 lbs. rye do.
2,584 bush. potatoes
609 do. turnips
148 do. Indian meal
352 do. rye corn
167 do. pease
356 do. oats
23 do. shorts
369 do. salt
11 do. malt
brown sugar

5,596 83 1,241 74

553 76 4,570 91

1,831 79

877 70

60 90

79 80

195 42

116 95

106 51

10 35

223 10

13 75

11,215 lbs.

983 34

490 do. 1,473 do. 4,187

loaf and lump do.

74 58

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