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MUNICIPAL Cemeteries, 87.

NAVIGATION of the River St. Lawrence, 204.

OFFICIALITY of the Bishops of Quebec, 10.

POWERS of Courts to pronounce upon the Constitutionality of Federal
and Provincial Statutes. Case of Robert Dickson, 170.-Opinion
of Judge Monk, 171.--Opinion of Judge Badgley, 171.—B. N. A.
Act of 1867, 172.-The case of R. v. Rose, 174.-The law in Great
Britain, 174.—The law in the U. S., 174.—Remarks of Alexander
Hamilton, 175.-Case of Marbury and Madison, 175.-Remarks
of Dr. Von Holzendorff, 178.-Case of the Queen and Chandler,
180.-Case of Exparte Pepin, 182.-Case of Delisle v. L'Union
St. Jacques de Montreal, 182.-Remarks of Mr. Justice Ramsay,
in Pope and Griffith, 183.-The duty of the Courts, 184.
POWERS of Provincial Legislatures under the British Act, 49.-Powers
granted to Federal Parliament, 50.-Constitutional question with
regard to Municipalities, 51.-Criminal law and Procedure under
the jurisdiction of the Dominion Parliament, 53.-Definition of
Crime, 54.-Case of Hearne and Garton, 54.-Case of Attorney
General and Radloff, 55.—Case of Bancroft and Mitchell, 56.-
Case of Graves in re Prince, 57.-Remarks of T. A Saunders, 58.
—Remarks of J. F. Stephen, 58.—Remarks of Le Sellyers, 59.—
Provincial Legislature can only punish by fine, 61.-Provincial
Act 34 Vic. so far as regards procedure in Criminal matters null
and void, 63.-Powers of Colonial Parliaments, 334.
PRIVILEGES of General Assembly, 132.

PRIVY COUNCIL. Article of the London Times, 465.-Constitution and
practice, 465.-Letter from London, 467.-The simplicity of the
Court, 468.

PROMESSES DE MARIAGE. The jurisprudence of England and America,
358, and also of Lower Canada, 358.-The law of the Code, 359.
The old law of France, 359.-The Roman jurisprudence, 360.-
Remarks of Judge Slidell, 360.-The Prussian Code, 361.—The
Swiss Code, 361.-The Code Napoleon, 362.-Remarks of Pezzani,
363.-Remarks of Toullier, 384.-Authorities cited, 365.—Re-
marks of Parsons, 366.-Judge Mondelet's decision, 372.-Deci-
sion of Judge Badgely, 377.—Case of Mathieu v. Laflamme, 379-
The law as regards seduction, 380.

PUBLIC lands, 44, 45, 46.


QUEEN'S prerogative as to Corporations, 342.
QUESTION DES REGISTRES. Contestations both civil and religious, 430.
-The right of erecting parishes, 430.-Authentication of the re-
gisters, 430.-Questions of M. Trudel to the Provincial Legisla-
lature, 430. Decision of Judge Mackay, 431.-What is a Roman
Catholic parish, 432 -Action of the Bishop, 433. Authorities
cited, 434.-Municipal parishes, 439.-Objections, 441.-The ap-
peal to Rome, 443.-Petition of Rev. A. Mercier, and decision of
Judge Mackay, 444.-What is a succursale Church, 446.

RAILWAY GRANTS. Construction of railways as aids to settlement, 44.
Public lands under the Common law, 44.-In Canada previous to
'67, 44-Under the B. N. A. Act, 45.-Public lands the property of
the Provinces, 45. Intention of the Imperial Parliament, 46.—
Story's rule of interpretation, 47.-Case of Coleridge in re the
Queen v. Ellis, 48.-Dominion Parliament no control over Pro-
vincial lands, 48.

RATIFICATION de titre, 226.

REDACTION. Wills and Intestacy, 101-Sommaire des decisions
recentes, 106, 229, 470.-Bibliographic-American Trade Mark
cases, 246. La question de registres, 430.-The Union St.
Jacques Case, 449.

RENOUVELLEMENT des hypotheques, 228.

RIGHTS of Ecclesiastical Corporations in Quebec, 134.-Right of erect-
ing parishes, 430.

SAISIE Arret, 225.

SALARIES of Judges, 99.


STAMPS on negotiable instruments. Vide Timbres, &c., 153.

SUCCURSALE Church--what is, 446.

SUPERIOR COUNCIL of Quebec, 3. Jurisdiction of, 8.

SUPREMACY of the Crown, 14.

TEMOIGNAGE du mari separè de biens, 225.

TEMPORAL and mixed matters, 131.

TIMBRES DES EFFETS DE COMMERCE. Quels effets de Commerce ont
besoin de timbres, 154.-Quels effets n'ont pas besoin de timbres,
155. Quand le timbre doit-il etre apposé? 156.-Quels sont les
timbres qu'il faut apposer? 159.-Comment doivent etre mis les
timbres ? 161.—Qui peut remedier un des timbres, &c., 168.—Quand
peut-on remedier au defaut des timbres, 166.-Quelles sont les
consequences au defaut des timbres, &c., 167.

TREATY of Peace, 20. Of Paris, 25.

debate on its ratification, 409.-Reply of the Colonial Secretary
to the Canadian Government, 410.-Despatch from the Colonial
Office, 411.-Protest of the Privy Council, 411.-Reply to the
Colonial Office, 418.-The Treaty accepted, 420.

TRENHOLME, N. W. Expropriation 70, 206.
"UNION ST. JACQUES" CASE. Opinion of Caron, J., 449.—Opinion of
Badgley, J., 451.—The case of the widow Delisle, 452.—The right
of the Provincial Legislature, 452.-The Dominion Act, 454.
Opinion of Dwarris, 457.—Lord Campbell's opinion, 458.—Opin-
ion of Chancellor Kent, 459.-Opinion of Chancellor Ellesmere,
459. Opinion of Duval, C. J., 460.-Opinion of Drummond, J.,
461. Opinion of Monk, J., 462.

WILLS AND INTESTACY. The article of Hon. J. H. Gray, 101.—The
criticisms thereon, 101.-The law in New Brunswick and Nova
Scotia, 101. The law in Ontario, 101.-The devise of contingent
and executory interests, 102.-The witnesses required, 103.-
Cases cited, 104.-Letter from Fredericton, 104.-Letter of J. H.
Gray, 147.-Answer to Criticisms in Canada Law Journal, 147.—
The law in 1846, 151.-The law in 1857, 152.-Answer of Corres-
pondent at St. John to Mr. Gray's article, 463.—The words "heir
at law," 464.-The words "next of kindred," 464.—The case of
Doe v. Crane, 464.

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Chaffey in re. . . . . . . . . .

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Chauveau et ab v. The School. Commissioners of St. Francois de






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European and N. A. Railway Company v. Thomas..


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