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Proverbs. 1. A bitter jest-is the poison of friendship. 2. Be ever vigilant, but never suspicious. 3. Cheerfulness-is perfectly consistent with true piety. 4. Demonstration-is the best mode of instruction. 5. Entertain not sin, lest you like its company. 6. Finesse-is unworthy of a liberal mind. 7. Good counsel-is above all price. 8. Hearts-may agree, tho' heads-differ. 9. Idie

324 SHOUTING, or High and Loud-implying force of utterance. The last words of Marmion afford excellent means, when memorized, for the student to try the compass of his voice upwards, as well as its power on high pitches. It is not often that these high and almost screaming notes are required in public speaking: yet, there are times, especially in the open air, when they may be in-ness-is the parent of want, shame, and misery. troduced with great effect. And it is always well to have an inexhaustible capital of voice, as of money; indeed, there is no danger of having too much of either, provided we make Force of Habit. Habit-hath so vast a a proper use of them. In giving the word of prevalence over the human mind, that there command, on occasions of fire, erecting build-is scarcely any thing too strange, or too ings, on the field of battle, martial exercise, &c., power and compass of voice are very desirable.

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10. Learn to live, as you would wish to die. 11. Content-is the highest bliss. 12. Vex not yoursel when ill spoken of.

strong, to be asserted of it. The story of the miser, who, from long accustoming to cheat others, came at last to cheat himself, and with great delight and triumph picked his own pocket of a guinea, to convey to his hoard, is not impossible or improbable. In like manner it fares with the practisers of deceit, who, from having long deceived their acquaintance, gain at last a power of deceiving themselves, and acquire that very opinion, however false, of their own abili ties, excellences, and virtues, into which they have for years, perhaps, endeavored to betray their neighbors.

325. 1. "The war, that for a space did fail, Now, trebly thundering, swell'd the gale, And (10) Stanley!" (6) was the cry; A light on Marmion's visage spread, and fired his glazing eye: With dying hand, above his head, he shook the fragment of his blade, and shouted (8) VICTORY!" (9) Charge! CHESTER, (10) CHARGE! ON, (11) STANLEY-(12) ON!" (3) Were the last words of Marmion. 2. (6) LIBERTY! (8) FREEDOM! (5) TYRANNY is DEAD! (6) Run (7) HENCE! PROCLAIM it about the Varieties. 1. Eternity, (wrote a deaf STREETS! 3. The combat deepens: (4) and dumb boy,) is the lifetime of the Deity. "ON! ye BRAVE! Who rush-to (6) GLO-2. No evil can be successfully combatted, or RY, or the (3) grave; (9) WAVE-MUNICH! removed, but from the opposite good, from a all thy (10) BANNERS wave! (8) And charge-desire for it, and an attachment to it; i. e. with all thy (3) CHIVALRY."

till the mind is perfectly willing to relinquish 926. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, in its ex- the evil. 3. A man's ruling love-governs tended sense, includes the study of the con- him; because, what he loves, he continues stitutions, or fundamental laws of the vari- to will. 4. Sweet harmonist, and beautiful ous Nations: i. e. the structure, and mechan-as sweet, and young as beautiful, and soft as ism of their government, and the appoint- young, and gay as soft, and innocent as gay. ments, powers, and duties of their officers. 5. Had Cæsar genius? he was an orator! The United States Constitutional Law, may Had Cæsar judgment? he was a politician? be considered under five different heads; Had Cæsar valor? he was a conqueror ! viz: Legislative Power, Executive Power, Had Cæsar feeling? he was a friend! 6. Judicial Power, State Rights Restrictions, Music-is one of the sweetest flowers of the and United States Statutes and Treaties. intellectual garden; and. in relation to its The Legislative power is vested in a Con-power-to exhibit the passions, it may be gress, consisting of a Senate and House of called-the universal language of nature. Representatives, elected by the people, or 7. Whatever the immediate cause may be, their State Legislatures; the Executive pow-the effect is so far good, as men cease to do er, in a President, who holds his office four evil, they learn to do well. years; the Judicial power, in a Supreme Court, which consists of one Chief Justice, A perilous life, and sad-as life may be, and eight Associate Justices, and in such Hath the lone fisher-on the lonely sea; inferior courts, as Congress may ordain, or establish. State rights and restrictions are For some poor pittance, e'er compelled to roan! In the wild waters laboring, far from home, powers not delegated by the Constitution to the United States, nor prohibited by it to the Fete friends to cheer him-in his dangerous life, States, but reserved to the States, respect-Companion of the sea and silent air, And none to aid him-in the stormy strife. ively, or to the people.


Anecdote. Patience. A youth, who was The lonely fisher thus must ever fare;

"Thou art, O God! the life and light

a pupil of Zeno, on his return home, was ask-Without the comfort, hope-with scarce a friend ed by his father, "what he had learned ?" He looks through life, and only sees-its end! The lad replied, "that will appear hereaf ter." On this, the father, being enraged, beat his son; who, bearing it patiently, and withBut complaining, said, "This have 1 learnad, to endure a parent's anger."

Rather suffer wrong than do wrong.

Of all this wondrous world we see;
Its glow by day, its smile by night.

Are but reflections-caught from thee!
Where'er we turn, thy glories shine.
And all things bright and fair--are thine,"

327. SPEAKING THE GAUNTLET. Wel Proverbs. 1. Soft hands, and soft brainshave all heard of the practice, that prevails generally go together. 2. Let fine be the judge, among some tribes of Indians, called "run- and common sense the jury. 3. Cherish an arning the gauntlet;" when a company ardent love of nature and of art. 4. The region range themselves in two rows, a few yards beyond the grave, is not a solitary one. 5. Each apart, and their prisoner is obliged to run night--is the past day's funeral: and each morn-between them; when each throws his hatchet is resurrection. 6. Better be exalted by humility, at him; and if he passes through whoat than brought low by exaltation. 7. Tight-lacingbeing killed, he is permitted to live. In the is a gradual suicide, and tends to enkindle imimportant exercise, here recommended, each pure desires. 8. Good manners--are always be member of the class, after making some proficiency, memorizes and recites, a strong and powerful sentence, and the others try to put out, or break down, the one that is speaking, by all sorts of remarks, sounds, looks, and actions; tho' without touching him: and the gauntlet speaker, girds up the loins of his mind, and endeavors to keep the fountain of feeling higher than the streams: and so long, he is safe; but alas for him. that shrinks into himself, and yields to his


But this.-and ills severer-he sustains:
As gold-the fire, and, as unhurt remains:
Wien most reviled, altho' he feels the smart,
It wekes-to NOBLER deeds-the wounded heart.
The notle mind-unconscious of a fault,
No fortune's frown—can bend, or smiles-eralt:

Like the firm rock-that in mid-ocean-braves

The war of whirlwinds, and the dash of waves:
Or, like a tower-he lifts his head on high--
And fortune's arrows-far below him fly.

325. MOUTHING. Somethink that words are rendered more distinct to barce assemblies, by dwelling longer on the syliables; others, that it adds to the pomp and soletarity of public declamation, in which they think every thing must be diferent Arin pricate discourse, This is one of the vix of the stage, and is called theatrical in opposition to what is natural. By trip pia, In on the tongue," Shakspeare probably means the bounding of the voice from ae. cent to accent; trippingly along from word to word, without resting on syllables by the way. And, by " mouthing," dwelling on syllables, that have no accent, and ought therefore to be pronounced as quickly as is consistent with a proper enunciation. Avoid an artificial air, and hold, as it were, the mirror up to nature. See the difference in the following, by pronouncing them with the accent, extending thro' the whole world, in a drawling tone, and then. giving them properly: con-jec-ture, en-croach-ment. happi-ness, grat-i-tude, for-tu-nate-ly; which is very far from true solemnity, which is in the spirit; not alone in the manner.

Anecdote. A student in college-carried a manuscript poem, of his own composition, to his tutor, for his inspection. The tutor, after looking it over, inquired the author's reason, for beginning every line with a capital letter, "Because it is poetry," said the student. "It is!" said the teacher, "I declare, I should not have thought it.'

Py frequent use--EXPERIENCE-gains its growth,
But knowledge--flies from laziness and sloth

coming. 9. The candid man has nothing to con

ceal; he speaks nothing but truth. 10. Plate said-read much; but read not many books. 11. Marry in haste; repent at leisure. 12. If you will not keep, you cannot have. 13. Prune off useless


learn to tolerate nothing ancient, that reason Government. It is time that men should does not respect, and to shrink from no novelty, to which reason may conduct. It is time that the human powers, so long occupied by subordinate objects and inferior arts, should mark the commencement of a new era in history, by giving birth to the art of improving government, and increasing the civil happiness of man. It is time, that le gislators, instead of that narrow and dastardly coasting, which never ventures to lose sight of usage and precedent, should, guided by the polarity of reason, hazard a baller navigation, and discover, in unexplored regions, the treasure of public felicity.

Varieties. 1. Did not Mr. Pitt, by the force of his elequence raise himself to be the prime minister of England? 2. A rich man's so-geterally begins-where his faller left off; and Gads-where his father bogan-prwnyless. 3. A proneness to talk of persons invesd of things, indicates a marrow, and superimist mird. The worl 1--may scorn me, if they choose; I care But I ttle for their scoffings: I may sink for moments; but I rise again, nor shrink From doing – what the faithful heart inspires I will not flatter, fawn, nor crouch, nor wink At what high mounted wealth, or power desires; I have a LOITIER aim-to which my soul aspires. Be humble--learn thyself to sean; Know-PRIDE-was never made for man.

6. Where there is emulation-there will be vanity; and where there is vanity, there will be fully. 7. Each man has his proper standard to fight under, and his peculiar duty to perform: one tribe's office-is not that of another: neither is the inheritance the


I wander--by the mountain's side,
Whose peaks-relect the parting day,
Or stoop-to view the river glide
In silvery ripples -
-on its way.
The turf is green, the sky is blue,

The sombre trees--in silence rest,
Save where a songster-rustles through
The drooping foliage-to h's next;
Yet one thing--wants the pilgrim there-
A kindred sond, the scene to share.

329. REVISION. Before entering on a con- | Proverbs. 1. Pride-is the greatest enemy sideration of the Inflections, and other higher to reason; and discretion-the great opposite of modifications of voice, the pupil is again car-pride. 2. The wise-shape their apparel to the nestly solicited-to review all the principles, body; the proud-shape their body to their appathat have been brought forward; especially re. 3. A sound and vigorous mind, in a healthy all that relates to Accent, Pauses, Emphasis, body, is an invaluable possession. 4. Experienceis the mother of the arts. 5. He, is never tred of and the alphabet of music, or the eight notes; and, in this revision, be careful not to con- listening, who wishes to gain knowledge. 6. Betfound one principle with another; as stress ter consider for a day, than repent for a year. 7. Economy-is the foundation of liberality, and the with quantity, high sounds with loud ones, and low ones with feeble. Remember, that would be decent, clean, and healthy. 9. The path parent of independence. 8. Use no tobacco, if you stress is a quick blow, or ick-tus of the voice; of literature is more difficult, than that which leads quantity-length of sound; high sounds-on, to fortune. 10. That which is well done, is twice or above the sixth note; loud ones-halloo done. 11. Of a little--take a little. 12. A hasty ing; low sounds-on, or below the third note; man-never wants woe. feeble ones, softly, as from weakness. Practice the examples, till you make them fil you, and produce on yourselves and others, the desired effects.

330. I came to the place of my birth, and said; "The frients of my youth-where are they?" And echo answered,-" Where ?" 2. When the Indians were solicited to emigrate to the West, they replied; What! shall we say, to the bones of our fathers-Arise! and go with us into a foreign land?

Providence. If a man lets his hand lie in the ie, it is highly probable Providence will ordain it to be frozen; or if he holds it in the fire, to be burnt. Those who go to sea, Providence will sometimes permit to be drowned; those, on the other hand, who never quit dry grouad, Providence will hardly sufer to perish in the sea. It is therefore justly said, "Help yourself, and Heuren will help you." The truth is, that God has helped us from the beginning; the work of the master is completed; and, so far as 'it was intended to be so, perfect; it requires, therefore, no further extraordinary aids and correct.ons from above; its further development and improvement in this world is placed in our own hands. We may be good or bad. wise or foolish, not always perhaps in the degree which we, as individuals, might choose, were our wills perfectly free, but so far as the state of the human race, immediately preceding us, has formed us to decide. Varieties. 1. Is animal, or human magtile ise, practice the elevation of the cllows toa rizal penetism, true? 2. When the spirit is deter

The truly lovely-
Are not the fair, who boast Lut of outward grace,
The nought, but beautiful of form and face;
They are the lovely—THEY, in whom un.te, [light,
Earth's fleeting charms-with virtue's HEAVENLY
Who, tho' they wither,―yet, with faded blooin--
Bear their all of sweetness-to the tomb.

Notes. 1. Such is the careless and ignorant manner in which many have been permitted to come up, instead of being brought up, that it will often be found recessary to use a variety of means to become dives'ed of bad habits and their consequences, 2 Probably the lungs suffer more than any other part of the

tody, by being cooped up in a small cavity. To enlarge the chest,

nearly level with the shoulders, and commence gently tapping the breast between the shoulders, the ends of the fingers of both hands

being nearly together; and then, during the exercise, strike tack

from the sternum toward each shoulder, drawing the hands far pita, and even out on the arm, without depressing the ellows:

ther and farther apart, till the ends of the fingers reach the arm

try it, and you will see and know.

Anecdote. Flying To; not From. Some years ago, a person requested permission of the Bishop of Salisbury, in England, to fly from the spire of his church. The good bishop, with an anxious concern for the man's spiritual, as well as temporal safety, told him, he was very welcome to fly to the church; but he would encourage no one to fly from it.


Child of the sun! pursue thy rapturous flight,
Mingling with her thou lov'st-in fields of 1 ght;
And, where the flowers of Paradise unfold,
Quaff fragrant nectar-from their cups of gold,
There shall thy wings, rich as an evening sky,
Expand-and shut-in silent ecstasy.

Yet, wert thou once a worm, a thing, that crept
On the bare earth, then wrought a tomb, and slept;
And such-is 17′′7: soon, from his cell of clay,
To burst a seraph-n the blaze of day.

mined, it can do almost anything; therefore, never yield to discouragement in doing, or getting, what is good and true. 3. What temptation is greater, than permitting young persons, and especially young men, in this degenerate world, to handle much money, that is not their own. 4. Exhibit such an example in your dress, conversation, and temper, as will be worthy of imitation. 5. We often hear it said, "that people, and things, are chungel. Is it not oureel ** that have changed? The heart-makes all around, a mirror of itself.

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Proverbs. 1 A wise governor, would rather preserve peace, thn gain a victory. 2. It is sometimes a benefi to grant favors, and at other 3. An angry person is an times, to deny ther 4.

gry with himself, w en he returns to reason. Wherever you are, conform to the usual customs and manners of le country. 5. To encourage

331. EVERY emotion of the mind has its own external manifestation; so that no one emotion can be accommodated to another. Observe the native eloquence of a hungry child, when asking for a piece of bread and butter; especially, the third or fourth time; and mark its emphasis, and tones: also the qualities of voice, with which it expresses its the unworthy, is to promote vice. 6. Ingratitu to the benevolent-generally ends in disgrace. 7 grief, anger, joy, &c. The manner of each Esteem virtue, tho' in a foe: abhor vice, tho' in a passion is entirely different; nor does it ever friend. 8. The more one speaks of himself, ths apply one for another; indeed, children in less willing is he, to hear an her talked about. their own efforts, always make the proper 9. Nature-is always content with herself. 11 emphasis, inflections, and gestures; and they Form your opinions of a person, Ly his questions, are graceful in all, when under the sole influ- rather than by his answers. 1. Sy--can wisence of nature. Thus, from nature, unso-dom-c'er reside, with passion, ewry, hate, or phistocated, may be derived the whole art of pride? 12. In a calm sea, every n an ie pilot. 13 speaking. The author is free to acknow- A good life--keeps off wrinkles. ledge, that he has learned more about true eloquence, from children, and the Indians, and his consequent practice, than from all

other sources.

Debt. There is nothing-more to be dreaded, than debt: when a person, whose principles are good, unhappily falls into this situation, adieu to all peace and comfort 332. CICERO-copied, and imitated, every The reflection imbitters every meal, and body; he was the very mocking-bird of el- drives from the eyelids refreshing sleep. It oquence, which is his greatest distinction, corrodes and cankers every cheerful idea and glory: for who so various as he; who so and, like a stern Cerberus, guards each ave sweet, so powerful, so simply eloquent, or so nue to the heart, so that pleasure does not magnificently flowing, and each, and all, by approach. Happy! thrice happy! are those, turns! His mind was a perfect pan-harmon- who are blessed with an independent compe icon. Your original writer,-your original tence, and can contine their wants within the character, has no sympathies; he is heart- bounds of that competenc, be it what it may nound, brain-bound and lip-bound; he is tru- To such alone, the bread life is palatable ly an oddity; he is like no-body, and no-body and nourishing. Sweet ise morsel, that is is like him; he feeds on self-adoration, or acquired by an honest indux “y, the produce the adulation of fools; who mistake the ora- of which is permanent, or that flows from a cles of pride and vanity, for the inspirations source which will not fail. A subsistence, of genius. that is precarious, or procured by an uncer. 333. There are some, even in this enlight-tain prospect of payment, carries neither ened age, who affect to despise the acquisi-wine nor oil with it. Let me, therefore, again tion of elocution, and other important and useful accomplishments; but such persons are generally very awkward themselves, and dislike the application and practice, that are necessary to render them agreeable and impressive speakers. It is an old adage-that many--despise that, which they do not possess, and which they are too indolent to attain. Remember the fox and the grapes.

Anecdote. A colonel was once complaining, that from the ignorance, and inattention of the officers, he was obliged to do the whole duty of the regiment. Said he, "I am my own captain, my own lieutenant, my own cornet, and"—"Your own trumpeter," said a lady present.

NOW came still evening on, and twilight gray
Had, in her sober livery, all things clad.
Silence-accompanied; for beast, and bird,
They, to their grassy couch, these-to their nest
Were sunk, all, but the wakeful nightingale ;
She, all night long, her amorous descant sung;
Silence-was pleas'd. Now glow'd the firmament
With living sapphires: Hesperus, that led
The starry host, rode brightest; till the moon,
Rising in clouded majesty, at length,
Apparent queen, unvail'd her peerless light,
And o'er the dark her silver mantle threw.

repeat, that the person, who is deeply involv ed in debt, experiences, on earth, all the tortures, the poets describe to be the lot of the wretched inhabitants of Tatarus.

Varieties. 1. Is not a want of purity, the cause of the fickleness of mankind? 2. A man's character is like his shadow; which sometimes follows, and at others, pre cedes him; and which is occasionally longer, or shorter, than he is. 3. Admiration-signifies the reception and acknowledgment of a thing, in thought, and affection. 4. We should have good roads, if all the sinners were set to mend them. 5. The world is a hire, that affords both sweets, and poisons, with many empty combs. 6. All earthly enjoyments are not what they appear; therefore, we should discriminate; for some are sweet in hopes, but, in fruition, sour. 7. Order-is the sweetest, most pacific, regular, and delightful melody: the first motion is one, and the end is one: the final end is the similitude of the beginning.

Self, alone, in nature-rooted fast,
Attends us first, and leaves us last.

those, whom we do not esteem. 9. Labor brings pleasure; idleness-pain. 10. Many a true word 12. First come, first served. 13. When gold speaks, is spoken in jest. 11. He who serves-is not free all tongues are silent.

Anecdote. Don't know him. Lord Nel

834. INFLECTIONS. These are the rising | Proverbs. 1. As you sow, you shall reap. and falling slides of the voice, terminating 2. Betray no trust, and divulge no secret. 3. Chide on a higher, or lower pitch, than that on not severely, nor punish hastily. 4. Despise nono, which it commenced; being continuous from and despair of none. 5. Envy cannot see; ignothe radical, or opening fullness of voice, to rance cannot judge. 6. Gossiping and lying, gethe vanish, or terminating point; and not nerally go hand in hand. 7. He, who swears, discrete, as the seven notes are. In the in-distrusts his own word. S. It is not easy to love tomations, the voice steps up or down, by discrete degrees; but in the inflections, it glides up or down, by continuous degrees. The piano, organ, &c., give discrete degrees; the harp, violin, &c., continuous degrees. 335. The following sentences may be read, with either the falling, or the rising inflection; and the pupil should determine, from the sense, &c., the object of the question. 1. Is not good reading and speaking a very rare attainment? 2. How are we to recover from the effects of the fall? 3. Are we natually inclined to evil or good? 4. Is it possible for man to save himself? 5. Who is entitled to the more honor, Columbus, or Washington? 6. Which is the more useful member in society, the farmer, or the mechanic? 7. Ought there to be any restrictions to emigration? 8. Will any one, who knows his own heart, trust himself? |

son, when a boy, being on a visit to his aunt's. went one day a hunting, and wandered so far, that he did not return, till long after dark. The lady, who was much alarmed by his absence, scolded him severely; and among other things said; I wonder Feur did not drive you home. "Fear," replied the lad, "I don't know him.”

Progress of Society. Whoever has attentively meditated-on the progress of the human race, cannot fail to discern, that there is now a spirit of inquiry amongst men, which nothing can stop, or even materially control. Reproach and obloquy, threats and persecution, will be in vain. They may imbitter opposition and engender violence, but they cannot abate the keenness of research. There is a silent march of thought, which no power can arrest, and which, it is not difficult to foresee, will be marked by important events. Mankind were never before in the situation in which they now stand. The press has been operating upon them for several centuries, with an influence scarcely perceptible at its commencement, but by daily becoming more

336. The inflections-may, perhaps, be better understood, by contrasting them with the monotone; which is nearly one continued Bound, without elevation, or depression, and may be represented by a straight horizontal line, thus ; In the use of the inflections, the voice departs from the monotone, and its radical, in a continued elevation or depression, two, three, five, or eight notes, according to the intensity of the affirmation, interrogation, command, petition, or nega-palpable, and acquiring accelerated force, it tim; which are the five distinctive attributes of the vital parts of speech.

337. SOME OF MAN'S CHARACTERISTICS. His position is naturally upright; he has free use of both hands: hence, he is called the only two-handed animal: the prominence of his chin, and the uniform length of his teeth, are peculiar: he is, physically, defenceless, having neither weapons of attack nor of defence: his facial angle is greater than that of any other animal; being from 70° to 90°: he has generally the largest brains: he is the only animal that sleeps on his back: the only one that laughs and weeps; the only one that has an articulate language, expressive of ideas: and he is the only one endued with reason and moral sense, and a capacity for religion; the only being capable of serving God intelligibly.


Thy soul-was like a star-and dwelt apart;
Thou hadst a voice-whose sound was like the sea,
Pure-as the naked heavens, majestic. free.
So didst thou travel-on life's common way,
In cheerful godliness; and yet-thy heart
The lowliest duties-on herself did lay.

is rousing the intellect of nations; and happy will it be for them, if there be no rash inter ference with the natural progress of knowledge; and if by a judicious and gradual adaptation of their institutions to the inevitable changes of opinion, they are saved from those convulsions, which the pride, prejudices and obstinacy of a few may occasion to the whole.

Varieties. 1. A good wife -is like a snail. Why? Because she keeps in her own house: a good wife is not like a snail. Why? Because she does not carry her all on her back: a good wife is like a town clock. Why? Because she keeps good time: good wife is not like a town clock. Why! Because she does not speak so loud, that all the town can hear her: a good wife is like an echo. Why? Because she speaks when spoken to: a good wife is not like an echo. Why Because she does not tell--all she hears. Ye maidens fair-consider well, And look both shrewd, and sly, Ere rev'rend lips, make good the knot, Your teeth-will ne'er untie


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