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Purdy's Urinalysis.

. Cloth


Robinson's Latin Grammar of Med. and Pharmacy.... Cloth

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Rohe's Hygiene

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Roosa on Diseases of the Ear

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All of the above books are listed at strictly net prices." No books will be charged at these prices nor mailed except additional postage as

indicated be sent with the remittance.


Medical Publisher.

3035 Lucas Avenue,

St. Louis, Mo.

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Functional Diseases of the Uterus and Appendages.—In the treatment
of functional diseases of the uterus and appendages, Dioviburnia (Dios) holds
a most remarkable curative influence in its marvelous tonic effect on the
entire uterine system, and is therefore indicated in all abnormal conditions,
whether dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, menorrhagia, or any functional wrongs
of women. Aching back, bearing-down abdominal pains, soreness of the
lumbar region, is an abnormal condition in which Dioviburnia is indicated,
and should be administered in tablespoonful doses, three times a day in
hot water.

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Groves-certainly one of the greatest minds that ever adorned the medical profession-gives in his lectures on the mortality which La Grippe produced in its visitation to Dublin in his life time, by giving the number of burial permits which were obtained in two winters. We hear much of the mortality of that affection now, but if we will take the pains to examine statistics like the above from Groves, we shall find that epidemics in the last few years have been attended with no such mortality as it was in Groves' time. In several of its visitations to London the mortality has been very large indeed; and we attribute the change in favor of the present greater amount of recoveries to the improvement in the treatment of this time and the one generally employed then. Blood-letting and severe purgation was then frequently, in fact, constantly resorted to, and this caused many deaths. In the treatment of La Grippe it is now commonly thought to be the best course only to employ those remedies which tranquilize the system. By giving the patient an agent which will at once overcome the headache and the pains which generally are very severe in all parts of the body, we find that Salfene is now quite popular. This remedy is a general anti-neuralgic and anodyne, and it does not produce cardiac disturbance or depression, and at the same time it leaves no unpleasant aftereffects, as is the case with many drugs of an anodyne character. Salfene is best given in tablet form. The tablets are put in 5 grs. weight. At the incipiency of an attack of La Grippe, the patient should be given a 5-grain tablet, and one every two or three hours thereafter, until the patient has ceased to have pains and headaches and goes to sleep. There exists no indication for other drugs beyond Salfene in uncomplicated cases of La Grippe, and this course persisted for sixteen to twentyfour hours rarely fails to bring about a cessation of the attack.


Highest Therapeutical Value.

Dioviburnia has stood the critical test of the most exacting Physicians for years and has been pronounced of the highest therapeutical value. Can always be relied upon in all functional disorders of the Uterus and Appendages, whether Acute, Sub-Acute or Chronic.

DOSE-1 teaspoon to tablespoonful in hot water 3 or more times a day. Prescribe original package (3vIII) to avoid substitution.



ST. LOUIS, MO., U. S. A.



(Formula on Package.)

The Sexual Tonic and Stimulant.

Afródyn owes its tonic and invigorating properties, among other things, to the South American shrub, Moyra-Puama, which we import direct.

Put Up Only in Tablets.

Write for literature descriptive of Moyra-Puama from French, Portuguese and Spanish medical Journals.





ST. LOUIS, MO., U. S. A.

Imperial Granum.-At the Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Medical Publishers' Association, held in St. George Hall, Philadelphia, on May 31st, the following resolution was introduced and adopted:

WHEREAS, The Imperial Granum Company has announced the withdrawal of all its advertising patronage from the lay press, and signified its intention of using medical mediums only in the future; therefore be it

Resolved, That the American Medical Publishers' Associaton, in session at Philadelphia, hereby endorses and commends this action of the Imperial Granum Company; and further, recommends this course to other manufacturers who desire the support and co-operation of the medical profession.


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In Malarial Fevers

behaves as a stimulant as well as an.


and Analgesic

thus differing from other Coal-tar

products. It has been used in the relief of rheumatism and neuralgic pains, and in the treatment of the sequela
of alcoholic excess. AMMONOL is also prepared in the form of salicylate, bromide, and lithiate. The pres
ence of Ammonia, in a more or less free state, gives it additional properties as an expectorant, diuretic, and
corrective of hyperacidity.-London Lancet.


The Stimulant

is one of the derivatives of Coal-tar, and differs from the numerous similar products in that it contains Ammonia in active
form As a result of this, AMMONOL possesses marked stimulating and expectorant properties. The well-known
cardiac depression induced by other Antipyretics has frequently prohibited their use in otherwise suitable cases.
introduction of a similar drug, possessed of stimulating properties, is an event of much importance. AMMONOL
-possesses marked anti-neuralgic properties, and it is claimed to be especially useful in cases of dysmenorrhoea.-The.
Medical Magazine, London.

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Send for Ammonol Excerpta a 48 page pamphlet.


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remedies used in his case.
where there is great prostration. I shall use it freely.
nervine just the thing for the children and nervous and delicate persons,
the help of another bottle I got for him. I consider it a very nice and efficient
fore the first bottle was used, and he has almost entirely gotten over it with
and worse all the time. I put him on Celerina, and had marked benefit be-
ings and everything that could be done for his benefit, he still grew thinner
the shock of his brother's death, and seemed to derive no benefit from any
Nervous Prostration. My son, aged 12, had been growing nervous over
Had him to the sea shore, change of surround-

Moosic, Pa.


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