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16. The following table is to be used in the manner of the preceeding. Ex. Tuo times one are how many? A. Two. Two times two are how many? A. Four, &c.


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3 times 0 are
3 times I are
3 times 2 are
3 times 3 are
3 times 4 are 12 6 times 4 are 24
3 times 5 are 15 6 times 5 are 30
3 times 6 are 18 6 times 6 are 36
3 times 7 are 21 6 times 7 are 42
3 times 8 are 24 6 times 8 are 48
3 times 9 are 27
6 times 9 are 54
3 times 10 are 30
6 times 10 are 60
3 times 11 are 33 6 times 11 are 66
3 times 12 are 366 times 12 are 72

6 times 0 are
36 times 1 are
66 times 2 are 12
9 6 times 3 are 18

4 times 0 are

07 times 0 are
47 times 1 are

9 times 2 are
9 times 3 are
9 times 4 are

36 15

9 times 5 are
9 times 6 are 54
9 times 7 are 63
9 times 8 are
9 times 9 are
9 times 10 are 90



9 times 11 are 99 9 times 12 are' 108

0 10 times 0 are times 1 are 710 times 1 are 4 times 2 are 8 7 times 2 are 1410 times



2 are



10 times

3 are


4 are 28

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4 times 3 are 127 times 3 are 4 times 4 are 16 7 times 4 times 5 are 20 7 times 5 are 35 4 times 6 are 24 7 times 6 are 4210 times 4 times 7 are 287 times 7 are 49 10 times 4 times 8 are 32 7 times 8 are 56 10 times 4 times are 36 10 times 9 are 90 4 times 10 are 40 10 times 10 are 100 4 times 11 are 44 10 times 11 are 110 4 times 12 are 48 10 times 12 are 120

7 times 9 are 63
7 times 10 are 70
7 times 11 are 77
7 times 12 are 84

8 are 80

17. The same plan should be pursued in teaching the following table that has been recommended for the preceeding. Ex. How many times one in one? A. One time. How many times one in two? A. Two times, &c.


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18. 1. A man travelled 4 milesgallons ran out, how much was the first hour, 3 the second, and there left? the third, how far did he travel in

13. Twelve boys were let out of the three hours? school together, one half of them . 2. If I give 9 dollars for 3 sheep were called back for misconduct, and 10 dollars for a cow, bow and one half of those called back 'much do I give for the cow and were detained during the recess, sheep. How many were called back, and

3 A boy having 20 cents bought how many detained? one quart of plums for 6 cents, and 14. From Burlington to Milton a pound of figs for ten cents, how is 13 miles, from Milton to St. Almany cents had he left? bans 13 miles, how far from Bur

4 A man bought a cow for 12ington to St. Albans ? dollars and sold her again for 16 15. It is 8 miles from Burlington dollars, how much did he gain? to Williston, 18 from Williston to 5. A boy gave to another boy 6 Waterbury, and 12 from Waterbu. peaches, to another 4, and had 3ry to Montpelier, how far from left, how many had he at first? Burlington to Montpelier?

6. A boy bought a slate for 17 cents, a sponge for 6 cents, and three pencils for 3 cents, how much did they all cost?

16. Ten and 8 less, 8 and 6 are how many?

17. If my horse and saddle are worth 80 dollars, and my saddle is 7. A man gave 7 dollars for a wortb 17 dollars, what is the worth sleigh, gave 6 dollars for ironing it, of my horse?

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and 4 dollars for painting it, what 18. A person bought 8 bushels did the whole cost? of corn for three dollars and a half,

8. A little girl bought some pins and 5 bushels of wheat for 4 dol. for 11 cents, some tape for 8 cents, lars and a half, and sold the whole and gave a quarter of a dollar, for 13 dollars and a half, did he how much change must she regain or lose, and how much?

ceive back?

19. A boy bought three books,

9. Peter had 12 cents and Johnone for 40 cents, one for 33, and gave him 10 more, with which hehe other for 15 cents, and gave a bought 11 cents worth of cake follar bill, how much change how many cents had he left? must he receive back?

10. A lady bought a comb for 20. If I buy a horse for 70 dol. 33 cents, some tape for 8, and somars, and a saddle for 19 dollars, needles for 6 cents. She gave and sell them both for 95 dollars, half dollar, how much change to I gain or lose, and how much? must she receive? 21. A man sold a drover seven

11. A man owed 65 dollars, o heep for 12 dollars, a yoke of oxwhich he paid at one time 15 don for 68 dollars, two cows for 26 lars, and at another 25 dollars, how dollars, and in payment received much remains to be paid? 100 dollars, how much remains

12. A barrel containing 32 gal-his due ? lons of cider, sprang a leak, an 9


19. 1. What will 7 yards of shirt-ins cost at 9 cents a pound? ing cost at 3 shillings a yard?

3. If 4 bushels of wheat make a

2. What will 16 pounds of rais-barrel of flour, how many bushels 5

will make five barrels of flour? 124 and sell it for 28 shillings, how 4. If 4 bushels of wheat make a much do I gain in the whole, and barrel of flour, how many barrels how much per yard? will 36 bushels make?

15. If I buy 3 yards of cloth at 5 What will 8 pounds of butter 9 cents a yard and sell the whole cost at 10 cents per pound?at 12 for 33 cents, how much do I gain cents per pound? in the whole, and how much per

6. If a person earn 5 dollars a yard? week, and spend 3 dollars a week, 16. At 13 cents a pound what how much will he lay up in 13 will 3 pounds of sugar cost? 4 weeks? pounds? 5 6 7 8?

7. If a person carn 9 shillings a 17. Divide 36 apples equally beday, how much will he earn in one tween 12 boys, how many will each boy have? *


8. If a person earn half a dollar 18. Divide 42 apples as above, a day, how much will he earn in how many will each have? one week?-in 2 weeks?-in 3 19. If the interest of one dollar weeks?-in 4 weeks? for a year be 6 cents what will be

9. Peter had 15 cents, and John the interest of 2 dollars for the three times as many, which they same time? of 3? 4? 5? 6? 7?8? agreed to divide equally between 9? 10? 6 boys, how many cents did each boy receive?

20. If the interest of one dollar be 6 cents a year, what will be the 10. What will 13 yards of shirt-interest of 2 dollars for one year, ing cost at 10 cents per yard? and a half? for 2 years? for 2 and 11. How many panes of glass in a half? for 2 and two thirds?

a window which is 4 panes wide Per cent. means by or for the and high? how many in two hundred, and Per Annum means such windows? how many in for a year; thus 6 per cent per ann. three? means 6 cents for 100 cents, or 6 12 If five pounds of sugar cost dollars for 100 dollars for one year? fifty cents, what is that per pound? 21. What does per cent mean? 13. If 8 lemons cost 20 cents, per annum ? how much is that a piece? If the 8 cost 16 cents, they would be 2 cents a piece, and if 8 cost 4 cents they 23. What will be the interest of would be half a cent a piece, but dollar for 2 years at 6 per cent 16 and 4 are 20, and hence the cost per annum? of 2 dollars? 3? 4? 5? 6? 7? 8? 9?

is 2 and a half cents a piece.
14. If I buy 4 yards of cloth. for

22. What is the meaning of 6 per cent per annum?


20. 1. Teacher. Count to 100 by teas. Pupil. Ten and 10 are 20, and 10 are 30, &c.



7. Count to 99 by threes. 8. Diminish 99 to 0 by threes. Nine and one are how many? 2. T. Diminish 100 to 0 by tens and 1? 29 and 1? 39 and 1? P. One hundred less 10 are 90, 90 49 and 1? 59 and 1? 69 and 1? less 10 are 80, &c. 79 and 1 89 and 1? 99 and 1? 10. Eight and 3 are how many?. 18 and 3? 28 and 3? 38 and 3? &c.

3. Count to 100 by fives.
4. Diminish 100 to 0 by fives.
5. Count to 100 by twos.
6. Diminish 100 to 0 by twos.

11. Six and 6 are how many ? 16 and 67 26 and 6? 36 and 6? &c.

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half day? A. 2 men 6 days equal 12 men 1 day.

24. One man can do a piece of ork in 24 days, in how many

14. One hundred less 7 are howays can 2 men do it? 3 men? 4 m any? 90 less 7? 80 less 7? &c.

15. One hundred less 9 are hov many? 90 less 9? 80 less 9 ? &c.

en? 6 men? 8 men? 12 men?

25. Three men can do a piece of work in 12 days, how many days will it take 4 men to do it? 6 men? men? 12 men? 18 men?

16 Twice 12 are how many twice 13? twice 14? 15? 16? 17? 17. Three times 12 are how ma 26 If 100 men have provisions ny? 3 times 13? 3 times 14? 15 sufficient for 3 weeks, how many 16? 17? 18? 19? 20? must depart that the provisions may 18. Two men start from the last 6 weeks? 12 weeks? same place, one travels north, 3 miles in an hour, the other south 42? miles in an hour, how far are they apart at the end of the first hour?4?5? the second? the third? the fourth the fifth? the sixth? seventh? eighth: 4? 6? 9? ninth? tenth?

27. In 12 how many times 1? 3? 4? 6?

28. In 15 how many times 2?3?

29. In 18 how many times 2? 3 ?

30. In 24 how many times 2? 3 ?

19. Two men start from the same 4? 6? 8? 12 ? place, and travel the same road, one goes 2 miles an hour, and the 4? 8? 16? other five, how far are they apart at the end of the first hour? the 4? 5? 8? 10? 20? second? third? fourth? fifth? sixth? seventh? eighth ? ninth? tenth?

31. In 32 how many times 2?3?

32. In 40 how many times 2?3?

33. In 54 how many times 2?3? 4? 6? 9? 18? 27?

20. Two men can do a piece of 34. A person bought 4 pounds work in 3 days, how long will it of raisins at 11 cents per pound, take one man to do it? A. One can and sold them again for 12 and a do one half of the work in 3 days, half cents per pound; for how and the other half in 3 days more, much did he sell the 4 pounds, and or the whole 6 days. how much did he gain in the

21. One man can do a piece of whole? work in 9 days, how long will it 35. If I pay 12 cents a yard for take 3 men to do it? A. Nine days 12 yards of cloth, and sell it again work: 3 men can do 3 days work for 10 cents a yard, how much do in one day, and 9 days work in 31 lose in the whole?


36. If 3 pounds of nails cost 2 22. Two men can do a piece of cents, what will 6 pounds cost? 7? work in 6 days, in how many days 9? 11?

will 3 men do it? A. Two inen 6 37. If a man travel 30 miles a days are equal to one man 12 days, day, how far will he travel in 2 and one man 12 days are equal to days and a half?

3 men 4 days.

38 If a person travel 90 miles in

23. Six men can do a piece of 3 days, how far will he travel in work in 2 days, how many menone and a half ?

can do the same in one day? in a

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