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June 9.

1704. in Flanders, under the duke of Wirtemberg, followed the duke of Marlborough, who marched from Ladenburg to Mildenheim, where, the next day, prince Eugene paid him a vifit. The confultations between the prince and the duke lafted feveral hours; and it was agreed upon, that the two armies fhould join, and the duke and prince Lewis of Baden fhould command each day alternately, and that prince Eugene fhould go upon the Rhine to command a feparate army. June 12. The troops being drawn up in order of battle, the duke ac

companied prince Eugene to a review, when the prince feemed wonderfully pleafed to find them in fuch excellent June 14. order after fo long a march (a). The next day, prince Lewis of Baden arrived in the camp at Great-Heppach, where a conference was held in the evening. The day following the troops marched from Great-Heppach, and prince Lewis went to his army on the Danube, and prince Eugene rid poft for Philipfburgh to command the army on the Rhine, and on the 22d joined prince Lewis of Baden at Wasterstet. On the 24th the army marched from thence to Elchingen, the next day to Gingen. On the 30th the army marched from thence to Landthauffen on the right, and Balmertfhoffen on the left, and paffed fo near the enemy's camp, that lieutenant-general Bulau was fent out the night before with a detachment of two thoufand horfe and dragoons, to fecure the avenues, by which they might have disturbed the march of the allies, who, by this means, proceeded without any oppofition. On the firft of July they continued their march in fight of the enemy's intrenchments at Dillingen, and incamped the right at Ainerdighen, and the left at Onderingen.

While they lay in this camp, the duke received advice, that the elector of Bavaria had fent the beft of his infantry to reinforce count d'Arco, who was pofted at Schellenberg, a rifing ground on the Danube, near Donawert, where, for feveral days, he had caufed fome thousands of men to work upon intrenchments, as being a post of vaft importance. The bat. The duke refolved to march and attack the enemy; and the necetary directions being given to the army, on the 2d Schellen- of July, carly in the morning, he advanced with a detach

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(a) Pince Eugene said to the rage which appears in the duke, I never faw better "countenance of the foldiers, horfes, arms, and cloathing," of which I never faw the like “but all these things may be "in any troops." Lamberti purchased with money; what Hil. 85. ilikes me moft, is the cou

ment of thirty fquadrons of English and Dutch, a confider- 1704. able number of foot commanded by lieutenant-general Goor, three battalions of imperial grenadiers under prince Lewis of Baden, and the reft of the army followed with all poffible diligence. But the march being long, and the ways very bad, they could not reach the river Wermitz, which run by Donawert, till about noon, and it was three hours before the bridges were finished, for the troops and cannon to pafs over. About five o'clock in the afternoon, they came before Schellenberg, and the duke of Marlborough moved up with the horse as near the enemy's intrenchments as was neceffary to take a view of them. In the mean time, the artillery began to fire upon the enemy, who anfwered brifkly from their batteries for about an hour, when the Englith and Dutch foot, fupported by the horfe and dragoons, began the attack with prodigious refolution, before the imperialifts could arrive; but, having the greatest part of the enemy's forces to contend with, they were at firft obliged to give ground. Soon after the imperialifts came up very feafonably, and being led on in good order by prince Lewis of Baden, advanced to the enemy's works without once firing, threw their fafcines into the ditch, and paffed over with inconfiderable lofs. The enemy's horfe charged them vigorously, but were repulfed; and then, the imperial cavalry entering their intrenchments, and the English and Dutch breaking in about the fame time, the confederates made a dreadful flaughter of the enemy. Lieutenant-gencral Goor, who commanded the firft detachment of foot, and major-general Beinheim, both in the Dutch fervice, loft their lives very much lamented. The horse and dragoons fhared the glory of the day with the infantry, and all the confederate troops behaved themfelves with incredible bravery and refolution. But, as the attack was begun by a battalion of the English foot-guards, and the regiments of Orkney and Ingoldíby, they fuffered very much. The enemy's forces confifted of thirty-two thoufand men, all choice troops, commanded in chief by count d'Arco, and under him by two Bavarian and two French lieutenant-generals. As foon as the confederates had poffefled the intrenchments, the enemy ran away in great confufion to Donawert and the Danube; but, being clofely purfued by the horfe and dragoons, a great many followed the example of their generals, who faved themfelves by swimming over that river. The lofs of the enemy was computed to be about fix thoufand men. The confe derates made themfelves mafters of fixteen pieces of cannon,

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thirteen colours, with all their tents and baggage. The duke of Marlborough gained great honour in this action, giving directions with extraordinary prefence of mind, and expofing his perfon to the greatest danger. Prince Lewis of Baden was wounded, having performed the part of a brave experienced general; as was alfo the hereditary prince of Helle-Caflel, who, throughout the whole action, gave fignal proofs of an undaunted courage. Count Stirum was mortally wounded. General Thungen, count Horn, lieutenant-general Wood, major- generai Paland, and feveral other officers of diftinction, were likewife wounded. The next day, the Bavarian garrifon quitted Donawert (a) upon the approach of the confederates, and broke down the bridges, but had not time to deftroy their ammunition and provisions, as they had intended..

The elector of Bavaria was no fooner informed of the defeat of his troops at Schellenberg, then he quitted his ftrong camp between Dillingen and Lavingen, and came to the other fide of the Danube, over-againft Donawert, in his march to the river Leche, to prevent the confederates cutting off his retreat to his country.

On the 5th of July, the duke of Marlborough paffed the Danube near Donawert; and, on the 17th, count de Frise, with a detachment of four-thousand men and twelve pieces of cannon, marched over the river Leche, and took post in the county of Bavaria. The whole army marched at the fame time, and incamped with the right at Hamber, and the left at Ginderkingen. Upon the firft notice of the allies having begun to pals the Leche, the garrison of Newburg marched out and retired to Ingoldftadt. Whereupon a detachment of dragoons was immediately fent out by the duke of Malborough to take poffeffion of that place; and prince Lewis of Baden ordered general Herberville, who commanded a separate body of between three and four-thoufand men on the other fide of the Danube, to remain there for the fecurity of that important place, and for the drawing of provifions out of Franconia for the fubfiftence of the confederate troops, while they continued in Bavaria. On the 10th, the whole army paffed the Leche; and, on the 13th

(a) Donawert is a city of Germany, in the confines of Suabia, Neuberg, and Bavaria. It was taken by the duke of Marlborough after the memorable victory above mentioned.


It stands on the river Danube, twenty-five miles north of Augfburg, feventeen weft of Neuburg, and forty-four north east of Ulm.

count Vecklen, general of the Palatine horse, arrived from prince Eugene of Savoy with an account, that the marshals Villeroy and Tallard had paffed the Rhine above fort Kehl, in order to fuccour the elector of Bavaria; for which reason he defired a reinforcement of horse, to inable him the better to obferve the enemy's motions. Upon which prince Maximilian of Hanover was detached with thirty fquadrons of imperial horfe, with orders to join prince Eugene with all poffible diligence.


The enemy having left a garrison at Rain (a), the con- Rain furfederate generals refolved to attack it; and, in order there- renders to to, the army decamped from Ginderkingen, paffed the the allies. Leche, and came with the right to Stauda, and the left to Berchiem. The garrifon at firft feemed refolved to defend the place to the laft extremity; but the befiegers playing upon the town with twenty-feven pieces of cannon, their approaches were carried on fo fuccefsfully, that in two days July 16. the governor defired to capitulate: and, the articles being agreed on, the garrifon marched out the next day, to the number of about four hundred foot, commanded by the count de Mercy, brigadier-general, and were conducted by a party of horse to the elector of Bavaria's camp near Augsburg. There were found in the place twenty four brafs cannon, a confiderable quantity of provifions, and fome ammunition. The allies, encouraged by the fuccefs of their arms, were willing to push their advantages; and, on the 18th, marched to attack the poft of Aicha, which had a garrison of eight or nine hundred Bavarians; who refufing to fubmit, were part of them put to the fword, the reft made prisoners of war, and the town permitted to be plundered by the foldiers. The confederate army having refreshed themfelves two days at Aicha, marched from thence on the 21ft, and the next day poffeffed themfelves of Friburg.

The duke of Marlborough having now the elector of Ba- Burnet. varia at fo great a difadvantage, entered upon a treaty with him, and offered him what terms he could defire, either for himself or his brother, even to the paying him the whole charge of the war, upon condition that he would immediately break with the French, and fend his army into Italy to join with the imperialists there. The elector's fubjects, who were now at mercy, preffed him vehemently to

(a) Rain is a little town in Germany, in the circle of Bavaria, near the Danube and


Leche, fix miles east of Dona-
wert, and nine weft of Neu-

1704. accept of these terms; and he feemed inclined to hearken to them, and messengers went often between the two armies. But this was done only to gain time, for he fent courier after courier with moft preffing inftances to haften the advance of the French army. When he faw, that he could gain no more time, the matter went fo far, that articles were ordered to be made ready for figning, which, in conclufion, he refufed to do. This refulal was highly_refented by the duke of Marlborough and prince Lewis of Baden, who immediately fent out the count de la Tour, general of the imperial horfe, and the count of eaft Frifeland, lieutenant-general in the Dutch fervice, with thirty fquadrons of horse and dragoons, to plunder and burn the country of Bavaria as far as Munich, the capital city, hoping, that either a generous compaffion for his fubjects, or the want of fubfiftence, would conquer the elector's obftinacy. In the mean time, the inhabitants of these parts were in the greatest confternation, and fent deputies to the duke of Marlborough, offering to pay large contributions to prevent military execution. But the duke replied, "That the forces of the queen of Great"Britain were not come into Bavaria to get money, but "to bring their prince to reafon." The two generals therefore put their commiffion in execution with the utmost feverity, while the elector of Bavaria and the marfhal de Marfin, having evacuated Ratisbon, were obliged to confine themfelves within their ftrong camp and intrenchments at Augsburg, in expectation of another army from France under Marthal Tallard, which, notwithstanding all the vigilance and precaution of prince Eugene, arrived before the end of July at Biberach near Ulm, to the number of about twenty-two thoufand men. Upon this, the elector marched with his army from Augfburg, and took that opportunity to join the French.

The confederate army, under the duke of Marlborough, having intelligence of thefe proceedings, decamped on the 4th of Augult from Friburg, and marched that night to Kippach.

The next morning they encamped from thence, and marched to Hukenwert, where they continued two days. During that time, the duke of Marlborough, prince Eugene, and prince Lewis of Baden held a council of war; wherein it was agreed, that prince Lewis fhould befiege Ingoldstadt, whilft the other two were to observe the elector of Bavaria. On the 8th, the army under the duke of Marlborough marched from Hokenwert to St. Sanditzel; and, on the


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