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Messrs. Vansittart, Ward, and Baring, and supported by Messrs. Tierney, Horner, and Forbes ; and finally negatived, by 63 to 43. Lord Althorp, in moving for a Committee to inquire into the expenditure of 100,000l. granted by Parliament to the Prince Regent by way of outfit, said if he could shew that an Act of Parliament had been violated, it would have been an acknowledged ground for interference and inquiry, particularly if it should prove to be a Money Act, which was a subject on which the House was very properly jealous. The Noble Lord then described at length the nature of the grant, and contended that it could legally be applied only to the outfit, whereas it had been applied to the payment of the Prince of Wales's debts. The Noble Lord entered into the subject of the Prince's debts, adverted to the mode in which the matter had previously been treated by the Noble Viscount (Castlereagh), and said a delusion had been practised on the House: the money had been obtained for one object, and applied to another: be therefore moved the appointment of a Committee to inquire into the application of 100,000. granted by Parliament to the Prince Regent by the 52d of the King, to defray the expences of assuming the Royal Authority; and that the said Committee have the power to send for and examine papers and persons.

After some discussion, in which Lord Castlereagh, Messrs. Leach, Long, Wortley, and the Solicitor-General, argued strenuously against the motion, contending that the country had not lost one farthing by the application of the money; while Messrs. Tierney, Ponsonby, Wynne, Whitbread, Calcraft, and Lord Folkstone, as zealously supported the motion; it was finally negatived, by 225 to 105.

Another motion, proposed by Lord Millon, declaring that the 100 000%. had been made over to Commissioners, and applied contrary to the Act of Parliament, was negatived, without a division.

June 1.

Mr. Wynne obtained leave to bring in a bill, to repeal a clause in another bill which forbid persons to bathe in the Thames by day light, after seven in the morning, any where between the East India Company's Dock, at Blackwall, and Battersea Bridge. The amusement of bathing. Mr. W. remarked, was conducive to cleanliness and health: it enabled persons to acquire that art which supplied not only a safeguard to their own lives, but enabled them to save the lives of others.

The order for bringing up the Report of the New Post-Office Bill was carried, by 56 to 16. A motion for making good the deficiency of parish rates for fighting, paving, &c. arising from the houses to be

pulled down in the different parishes for the erection of the new Post-Office, was carried, by 55 to 21.

June 2.

In a Committee of Supply, Lord Palmerston brought forward the Army Estimates: the reduction in the land forces since the Treaty of Paris, (exclusive of Militia) was 47,000 men; and the saving for their support 2,652,000. He concluded by moving that 190,252 men be granted for the land forces for the year ending Dec. 31, 1815, (exclusive of those employed in the East India Company's service). This resolution being agreed to, the Noble Lord moved for various sums, composing the estimates, amounting in the whole to 4,674,0002.: also agreed to.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in moving the Army Extraordinaries, which were 12 millions, calculated the expences of the Army on the Continent at 500,000Z. a-month, which would be six millions in the year; three millions more would be required for the expences of the Army in America and the West Indies, and the remaining three millions would be in the payment of debts, and for various expences in the Mediterranean.

Mr. Tierney said, the Navy Expences for this year would amount to 80 millions. How, then, was a war of such expence to be carried on for two years?

All the Resolutions were carried.

June 5.

Lord Castlereagh moved an Address for the erection of a monument in St. Paul's to the memory of Gen. Pakenham, who fell on Jan. 8, before New Orleans.

The second reading of the Thames Bathing Bill was carried by 21 to 15.

Mr. Wilberforce observed, in regard to the houses ererted on the banks, to which it was a nuisance, that he had once spoken with a person who had shot woodcocks in the parish of St. Martin's in the Fields.

June 6.

A Bill was introduced to increase the salary of the Master of the Rolls in Ireland from 35007. to 43001. a year; and the retiring salary from 2700l. to 33001. a year.

Lord Castlereagh said, that the debts of the Prince Regent which remained undischarged on May 20, were 339,000l.

Sir R. Peel brought in a Bill to prevent children being employed in manufactories under ten years of age; and to reduce the hours of actual labour to 10.


Lord Donoughmore, after a prefatory speech in favour of Catholic Emancipation, moved, that the House should form itself into a Committee, to take into consideration

sideration the present state of the Roman Catholics of Great Britain and Ireland, with reference to the laws by which they still continued to be aggrieved. The discussion which followed was not long, nor were the arguments novel.

Lord Liverpool said, it would be impossible to secure a Protestant Government and a Protestant Church, if Catholics were admitted into Parliament.

The Duke of Sussex and Lord Grenville spoke in favour of the motion.

Lord Donoughmore, at the suggestion of Lords Mulgrave and Harrowby, amended his motion, that the House should resolve into a Committee upon the question early next Session.

After a few words from Lords Melville and Redesdale against, and the Earl of Aberdeen for, the motion, it was negatived, by 86 to 60.

In the Commons, the same day, Mr. Rose, in moving for a Committee to inquire into the state of mendicity in the Metropolis, said, that the number of persons in the Metropolis and its vicinity who subsisted by begging, amounted to 15,000; viz. 6000 adults and 9000 children; allow ing 6d. per day for the maintenance of the former, and 3d. for the latter, the whole would amount to 100,000l. a year.

On bringing up the Report of the Committee of Supply for increasing the duty on law stamps; and also imposing another halfpenny upon the stamp of every Newspaper, and 6d. additional for every advertisement; Sir J. Newport recommended, that the duty on the Newspaper stamp should be omitted, as injurious to the sale, and prohibiting information: on a division, however, the Resolution was carried, by 63 to 17.

June 9.

Mr. Ward moved for sums for the ordnance service: the total of the estimates for Great Britain amounted to 3,459,000l.; and the estimates for Ireland to 584.0007. making, in all, 4,043,0007; being 582,0004, more than if the peace had continued, but 784,000, less than the last war establishment. The Resolutions were agreed to.

June 12.

The House resolved itself into a Committee of Supply; and on the motion of Lord Castlereagh, the Treaties relative to an arrangement with Holland, Russia, and Sweden, were referred to the Committee.

Lord Castlereagh said, in calling the attention of the House to the Treaties now submitted to the Committee, he should have to call to the recollection of the Committee, what were the feelings of this Country upon what he might be allowed to call the resurrection of Holland to

Europe; and for himself, much as he should have lamented the loss of the Cape of Good Hope, Berbice, and Demerara, to this country, yet, rather than have thrown any impediment in the way of settling Holland, he would have given his assent to their being given up; but he must confess he felt much more satisfaction at our retaining them. In examining these Treaties he should first have to consider the charge which this Country had taken upon herself as related to Sweden; next, as related to the Netherlands; and, lastly, as to Russia. By our Treaty with Sweden we ceded Guadaloupe to her, but we had only ceded it to her as to our then possessional rights, and had left her to settle her claims as she might at the conclusion of the war. With respect to the second head, the expences in the Netherlands, he should want nothing extraordinary during the present year; and he must now submit, that, even in an economical point of view, it would in future be for our interest to create a strong barrier against France on the frontiers. With respect to the last head, the Russian Loan, he did not mean now to enter into any discussion as to the propriety or impropriety of the origin of this loan that was not now the question. The question now was, whether this Country ought, in policy, to take a share of the charge of it jointly with Holland. The Committee would find that upon the subjeet of the charge, it would not exceed 136,000. a year, and that was a charge which could only endure so long as the Netherlands should be separated from France. He should not propose to vote any sum now for the expence of fortifications; but upon a future occasion he should submit to the House, in a Committee of Supply, the necessity of a grant of one million for that purpose. The Noble Lord then moved a resolution for granting the sum of 136,000l. (25 millions of Dutch florins) to his Majesty, &c. to enable him to make good his engagement with the Emperor of Russia.

Mr. Whitbread wished some further explanation on the subject of the arrangements. He wished to know whether all the minor Powers had contributed to the chest at Frankfort.

Loid Castlereagh observed, that the Emperor of Russia certainly wished to repay the loan which had been obtained for that Empire; and would, unassisted, make an effort to repay it.

Mr. Tierney, Lord Castlereagh, Mr. Whitbread, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Bankes, Sir J. Newport, Mr. Baring, and Mr. Forbes,

made some observations.

Mr. Bathurst suported the grant, and Mr. W. Smith opposed it.

The Committee then divided, for the motion, 104; against it, 19. June

June 13.

Mr. Grenfell brought forward a long string of declaratory resolutions touching balances in the hands of the Bank of England; and by the concluding resolu tion he proposed, that this subject should be taken into the early consideration of Parliament, with a view to place the engagements with the Bank of England upon a more advantageous footing for the publick.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in reply, vindicated the regulations of the Bank; and concluded by moving the postponement of the consideration of the subject to this day se'nnight, to give the House time to consider the documents on the table.

After a few words from Messrs. Ponsonby, Rose, Tierney, and Mellish, the question was put and carried, that the further debate on this matter should be adjourned to that day se'nnight.

Mr. Wilberforce brought forward his motion respecting the further security that he wished to obtain for the carrying into effect the humane and honourable Act, which had redounded so much to the exalted character of this country, relative to the Slave Trade. The advantages which had resulted from this desirable measure were all too well known to render it necessary for him to enumerate them. It was, however, a fact greatly to be lamented, that after all the exertions which had for such a length of time been made by some of the most eminent characters this country had ever produced, the Act that had been passed was found to fall short of the intentions of the Legislature and the wishes of the whole Country, by its being continually evaded, and thereby rendered nugatory. The measure he was now about to propose was intended to pre

vent the clandestine importation of slaves into the West India Islands, which it was now found necessary to effect by a supplementary enactment to that beneficent statute, which had rendered the Parliament of this country the admiration of the whole civilized world. The mode in which he wished to promote this desirable end was by means of a register, which had been recommended by that truly patriotic character Mr. Perceval, who had turned his mind to the subject, and had shown on many occasions that it was what he had much at heart. He concluded by moving for leave to bring in a Bill for the better prevention of the illicit importation of slaves into the British colonies.

Mr. Browne thought that a question which touched so closely the constitutional rights and private interests of the Colonies, ought not to be brought on at so late a period of the Session, without sufficient parliamentary grounds to support it. It should be postponed till next Session, to give an opportunity to those who would be affected by it, to know the extent of its operation. As the evidence necessary could be obtained only in a Committee, he would move as an amendment, to leave out all the words in the original motion after the word "that," for the purpose of inserting the following: "a Committee be appointed to inquire, whether any clandestine importation of negroes in the British Colonies had taken place since the passing of the Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade."

After some observations by Mr. Protheroe, Sir John Newport, Mr. Douglas, Sir S. Romilly, and Mr. Wilberforce, Mr. A. Browne withdrew his Amendment; and leave was given to bring in the Bill.

INTERESTING INTELLIGENCE FROM THE LONDON GAZETTES. Downing-street, July 3. Extract of a dispatch from the Duke of Wellington, dated Orville, June 28. [See Part I. p. 636.]

The citadel of Cambray surrendered on the evening of the 25th inst. and the King of France proceeded there with his Court and his troops on the 26th. I have given that fort over entirely to his Majesty.-I attacked Peronne, with the 1st brigade of guards, under Major-gen. Maitland, on the 26th in the afternoon. The troops took the hornwork, which covers the suburb on the left of the Somme, by storm, with but small loss; and the town immediately afterwards surrendered, on condition that the garrison should lay down their arms and be allowed to return to their homes.The troops on this occasion behaved remarkably well; and, I bave great pleasure in reporting the good conduct of a battery of artillery of the troops of the Netherlands. I have placed in garrison there two batta

lions of the troops of the King of the Netherlands. The armies under Marshal Blucher and myself have continued their operations since I last wrote to your Lordship. The necessity which I was under of halting at Cateau, to allow the pontoons and certain stores to reach me, and to take Cambray and Peronne, had placed Marshal Blucher one march before me; but I conceive there is no danger in this separation between the two armies. He has one corps this day at Crespy, with detachments at Villars Coterets and La Ferte Milon; another at Senlis; and the fourth corps, under Gen. Bulow, towards Paris : he will have his advanced guard to-morrow at St. Denis and Gonasse. The army un der my command has this day its right be hind St. Just, and its left behind Taub, where the high road from Compeigne joins the high road from Roye to Paris.-The reserve is at Roye.-We shall be upon the

Oise to-morrow. It appears by all accounts, that the Enemy's corps collected at Soissons, and under Marshal Grouchy, have not yet retired upon Paris; and Marshal Blucher's troops are already between them and that city.

SUPPLEMENT To the Gazette, July 4. Foreign-office, July 5. Extract of a Dispatch from Wm. A'Court, esq. his Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary to the King of the Two Sicilies, to Viscount Castlereagh, dated Naples, June 17.

His Sicilian Majesty made this day his public entry into his capital, after an absence of nine years. The crowd that thronged the road all the way from Portici was immense, and nothing could exceed the enthusiasm of the people on the appearance of the legitimate Monarch. It was impossible to mistake the public feeling upon this occasion. The theatrical processions of Murat drew crowds, as I am told, of curious spectators; but curiosity was not the inducement here: in every countenance might be read the honest expression of heartfelt joy at the return of a beloved and native Sovereign. His Majesty was received, on his arrival at the Palace, by all the principal Nobility of the country, the great majority of whom appeared to partake of the enthusiasm which had been previously demonstrated by the lower classes. In fact, never was national joy so unequivocally and so universally displayed.

Extract of a Dispatch from Lord Burghersh to Viscount Castlereagh, dated Naples, June 17:

Having received the commands of his Majesty, King Ferdinand IV. to attend him from Portici, in his entry into his capital, I had this day the honour of being present with his Majesty, and of witnessing the enthusiasm with which he was received by his people. The King entered Naples at the head of his own troops, together with the Austrians and British, who defiled before him on his arrival at his Palace. The constant attachment the Neapolitan people are known to have ever borne their legitimate Sovereign, makes it unnecessary to detail to your Lordship their joy at his return. His Majesty re-assumes the Government of his country, beloved and respected by all classes of his subjects.


LONDON GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. Downing-sireet, July 7. Captain Lord Arthur Hill arrived last night with dispatches, of which the following are an extract and a copy, addressed to Earl Bathurst by the Duke of Wellington, dated Gonasse, 2d and 4th inst.

Gonasse, July 2. The Enemy attacked the advanced guard of Marshal, Prince Blucher's corps at Villars Coterets, on the 28th; but, the

main body coming up, they were driven off, with the loss of 6 pieces of cannon, and about 1000 prisoners.-It appears that these troops were on their march from Soissons to Paris, and having been driven off that road by the Prussian troops at VilJars Coterets, they got upon that of Meaux. They were attacked again upon this road by Gen. Bulow, who took from them 500 prisoners, and drove them across the Marne. They have, however, got into Paris. The advanced guard of the Allied army under my command crossed the Oise on the 29th, and the whole on the 30th; and we yesterday took up a position with the right upou the height of Rochebourg, and the left upon the Bois de Bondy. -Marshal Blucher, having taken the village of Aubervilliers, or Vertus, on the morning of the 30th of June, moved to his right, and crossed the Seine at St. Germain as I advanced; and he will this day have his right at Plessis Pique, his left at St. Cloud, and the reserve at Versailles.The Enemy have fortified the heights of Montmartre and the town of St. Denis strongly, and by means of the little rivers Rouillon and la Vielle Mar, they have inundated the ground on the North side of that town; and water having been introduced into the Canal de l'Ourcq, and the bank formed into a parapet and batteries, they have a strong position on this side of Paris. The heights of Belleville are likewise strongly fortified, but I am not aware that any defensive works have been thrown up on the left of the Seine.-Having collected in Paris all the troops remaining after the battle of the 18th, and all the depots of the whole army, it is supposed the Enemy have there about 40 or 50,000 troops of the line and guards, besides the national guards, a new levy called Les Trailleurs de la Garde, and the Federés. I have great pleasure in informing your Lordship, that Quesnoy surrendered to his Royal Highness Prince Frederick of the Netherlands on the 29th of June. I inclose the copy of his Royal Highness's report upon this subject, in which your Lordship will observe with satisfaction the intelligence and spirit with which this young Prince conducted this affair.-I likewise understand that Bassaume has surrendered to the officer sent there by the King of France to take possession of that [TRANSLATION.]


Petit Wargnies, June 28. On the day before yesterday I had the bonour of receiving your Grace's letter, dated Joncourt, 26th inst. sent by your Aide-de-camp, Capt. Cathcart, whom I have requested to inform your Excellency, that Marshal Count Rothallier had arrived this morning to summon the place in the name of Louis XVIII. He entered into a negociation with Lieut.-gen. Despreaux, Governor of Quesnoy. The only result, however,

however, produced by this, was a very singular reply from the Governor, from which it appeared to me that he might possibly be induced to capitulate, aud I determined at once on firing some shells and shot into the town, and of advancing our tirailleurs to the very glacis, to annoy them in every quarter, with a view of making some impression on the Commandant, and of endeavouring by that means to excite to revolt the national guards and inhabitants, who are said to be well disposed towards us. From the information collected as to the fortifications, there appeared to me no reasonable chance of taking it by escalade, the ditches being filled with water, in addition to the inundation which had been made. At 11 o'clock at night, I ordered five howitzers and six sixpounders to open on the town, and I continued the fire until three o'clock at daybreak. The town was at one time on fire in three places, but the fire was shortly extinguished. Some men were killed in the town, and several wounded, which appears to have produced exactly the effect which I wished. Last night Gen. Anthing, who commands the Indian brigade, sent an officer with the proposals to the Commandant, according to the authority which I had given to him, and coupled with a threat of bombardment and assault.Upon this a negociation was entered into, which ended in the signing of the following capitulation, this night; that is to say, that he would send an officer, with an Aidede-camp of Gen. Anthing, to Cambray, to ascertain the fact of the residence of the King of France in that town, and the abdication of Buonaparte in favour of his son, and that, thereupon, he would give us this night, at six o'clock, possession of the Porte des Forets, to be occupied by a company of artillery; and that the next morning the garrison should march out of the town; the national guards to lay down their arms, and return to their homes; the Commander, and that part of the garrison who were not national guards, were to go and receive the orders of Louis XVIII. in whose name we shall take possession of the town.

Gonasse, July 4.

My Lord-Field-Marshal Prince Blucher was strongly opposed by the Enemy in taking the position on the left of the Seine, which I reported in my dispatch of the 2d inst. that he intended to take up on that day, particularly on the heights of St. Cloud and Meudon; but the gallantry of the Prussian troops, under Gen. Ziethen, surmounted every obstacle, and they suc. ceeded finally in establishing themselves on the heights of Meudon, and in the vil lage of Issy. The French attacked them again in Issy, at three o'clock in the morn ing of the 3d, but were repulsed with considerable loss; and finding that Paris was

then open on its vulnerable side, that a communication was opened between the two Alled Armies by a bridge which I had established at Argenteuil, and that a British corps was likewise moving upon the left of the Seine, towards the Pont de Neuilly, the Enemy sent to desire that the firing might cease on both sides of the Seine, with a view to the negociation, at the palace of St. Cloud, of a Military Convention between the armies, under which the French army should evacuate Paris. Officers accordingly met on both sides at St. Cloud; and I inclose the copy of the Military Convention which was agreed to last night, and which had been ratified by Prince Blucher and me, and by the Prince d'Echmuhl on the part of the French army. This convention decides all the military questions at this moment existing here, and touches nothing political.-Gen. Lord Hill has marched to take possession of the posts evacuated by agreement this day, and I propose to-morrow to take possession of Montmartre.-I send this dispatch by my Aide-de-camp, Capt. Lord A. Hill, by way of Calais. He will be able to inform your Lordship of any further particulars, and I beg leave to recom、 mend him to your favour and protection. I bave, &c. WELLINGTON.

This day, the 3d of July, 1815, the Commissioners named by the Commanders in Chief of the respective armies, that is to say, the Baron Bignon, holding the Portefeuille of Foreign Affairs; the Count Guilleminot, Chief of the General Staff of the French army; the Count de Bondy, Prefect of the Department of the Seine, being furnished with the full powers of his Excellency the Marshal Prince of Echmuhl, Commander-in-Chief of the French Army, on one side; and Major-gen. Baron Muffling, furnished with the full powers of Marshal Prince Blucher, Commander-inChief of the Prussian Army; Col. He vey, furnished with the full powers of the Duke of Wellington, Commander-in-Chief of the English Army, on the other side; have agreed to the following articles:

Art. 1. There shall be a suspension of arms between the Allied armies commanded by Prince Blucher and the Duke of Wellington, and the French army under the walls of Paris.-2. The French army shall put itself in march to morrow, to take up its position behind the Loire.Paris shall be completely evacuated in three days; and the movement behind the Loire shall be effected within eight days.

3. The French army shall take with it all its materiel, field - artillery, militarychest, horses, and property of regiments, without exception. All persons belonging to the depots shall also be removed, as well as those belonging to the different branches

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