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so verified shall be paid by the treasurer of his proper county, out of said road fund.

Sec. 13. All monies collected in a county shall be disbursed in the same county.


Sec. 14. Any person who shall neglect or refuse to perform the du- Penalty for ties enjoined upon him by this act, shall forfeit and pay a sum not ex-mance. ceeding twenty dollars, and the commissioners herein mentioned may also be removed from office for such neglect or refusal by the board of supervisors of the proper county, who may enter such neglect or refusal at large upon their journal, but no removal shall be made by the board of supervisors without first giving said commissioners at least five days notice, to be heard in their defence, and any vacancies which may occur in any of the offices created by this act shall be filled by the board of supervisors of their respective counties.

Sec. 15. Any forfeiture incurred under and by virtue of this act may be recovered in an action of debt before any justice of the peace in the name of the people of the state of Michigan, which shall be paid to the treasurer of the county in which the forfeiture occurred, to be placed to the credit of the aforesaid fund.

Sec. 16. The laws regulating highways in this state not contrary to the provisions of this act shall apply to this road.

Sec. 17. The state shall not be chargeable for laying out and establishing said road referred to in section one, nor for any expenses whatever connected therewith.


Sec. 18. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after passage.

Aproved March 19, 1845.


No. 60.

AN ACT to provide for laying out, a State Road from
Union City to Bowman's Mills.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That Abraham Lowrey, David Kilborn and Lyman Studley be, and the same are hereby authorized to lay out and establish a state road from Union City, in the county of Branch, on the most eligible route to Bowman's Mills, in the town

State road,

ship of Colon, St. Joseph county, and file the survey of so much of the said road in the office of the township clerk of each township through which said road shall pass as shall be laid out in such township; Provided, That no expense incurred in laying out, establishing or constructing said road shall be chargeable to the State.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That four years be granted to the aforesaid persons for laying out and opening said road.

Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Approved, March 19, 1845.



may sell lands.

No. 61.

AN ACT to authorize the sale of certain Lands on
Macon Reserve.

Whereas, A patent was issued by the United States dated January the twenty-sixth, A. D. eighteen hundred and twenty-six, granting to the rector of the Catholic Church of St. Ann, of Detroit, for the use of said church, and to his successors in office, three sections of land containing nineteen hundred and twenty acres on the Macon Reserve, in Monroe county, and State of Michigan, in said patent described;

And whereas, Said church is incorporated under the name and style of "the Catholic Apostolic and Roman Church of St. Ann, of Detroit," having over it a Bishop, whose duties are performed by the Right Rev. Peter Paul Lefever, and who is also ex-officio rector of said church. The person who was rector at the time of said grant being dead, and having no other successor, save the person acting exofficio as aforesaid;

And whereas, The said acting rector and trustees of said church for the purpose of avoiding litigation and expense, in regard to said lands, have petitioned for the passage of an act whereby license may be granted to sell such lands; Therefore,

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That the trustees shall be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to grant, bargain and sell for the

use of said church of St. Ann, said lands in said patent described, in such parcels, at such times, for such prices, and in such manner as they may deem for the best interest of said church, and thereupon may execute to the purchaser or purchasers good and lawful deeds of conveyance in fee simple thereof, according to law.

Sec. 2. The proceeds of all such sales shall be by the said trustees of said corporation of St. Ann, invested in such kind of stocks and securities as they may think proper, for a term of years not exceeding three years, at a rate of interest of at least six per cent, per annum, which shall constitute a fund for the use and benefit of the said corporation of St. Ann.

Approved March 19, 1845.


No. 62.

AN ACT to amend the several acts in relation to the village of Pontiac.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That the taxes and assessments voted to be Taxes. levied upon the inhabitants of said village under its charter or the amendments thereto, shall in no case exceed in the aggregate the sum of six hundred dollars for the year 1845, and the sum of three hundred dollars for any one year thereafter: Provided, That in addition to the foregoing, there may be raised by vote of the taxable voters of said village legally convened for that purpose, a tax for the repair of streets and bridges in said village, not exceeding the amount which might have been levied upon the inhabitants of said village by law for highway taxes in case said village had not been incorporated; which tax may be paid in labor on the streets and bridges aforesaid, and if not so paid, shall be paid in money, and shall be faithfully applied under the direction of the common council of said village to the purposes for which it shall be levied.

Sec. 2. In making up any tax upon the inhabitants of said village, Taxes. except the poll tax, the same shall be made and apportioned upon the last assessment roll of the township of Pontiac, a copy of which roll duly certified by the township clerk of said township, shall annually



be obtained by said common council for the purpose aforesaid, as soon as the same shall be lodged in the clerk's office.

Sec. 3. No person shall be allowed to vote to raise a tax or assessment in said village upon real estate, unless he owns real estate to be taxed in said village.

Sec. 4. No assessment of the property in said village shall hereafter be made by the officers thereof.

Sec. 5. No officer or servant of said village except the Marshal, Compensa- shall hereafter receive any compensation for his services, and the Marshal shall be the collector of said village.


Sec. 6. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act be and

the same are hereby repealed.

Sec. 7. This act shall take effect from and after its passage.
Approved March 19, 1845.

No. 63.

Vacation of

AN ACT to vacate portions of certain streets in the village of Bertrand.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representacertain stris tives of the State of Michigan, That the following portions of the several streets in the village of Bertrand, in the county of Berrien, to wit: The portion of Michigan street lying between Jefferson street and the St. Joseph River, the portion of Huron street lying between Jefferson street and Washington street, the portion of Adam street lying between Michigan street and Hudson street, and the portion of Washington street lying between said Hudson street and St. Joseph river, be and the same are hereby severally discontinued and vacated.

May be enclosed.

Sec. 2. That upon securing to himself the title thereto or the right of possession thereof, from the person or persons owning the land at the time said streets were set apart to public use, by the record of the plat of said village, it shall be lawful for E. Frederic Sarin and his successor, heirs or assigns to enclose the above described portions thereof with blocks thirteen, fourteen, eleven and twelve as designated on said plat, and to use and occupy the same for the erection of buildings suitable for a female seminary of learning, and for other purposes not inconsistent therewith.

Approved, March 19, 1845.

No. 64.

AN ACT to provide for the sale of lands bid in by the state for delinquent taxes and for other purposes.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That so much of the act entitled "an act to provide for the assessment and collection of taxes," approved March 8, 1843, as requires lands returned to the Auditor General's ofice for unpaid taxes, and on which the taxes, interest and charges are not paid, to be advertised and sold on the first Monday of October thereafter, be and the same is hereby repealed; and lands returned as aforesaid, on which the taxes, interest and charges shall remain unpaid for one year succeeding their return, shall be advertised and sold in such manner as is now or may hereafter be provided by law :Provided, That no lands bid in by the State for taxes of any previous year, and remaining unredeemned, shall be advertised and sold as other lands, but shall be subject to sale as hereinafter provided.



Sec. 2. So much of the act above mentioned as authorizes the re- When certain lands demption of lands sold for taxes at any time within two years suc- may be receeding the sale is hereby repealed, and lands sold to individuals under the provisions of the first section of this act, may be redeemed within one year succeeding the sale, and not afterwards: Provided, That if redeemed within three months after sale, three months interest shall be charged if after three, and within six months, then six months interest; and if after six, and within nine months then nine months interest; and if after nine months, and within one year, then one year's interest shall be charged thereon at the same rate as is now provided by law.


be offered at

Sec. 3. No land bid in by the state for taxes at the sales in the Lands not to year 1844 or any year thereafter, shall be offered at the annual sales Oct. sale. in October for any year's tax which was levied subsequent to the tax for which it was bid in, until it shall have been redeemed, or been sold by the state as provided in this act, but upon the amount due at the time when it would have been so offered, had it not been previously bid in by the state, there shall be charged interest at the rate of twenty-five per centum to the time of redemption or sale as hereinafter provided.

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