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A Journal of Practical Chemistry













81, 83, and 85 Centre Street,


v. 5-6



C. S., on some applications of
electricity to naval and mili-
tary purposes, 2.

ABEL, F. A., F.R.S., For.

D. Forbes, F.R.S., and A. Mat-
Report on
thiessen, F.R.S.

the chemical nature of cast
iron, 229.

Abictinic acid and sylvinic acid,
on the identity of the so called,
"Abridgments of Specifications

relating to Acids, Alkalies,
Oxides and Salts." A.D. 1622
-1866, Printed by order of
the Commissioner of Patents.
London, 1869, 300.

Absorption spectra of certain or-
By Dr.
ganic substances.
Phipson, 157.
Academy of Sciences, French, 19.
Acetic acid, oxidation of into ox-
alic acid, 35.

salts, behaviour of the trichlori-
nated, and of the chloral with
the animal organism, 240.
from acetylen, synthesis of, by a
new method, 312.
testing, 303.

Acetic derivatives of hydro-carbo-

naceous substances, on the,
by MM. Schutzenberger and
Naudin, 333.

Acetochlorhydrine and octylglycol,
100, 209.
Acetonic acid, 31.

Acetonine, preparation of oxalate
of, 188.

Acetons and aldehydes, 177./
Acetylbenzol, 374.

Acetylen, formation of bromide of,

chloride of, and the synthesis of
Julin's chloride, 255.

of the benzoid series, pyrogenic
formation of the, 91.

of hydrogen
upon, when platinum black is
simultaneously present, 309.

Acetylenes, action

Acid, acetonic, 37.

carbonic, on a certain excretion
of, by living plants, by J.
Chemist to the Cinchona Plan-
tations of the Madras Govern-
ment, 12.
chloral and trichloracetic, rela-
tion of to the animal organ-
ism, 373.


free hydrochloric, on the source
of in the gastric juice.
Prof. E. N. Horsford, Cam-
bridge, U. S. A., 11.

byposulphurous, on the constitu-
tion of, by Dr. Schorlemmer,

paramonochlorobenzoic, synthe-

sis of, 30.
protocatechusic, 205.
sulphoxybenzoic, 304.
waters often pumped up from
coal pits and mines, improve-
ment of, 95.

Acids, and polyatomic alcohols,
researches concerning the ethe-
real derivatives of the, 313.
fatty, new method of converting
into their alcohols, 369.
formation of the chlorides of,

new source of the first terms of

acid series, and especially on
propionic acid, 93.
Adapinic acid, formation of, from
mucic acid, 36.
Adulterated soap, 20.

Adulteration of sulphuric acid, 30.
Aerostation, scientific, 99.
Age of any writing made with ink

containing an iron salt, method
of ascertaining, 93.
Air, irrespirable, of the wine-must
fermenting tubs, 391.

presence in, of active oxygen, or
ozone, 176.

Air pump, with a free plunger, de
scription of, 382.

specific heat of, when kept at con-
stant volume, 381.
Akazga plant, characteristics of the,

and the structure of its wood
as compared with that of the
strichnos nux vomica, 37.
Albumen, determination of the
equivalent of, 366.

soluble, which is not coagulated
by heat, 177.

test for, 383.
Albuminates, changes which they

suffer when they are submitted
to the action of water, 361.
Alcohol, allylic, new mode of pre-
paring, 91.

and water, combinations of, 381.
detection of, in chloroform, 372.
primitive normal butylic, 171.
pseudoctylic, oxidation of, 376.
researches on the ethereal deriv-
atives from propylic, 254.
Alcoholic fermentation excited by
the microzymas of the liver,

of beet-root juice, researches on
the products of the, 189.
Alcohols, on the synthesis of by
means of chloruretted ether,

Aldehyde and kreatin, 188.

conversion of into aceton, 188.
"Alkali Act, 1863; Fifth Annual
Report by the Inspector, of his
Proceedings during the year
1868." Presented
Houses of Parliament, 1869.
Eyre and Spottiswoode, 800.
Alkalies, action of nitrites of, upon


uric acid and derivatives there-
from, 311.

relative proportion of found in
the ash of divers plants, 245.
Alkaline carbonates, manufacture

of, and of carbonate of lead and
also other carbonates, by means
of a new chemical action, 381.
chlorides found in the water and
rocks of the Coal Formation of
Luijk, Liege (Belgium), origin
of the, 362.

iodides, on the application of, as
reducing agents, $2.
nitrates, action of upon uric acid
and its derivatives, 379.
Alkali waste, on the recovery of
sulphur from, by Mr. Ludwig
Mond, 28.

works, 15, 44, 45.

Alkaloid found during alcoholic
fermentation, 167.

Alkaloids, instability of the solu-
tions of, 37.
Alkanine, 186.
Alloy, a new, 108.

found at Pompeii, analysis of, 95.

Alloys, fusible, 249.
researches in, 242.

Allyl and propylen, isomeric deriva-
tives of, 93.

alcohol, 37.

bromide of, and the essential oil
of mustard, 91.
Allylic alcohol, new mode of pre-
paring, 91.

compounds, boiling points of the,

Alum-shale, the substitution of for

bone-black in sugar manufac-
ture, 33.
Alumina, lime, magnesia, and iron,
on a new method of estimating
the reduced phosphates of,
in super-phosphates or
nures, by J. A. Chesshire,


"American Association for the
Advancement of Science, pro-
ceedings of," sixteenth meet-
ing, held at Burlington, Ver-
mont. Cambridge, U. S.: J.
Lovering, 1868, 104.

Amido Acids derived from benzoic
acid, relations which exist be-
tween them and the alkaloids
derived from toluen, 173.
and nitrophtalic

acids, 188.
Aminamides of the fatty acid series,

Ammonia, action of on phosphorus,

and sulphate of zinc, compounds
of, 359.

bi-carbonate of, as a pharmaceu-
tical preparation, 247.
combinations of with cyanide of

silver and sulpho-cyanide of
silver, 188.

gas, explosion caused by, 303.
oxidation of, 240, 590.

on a new and economical method
for effecting the extrication
and condensation of, from gas
liquor, for purposes of cheap
carriage, and for facilitating
the manufacture of ammonia-
cal salts, by Frederick Braby,
F.G.S., 340.
Ammoniacal solution of silver, be-
havior of some double cyanides
towards, 188.

Ammonium amalgam, 93.
Amsterdam, international exhibi-
tion of, 391.

Amylaceous matter, chemical con-
stitution of, 100.
Amylen and oil of turpentine, re-

lations existing between, 358.
Amylendisulphuric acid, 94.
Analysis, indirect, on the employ-

ment of constant factors in the
calculation of, by Dr. E.
Fleischer, of Dresden, 161.
on the methods of, and the com-
position of various chemical
manufacturing products, by M.
Gaston Tissandier, 207.
of the iodine containing water
from the mineral spring at Roy,
near Freistadt, Sales, 381.
of the Lauenscheid mineral wa-
ter, 380.

of the medicated spring of Tonis-
stein, and of the chalybeate
spring at the same place, 380.
of the water of the "Royal Sul-
phur Spring," Harrogate, by


Muspratt, M.D.
(Hon.), F.R.S., E.D., M.R.I.
A., etc., 140.

Andersonian Institution, the pro-

posed new chair in the, 390.
Anderson, Thomas, M.D., F.R.S.E.,

F.C.S., Professor of Chemistry
in the University of Glasgow,
preliminary note on the pro-
ducts of the destructive distil-
lation of resin, 211.
Anderson University, new chair at,

Anethol, some derivatives from,

Anhydrite, new mode of formation
of, 187.
Anhydrous lactic acid, synthesis of,

Aniline, formation of from bromide
of benzol, 869.
some derivatives from bromide
of, 374.

green, nature of, 314, 375.
Anisaldehyde, 358.

Answers to Correspondents, 52,
112, 192, 256, 316, 392.

Anthracen series, on the coloring.
matters of the, 31.

Anthranilic acid, action of cyano-

gen on, 374.

Antiaris loxicaria, researches on

the milky juice of them, 31.
some new,
Antimony minerals,
from Wolfac, Baden, 251.
Applied science in Italy, 47.
Arable soil, relation existing be-
tween the chemical composi-
tion of, and its property of
yielding a good harvest, 93.
Arbutine, on, 269.

Argol, analysis of crude cream of
tartar, 37.


"Arithmetical Exercises for Chem-
ical Students," by C. J. Wood-
ward, B. Sc., Lecturer
Chemistry and Physics, Mid-
land Institute, Birmingham.
Birmingham: The Educational
Trading Co. (limited).
don: Simpkin, Marshall &
Co., 802.
Arnott, Neil, M.D., F,R.S.

servations on some of the fun-
damental principles and exist-
ing defects of national educa-
tion." Longmans, 1869, 104.
Aromatic acids, synthesis of, 309.
the so-called, synthesis of, 100.
Arsenic, sensitiveness of divers
methods for the detection of,

test for, and the preparation of
hydrochloric acid free from ar-
Benic, 365.

acid, modified form of the ni-
trate of silver, test for, 41.
Arsenical aniline reds.-Aniline red
of M. Coupier prepared with-
out arsenic, 189.
pigments, detection of, 171.
Artesian well, another successful,


at Terre Haute, Indiana, 879.
the deepest in the world, 362.
Artificial alizarine, 310, 373.
manures, on the methods of de-
termining the amount of pre-
cipitated or reduced phos-
phates in, by John Hughes, F.
C. S., 62.
Ashbenium, 166.

Asparagine, action of permanga-
nate of potassa upon, 363.
Asparaginic acid, as a product of
the decomposition of animal
proteine compounds, 381.
and glutaminic acids, 380.
Aspidolite, 306.

Astronomical clock for Beauvais

cathedral, 48.

Atmospheric air, effect of, when
mixed with gas, in reducing
its illuminating power, 313.
Atomic ratio, 243.

theory, the, by Dr. Mills, 157.
theory, the, by Dr. Williamson,
Pres. C.S., 87.

value of liquids, 41.

volume of the elements, 243.
weights, 47.

Atractylic acid, 206,

and atractylates, 176.

Aurora at Toronto, Canada, 313.
Aurora Borealis of the 15th of
April, 1869, a note on, 178.
spectrum of the, 241.
Avery, Charles E., on the decompo-

sition of refractory silicates by
fluorides in the wet way, 71.

BALANCES of great precision, 174.
Balata, 248.

Banc, M. on a new source of the
first terms of the fatty acids,
amongst others of propionic
acid, 278.

Banca tin, peculiarly modified phy-
sical structure of, 39.
Baryta-bearing gangue of Wittich,

in the Duchy of Baden, mineral
met with in the, 96.
caustic, preparation of, for in-
dustrial purposes, 383.
on the use of tungstate of, in
painting, 47.

strontia, and lime, estimation of,
by Dr. E. Fleischer, of Dresden,
Basaltic lava, specific gravity of, 96.
Base, discovery of a new. 34.
Bassett, H., Esq., on the prepara-
tion of sesquichloride of car-
bon, 338.

Beer, detection of bitter substances
other than hops in, 362.
Beeswax, testing, 168.
Beet-root saccharine juice, theoreti-

cal and practical studies on the
divers processes in use for the
purification (defecation) of, by
means of lime and carbonic
acid, 314.
salts, 209.

sugar, occurrence in the molasses
of, of a new acid homologous
with asparaginic acid, 253.
Beet-roots, elimination of the nitro-
gen contained in, during the
process of manufacturing sugar
therefrom, 101.

Bell, James, Esq., on spirits made
from rice, 279.

on the determination of crystal-
lised sugar, 331.

Bell, J. Lowthian, on the chemistry
of the blast furnace, 20.
Bells, alloys for, 249.
Benzine, formation of substances

homologous with, by the re-
ciprocal action of more sim-
ply composed carbides taken in
free state, 91.

the extraction of and its homo-
logues, from illuminating gas
obtained from coal, 175.
Benzoic acid, on dichloric and
trichloric, 369.

acid series, contribution to our
knowledge of isomerism in,

Benzol, 95.

constitution of, 364.
derivations of, obtained from
toluol, 369.

formulæ of, 240.

hypotheses respecting the con-
stitution of, 98.

on perchloride of, and its forma-

researches on the sulpho-acids of,

series, definition of the place to
be assigned to the, 366.
Benzyl-alcohol, amines of chlori-
nated, 359.

Benzylamine, tri- and bi-, decompo-
sition of by heat, 258.
Benzylic acid, 365.
Berberis vulgaris, 178.
Berlin blue, test for, 378,
Berrard, M., death of, 109.
Berthier, P., a biography of the
chemist, 178.

Bessemer steel, some peculiarities

in the working and manufac-
ture of, in Styria and Carinthia,

Betain, a new vegetable base met
with in the juice of sugar beet-
roots, 252.

Bin-acial mica, grain test for, 181.
Binitro-cresol, 180.

Birch-wood tar, researches on, 309.
Bismuth ore, discovery of, 390.
silver, 253.

Blast furnace, chemistry of the, by
J. Lowthian Bell, 20.
chemistry of the, according to
Mr. J. L. Bell's experiments,
by M. Charles Schinz, 353.
slag, utilisation of, 157.
furnaces of the Siezen district,
certain peculiarities of, 246.
Bleaching feathers, new method

for, 249.

Bleaching soap, 109.
Blood, researches in the microzy-

mas of the, and on the nature
of fibrin, 357.

Blowpipe beads, on crystals enclos-
ed in, by H. C. Sorby, F.R.S.,
etc., 138.

Blowpipe chemistry, 388.
Bloxam, C. L., "Laboratory Teach-
ing, or Progressive Exercises in
Practical Chemistry." John
Churchill & Sons, 1869, 159.
Bloxam, T., Lecturer on Chemistry,

Cheltenham College, on the
electrolysis of nitrates, 82.
Boilers, incrustations in, 390.
Boiling liquids, containing acids

and alkalies, action of on glass
.and porcelain vessels, 181.
Bones, brittleness of, 30.
sulphurous acid for dissolving, 23.
Books, Notices of, 41, 102, 159, 234,
200, 384.

Boomerang, definition of the course

[blocks in formation]

new and economical method
for effecting the extrication
and condensation of ammonia
from gas liquor, for purposes
of cheap carriage, and for fa-
cilitating the manufacture of
ammoniacal salts, 340.
Brain, velocity of the psychical
functions of the, 38.

Bran, the use of in brewing, manu-

facture of spirits, and starch-
making, 33.

Brandy obtained from reindeer
moss, 182.

Brass, copper, and yellow metal,
platinising, 30.

Bread, good wholesome, 39.
Brewing, schools for, in Bavaria,


use of a vacuum in, 371.
British Association for the Ad-
vancement of Science, The,
108, 265.

chemical section of the the offi-
cial report, 163.

Exeter Meeting, Aug. 18, 1869;
Inaugural Address of the

Stokes, M.A., Sec. R.S., D.C.L.,
Oxon.; LL.D., Dublin; Fel-
low of Pembroke College; and
Lucasian Professor of Mathe-
matics in the University of
Cambridge, 216.

address to the chemical section,
by Dr. Debus, President, Aug.
19th, 225.

list of papers brought before the
chemical section, 233.
report of the Committee for Re-
commending Increased Facili-
ties for Scientifle Investiga-
tions, 233.
Brittleness of bones, 30.
Bromated toluidine, 172.
Bromide and iodide of ethyl, ac-
tion of sulpho-chloride upon,

[ocr errors]

Bromine, action of on butyrate and
valerianate of silver, 188.
Bromonitrous acid, some of the de-
compositions of, 38.
Bromotoluen, and the toluidines
derived therefrom, 338.
Bromotoluol, bromotoluolsulpho
acid, and isomeric sulpho-hy-
drate of toluol, 368.
Bronze, 39.
Broughton, (J. B.) Sc., F.C.S.,
Chemist to the Cinchona
Plantations of the Madras Gov-
ernment, on a certain excre-
tion of carbonic acid by living
plants, 12.

Brucine, new reagent for, 252.
Brunswick, researches made in the
laboratory for technical chem-
istry at, 185.
Bumping of boiling liquids, on
some means for preventing
the, by Hugo Müller, F.R.S.,

Bunsen, Prof., accident to, 48.
Bunsen's filter, improved, 303.
Butcher's meat, to preserve in hot
weather, 39.

Butylen, synthesis of a new, ethyl-
vinyl, 309.
Buxine, contribution to the his-
tory of, 306.

CALCIUM, experiments on the di-

rect decomposition of sulphide
of, as met with in soda-water, by
means of chloride of manga-
nese, 95.
Calico printing, use of extracts of

madder in, and the part each
of the different pigments con-
tained in madder plays in this
operation, 311.
Calvert, F. Grace, Ph. D., F.R.S.,

on the presence of soluble
phosphates in seeds, 273.
Cameron, Prof. Charles A., Ph. D.,

M.D., Analyst to the City of
Dublin, on the composition of
the milk of the sow, 1.
Camphoric acid and some of its
combinations, 378.

Caoutchouc, vulcanization of, 101.
"Carbon, a course of six lectures

on the chemical changes of,"
by William Odling, M.B., F.R.
S., Fullerian Professor Chem-
istry, Royal Institution, deliv-
ered before a juvenile auditory
at the Royal Institution of
Great Britain during the
Christmas Holidays of 1868-
69. London: Longmans, Green
& Co., 42.
action of sulphide of, upon oxa-
mide and acetimide, 240.
chemically combined with iron,
process for determining the,
by Prof. Eggertz, Director of
School of Mines, Fahlun, Swe-
den, 206.

chlorides of, 310.

contribution to our knowledge of
its relation to oxygen, 248.
disulphide of, decomposition of
by heat, 95.

formation and decomposition of

immediate analysis of the di-
verse varieties of, M. Berthe-
lot, 245..

on the action of light upon sul-
phide of, 32.

oxysulphide of, 91.
perchloride of, action of anhy-
drous sulphuric acid upon, 242,


sulphide of, formation and de-
composition of, 176.

the preparation of sesquichloride
of, by H. Bassett, Esq., 338.
Carbonic acid, estimation of, 314.
on a certain excretion of, by liv-
ing plants, by J. Broughton,
B. Sc., F.C.S., Chemist to the
Cinchona Plantations of the
Madras Government, 12.
on a combination of, and hydrate
of phenyl, 31.

reduction of to oxalic acid, 179.
Carbonic oxide, improvement of
the preparation of, 189.
Carbylamines, action of acids upon,

Cast iron, report on the chemical
nature of, by Messrs. F. A.
Abel, F.R.S., D. Forbes, F.R.
S., and A. Matthiessen, F.R.
S., 229.
Catechin and catechutannin, 95.
Cellulose in old wood, 166.
Cement, acid-proof, 171.

for iron and stone, very durable,


marl, analysis of a, 95.
Ceramic industry of Kroningen,
Lower Bavaria, 370.

Cerium bases, experiments on the
salts of the, 255.
Chalybeate water, mineral, from
the Departement de Maine et
Loire, 95.

Champonnois press, the, 246.
Chandler, W. H., on the economi-
cal purification of zinc contain-
ing iron, 339.
Chemical actions, development of

heat of, as dependent on the
change of the number of the
molecules of substances, 93.
constitution of the organic hy-
dro-carbons, 179.
equilibrium, and the influence of
pressure as affecting the action
of carbon and hydrogen upon
each other, 176.
"Chemical labels, according to the
latest system of nomenclature."
London: H. K. Lewis, price
18., 43.

labels, a series of, with symbols,
arranged according to the new
notation." Leeds: Harney,
Reynolds & Co., price 6d., 43.
labels, Mawson and Swan's
book of," revised edition. New-
castle-on-Tyne: Mawson and
Swan, price 1s., 43.
"Chemical manufacturers' plant,
as supplied by the St. Helen's
Foundry, Lancashire," 384.
method of treating the excreta
of towns, by Edward C. C.
Stanford, F.C.S., 347.
nomenclature, the new, 378.
Notices from Foreign Sources,
29, 90, 169, 238, 304, 356.
prize, 47.
section of British Association for
the Advancement of Science,
Exeter meeting. Aug. 19, 1869,
address by Dr. Debus, F.R.S.,
President, 225.

Society, 20, 26, 87, 88, 157.
Society, Newcastle, 28.
Society of Zurich, called the
Chemical Harmonica, commu-
nication from the, 374.
substances, labels for paper
wrapper, price 6d. London:
John J. Griffin & Sons, 22 Gar-
rick Street, W. C., 103.
Theory, a History of, from the
age of Lavoisier to the present
time, by Ad. Wurtz, Membre de

Dec., 1869,

ences). Translated and edited
by Henry Watts, B.A., F.R.S.
London: Macmillan & Co.,
1869, pp. 220, 8vo, 41.
"Chemistry, Elementary Lessons
in: Inorganic and Organic,"
by H. E. Roscoe, new edition.
Macmillan & Co., 1869, 103.
Elements of: Theoretical and
Practical," by William Allen
Miller, M.D., LL.D., &c.
Part III., Organic Chemistry,
fourth edition, with additions.
Longmans, 1869, 976 pp., 285.
Exercises in Practical," by A.
Vernon Harcourt, M.A., F.R.
S., and H. G. Madan, M.A.,
Series I, Qualitative Exer-
Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1869, 335 pp., 387.
Chemistry of the blast furnace, by
J. Lowthian Bell, 20.

organic, on some generic reac-
tions in, by S. E. Phillips, 1521
practical, endowment of a schoo.
of, 165.

Chemistry, schools of, 289.

examining boards; University
of London, 289.
examinations in connection with
the department of science and
arts, South Kensington, 290.
Chemical lectures:-
University College, 291.

Royal School of Mines and Col-
lege of Chemistry, 293.
King's College, 293.

Pharmaceutical Society of Great
Britain, 294.

City of London College, Leaden-
hall Street, E. C., 294.

Ladies' Medical College, Fitzroy
Square, 294.

Birkbeck Literary and Scientific
Institution, 294.

New Kensington Institute, 294.
Polytechnic Institution, 294.
Royal Veterinary College, Cam-
den Town, 294.

Chemical Lectures at London
Medical Schools:-

St. Bartholomew's Hospital and
Medical College, 294.

Charing Cross Hospital and Col-
lege, 294.

St. George's Hospital, 295.

Guy's Hospital, 295.

London Hospital, 295.

St. Mary's Hospital, 295.

Middlesex Hospital, 295.

St. Thomas's Hospital, 295.
Westminster Hospital, 295.
Chemistry, private teachers of, in

London, 295.

University of Oxford, 295.
University of Cambridge, 295.
Provincial Schools: Birmingham:
Midland Institute, 296.
Birmingham, Queen's College,

Bristol: Bristol Medical School,

Roval Agricultural College,
Cirencester, 296.
Liverpool Royal Infirmary
School of Medicine, 296.
School of Technical Chemistry,
Liverpool, 296.

College of Chemistry, Liver-
pool, 296.

Leeds School of Medicine, 297.
Leads Mechanics' Institution
and Literary Society's Labo-
ratory, 297.
High Harrogate College, York-
shire, 297.

Manchester Grammar School,

Manchester Royal School of
Medicine, 297.

College of Medicine, Newcastle,

[ocr errors]

Sheffield School of Chemistry,

Sheffield School of Medicine,

Scotland: University of Edin-

Royal College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Edinburgh,
Andersonian University, Glas-
gow, 299.

University of Glasgow, 299.
Glasgow Mechanics' Institu-
tion, 299.

Glasgow Veterinary College,

Ireland: Dublin-Trinity Col-
lege, 299.

Royal College of Surgeons,
Dublin, 299.

Queen's College, Belfast, 299.
Queen's College, Cork, 299.
Queen's College, Galway, 299.
Royal College of Science for
Ireland, 200.

Chemistry, theoretical, 314.
Chemist's view of the sewage ques-

tion, by Edward C. C. Stan-
ford, F.C.S., 16, 63.

Chesshire, J. A., on a new method
of estimating the
phosphates of lime, magnesia,
iron, and alumina, in super-
phosphates or manures, 11.
Cheshire, John Henry, on the new

methods of estimating the
amount of reduced phosphates,
"Chimie, Dictionnaire de, Pure et
Appliquée," par Ad. Wurtz.
Paris: L. Hachette, 162.

China grass, 251.

varnish, jet-black, 247.
Chinese empire, ancient and mo-
dern industry of, 383.
industry, 363.

Chlorate of baryta, preparation of,

acid from
chlorethyl-chloride, 36.
Chlorinated chloride of methyl, cn
Regnault's, by W. H. Perkin,
F.R.S., 27.


Chlorine, iodine, and bromine, be-

haviour of, towards a solution
of permanganate of potassa,

on the manufacture of, by means
of perpetually regenerated
of calcium, by
Walter Weldon, F.C.S., 265.
on the specific gravity of, 37.
Chlornitrophenols, 366.
Chloroform, testing it for the pre-
sence of alcohol and ether, 96.
Chlorol, 363,

Chlorous acid, 866.
Chlorosulpho-anhydride, HCISO,

action of, on phenol and phe-
nolsulpho-potassium, 173.
Chloro-sulphuric acid, on some re-
actions of, by James Dewar,
F.R.S.E., and George Crans-
ton, Edinburgh, 338.
Chocolate, manufacture of, 239.
manufactory of M. Meunier at

Noisiel (Seine et Marne), re-
port on the, 241.

Choline, on a homologue and iso-
mer of, 16, 91, 375.
Chrome iron ore, chemical com-
position of native, 248.
Chromic acid, volumetrical estima-
tion of, 32.
Chromium and molybdenum, 238.
Treatise on Colours and Pig-
ments as used by Artists." A
new edition rewritten by Tho-
mas W. Salter, F.C.S., Lon-
don: Winsor and Newton, £8
Rathbone Place. pp. 435: Svo,


Chrysanline, contribution to our
knowledge of, 264.
Chrysaphanic acid, 264.
Church, Prof., M.A., 303.

Church, A. H., M.A., Oxon., on re-
searches on turacine, 61.
preliminary note on Namaqua-
lite, 156.

Cicuta-virosa, chemical researches
on the poisonous principle of
the root of the, 191.

Cinamic acid, synthesis of acids

homologous with, 187.
Cinchonine chinoline, on, 374.
action of permanganate of po-
tassa upon, 242.

"Cleveland and its Metropolis."
Sept. 21, 1869.
ough-on-Tees; printed at the
Gazette Steam Printing Works,
1869, 385.

Coahuila (Mexico), meteoric irons
of 1868, 243.
Coal, discovery of, 315.
old and new, 378.

off the proximate analysis of, by
Prof. Gustavus
chemist of the geological sur-
vey of Iowa, 80.

tar oils, boil at about 200°, 169.
the Miesbach, use of as fuel at
the salt work of Hael, in the
Tyrol, 247.

Cobalt and nickel, further experi-

ments on the atomic weight
of, by Dr. Russell, 158.
qualitative separation of, 313.
Cochlearia officinalis, essential oil
of, 108.

Codeia, on the action of hydro-
chloric acid upon, by Aug.
Matthiessen, F.R.S., Lecturer
on chemistry in St. Bartholo-
mew's Hospital, and C. R.A.
Wright, B. Sc., 86.
Coffeine and theine, non-identity
of, 96.

Cohesion exhibited by rock-salt in

different crystallographical di-
rections, 243.
Collodion for protecting silver

ware, 108.
Colophonine and colophonic hy-

drate, new substances procured
from the products of the de-
structive distillation of resin.
By C. R. C. Tichborne, M. R.
I.A., F.C.S., etc., 147.
Coloured light, description of a
photometrical method of men-
surement and comparison of
the intensity of, 243.
Colouring carbonic acid, 46.
matter met with in the common
buckthorn bark, 206.

substances used for staining
glass and Fiance wire, analyses
of, 169.

Colours, non-poisonous, 204.
Combustion experiments in lecture

room, description of an appa-
ratus for exhibiting, 374.
illustration of the phenomena
of, for lecture experiments,375.
on the supposed action of light
upon. By Charles Tomlinson,
F.R.S., F.C.S., 285.
Communication between our earth

and the planets, means of, 254.
Composition of the milk of the
sow, on the, by Prof. Charles A.
Cameron, Ph. D., M.D., Ana-
lyst to the City of Dublin, 1.
Compressibility of gases at high
temperatures, 189.
Constant capillarity of fused chem-
ical compounds, 381.
factors, on the employment of, in
of indirect
the calculation
analyses. By Dr. E. Fleischer,
of Dresden, 61.
Contributions to analytical chemis-
try, by Dr. E. Fleischer, of
Dresden: on the employment
of constant factors in the cal-
culation of indirect analyses,
61, 83.
Copal varnish, 39.
Copper and silver, method for ra-
pidly separating the nitrates
of, from each other, 377.
and zinc, basic salts of, 177.
and zinc contained in ores, im-
provement of the volumetrical
estimation of, by means of a
standard solution of ferrocy-
anide of potassium, 361.
castings, non-porous, 377.
estimation of suboxide of, occur-


ring in metallic copper, and es-
pecially in the variety of this
metal known as rosette, 22.
improved preparation of neutral
acetate of, 92.

in ores, on the estimation of, by
certain methods for which a
premium has been awarded, 9.
in ores, remarks on the estima-
tion of, by Frederick Field,
F. R. S.S. L. and E., 16.
native in Belgium, 239.
peculiar activity of one-half of the
oxygen contained in oxide of,
and the dependence thereupon
of a highly delicate reagent for
hydrocyanic acid and cyanides,

quantitative estimation of, by
sulphuretted hydrogen, 256.
quantity of, produced in the year
1866, over the whole world, 311.
yellow metal and brass, platini-
sing, 30.

Coraline, non-poisonousness of, 249.
poisonous effects of, 170.

poisonous properties of, as used
for dyeing purposes, 173.
Correlation of the unequal visibility
of colors at twilight, and their
unequal photographic activity
in full daylight, 242.
Correspondence, 43, 106, 162, 226,
302, 388.

Correspondents, Answers to, 52,
112, 192, 256, 316, 392.
Cotton, cultivation of, in Southern
France, 283.
tanned, 368.
"Course of six lectures on the
chemical changes of carbon."
By William Odling, M.B., F.R.
S., Fullerian Professor
Chemistry, Royal Institution.
Delivered before a Juvenile Au-
ditory, at the Royal Institution
of Great Britain, during the
Christmas Holidays of 1868-69.
London: Longmans, Green
and Co., 42.

Cranston, George, and James De-
war, F.R.S. E., Edinburgh, on
some reactions of chloro-sul-
phuric acid, 358.

Cream of tartar, crude analysis of,
Argol, 7.

Cresol and phloron, researches

on, and some of their deriva-
tives, 359.

some derivatives from, 258.
Creotic and salycilic acids, 576.
Cresylo-purpuric acid, 306.

Crotonic acid, synthesis of, 187.
Crotonaldehyde, 364.

Crotonic aldehyde, synthesis of, SCS.
Cryolite glass, or so-called hot-cast

porcelain, 96.

Crump, C., on a new reaction of
phenol, 279.

Church, Prof. M. A., new prelimi-

nary note on a new Cornish
mineral, 285.

Crystals enclosed

in blowpipe

beads, by H. C. Sorby, F.R.S.,

etc., 138.

Cubical pyramidal crystals, struc-

ture of, 376.

Cumin series, the base of which

agrees with benzylamine, 97.
Cumonitrilamine, 97.
Currents, interrupted, 267.
Cyanobromide, polymeric, 93.
Cyanphenylen, on, 26.
Cyanine, 182.

"Cyclopædic Science Simplified,"
by J. H. Pepper. London:
Frederick Warne & Co. New
York: Scribner, Welford & Co.
1869, 160.

Cymol, a new method of preparing
it from camphor and on a hy-
droxyl derivate of cymol, 38.
Cytisin, an alkaloid of the genus
cytisis, 178.

DEBUS, Dr., F.R.S., President.
Address to the Chemical Sec-
tion of British Association for

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