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at two cents a piece?-at three ? 31. What do five apples cost at two cents a piece?

32. How many feet have four men?

33. How many shoes are there in three pair?



How many legs have two

chaises? have two waggons?
39. How many feet have three
andirons ?

40. How many fingers are there on two hands?

41. If one cent buy three cherries, how many will three cents buy?

42. What cost two lemons at five

35. How many wings have five cents a piece? geese?

43. If you read twice each half 36. How many wheels have six day, how many times do you read wheelbarrows? in two days?

37. How many wheels have four chaises?

38. How many wheels have five I

44. If I give five boys two ap ples a piece, how many apples do give to them all?

4. 1. If lay down two beans 18. Take two beans from ten and then take up one of them, how beans, how many beans remain ? many beans will there be left?

19. Take three beaus from three

2. Take two beans from three beans, how many beans remain? beans how many beans remain ?

20. Take three beans from four

3. Take three beans from towbeans, how many beans remain? beans, how many beans remain? 21. Take three beans from five 4. Take four beans from five beans, how many beans remain ? beans, how many beans remain ? 5. Take five beans from six beans, how many beans remain?

22. Take three beans from six beans, how many beans remain ?

23. Take three beans from seven beans, how many beans remain ? 24. Take three beans from eight beans, how many beans remain?

25. Take three beans from nine beans, bow many beans remain ?

29. Take four beans from six beans, how many remain?

6. Take six beans from seven beans, how many beans remain ? 7. Take seven beans from eight beans, how many beans remain? 8. Take eight beans from nine beans, how many beans remain ? 26. Take three beans from ten 9. Take nine beans from ten beans, how many beans remain? beans, how many beans remain ? 27. Take four beans from four 10. Take two beans from two beans, how many beans remain ? beans, how many beans remain ? 28. Take four beans from five 11. Take two beans from three beans, how many remain ? beans, how many beans remain ? 12. Take two beans from four beans, how many beans remain ? 13. Take two beans from five beans, how many beans remain ? 14. Take two beans from six beans, how many beans remain? 15. Take two beans from seven beans, how many beans remain ? 33 Take four beans from ten 16 Take two beans from eight beans, how many remain? beans, how many beans remain ? 17. Take two beans from nine beaus, how many remain? beans, how many beans remain ? 35. Take five beans from six

30. Take four beans from seven beans, how many remain ? 31. Take four beans from eight beans, how many remain?

32. Take four beans from nine beans, how many remain?

34. Take five beans from five


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beans, how many remain ?
36. Take five beans from seven beans, how many remain ?
beans, how many remain ?

49. Take eight beans from nine

50. Take eight beans from ten

37. Take five beans from eight beans, how many remain? beans, how many remain ?

51. Take nine beans from ten

38. Take five beans from nine beans, how many remain ? beans, how many remain?

39. Take five beans from beans, how many remain ?

52. If you have three pins and tenlose one of them, how many will you have left ?

40. Take six beans from six beans, how many remain ?

53. If you have four apples and eat two of them, how many will

41. Take six beans from seven you have left? beans, how many remain ?

54. If you have six cherries and

42. Take six beans from eight give away three of them, how ma

beans, how many remain?

43. Take six beans from nine

beans, how many remain?

44. Take six beans from

beans, how many remain?

ny will you have left?

55. If there be seven candles burning and you blow out three, ten how many will be left burning?

56 If ten birds are sitting on a

45. Take seven beans from seven tree and you throw a stone and

beans, how many remain?

scare away four of them, how ma

46. Take seven beans from eight ny will be left on the tree?

beans, how many remain ?

47. Take seven beans from beans, how many remain?

48. Take seven beans from beans, bow many remain?

57. If you have nine cents and nine pay away four of them for an orange, how many will you have ten left?

5. 1. In two beans how many times one bean?

2. In three beans how many times one bean?

3. In four beans how many times one bean?

4. In five beans how many times one bean?

6. In six beans how many times one bean?

6. In seven beans how times one bean?

7 In eight beans how times one bean?



8. In nine beans how many times

one bean?

9. In two beans how many times two beans?

13. In ten beans how many times two beans?

14. In three beans how many times three beans?

15. In six beans how many times three beans?

16. In nine beans how many times three beans?

17. In four beans how many times four beans?

18. In eight beans how many times four beans?

19. In five beans how many times five beans?

20. In ten beans how many times five beans?

21 If a boy gives three cent for three apples, how much is that a

10 In four beans how many piece? times two beans?

22 If three pears cost six cents,

il In six beans how many times how much is that a piece? two beans?

23. Two oranges cost six cents,

12 In tight beans how many how many certs is that a piece? timeatwo beans? 24. If 1 divide eight cents be

tween two boys how many cents cents a piece can you buy for eight, do they have a piece?


25. If I give seven cents to four 29 I wish to divide ten cents boys and three girls how many equally between five little girls, will each of them have ? how many cents must I give to

26. If I divide three apples equal-each? ly between two boys how many 30. If you distribute ten apples will each have? among six girls and four boys, how 27. How many thimbles at five many will they have a piece? cents a piece can you buy for ten 31. If you have eight apples and give away one half of them, how 28. How many toy books at twomany will you have left?



6. Before proceeding to the questions in this Section, those children, who have not previously learned, should be exercised in count-ing, in the manner recommended in Article I. till they can readily count to one hundred. This task may soon be accomplished by such as have gone through the preceeding section and made themselves familiar with the method of forming numbers by the successive addition of units. The teacher will, however, be able to facilitate the progress of those, who have already learned the names of the numbers from one to ten, inclusive, by showing them how the names of the succeding numbers up to one hundred, are nearly all formed by inflections and successive repetitions of the names of these ten first. Thus thirteen is three and ten, fourteen, four and ten, &c. up to nineteen, which is nine and ten. Now the addition of one more unit completes the sum of ten and ten, or two tens, or twenty; after which the names are formed by repeating the number of tens, as two tens and one, or twenty-one, two tens and two, or twenty-two, &c. The names of the succeeding tens up to nine tens, or ninety, are all formed in like manner, as three tens or thirty, four tens, or forly, &c. After having learned to count one hundred the little pupils will have acquired such a knowledge of the law by which numeration proceeds, that they will find no difficulty in extendidg the process to higher numbers, whenever occasion shall require.


7. 1. How many hands have your fingers bow many have you a one hand?


2. How many feet have you?

8. How many fingers have you 3. If you count your hands andon both hands? feet together how many will it make?

4. If you have two cents in one haud and one in the other, how many have you in both?

9. If you count your thumbs how many does it make?

10. I have three beans in one hand, two in the other, how many beans have I in both?

11. Two and three are how ma

5. How many thumbs have you? 6 How many fingers have youny? On one hand?

12 George has three apples in

. If you count your thumb with one pocket and three more in an.

other, how many has he in both? 13. Three and three are how mary?

many had he then?

27. A man had five cows and bought four more, how many had 14. Henry has four cents and he then ? George two, how many cents have 28 If a barrel of flour costs six both? dollars and a barrel of soap five

15. Two and four are how many?dollars, what do both cost?

16. David gave three cents for a 29. A man has six cows at one lemon, and four for an orange, how barn and seven at another, how many did he give for both? many has he at both ?

17. Four and three are


18 John had five plumbs


30. Seven and six are how ma


and 31. James gave two cents for an

Dick gave him three more, how apple, four for a lemon and six for many bad he then?

an orange, what did he give for

19. Three and four are how ma-the three?

ny? 32 A man bought two sheep for 20. Five and three are how ma-seven dollars and a calf for six dollars, what did they all cost?


21. How many fingers are seven fingers and three fingers?

22. Harriet is three years old, how old will she be if she lives six years from this time?

33 A boy has lived seven years in Montpelier and eight years in Burlington, how old is he?

34. Nine cats and seven dogs are how many animals?

23. A boy had six cents and his sister had four cents, how many are how many children? cents had both?

35 Twelve boys and six girls

36 Five and three and eight are

24. Horace had five cherries and how many? James g gave him four more, how many had he then ?

25. Five and five are how ma

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37. A boy had ten cherries and another boy gave him seven more how many had he then?

38. Eight and five and seven 26. John had seven plumbs andare how many? George gave bira four more, how


8.1. What cost two apples at three nutmegs cost? what will four one cent a piece?


2. What cost two pears at two 8. If a piece of tape cost four cents a piece?

3. If one orange cost six what will two oranges cost?

cents what will two pieces cost? cents what three pieces cost?-four?five ?--six?

4. If one lemon cost three cents 9. If two pounds of rice cost what will three cost? what will eight cents what will four pounds four cost? what will five cost? cost? what will six pounds cost? 5. If a book cost eight cents 10 Three feet make a yard; what will two such books cost? how many feet are there in three yards? how many in four yards ?--in five?-in six?

6. At five cents a quart what will two quarts of berries oost what will three quarts cost ?-four 11. Ten cents make a dime, how quarts?-five quarts? many cents in two dimes? how 7. At six cents a piece what willmany in three ?-in four ?-in five.

in six-in seven ?-in eight ?-infat five dollars a yard?-at six? nine-in ten? 19. What will three pounds of 12. If I buy four apples for two raisins cost at nine cents per buy for six pound?

cents how many can cents? how many for seven cents? 20. How many are twice three? 13. What are three barrels of-twice four?-twice five ?-twice flour worth at six dollars a barrel six ?-twice seven?-twice eight? what are four barrels worth? twice nine?-twice ten?

14. What cost five yards of rib- 21. How many are four times bon at five cents a yard ?-at four four? four times five? four times cents?-at three cents ?-at two six? four times eight? four times 15. How many are two timesnine? four times ten? three three times three?-four 22. What will seven yards of time: three?-five times three ?-shirting cost at two shillings a yard? six times three-eight times three?at three shillings? at four? -nine times three-ten times 23. There are twelve pence in a three? shilling; how many in two shil16. At four cents a yard whating how many in three ?—in will four yards of ribbon cost? Four

17. If a man travel three miles 24. What will ten pounds of suan hour how far will he travel inar cost at four cents a pound? at six hours? live cents? at six? at seven? at

18. What will eight yards of eight? at nine? at ten? cloth cost at four dollars a yard ?-


9. 1. David had three plumbs 10. Take four from ten what reand gave two of them to George, mains?

how many had he left?

11. A man bought a barrel of ci2. A boy had four cents and losifter for one dollar and sold it for one of them, how many had heone dollar and a half; what did he left?


3 If a boy buy a whistle for four 12. If you have eleven cents and cents and sell it for six, how much pay eight of them for a book, how does he gain? many will you have left?

4. Dick had five cherries and 13. A man shot at thirteen pis gave two of them to James, how geons and killed all but five; how many had he left? many did he kill?

5 Two from five, what remains? 14. Fifteen men are overset in a 6. A lad had six pencils and lost boat and only four of them are two of them how many had hesaved; how many are drowned? left? 15. If you have twenty cents 7. A boy had au orange worth and spend ten of them, how many five cents which he exchanged for will you have left? a pear worth two cents; how much boot should he have?

8. A little girl having eight cent lost three of them, how many ha she left?

9. James had ten apples and gave four of them to Horace; how many had he left?

16. If you lose fourteen pins and ind six of them; how many are till lost?

17. Take six from fourteen, what emains?

18. A boy had sixteen cents with hich he bought eight cents worth of gingerbread and three cente

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