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different persons as assistants. The Pri- Until 1853, the proportion was but a little
mary Department has claimed the atten- more than 25 per cent-123 out of 477.
tion of Miss Jane E. Clark, now in Cali- For '53 and '54, 92 out of 201, or 43 per
fornia; D. W. Pickard, a settled Pastor cent. For '54 and '55, 108 out of 188 or
in Massachusetts, and Mrs. Lucy Shinn, 57 per cent. For the present year 114
at present in Texas. There have presid-out of 206, or 55 per cent.
ed over the Female Department, Miss O.

Another gratifying evidence of increase

A. Lewis, a resident of this town; Miss in usefulness is found in the fact that

M. C. Hubbs, now Mrs. D. W. Clark, of during the earlier years of its existence,
Portland, Maine, and Miss Fanny S. Jos- the large majority could finish their ed-
lyn, who still continues at her post. ucation in one or two quarters, while now
Penmanship has been under the direc- the majority continue with us one or two
tion of R. A. Rice, now a business man years, and then are not satisfied. The
of Chicago, and J. L. Frink, now engaged proportion of those who entered upon the
in the Book business at Prairie du Chien,
who, during his stay with us, also taught
in Drawing and Crayoning.

study of the classics during the first five years of my connection with the school was greater than at the present. This, however, gives me no alarm, for in the absence of the Dead Languages and the German and the French, more attention

Miss N. C. Webb, still residing near us, Miss M. E. Page, now with us, and Mr. Geo. E. King, a resident of Monroe, in this State, have controlled and guided has been given to the best of all-our own the unskilled fingers upon instruments of tongue. This change for the better will strings, few or many, while the latter make for us better citizens, better wives gave instruction in the use of that best, and mothers. In reply to the question, but most abused of instruments, the hu-"What will you study?" frequently was man voice. heard:-"Latin, French, Philosophy,

And now, of what will perhaps be of Astronomy, and if you think best, and greater interest to the most present-that I shall have time for it, Arithmetic those who have made up the classes of and English Grammar. I never studied the school for the past ten years. My Grammar, but Arithmetic I have learned list contains the names of 785 who have as far as Fractions." for a longer or shorter time been under

Now it is "Arithmetic, Grammar, Geomy tuition. Of that number, Illinois has graphy, and History, and whenever you furnished 37; Iowa, 10; Kentucky, think best Philosophy and some of the Pennsylvania, Virginia and Minnesota, 2 branches of a Higher Education. I do each; Ohio, New York, Rhode Island, not know as I shall be able to attend New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Louisia-school more than a year or two, and I na, Indiana and New Mexico, 1 each, and wish to improve my time to the best adour own State, 722. vantage." This is indeed a glorious Of the 785-452 were at the time of change, and we shall see the fruits of it attendance, residents of the town of in after years in the men and women who Platteville. For the first seven years, are to be. I would not by any means but few came from abroad. deny the utility of the classics, but they Since we came into this building the should be as a superstructure, not a founproportion has been steadily increasing. dation. The good English should be our

first study. We claim no partiality for tained me but one whole day from the those of any particular nation. Our stu- school room for ten years, and I may say dents have been furnished from England, with all due deference to the medical Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Norway, Ger- profession, that medicine kept me away many, France, Prussia and Switzerland at that time. From all causes combined, as well as from all parts of North Ameri- I have not been absent from my post ca. Good students have been found during the ten years more than one week among them all. The large mass have except during my absence East, when my been children of the "sturdy sons of place was well filled by another. I love toil," and how could they be else than my work, my pupils, and trust ever to good. Every branch of industry has had be loved by them. its representatives in our classes. And When I first entered upon my work in all departments of mechanical and ag- here, it was with feelings of distrust and ricultural and professional industry, may fear, lest the fate of my predecessors be be found those whose names are upon our mine also. Said one of them to me,Records, and whose remembrance is in "Should you ride the wave of popularity our hearts. in Platteville more than six months, it That the young as well as the older are will be a wonder.". Wonder or no wonfond of change, may be seen in the pres-der, I have no reason to complain of the ent residences of our pupils as contrasted result. I have found in Platteville, even with the table given at the outset. Wis- persecuted as she may have been, warm consin still contains nearly 500 of the friends, kind treatment, and a happy, 785. The Land of Gold has lured away very happy home. I say no more than more than 70. The attractions of the is your due, citizens of Platteville, when Prairie have swallowed up many, and I say that I doubt if anywhere upon the more than 60 are found in Illinois; Min-face of the earth, with an equal populanesota has 17, and Iowa an equal num- tion, I could have found so many true ber; New York 8; Michigan, Kentuck- friends. Commencing with fire pupils, y, Missouri, Kansas, New Jersey and all of whom survive till this present, and Maine, 4 each; Ohio, 6; Pennsylvania the majority of whom are still residents and Oregon, 3 each; Massachusetts and of Platteville, I have met every day with Texas, 2 each; Arkansas, Nicaragua, renewed expressions of esteem and confiVirginia, Nebraska, Rhode Island, Louis-dence, for which I sincerely thank you. iana, Indiana and New Mexico, I each.-The teacher as well as others has his peThe residences of about 40 are unknown. culiar trials, but with you I have ever The grave has claimed 21, and their found that cordial sympathy which has work on earth is ended. They have gone to their last examination.

There have been married into the fam

lessened my trials. Of your interest in the prosperity of Platteville Academy, this building stands as a lasting monu

ily more than 100, Our grandsons and ment. For the various uses of the Acadgrand daughters are numbered by the emy the citizens of Platteville and its imEach year adds largely to the mediate vicinity, have subscribed in all list. May they be worthy of their sires, about $23,000.


Of those who have constituted the Of myself a word. God has given me Board of Trustees for years past, I will uninterrupted health-sickness has de- say;-You are not aware of the courage



you have inspired in me, by your united COMMENCEMENT-THE STATE UNIand hearty co-operation in the plans proposed, and in the designs perfected. My connection with the Trustees has convinced me that however much we may disagree upon some points of belief and practice, there is a sure bond of union in the cause of Education. Here we may agree perfectly.

The examination of classes at the Uni

versity commenced on Friday of last week, and closed on Monday. It covered The joys and sorrows, the encouragethe whole course of study and instruction, ments and discouragements which have and was very thorough and complete.filled the hearts of the Trustees of this The conduct of the students, and the school can be known only to themselves. mode of examination, proved abundantly Through their devotion and the sacrificing self-denial of one whose absence at this time upon an errand of good to us will permit the mention of his name, Rev. J. Lewis, who now, for the third time, is acting as Agent in a work not very desir. able, but essential to success, we are permitted to enjoy brighter days and more pleasing prospects.

To none do I offer more sincere thanks than to those, who by their presence in the school room have encouraged the pupils, and who have shown the spirit of a true friend, by acquainting me at once with their grievances instead of allowing it to come enlarged and embittered by the way of Madame Rumor. We profess not perfection, and are grateful to any who may acquaint us with what they may know as faults in us.

that the training to which the members of the University are subjected is one calculated to discipline the mind, and prepare it well for the duties of after life. The recitations were no parrot like repetitions of memorized facts, no exhibition of a mere routine drill, but an evidence that the pupils had mastered principles, and arrived at a thorough knowledge of the subjects of study. To any who are disposed to ask what good the University is accomplishing, an attendance upon the late examination would have been the sufficient and conclusive answer. With all the discouragements and opposition which it has had to encounter, the University may to-day invite the most searching scrutiny, and takes its place among those institutions of learning which have long been among the chief glories of our

My Pupils. Pleasant is my memory country. The accession to the Faculty of you all. Your acts of kindness, of during the past year was manifest in the cheerful obedience, of studious attention examinations, as was to be expected, in to study are treasured in my heart. The course of a few has saddened my heart, but they are few as compared with the number under my instruction.

May each of you adorn his station in life, honor his God, and find a rest eternal in the great and never closing school of Christ.

THINK for yourself.

the wider range of studies pursued and the more adequate treatment of all, which the former limited number of instrutors absolutely forbade. The Faculty of our University is now, both as to numbers and qualifications, ample for the present wants of the institution, and parents may send their sons to it with the assurance that they will be educated as they should be.

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Oration--the Age of Reason--with the

The annual address before the Athene- Valedictory Address-Sidney Foote.
The addresses gave ample testimony to

an and Hesperian Societies of the Univer

sity, was delivered last evening, the 22d the thorough discipline to which the stuinst., by J. R. Doolittle, of Racine. His dents in the University are subjected.-subject was a Review of the Progress of They were well written and delivered in Civilization as exhibited in History. The an effective manner.

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Pursuant to a call of the State Superin

After a prayer by the Rev. Mr. Eggleston, original orations were delivered by the members of the graduating class, as follows: Salutatory Address, in Latin,-James tendent, a large number of teachers, of M. Flower. the City and County of Milwaukee, met Oration the Great Republic-Bur- at the Third Ward School House, at two gess C. Slaughter.

Philosophical Oration-Destiny-S.

S. Benedict.

o'clock, A. M., July 15th. The State Superintendent not being present, the meeting was called to order by Mr. Mc

Oration-Civil and Common Law- Whorter, and, on motion, Mr. Drew was James M. Flower. appointed Chairman and Mr. Martin Sec

Resolved, That in those Wards where the German population is large, a teacher

retary. Letters were read from Hon. A. C. Barry, and Judge C. E. Jenkins, stating the inability of the State Superinten-be appointed in the Primary Departments competent to teach both the English and Gerinan languages.

dent to be present.

On motion, the President appointed) Messrs. Pomeroy, McWhorter and Craig, as a committee to draft resolutions for discussion, at the afternoon session.

The Convention adjourned to meet at half past one o'clock.


The Convention assembled pursuant to adjournment.

The Committee reported the following resolutions, which, after a spirited discussion, were adopted:

On motion, the Convention adjourned sine die.


C. K. MARTIN, Sec'y.
Milwaukee, July 15, 1856.


The following excellent sentiments embodied in a definition of true courtesy, are from a lecture on Don Quixote, by Rev. Henry Giles:

"And this is real courtesy, that which Resolved, That uniformity of text. books is of primary importance to the has reverence for womanhood in sex, the prosperity of the schools of the city; and courtesy which has respect for the others that no work should be adopted without than the rich, than the young; it is dis

this sanction of the teachers.

Resolved, That all the children of the State should be compelled by law to attend school a certain length of time, each

tinct from the courtesy which blooms only in the smiles of love and beauty, and withers and cools down in the atmosphere year. of poverty, age and toil. Show me the Resolved, That self government-right man who can quit the brilliant society of views on the subject of education-and the young to listen to the kindly voice of the use, by the Teacher, of motives ap

agement of a Public School.

pealing to the moral nature of the chil-age-who can cheerfully converse with dren-are essential requisites in the man- one whom years have deprived of charms; show me the man who is willing to help Resolved, That the present school or any one who is in need of help; and, if ganization and government by a Board of the blush of Helen mantled her cheek, School Commissioners in this city is cum-show me the man who would no more bersome and unwieldy-that efficient su

pervision of the schools is not secured by look rudely at the poor girl in the village it-and to meet the demands made upon than at the elegant and well dressed lady us we need a re-organization of the whole in the saloon; show me the man who system on a better basis with a central High School to which pupils shall be adtreats unprotected maidenhood as he mitted on examination as to their attain-would the heiress surrounded by the ments, and with a City Superintendent powerful protection of rank, riches and who shall devote his whole time to the family; show me the man who abhors supervision and improvement of the school under his charge.

The following resolutions, on motion of Mr. Englemann, were adopted:

Resolved, That we recommend the introduction of the German language as a branch of study in the higher departments of the Public Schools.

the libertine's gibe, who shuns as a blasphemer the traducer of his mother's sex; who scorns as he would a coward the ridiculer of woman's foibles, or the exposurer of womanly reputation; show me the man who never forgets for one hour the delicacy, the respect, that is due to wo

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