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receive the faid rum, and to fign fuch certificate, or certificates, which certificate, or certificates, are to fpecify the quantity of rum delivered, the ifland and place from whence exported, and to have annexed thereto the certificate or clearance of the officers of the cuftoms of the refpective iflands from whence fuch rum fhall be exported, or an attefted copy thereof; and fhall also specify, that the fame was of the ufual and proper proof and ftrength of each of the faid iflands, refpectively, from whence the fame was exported, according to the faid inftrument, they the faid Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury fhall and will direct, and caufe to be paid unto the faid James Bogle French, his executors, adminiftrators, or affigns, all fuch fums of money as fhall appear to be juftly and truly due to the faid James Bogle French, according to the prices and to the rates aforefaid, agreeably to the faid recited propofal for the feveral quantities of rum fo delivered and certified for as aforefaid, And the faid Lords Commiffioners do likewife covenant and agree, that they will bear harmless and indemnify the faid James Bogle French, his executors, adminiftrators, and affigns, from the payment of any cuftom-houte duties for, or upon account of the faid quantities of rum to be delivered purfuant to this contract.

Laftly, it is covenanted and agreed between the parties to these prefents, that the faid Lords Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury, or any of them, fhall not be liable in their perfons or eftates to any action whatever, by reason or means of their being, on his Majefty's behalf, made parties to this contract: In witness whereof the faid Lords Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury, and the faid James Bogle French, have hereunto interchangeably put their hands and feals, the day and year first above written.


Copy of a Memorial from Mr. James Anderfon to Lord George. Germain. 2d April, 1776.

To the Right Honourable Lord George Germain, one of his Majefty's Principal Secretaries of State, &c. Sc.

THE memorial of James Anderfon, humbly fheweth, That your Lordship's memorialift, in December laft, was fent home by General Howe, to carry out ftores, and neceffaries for the garrifon at Bofton.


That in confequence of the general reprefentation to the War-Office, a veffel was provided for that purpose, with a licence from the Lords of the Admiralty.

That the ftores are all bought up, and great part of them, put on board the fhip Peggy and Jamefon; but the licences being recalled by the Treafury Board, has for fome time prevented his proceeding.

That your Lordfhip's memorialift begs leave to represent his cafe as different from those who had the common trading licences; and to obviate any objection that may have arifen, your Lordship's memorialift hereby obligates himself to be come bound in any fum to confign the whole of the ftores to the direction of General Howe, or the commander in chief, on the fhip's arrival at Boston.

Your Lordship's memorialift humbly prays that his licence may be returned, fo as he may proceed with dispatch, as the feafon is far advanced, and the troops in want of the neceffaries, JAMES ANDERSON.

Copy of a Letter from Lieutenant General Harvey to Mr. Pownall, dated Cleveland-Court, 3d April, 1776.

Dear SIR,

AS I find there are fome difficulties as to Mr. Anders fon's receiving a licence for failing with the feveral particulars which he has provided for the army under the command of General Howe, I take the liberty of troubling you with line to acquaint you, that the General mentioned to me in one of his letters, that he had employed Mr. Anderfon on this fervice, and wifhed that I could affift him in what he had undertaken.

I take the liberty of mentioning this, as many inconve niencies muft happen if the General's intentions are pre vented, by Mr. Anderfon's not having the proper powers to fail.

I am, dear fit,

Your faithful and obedient fervant,

John Pownall, Efq;


March 8.

Mr. John Pownall (Secretary) prefented to the Hours. (pursuant to an addrefs of the Houfe) the following copy of

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a letter from Lord George Germain to the Lords of the Admiralty.

Gopy of a letter from Lord George Germain to the Lords of the Admiralty, dated Whitehall, 7th of February 1776.


HIS Majefty's fecretary at war having reprefented to me, that a confiderable quantity of neceffaries, for the use of the army at Boston, has been purchased here by Mr. Anderson employed as agent by Major General Howe for that purpose, and is now ready to be fent out, I have received the King's commands to fignify to your Lordships his Majefty's pleasure, that you give the neceffary orders for taking up a proper veffel to carry out the faid neceffaries which are computed to amount to about 200 tons, and it is his Majefty's further pleasure that proper accommodation be provided on board fuch veffel for the reception of fuch a detachment, of recruits as there be room for. I am, &c. may

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Sir Grey Cooper prefented to the House (pursuant to an addrefs of the Houfe) the following papers.

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Copy of a Letter from Mr. Robinson to the Admiralty, that the Specifications in the Licences granted certain Ships are too general, and that the Licences fhould be confined to Ships laden with Provifions, dated 15th March, 1776.


THE Lords Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury having taken into confideration your letter of the 12th inftant refpecting the licences to be granted to certain fhips going to North America; I am commanded by their Lordships to acquaint you, for the information of the Lords of the Admiralty, that the Lords of the Treafury are of opinion, that the fpecifications for the hips the Refolution, the Daniel, the Brunfwick, and the City of London, are too general, tend to open trade with North America, and are not warranted by the provifo in the act of Parliament giving the power to grant fuch licences; but are contrary thereto. And their Lordfhips think it right that fuch licences fhould be confined to fuch fhips and veffels as fhall be laden with provifions for the ufe of his Majefty's fleets, armies, or garrifons, or for the


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ufe of the inhabitants of any town or place garrisoned or poffeffed by any of his Majefty's forces, according to the direction of the act of Parliament.

Inclofed I return you the several specifications above referred to. I am, &c.

Geo. Fackfon, Efq;


Copy of Mr. Robinfon's Letter of the 15th March, 1776, to the Commiffioners of the Customs, relating to Licences for Ships going to North America.


Treafury Chambers.

THE lords commiffioners of his Majefty's treasury having taken into confideration a letter from Mr. Jackson, fecretary to the lords commiffioners of the admiralty, ftating, that application had been made to the lords of the admiralty for li cences to be granted to fhips going to North America; and having read the fpecification of the cargoes of the fhips, the Refolution, the Daniel, the Brunswick, and the City of London, and alfo the act paffed in the prefent feffion of Parliament, for prohibiting all trade and intercourfe with feve ral colonies in America; their lordships are of opinion, that the specifications for the fhips, the Refolution, the Daniel, the Brunswick, and the City of London, are too general, tend to open trade with North America, and are not warranted by the provifo in the act of Parliament, giving the power to grant fuch licences, but are contrary thereto, with which I have, by their lordships orders, acquainted Mr. Jackfon, for the information of the lords of the admiralty, and I am directed to acquaint you therewith for your government. I am, Gentlemen,

Your most humble fervant,


Copy of a letter from Mr. Robinson to the Admiralty, that Licences may be granted to the ships Loyalty, and True Briton, to carry Provifions to America for the use of the Army, &c. dated 23d March, 1776,

SIR, THE lords commiffioners of his Majefty's treasury having taken into confideration your letter of the 21ft inftant, together with the fpecification of the cargoes of the hips Loy


alty, and the True Briton, for which application has been made to the board of admiralty for licences to proceed to America, I am commanded by their lordships to return you the faid fpecifications, and to acquaint you, for the information of the lords of the admiralty, that my lords are of opia nion, that the board of admiralty may grant licences for the faid fhips to import into America, from any place from whence the fame may be legally imported thither, all articles of provifion for the fupply of his Majesty's fleets, armies, or garri fons, or for the ufe of the inhabitants of any town or place garrifoned or poffeffed by any of his Majefty's forces, according to the directions of the late act of Parliament; but that the articles of wine from Bourdeaux and Oporto are by law prohibited to be carried thither. I am, &c. George Jackfon, Efq;


Copy of a Letter from Mr. Robinson to the Admiralty, that Mr. Watlington has agreed to withdraw the Licence he had applied for, dated 23d March, 1776.


THE lords commiffioners of his Majefty's treasury having taken into confideration your letter of the 21ft inftant, together with the fpecifications of the cargo of the ship Pallas, for which application has been made to the board of admiralty for a licence to proceed to America; and having been attended by Mr. Watlington, who has applied for fuch licence, I am directed to return the fame to you, and to acquaint you, that Mr. Watlington has agreed to withdraw the faid licence. I am, &c.

Geo. Fackfon, Efq;


Copy of a Letter from Mr. Robinson to the Admiralty, that a Licence may be granted to the Ship Nancy, to carry Provifions to America for the ufe of the Army, dated 23d March, 1776.


THE lords commiffioners of his Majefty's treafury having taken into confideration your letter of the 21ft inftant, together with the fpecifications of the cargo of the Nancy, captain Knowles, for which application has been made to the board of admiralty for a licence to proceed to America; I am commanded by their lordships to return you the fpecification, and to acquaint you, for the information of the lords of the admiralty, that my lords are of opinion, that the board of admiralty may grant a licence for the faid


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