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The winds in fair weather in the spring, and in warm weather in the summer, blow from the south west and from west north west. The raw air before mentioned, comes from the north east. The south west winds like

wise usually bring with them those showers of rain in the spring and summer, which refresh the earth. They moreover moderate the heat of the weather, provided they are succeeded by a north west wind. Now and

then showers of rain come from the west north west. There is a common fact connected with the account of the usual winds in Pennsylvania, which it may not be improper to mention in this place. While the clouds are seen flying from the south west, the scud, as it is called, or a light vapour, is seen at the same time flying below the clouds from the north east.

The moisture of the air is much greater than formerly, occasioned probably by the exhalations, which in former years fell in the form of snow, now descending in the form of rain. The depth of the snow is sometimes between two and three feet, but in general it seldom exceeds between six and nine inches.

Hail frequently descends with snow in winter. Once in four or five years large and heavy showers of hail fall in the spring and summer. They generally run in narrow veins (as they are called) of thirty or forty miles in length, and two or three miles in breadth. The heaviest shower of hail that is remembered in Philadelphia, did not extend in breadth more than half a mile north and south. Some of the stones weighed half an ounce. The windows of many houses were broken by them.This shower fell in May 1783.


Extract from a History of the American Revolution, from the Pennsylvania Journal, of 1781. New York, with several posts in the neighbourhood, "The affairs of America now wore a serious aspect. and a considerable part of New Jersey, were in possession of the enemy. The American army had lost during the campaign near five thousand men by captivity and the sword; and the few remaining regular troops, amounting only to 2000 men, were upon the eve of being disbanded; for as yet the enlistments were for the short term of only one year. General Howe had cantoned his troops in several villages on the Delaware, in New Jersey. His strongest post was at Trenton. It consisted of 1200 Hessians under the command of Col. General Washington occupied the heights on the Pennsylvania side of the river, in full view of the enemy. A few cannon shot were now and then exchanged across the river, but without doing much execution on either side. The two armies lay in these positions for several weeks. In the mean while the spirit of liberty, inflamed by the recital of the ravages committed in New Jersey by the British army, began to revive in every part of the continent. Fifteen hundred associators, for as yet most of the states were without militia laws, marched from the city of Philadelphia to reinforce the expiring army of Gen. Washington. This body of men consisted chiefly of citizens of the first rank and character in the state. They had been accustomed to live in all the softness that is peculiar to the inhabitants of large cities.


the falls which occur near the mouth of the river. The

From sudden changes in the air, rain and snow often fall together, forming what is commonly called sleet. In the uncultivated parts of the state, the snow some-ice in many places, especially where there were falls, times lies on the ground till the first week in April. The backwardness of the spring has been ascribed to the passage of the air over the undissolved beds of snow and ice which usually remain, after the winter months are past, on the north west grounds and waters of the state, and of the adjacent country.

The dissolution of the ice and snow in the spring, is sometimes so sudden as to swell the creeks and rivers in every part of the state to such a degree, as not only to lay waste the hopes of the husbandman from the produce of his lands, but in some instances to sweep his barns, stables, and even his dwelling house into their currents. The wind, during a general thaw, comes

from the south west or south east.

The following account of the thaw of the river Susquehanna, in the spring of 1784, was published by the author in the Columbian Magazine for November, 1786. It may serve to illustrate a fact related formerly in the history of the winters in Pennsylvania, as well as to exhibit an extraordinary instance of the destructive effects of a sudden thaw.

"The winter of 1783-4, was uncommonly cold, insomuch that the mercury in Farenheit's thermometer stood several times at 5° below o. The snows were frequent; and, in many places, from two to three feet deep, during the greatest part of the winter. All the rivers in Pennsylvania were frozen, so as to bear waggons and sleds with immense weights. In the month of January a thaw came on suddenly, which opened our rivers so as to set the ice a-driving, to use the phrase of the country. In the course of one night, during the thaw, the wind shifted suddenly to the north west, and the weather became intensely cold. The ice, which had floated the day before, was suddenly obstructed; and in the river Susquehanna, the obstructions were formed in those places where the water was most shallow, or where it had been accustomed to fall. This river is several hundred miles in length, and from half a mile to a mile and a half in breadth, and winds through a hilly, and in many places a fertile and highly cultivated country. It has as yet a most difficult communication with our bays and the sea, occasioned by the number and height of

formed a kind of dam, of a most stupendous height.— About the middle of March, our weather moderated, and a thaw became general. The effects of it were remarkable in all our rivers; but in none so much as in the river I have mentioned. I shall therefore endeavor in a few words to describe them. Unfortunately the dams of ice did not give way all at once, nor those which lay nearest to the mouth of the river, first. While the upper dams were set afloat by the warm weather, the lower ones, which were the largest, and in which, of course, the ice was most impacted, remained fixed. In consequence of this, the river rose in a few hours, in many places, above thirty feet; rolling upon its surface large lumps of ice, from ten to forty cubic feet in size. The effects of this sudden inundation were terrible.--Whole farms were laid under water. Barns-stableshorses-cattle-fences-mills of every kind, and in one instance, a large stone house, forty by thirty feet, were carried down the stream. Large trees were torn up by the roots-several small islands covered with woods, were swept away, and not a vestige of them was left behind. On the barns which preserved their shape, in some instances, for many miles were to be seen living fowls; and, in one dwelling, a candle was seen to burn for some time, after it was swept from its foundation.— Where the shore was level, the lumps of ice, and the ruins of houses and farms, were thrown a quarter of s mile from the ordinary height of the river. In some instances, farms were ruined by the mould being swept from them by the cakes of ice, or by depositions of sand; while others were enriched by large depositions of mud. The damage, upon the whole, done to the state of Pennsylvania by this fresh, was very great. In most places it happened in the day time, or the consequence must have been fatal to many thousands.

"I know of but one use that can be derived from recording the history of this inundation. In case of similar obstructions of rivers, from causes such as have been described, the terrible effects of their being set in motion by means of a general thaw, may in part be obviated, by removing such things out of the course of the water and ice, as are within our power; particularly cattle, hay, grain, fences, and farming utensils of all kinds.""

But neither the hardships of a military life, nor the se- mean while victory declared itself every where in favour verity of the winter checked their ardor in the cause of of the American arms, and General Washington retheir country. The wealthy merchant and the journey-ceived the submission of the main body of the enemy by man tradesman, were seen marching side by side, and means of a flag. The joy of the American troops can often exchanged the contents of their canteens with more easily be conceived than described. This was the each other. This body of troops was stationed at Bris- first important advantage they had gained over the enetol under the command of General Cadwalader. On themy in the course of the campaign, and its consequences evening of the 25th of December, General Washington were at once foreseen upon the affairs of America. marched from his quarters with his little army of regu- Great praise was given to the behaviour of both officers lar troops to M'Konkie's ferry with the design of sur- and soldiers by General Washington, after the battle, in prising the enemy's post at Trenton. He had previous- his letter to Congress. The Philadelphia light horse ly given orders to General Ewing, who commanded a distinguished themselves upon this occasion, by their small body of the militia of the Flying camp, to cross the bravery and attention to duty. They were the more Delaware below Trenton, so as to cut off the retreat of admired for their conduct, as it was the first time they the enemy towards Bordentown. He had likewise ad- had ever been in action. The loss of the enemy vised General Cadwalader of his intended enterprise, amounted to near one hundred in killed and wounded; and recommended it to him at the same time to cross among the former was their commander, Colonel Rollthe river at Dunk's ferry, three miles below Bristol, in Above one thousand prisoners were taken, together order to surprise the enemy's post at Mount Holly. Un- with six field pieces, and a considerable quantity of fortunately the extreme coldness of the night increased camp furniture of all kinds. Private baggage was immethe ice in the river to that degree that it was impossible diately rendered sacred by a general order. About one for the militia to cross it either in boats or on foot. After hundred of the enemy escaped by the lower road to struggling with the season, till near day-light, they re- Bordentown. The American army had several privates luctantly abandoned the shores of the Delaware and re- and only one officer wounded. After having refreshed turned to their quarters. General Washington, from themselves, and rested a few hours in Trenton, they rethe peculiar nature of that part of the river to which he turned with their prisoners and other trophies of victory directed his march, met with fewer obstacles from the to the Pennsylvania side of the river by the same way ice, and happily crossed the river about day light. He they came, with the loss of only three men, who perishimmediately divided his little army, and marched themed with the cold in re-crossing the river, an event not to through two roads towards Trenton. The distance was be wondered at, when we consider that many of them six miles. About eight o'clock an attack was made on were half naked, and most of them bare-footed." the picket guard of the enemy. It was commanded by a youth of eighteen, who fell in his retreat to the main "Both the friends and enemies of America dwell upon body. At half an hour after eight o'clock the town was the events of the winter of 1776-7, as forming a kind of nearly surrounded, and all the avenues to it were seized, crisis in the affairs of this country. It has been said on except the one which was left for General Ewing to oc- the one side, that the indolence and avarice of General cupy. An accident here had like to have deprived the Howe, and on the other side, that the river Delaware American army of the object of their enterprise. The by checking his march to Philadelphia, proved the commanding officer of one of the divisions sent word to means of protracting the war, and finally of establishing General Washington just before they reached the town, the independence of America. But I cannot admit this that his ammunition had been wetted by a shower of idea. I confess that a panic had seized the inhabitants rain that had fallen in the morning, and desired to know of several of the states. But the people of New Engwhat he must do. The Commander-in-Chief with the land shared no part of it. The spirit of New York was coolness and intrepidity that are natural to him in action, high, in consequence of the retreat of General Burgoyne sent him word to "advance with fixed bayonets." This from Ticonderoga. The back counties of Pennsylvania laconic answer inspired the division with the firmness inhabited by a race of hardy republicans, were put in and courage of their leader. The whole body now motion by the spirited harangues of General Mifflin; who moved onwards in sight of the enemy. An awful si- was sent among them for that purpose by the Congress. lence reigned through every platoon. Each soldier Volunteers daily crowded to the American standard stepped as if he carried the liberty of his country from Delaware, Maryland, and the most remote parts of upon his single musket. The moment was a critical Virginia. Even the upper counties of New Jersey still one. The attack was begun with artillery under the held their arms in their hands. A body of six hundred command of Colonel afterwards General Knox. The choice spirits assembled at Morristown, under the cominfantry supported the artillery with spirit and firmness. mand of Colonel Ford, a militia officer, and effectually It was now the tears and prayers of the sons and daugh- checked the progress of the enemy in that part of the ters of liberty found acceptance in the sight of heaven. state. Added to this, the Congress was composed of The enemy were thrown into confusion in every quar- men of the first rank for abilities and fortune in the ter. One regiment attempted to form in an orchard, country, and possessed in the highest degree the confibut were soon forced to fall back upon their main body.dence and even the affections of the people. The paA company of them took sanctuary in a stone house which they defended with a field piece judiciously posted in the entry of the house. Captain, afterwards Colonel Washington, (a relation of the General's) was ordered to dislodge them. He advanced with a field piece, but finding his men exposed to a close and steady fire-he suddenly leaped from them, and rushing into the house seized the officer by the collar who had the command of the gun, and claimed him as his prison-manded the picket guard. He lay mortally wounded, and er. His men followed him, and the whole company were immediately made prisoners of war. The captain received a ball in his hand in entering the house. In the

It is remarkable that out of these fifteen hundred citizens of Philadelphia, there died with sickness only one man during a six weeks tour of duty. Few veteran troops perhaps ever endured more from cold, hunger, watching, and fatigue, than this corps of city militia.

per money continued to circulate with very little depreciation. No associations were formed any where to as

* An anecdote is mentioned of Samuel Morris, Esq. the captain of the troop of horse in this action, which though it discovers his inexperience of war, does singular honour to his humanity. In advancing towards the town he came up to the Hessian lieutenant who com

weltering in his blood, in the great road. The captain was touched with the sight, and called to Gen. Greene to know if nothing could be done for him. The general bid him push on, and take no notice of him. The captain was as much agitated with the order, as he was affected with the scene before him, and it was not till after the fortunate events of the morning were over, that he was convinced that his sympathy for a bleeding enemy was ill timed,

sist the enemy, and not a defection was heard of to them except of Joseph Galloway and a few others, who were driven rather by fear, from the rising spirit of their countrymen, than allured by the power or progress of the British arms. Had General Howe taken Philadelphia in December 1776, I believe it would have precipitated his destruction. We are to distinguish in the political as well as in the natural body between the strength of a constitution being exhausted, and only oppressed. America experienced only a fainty fit. Her resources were still unimpaired. Her manners were still simple; and her virtue truly republican. It is true, the brilliant affair of Trenton had an amazing effect upon the counsels and arms of America, as well as upon the spirits of the people; but similar exertions were produced by the unfortunate catastrophe of Charleston in the year 1780. I cannot believe that the liberties and independence of the United States have ever been in danger from the power of Britain. The contrary opinion is degrading to the understandings of the friends and leaders of the Revolution, and justifies all the prejudices and fears of the disaffected. A republic can only be conquered by itself."

in the charter of liberties, upon consideration of the premises; and that the proprietary and governor may testify his great willingness to comply with that which may be most easy and pleasing, he is willing that it be enacted:

And be it enacted, by the proprietary and governor, by and with the unanimous advice and consent of the freemen of this province, and territories thereunto belonging, in provincial council and general assembly met, that the numbers desired by the inhabitants in their several petitions, and expressed to be their desires by the sheriff's returns to the proprietary and governor, to serve as the provincial council and general assembly, be allowed and taken, to all intents and purposes, to be the provincial council and general assembly of this province: and that the quorum shall be proportionably settled, according to the method expressed in the fifth article; that is to say, two thirds to make a quorum in extraor dinary cases, and one third in ordinary cases, as is provided in the said fifth article: which said provincial council and general assembly, so already chosen, are and shall be held and reputed the legal provincial council and general assembly of the province and territories thereof, for this present year, and that from and after

ACT OF SETTLEMENT MADE AT CHESTER, the expiration of this present year, the provincial coun


Whereas, William Penn, Proprietary and Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania & Territories thereunto belonging, hath out of his great kindness and goodness to the inhabitants thereof, been favourably pleased to give and grant unto them a charter of liberties & privileges, dated the twenty fifth day of the second month,one thousand six hundred and eighty two: by which charter it is said, the government shall consist of the governor and freemen of the said province, in the form of a provincial council and general assembly; and that the provincial council shall consist of seventy two members, to be chosen by the freemen; and that the general assembly may, the first year, consist of the whole body of the freeholders, and ever after of an elected number, not exceeding two hundred persons, without the consent of the provincial council and general assembly: and such assembly to sit yearly on the twentieth day of the third month, as in the first, second, third, sixth, fourteenth and sixteenth articles of the charter, reference being thereunto had, doth more at large appear.

cil shall consist of three persons out of each county, as aforesaid; and the Assembly shall consist of six persons out of each county, which said provincial council and general assembly may be hereafter enlarged, as the governor and provincial council and assembly shall see cause, so as the said number do not, at any time, exceed the limitations expressed in the third and sixteenth article of the charter, any thing in this act, or any other act, charter, or law, to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

And because the freemen of this province and territories thereof are deeply sensible of the kind and good intentions of the proprietary and governor in this charter, and of the singular benefit that redounds to them thereby, and are desirous that it may in all things best answer the design of the public good, the freemen of the said provincial council and general assembly met, having unanimously requested some variations, explanations and additions, in and to the said charter, he the proprietary and governor, hath therefore yielded that it be enacted.


And it is hereby enacted, That the time for the And forasmuch as this charter was the first of those ries thereof, to choose their delegates to represent and meeting of the Freemen of this province and territoprobationary laws, that were agreed to and made by and serve them in Provincial Council and General Assembly, between the proprietary, and governor, and freemen in shall be yearly hereafter, on the tenth day of the first England, that were purchasers in this province, which month, which members so chosen for the provincial said laws, in the whole and in every part thereof were council, shall make their appearance and give their atto be submitted to the explanation and confirmation of tendance, in provincial council, within twenty days after the first provincial council and general assembly that their election, and the said members elected to serve in was to be held in this province, as by the title and first general assembly, shall yearly meet and assemble on the law of the said agreement doth plainly appear. tenth day of the said third month, to the end and pur And whereas, the proprietary and governor hath, ac- poses declared in the charter, and in such place as is cording to that charter, issued out writs to the respec- limited in the said charter, unless the governor and protive sheriffs of the six counties of this province, to sum-vincial council shall, at any time, see cause to the conmon the freemen thereof, to choose in each county twelve persons of most note for their sobriety, wisdom, and integrity, to serve in provincial council; and also to inform the freemen that they might come, for this time, in their own persons, to make up a general assembly according to charter. And that the said respective sheriff's by their returns, have plainly declared, that the fewness of the people, their inability in estate, and unskilfulness in matters of government, will not permit them to serve in so large a council and assembly, as by the charter is expressed; and therefore do desire, that the members now chosen to be their deputies and representatives, may serve both for provincial council and general assembly; that is to say, three out of each county for the provincial council, and the remaining nine for the general assembly, according to act, as fully and amply as if the said provincial council and general assembly had consisted of the said numbers of members mentioned

And whereas it is expressed in the said Charter, That the governor and provincial council shall prepare and propose to the general assembly all bills which they shall think fit to pass into laws, within the said province: Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the governor and provincial council shall have the power of preparing and proposing to the general assembly, all bills that they shall jointly assent to and think fit to have passed into laws, in the said province and territories thereof, that are not inconsistent with, but according to the powers granted by the king's letters patents to the Proprietary and Governor aforesaid: which bills shall be published in the most noted towns and places in the said province and territories thereof, twenty days before the meeting of the general assembly aforesaid.

And for the better decision and determination of all matters and questions upon elections of representatives

and debates in provincial council, and general assembly, As they were members of one great Empire, united It is hereby declared and enacted, &c. That all ques-under one head or crown, they tacitly acquiesced in the tions upon elections of representatives, and debates in superintending authority of the parliament of Great Briprovincial council and general assembly, in personal tian, and admitted a power in it, to make regulations to matters, shall be decided by the ballot; and all questions preserve the connexion of the whole entire. Though about preparing and enacting laws, shall be deter- under colour of this, sundry regulations were made that mined by the vote. bore hard on the colonies; yet, with filial respect and regard for Great Britian their mother Country, the colonies submitted to them.

And that so united an interest may have an united term, and style to be expressed by, It is hereby declared and enacted, That the general assembly shall be henceforth termed or called The Assembly; and the meeting of the governor, provincial council, and assembly, and their acts and proceedings, shall be styled and called The meetings, sessions, acts or procedings of the General Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, and the Territories thereunto belonging. And that the freemen of this Province and the Territories thereof may not on their part, seem unmindful or ungrateful to their proprietary and governor, for the testimony he hath been pleased to give of his great good will towards them and theirs, nor be wanting of that duty they owe to him and themselves, they have prayed leave hereby to declare their most hearty acceptance of the said charter, and their humble acknowledgments for the same, solemnly promising, ttha they will inviolably observe and keep the same, except as is herein excepted, and will neither directly nor indirectly contrive, propose, enact, or do any thing or things whatsoever, by virtue of the power thereby granted unto them, that shall or may redound to the prejudice or disadvantage of the proprietary and governer, his heirs and successors, in their just rights, properties, and privileges, granted to him and them by the king's letters patents, and deeds of release and feoffment made to him by James, Duke of York and Albany, &c. and whom they desire may be hereby acknowledged and recognized the true and rightful proprietaries and governors of the province of Pennsylvania and territories annexed according to the king's letters patents and deeds of release and feoffment from James, Duke of York and Albany, unto the said proprietary and governor, his heirs and successors, any thing in this act or any other act, grant, charter, or law, to the contrary of these things herein and hereby explained, altered, limited, promised, declared, and enacted, in any wise, notwithstanding.

Address read at a numerous Meeting of the Merchants in Philadelphia on the 25th of April, 1768.

It will be sufficient here just to enumerate, some of the most grievous.

1. The law against making steel, or erecting steel furnaces, though there are not above five or six persons in England engaged in that branch of business, who are so far from being able to supply what is wanted, that great quantities of steel are yearly imported from Germany.

2. Against plating and slitting mills and tilt hammers; though iron is the produce of our country, and from our manner of building, planting, and living, we are under a necessity of using vast quantities of nails and plated iron, as hoes, stove pipes, plates, &c. all which are loaded with double freight, commissions, &c. 3. The restraint laid on hatters, and the prohibition of exporting hats.

4- The prohibition of carrying wool or any kind of woollen goods manufactured here, from one colony to another. A single fleece of wool or a dozen of homemade hose carried from one colony to another is not only forfeited, but subjects the vessel, if conveyed by water, or the waggon and horses, if carried by land, to a seizure, and the owner to a heavy fine.

5. Though the Spaniards may cut and carry logwood directly to what market they please, yet the Americans cannot send to any foreign market, even what the demand in England cannot take off, without first carrying it to some British port, and there landing and re-shipping it at a great expense and loss of time.

6. Obliging us to carry Portugal and Spanish wines, fruit, &c. to England, there to unload, pay a heavy duty and re-ship it, thus subje ing us to a great expense, and our vessels to an unnecessary voyage of 1000 miles in a dangerous sea.

7. Imposing a duty on Madeira wines, which, if reshipped to England, are subjected to the payment of the full duties there without any drawback for what was paid here.

8. The emptying their jails upon us and making the Written by Mr. Dickinson, Author of the Farmer's Letters. insult and indignity not to be thought of, much less colonies a receptacle for their rogues and villains; an Gentlemen, Friends, and Fellow Citizens,

You are called together to give your Advice and Opinion, what answer shall be returned to our Brethren of Boston and New-York, who desire to know, whether we will unite with them, in stopping the Importation of Goods from Great Britain; until certain Acts of Parliament are repealed, which are thought to be injurious to our Rights, as Freemen and British Subjects. Before you come to any Resolution, it may be necessary to explain the Matter more fully.

When our forefathers came into this country, they considered themselves as freemen, and that their coming and settling these colonies did not divest them of any of the rights inherent in freemen; that, therefore, what they possessed, and what they or their posterity should acquire, was and would be so much their own, that no power on earth could lawfully, or of right, deprive them of it without their consent. The governments, which they, with the consent of the crown, established in the respective colonies, they considered as political governments, "where (as Mr. Locke expresses it) Men have property in their own disposal." And therefore (according to the conclusion drawn by the same author in another place) "No taxes ought or could be raised on their property without their consent given by themselves or their deputies," or chosen representatives.

borne without indignation and resentment.

Not to mention the restrictions attempted in the fisheries, the duties laid on foreign sugar, molasses, &c. I will just mention the necessity they have laid us under of supplying ourselves wholly from Great Britain with European and East India goods, at an advance of 20, and as to some articles even of 40 per cent. higher than we might be supplied with them from other places.

But as if all these were not enough, a party has lately arisen in England, who, under colour of the superintending authority of parliament, are labouring to erect a new sovereignty over the colonies, with power inconsistent with liberty or freedom.

The first exertion of this power was displayed in the odious stamp act. As the authors and promoters of this act were sensible of the opposition it must necessarily meet with, from men, who had the least spark of liberty remaining, they accompanied it with a bill still more odious, wherein they attempted to empower officers to quarter soldiers in private houses, with a view, no doubt, to dragoon us into a compliance with the former act.

By the interposition of the American agents, and of the London merchants who traded to the colonies, this clause was dropt, but the act was carried, wherein the assemblies of the respective colonies were ordered, at the expense of the several provinces, to furnish the troops with a number of articles, some of them never

allowed in Britain. Besides, a power is therein granted to every officer, upon obtaining a warrant from any justice, (which warrant the justice is thereby empowered and ordered to grant, without any previous oath) to break into any house by day or by night, under pretence (these are the words of the act) of searching for de


submit to the tyranny of the nobles. And even in the midst of war, the parliament of England has denied to grant supplies, until their grievances were redressed; well knowing that no present loss, suffering or inconve nience, could equal that of tyranny or the loss of public liberty. To cite an example, which our own country furnishes; you all remember that in the height of the late terrible Indian war, our assembly and that of Maryland chose rather to let the country suffer great inconvenience, than immediately grant supplies on terms injurious to the public privilege and to justice.

By the spirited opposition of the colonies, the first act was repealed; but the latter continued, which, in its spirit, differs nothing from the other. For thereby the liberty of the colonies is invaded, and their property disposed of without their consent, no less than by the As then we cannot enjoy liberty without property, stamp act. It was rather the more dangerous of the both in our lives and estates; as we can have no proper two, as the appearance of the constitution was preserv-ty in that which another may of right take and dispose ed while the spirit of it was destroyed, and thus a ty- of as he pleases, without our consent; and as the late ranny introduced under the forms of liberty. The as- acts of parliament assert this right to be in them, we semblies were not at liberty to refuse their assent, but cannot enjoy freedom until this claim is given up, and were to be forced to a literal compliance with the act. until acts made in consequence of it be repealed.Thus, because the assembly of New York hesitated to For, so long as these acts continue, and the claim is kept comply, their legislative power was immediately sus- up, our property is at their disposal, and our lives at pended by another act of parliament. their mercy.

That the repeal of the stamp act might not invalidate the claims of sovereignty now set up, an act was passed, asserting the power of parliament to bind us with their laws in every respect whatever. And to ascertain the extent of this power, in the very next session they proceeded to a direct taxation; and in the very words in which they dispose of their own property, they gave and granted that of the colonists, imposing duties on paper, glass, &c. imported into America, to be paid by the colonists for the purpose of raising a revenue.

This revenue, when raised, they ordered to be disposed of in such a manner as to render our assemblies or legislative bodies altogether useless, and to make governors, and judges, who hold their commissions during pleasure, and the whole executive powers of government, nay, the defence of the country, independent of the people, as has been fully explained in the Farmer's


To conclude, as liberty is the great and only security of property; as the security of property is the chief spur to industry, (it being vain to acquire what we have not a prospect to enjoy,) and as the stopping the importation of goods is the only probable means of preserv ing to us and our posterity this liberty and security, I hope, my brethren, there is not a man among us, who will not cheerfully join in the measure proposed, and, with our brethren of Boston and New York, freely forego a present advantage, nay, even submit to a present inconvenience for the sake of liberty, on which our happiness, lives, and properties depend. Let us never forget that our strength depends on our union, and our liberty on our strength.

"United we conquer-Divided we die." [Am. Gazette. REVOLT OF THE PENNSYLVANIA LINE.

The following documents are copied from the origi

Thus with a consistency of conduct having divested us of property, they are proceeding to erect over us a despotic government, and to rule us as slaves. For "nals, among du Simitiere's MSS. in the Philadelphia Lidespotical power, says Mr. Locke, is over such as have brary. They are interesting as exhibiting many circumno property at all." If, indeed, to be subject in our lives stances not contained in the account we lately publishand property to the arbitrary will of others, whom weed, and as showing the reasons and extent of the defechave never chosen, nor ever entrusted with such a pow- tion, and the progressive steps which were taken by the er, be not slavery, I wish any person would tell me what slavery is. state officers, under their difficult and delicate situation, to restore order among the soldiers.

Such then being the state of the case, you are now, my fellow citizens, to deliberate, not, whether you will tamely submit to this system of government. That I am sure your love of freedom and regard for yourselves and your posterity, will never suffer you to think of; but by what means you may defend your rights and liberties, and obtain a repeal of these acts.

In England, when the prerogative has been strained too high, or the people oppressed by the executive power, the parliament, who are the guardians, and protectors of the people's liberties, always petition for redress of grievances, and enforce their petitions, by withholding supplies until they are granted.

Our assembly, I am told, has applied for relief from these Acts of Parliament. But having nothing left to give, they could not enforce their application by withholding any thing.

Copy of General Wayne's propositions the day after the meeting.

"Mount Kemble, 2d January, 1781.

"Agreeable to the proposition of a very great proportion of the worthy soldiery last evening, General Wayne hereby desires the non-commissioned officers and privates, to appoint one man from each regiment, to represent their grievances to the General-who on the sacred honour of a gentleman and a soldier, does hereby solemnly promise, to exert every power to obtain an immediate redress of those grievances: And he further plights that honour, that no man shall receive the least injury, on account of the part they have taken on the occasion. And that the persons of those who may be appointed to settle the affair, shall be held sacred and

The General hopes soon to return to camp with all his brother soldiers, who took a little tour last evening.

It is, however, in our power, in a peaceable and con-inviolate. stitutional way, to add weights to the remonstrance and petition of our representatives, by stopping the importation of goods from Britain, until we obtain relief and redress by a repeal of these unconstitutional acts.

But this, it may be said, is subjecting ourselves to present loss and inconvenience.

I would beg leave to ask, whether any people in any age or country ever defended and preserved their liberty from the encroachments of power, without suffering present inconveniences. The Roman people suffered themselves to be defeated by their enemies, rather than

(Signed) ANTHONY WAYNE, Brig. Gen. A Copy-W. STEWART, Col.

In pursuance of the within order, a sergeant from each regiment met General Wayne, Colonels Butler and Stewart, and mentioned the following grievances, viz. 1. Many men continued in the service, after the expiration of the enlistments.

2. The arrearages of pay, and the depreciation not

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