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An influential deputation formed by the British Medical Association has waited upon the Secretary of State for War and urged certain reforms necessary in the Army Medical Department. At present hardly any candidates come forward, consequently the department is deplorably underofficered. It is, however, thought that the proposal to form an Army Medical Corps is being favorably considered; in the corps thus formed medical officers would have substantive rank.

Mr. Butlin, of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, will next month give the first Hunterian Society Lecture for 1898, the subject being "What operation can do for cancer of the tongue."

A combination of the leading householders of Maidstone and neighbor hood who have had typhoid fever in their houses during the recent epidemic has been started for the purpose of proceeding against the Water Company for the recovery of damages. A test action in the law courts will probably follow. LONDON, Feb., 1898.

Abstracts and Selections.

THE DANGER OF CONTAGION FROM TYPHOID FEVER IN HOSPITALS.At a recent meeting of the Société médicale des hôpitaux, of Paris, a report of which is published in the Indépendance médicale for December 22d, M. Troisier stated that he had observed a case of typhoid fever in a young girl who was suffering from pleurisy, and that she had been surrounded by typhoid-fever patients. He stated, also, that the patient in question had taken nothing but a tisane, milk, and Dhuys water.

M. Netter recalled having observed in the Trousseau Hospital twentyseven similar cases, twelve of which had been among the attendants of the service.

M. Gaillard had observed a case of typhoid fever which the patient had contracted while in the hospital.

M. Richardière had seen a similar case of contagion in a patient suffering from myelosyringosis. In this case the pulmonary symptoms had predominated, and this had led him to the supposition that the contagion had been introduced by the respiratory tract.-New York Medical Journal.

A WRITTEN EXAMINATION IN PHYSIOLOGY—A correspondent sends to the New York Sun the following answers made by pupils about twelve years of age upon a written examination in physiology and hygiene, and vouches for their genuineness:

"The bones hold up the body and we could not walk without them." "The stomach is a pear-shaped bag furnished with skin."

"If it wasn't for the bones we would be like a caterpiller and couldn't walk."

"The stomach is a pear-shaped bag. It holds the head, trunk, and limbs, and the head is a round ball on top the stomach. It holds the brain and the trunk, the chest and abdomen."

"The puls is the beating of an artery in the wrist, and we need the puls because then the Doctors can tell whether we are in poor health or bad health."

"Tobacco makes the hart beat eragler and weakens the hart." "The liver can be felt below the ribes and it makes the bile."

"The pulse is a little thing in the wrist and it tells when a person is not healthy."

"The capilars are a net-work of long capilars and they gragly be and unite with the veins."

"When we run and play and jump it is called exercise. We need it to make the blood flow faster and brisker."

"The most important articles of diet are clothing, pure food, fresh air, exercise and potatoes."

"Gymnastic is an exercise. You do that with dumb poles."-Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.

ADONIS VERNALIS IN TREATMENT OF EPILEPSY.-Tekoutief, of St. Petersburg (Revue neurologique, Journal de medecine de Paris, February 6th), reports the case of a boy, ten years old, who had suffered severely with epilepsy for two years. He had from fifteen to twenty fits a day, his mind was notably enfeebled, and there was muscular paresis. treated with Bechterew's preparation:

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The boy took from five to seven tablespoonfuls daily at first, and in a few weeks the amount of adonis was doubled. The attacks diminished in number and severity and finally ceased altogether. His mental and bodily condition became normal again.-New York Medical Journal.

URANIUM IN THE TREATMENT OF CORYZA.-The Revue Medicale for January 26th gives the following formula (New York Medical Journal):

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TO ALLAY PRURITUS IN ECZEMA OF THE SCALP the following is recommended:

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This journal is devoted solely to the advancement of medical science and the promotion of the interests of the whole profession. Essays, reports of cases, and correspondence upon subjects of professional interest are solicited. The editor is not responsible for the views of contributors.

Books for review, and all communications relating to the columns of the journal, should be addressed to the Editor of THE AMERICAN PRACTITIONER AND NEWS, Louisville, Ky.

Subscriptions and advertisements received, specimen copies and bound volumes for sale by the undersigned, to whom remittances may be sent by postal money order, bank check, or registered letter. Address JOHN P. MORTON & COMPANY, Louisville, Ky.


A letter from Dr. S. G. Bonney, whose genius is seemingly responsible for the success of the coming meeting of the American Medical Association at Denver, gives assurance that, notwithstanding the long journey and unusual cost of travel, the attendance will be equal to if it does not exceed that of any previous year.

The case as it appears to the optimistic, but nevertheless cool and mathematical eye of Dr. Bonney, is thus:

Thus far general estimates have been received from thirteen States' representing a total of six hundred and eighteen. While from the remaining States no official information has been received upon which to base provisional opinions as to the relative size of delegations, still sufficient data of a general nature have been secured to justify the conclusion that the estimate quoted for the thirteen States will be a fair proportionate index of the whole. From this it seems safe to assume that the attendance at the next meeting will equal that of any previous year. If the voluntary expression of those in authority in the various States may be considered as reflecting to any degree the sentiments of the individual members it is apparent that a strong feeling of interest and hearty enthusiasm is already aroused. Or, in cold figures: 13:618::45:x; x=2139 and a circulating decimal. Q. E. D.

Though calculations based upon such data are perhaps no less precarious than counting chickens before they are hatched, nevertheless with all reasonable allowance for shrinkage the final figure is likely to be ample and imposing.

Let us give Denver a rousing meeting.


A card from Dr. H. K. Adamson, the genial and energetic Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements, shows that the medical productive and constructive forces are keeping pace with the spring awakening, and give promise of a full and profitable meeting in Maysville on the 11th, 12th, and 13th of May.

"The seven-acre city" has always sent a large and influential delegation to the meetings in other towns, and there is no doubt that the compliment will be returned with interest. Moreover Maysville presents peculiar features in that it is the most northern and eastern point available for State Society meetings. A large number of physicians. from Cincinnati and other Ohio cities may be expected, while the savants of the Blue Grass, if mindful of tradition and geographical position, will turn out in full force.

Let every Fellow resolve to attend at any cost, and not forget to contribute his mite to the programme.

Notes and Queries.

ONE OF THE Difficulties of SupprESSING IRRegular PRACTICE IN FRANCE. The Medical Syndicate of the Southeast, says Medecine moderne (Journal de medecine de Paris, February 6th), wishing to convict a curate healer of unlawfully practicing medicine, sent to the said curate two men who on several occasions presented themselves at his consulting rooms. They were examined by the curate, who subjected them to auscultation and percussion and gave them a prescription, for which they paid each time the sum of two francs. Fortified with this testimony, the syndicate prosecuted the curate. The decision of the court was that unquestionably the accused had instituted medical treatment in the case of the witnesses, but that, as neither one nor the other had really been sick, the curate could not be charged with the illegal practice of medicine. In consequence “of one of the elements of the misdemeanor-namely, a disease-not being in evidence, the infringement with which the curate had been charged could not have been accomplished for lack of an object." Upon that the curate, who was convicted of having practiced medicine illegally, but, in this particular case of having made use of it without practicing it, because the subjects were not diseased, was acquitted.-New York Medical Journal.

THE DEATH OF MR. ERNEST HART.-The death of Mr. Ernest Hart, the editor of the British Medical Journal, comes with a shock to his many friends in America, most of whom had already learned that he was in feeble health. They sympathized with him in his recent illness and operation, but from the reports published they had been led to believe that he was fairly convalescent.

His death leaves a gap in the ranks of medical journalism which can never be filled. He had an instinctive delicacy of judgment, made few mistakes, and popularized the Journal as no man preceding him had been able to do, and at the same time made it one of the financial successes of the age. He had learned the art of being aggressive without offending, and the Journal under his management has been right in its advocacy of all those reforms in which the whole profession is interested.

As a writer he was forceful, accurate, and aggressive. As a man he was unassuming, polite, and agreeable. As a physician he was well informed, and in certain lines in advance of his time. He will be greatly missed, for his place in medical literature was peculiarly his own.-Journal of the American Medical Association.

TO REMOVE PLASTER SPLINTS.-A note in the Fort Wayne Medical Journal for January suggests the use of vinegar to soften plaster-of-paris splints so that they can be cut easily with a knife or with scissors. Another excellent method, it says, is to use a strong solution of bichloride of mercury, simply moistening the splint along the line to be cut.

Either vinegar or sugar will quickly remove the plaster from the hands. [Common salt, which has been used for several years by Prof. W. O. Roberts in his clinic at the University of Louisville, softens plaster when it has hardened and facilitates the setting of the freshly applied plaster-bandage. Dr. Ap Morgan Vauce in removing the dressing dips the knife in dilute vinegar after each stroke upon the bandage, and thus keeps the blade free from plaster.-EDITOR AMERICAN PRACTITIONER.]

ARTIFICIAL OYSTERS.-The municipal authorities of Paris are just now engaged in the suppression of an altogether novel form of food adulteration, which is assuming phenomenal proportions, according to the New York Tribune. Real oysters are expensive in Paris; and so, with the object of suiting slender purses, artificial oysters on the half-shell have been invented, which are sold at twenty cents a dozen, and they are so cleverly made and look so nice and fresh, that, once lemon juice or vinegar has been added, they can not be distinguished from the real article, especially when white wine is taken in connection therewith. The only genuine thing about these oysters is the shell, the manufacturers buying second-hand shells at a small cost, and fastening the spurious oyster in place with a tasteless paste. The municipal laboratory has not yet proclaimed the ingredients of which these bogus oysters are composed, but has announced that they are of a harmful character. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.

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