Handbook of Giftedness and Talent Development in the Asia-PacificSusen R. Smith This is the first ever handbook on giftedness and talent development for the Asia-Pacific region. It discusses important issues for an important group of students, addresses a gap in the current understanding of gifted students in the region, traverses substantial intellectual terrain, and draws on past and present research literature. The handbook brings together contributions from 18 countries, providing a diverse, unique and comprehensive contemporary research and practice on giftedness and talent development in the Asia-Pacific region. It highlights contemporary issues and incorporates important topics such as conceptions, identification, curriculum, and programs. Chapters in the book will include a stronger focus on pedagogy that could assist researchers, academics and educators, post-graduate students, families, advocates, teachers and practitioners, and other stakeholders to support gifted students. It also informs pre-service education programs in gifted education, in-service professional learning programs, and future research and practice in this region of the world. |