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223. When accented and unaccented syl-| Proverbs. 1. He who marries for wealth, sells lables are agreeably interspersed through the his liberty. 2. A friend, which you buy with prewords, neither a heavy utterance, nor indis-sents, may be bought from you. 3. Ladies-will tinctness occurs. Ex. "Not so, when swift sooner pardon want of sense, than want of good Camilla scours the plain, Flies o'er the un- manners. 4. The remedy for love island between. bending corn, and skims along the main."5. You may know a foolish woman-by her finNow, compare the movement of the voice in ery. 6. Temperance, employment, and a cheerful this, with the following, and see and feel the spirit-are great preservers and restorers of health. 7. Many a one digs his grave with his teeth. 8. difference: "And ten low words oft creep in The epicure-puts his purse in his stomach; and one dull line." The former is like a nag, that the miser-his stomach in his purse. 9. Change of gallops off in fine style; the latter, one that weather is the discourse of fools. 10. We hate de creeps, like a snail. The reason is, as you lay; but it often makes us wiser. 11. Talking--perceive, in one case, there is life and light; does no work. 12. Past labor is pleasant. in the other, nothing but words.

Varieties. 1. If content does not remove the disquietudes of life, it will at least alleviate them. 2. Can matter ever be annihilated? 3. Every sentence we read understandingly, is like a cast of the weaver's shuttle, adding another thread to the web of life. 4. They, who are governed by reason, need no other motive than the goodness of an act, to excite

Laconics. Never mystify science; but, 224. Neither teachers nor parents, can be if possible, always elucidate it. Knowledge too wisely careful of the influence, exerted—is too important-to be made the subject upon their pupils and children: for principles of a silly joke. apply to both matter and spirit. "Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined." Again, since thoughts are imperishable existences, we should be careful in entertaining and cherishing any other, than such as we are willing to have for our companions on earth, and during our eternal state of being in the future world. Here, then, is something for all of us to attend to; and unspeakable con-them to practice it. 5. A reading people will sequences are depending on the performance of duty. Are we of the number of those, who turn back in the day of battle? or, of those who gird on their armor, to do, or die?

225. Position in Bed. There is no doubt, that the habit of forming round or hump'd shoulders, (which is rarely, if ever, natural,) is contracted in infancy, and childhood. The incautious mother, not understanding the principles of physiology, lays the infant on a pillow of feathers, instead of on a good mattress, or straw bed, without pillows; thus, elevating the head far too much above the level of the body; and this practice is continued in after-life, very much to the detriment of health, and beauty of form. If necessary, raise the head-posts of the bedstead a few inches, instead of using pillows.

Notes. 1. Observe, that when the accent is af, or near, the Leginning of the word, it materially aids the expulsive stress of voice, carrying us more easily through the word, than when it is placed near the last end: the genius of our language is in favor of the former; hence, the tendency is to place the accent at the beginning; which makes language more powerful and effective. 2. In running, the impetus of preceding efforts carries us on after the efforts have ceased.

Anecdote. A Tough Animal. "The contution of our females must be excellent," says a celebrated physician; "for, take an ox, or a horse, and enclose his sides with corsets, and he would labor indeed,-but it would be for breath."

Nothing-is lasting-on the world's wide stage,
As sung, and wisdy sung, the Grecian age;
And man, who, through the globe-extends his sway,
Reigns-but the sovereign creature-of a day;
One generation comes, another-goe,
Time-blends the happy-with the man of wom;
A different face of things-each age appears,
And all things--alter-in a course of years.

become a thinking people; and then, they are capable of becoming a great people. 6. A diligent pen supplies many thoughts. 7. Nothing but divine love, and divine wisdom, can proceed from God, the centre of all beings


If I had thought-thou couldst have died.
I might not weep for thee;
But I forgot, when by thy side,

That thou couldst mortal be.
It never through my mind had passed,
The time would e'er be o'er,
And I on thee-should look my last,
And thou shouldst smile-no more!
And still-upon that face I look,

And think-twill smile again;
And still the thought-I will not brook,
That I must look in vain!
But when I speak.-thou dost not say,
What thou ne'er left'st unsaid;
And now I feel, as well I may,

Sweet Mary! thou art dead!

If thou wouldst stay, e'en as thou art
All cold-and all serene,-

I still might press thy silent heart,
And where thy smiles have been!
While e'en thy chill, bleak corse I have,
Thou seemest still my own;

But there I lay thee-in thy grave,—
And I am now-alone!

I do not think, where'er thou art,
Thou hast forgotten me;

And I, perhaps, may soothe this heart
In thinking, too, of thee.

Yet there was round thee-such a daw
Of light, ne'er seen before,
As fancy-never could have drawn,
And never--can restore!

226. Revisions. The great practical im- Proverbs. 1. Never repulse an associate with portance of this subject, demands a passing unkindness. 2. Love one another with a purs remark. In revising, we not only gather up heart fervently. 3. The morality of the christian the fragments, but refresh our minds with a religion, is not national, but universal. 4. Prureproduction of what we previously had dence says-take time by the foretop. 5. A bird in learned. By reviewing our studies, we often the hand, is worth two in the bush. 6. The dilifind the materials, with which we can over-gent soul, shall be made rich. 7. Knowledge—is come difficulties, that seem almost insur-power; ignorance-is weakness. 8. An egg to day, is better than a hen to-morrow. 9. Worldly mountable; hence, revisions frequently serve reputation and sensual pleasure, are destructive to as a key, to unlock the casket, that contains virtue. 10. The history and wisdom of the world, invaluable treasures. And we must guard can only be known by reading. 11. We are to be against thinking of the principles, as being saved from our sins, not in our sins. 12. Whatcontained in the book; unless they are un-ever is worth reading at all, is worth reading well. derstood and felt in the mind, and by the mind, and through the body are reduced to practice, they are, so far as we are concerned, valueless and dead. Seeing food, or thinking of it, will impart no nourishment to the body; it must be eaten, digested, and appropriated.

Anecdote. Afraid of Work. A person once said to a father, whose son was noted for his laziness, that he thought his son was very much afraid of work. "Afraid of work 2" replied the father, "not at all,-he will lie down, and go to sleep close by the side of it."

227. Now repeat all the sounds of the letRight Views. The more we ascribe all ters, in their alphabetical order, as found on goodness and truth-to the Lord, the more page 63; omitting those that are duplicates ; -will the interiors of the mind, be open tothen give the vowels and consonants, by them-wards heaven, the only source of happiness: selves: afterwards, give the short vowels, for by thus doing, we acknowledge that nothand the long ones by themselves, and reading good and true is from ourselves; and, in several paragraphs by vowel sounds; after which, give the vocal consonants, and aspirates, by themselves: then the single, doubie, and triple ones, and analyze words, spelling them by their sounds; also, raise and fall the eight vowels, according to the diatonic scale, in article 64; then revise the two modes of making accent; practice on the changes of its seat, and realize the important use of every exercise.

228. The pre-con-tract pre-con-tracts the pre-fix which is pre-fixed to the prel-ude, with which the speaker pre-ludes the present pres-age, that he pre-sag'd the man would pre-sent. The prod-uce of the land was such as to produce a pro-ject to pro-test against the man who pro-jects the infamous prot-est against the reb-el that re-hels against the law. I re-fuse to re-cord either the ref-use or the rec-ord, or re-tail them by wholesale or re-tail.

229. A Dandy of some use. Let the pupil impress on his mind the absolute necessity, for awhile, of keeping his shoulders thrown back, so as to make the breast as round and prominent as possible: and then, after a few days, or weeks at farthest, he will feel very uncomfortable to sit, stand, or labor, in a bent position. But, says one, "I should look so much like a dandy." Never mind that, provided it be right; and if you can make this much use of so superfluous an aricle, it may serve to show you, that nothing exists in vain: think of the wisdom and industry of the bee.

This smooth discourse,--and mild behavior, oft
Conceals-a traitor.

proportion as this is heartily confessed, the love of self-departs, and with it-the thick darkness, which arises from that which is false and evil: thus it is evident, how onebecomes wiser than another. As the exhalations from the earth-rise and form clouds, more or less dense, thus obscuring the atmosphere, and preventing the clear light of the sun; so, do the exhalations of self-love-arise and obscure the light of Divine truth,-of that Sun, which rules the world of mind,

Varieties. 1. Does pain or pleasurepredominate in human life? 2. Wedded life' says a happy husband, is a perpetual fountain of domestic sweets. 3. Drinking water

neither makes a man sick, nor runs him in debt, nor makes his wife a widow: can as much be said of ardent spirits? 4. He, who peeps through a keyhole, may see something to vex him. 5. That gentleness, which is characteristic of a good man, like every other

virtue, has its seat in the heart and nothing
but what flous from the heart-can render
even external manners, truly pleasing. 6.
The Lord came to seek and save those who
are lost: and he saves all who are willing to
be saved. 7. Love - principles and genuine
truth, respect each other according to degrees
of affinity: and the greater the affinity, the
greater is the attraction between them.

Morning-hath her songs of gladness,
Sultry noon-its ferved glare,
Evening hours, their gentle sadness,
Night-its dreams, and rest from care;
But the pensive twilight-ever

Gives its own sweet fancies birth,
Waking visions, that may never
Know reality-on earth.

230. Orthography-relates to the right! Proverbs. 1. Reprove mildly, and correct placing of the letters in words, and Orthoepy with caution. 2. Let us creep before we walk, and -to the right pronouncing of words, accord-walk before we fly. 3. One book, well read, is 4. The greatest ing to the sounds of the letters,-the former worth twenty skimmed over. -respects written language, and is addressed wealth-is contentment with a little. 5. A letterto the eye; and the latter, spoken language, is half a meeting. 6. We may read much, with and is addressed to the ear; the first supposes is necessary at all times. 8. Little boats should out understanding much. 7. Presence of mind, the second We may infer the perfection, keep near shore; great ones-may venture more which the ancient Greeks attained, in or-tho-9. I confide, and am at rest. 10. While there is e-py, from this fact, that when a public spea- life, there is hope. 11. He attains whatever he ker-even pronounced a word incorrectly, the aims at. 12. A good story, is none the worse bi whole audience simultaneously hissed him. being twice told. Whence did they acquire such accuracy of Anecdote. Dying but Once. When Ceear? Doubtless, in spelling by the sounds sar was advised, by some of his friends, to be of their letters, instead of by their names. more cautious as to the security of his per When we adopt this method, which nature son, and not to walk among the people withand science dictate, we shall attain like excel-out arms, or any one to protect him; he lency in pronunciation, and our language will then be found to contain more power and sweetness than any other in the world.

231. Pronunciation-is orthoepy, or the right utterance of words; i. e. pronouncing words according to euphony, analogy and custom, which constitute the standard. The principal rule is, pronounce in the easiest and most effectual manner: and, when words are introduced from other languages, they should be pronounced according to the principles of our language; that is, they must conform to the genius of the English language, as foreigners do to that of our constitution, when they become naturalized,―abjuring foreign, uncongenial influences and principles, and submitting to ours.

232. Our Orthography and Orthoepy. Many foreigners and natives find it difficult to speak our language, in consequence of the great difference between its spelling and its pronunciation, and the various sounds given to the same letters in similar, and in different combinations; and, although, for the last two centuries, our orthography has remained nearly stationary, yet our orthcopy has been very much changed; which may be seen in comparing the Bible, translated under James I., with the common edition. Different perAims have proposed different means, for overcoming these difficulties, and nearly all without much success; which is the less to ve regretted, when we consider how little the voice and ear have been developed and cultivated, and thereby prepared to meet the exigencies of the case. It is now seen, on a faithful analysis and synthesis of their labors to revolutionize our language in these respects, that each reformer's system is found to be very imperfect; but the good work is going on slowly; and, in process of time, it will be accomplished; very much to the disappointment of book-worms, and to the gratification of that spirit of the age, which looks more to the uses of things, than to their looks.



replied," He, who lives in the fear of death, every moment feels its torture; I will die

but once."

Laconics. A life of deceit-is one of unmitigated torture-a living hell, which should deserve our pity for the unhappy beings wh submit to it.

Varieties. 1. Are not the unity and trin ity of God, the elemental and fundamental principles of christian theology? 2. Charac. ter, based on goodness and truth, is a source of eternal happiness. 3. We are made what we are, by what is from above, within, and around us. 4. God gives to all, the power of becoming what they ought to be. 5. A full persuasion of our ability to do well, is a powerful motive to excellence, and a sur pledge of success. 6. It is our duty, and our happiness, to feel for others, and take an interest in their welfare. 7. The action of life, is desire; as is the desire and delight, with its consequent actions, such is the life.


The Lord-my pasture shall prepare,
And feed me-with a shepherd's care;
His presence-shall my wants supply,
And guard me-with a watchful eye;
My noon-day walks--he shall attend,
And all my midnight hours-defend.
When, in the sultry glebe-I faint,
Or, on the thirsty mountains pant;
To fertile vales, and dewy meads,
My weary, wand'ring steps he leads,
Where peaceful rivers, soft and slow,
Amid the verdant landscape flow.
Though-in the paths of death-I tread,
With gloomy horrors-overspread,
My steadfast heart-shall fear no ill;
For thou, O Lord, art with me still:
Thy friendly crook-shall give me aid,
And guide me through the dr adful shade.
Though in a bare-and rugged way,
Through devious-lonely wilds I stray,
Thy bounty-shall my pains beguile;
The barren wilderness-shall smile,
With sudden greens-and herbage crowned,
And streams-shall murmur all around.

Proverbs. 1. The conduct of men is a s dex to their hearts; for by their fruits ye shall know them. 2. In arduous and trying circumstances preserve equanimity; and in prosperous hours, restrain the ebullitions of excessive joy. 3. Those things that belong to others generally please us; while those that are our own are more valued by others. 4. Attach yourself to good company and you will be respected as one of them. 5 The most distinguished men, of all ages, have had their imperfections. 6. Cutting jests, when the sa tire is true, inflicts a wound that is not soon forge

233. Pronunciation-should be so systematic, as to render it capable of being studied from its elementary principles, and become an object of methodical acquirement. Every thing involved in producing sounds, in the conformation of the organs in articulation, the application of all that belongs to accented, half-accented, and un-accented vowels, and every principle of melody and euphony are included in pronunciation, and tends to its perfection: but the ancients included also Emphasis, Intonation, Inflec-ten. 7. Nothing is more disgusting, than a low tion, Circumflexes and the other essentials of delivery.

234. If the great object of pronunciation be, to produce the designed effect, in the best manner, we shall find it necessary to attend not only to the preceding principles, and their application, but to watch over useless innovations, and inclinations to senseless changes, desires to be what is called fashionable regardless of reason, and ambitious to shine as a leader in some peculiar pronunciation: then, our language will bear a rigid comparison with any other, either ancient or modern, when ends, causes and effects are taken into consideration. Let us not, then, deviate from established principles, and rules, without good and satisfactory reasons.

235. Action and Reaction. Have you ever particularly noticed, the reciprocal action between the voice and the mind, the tongue and the heart? Well might the apostle exclaim, "How great a matter a little fire kindleth!" The tongue is full of power for weal, or for wo, according to the state of the heart, that impels it to action. What is there, that cannot be talked up, or talked down by it? It is full of blessing, or cursing-love or hatred; and oh! how it can sting the soul, when it has been dipped in the gall and wormwood of hell; and how lift it to heaven, when fired with celestial love.

Notes. Always infill, perfectly, the accented vowel, and more so, in proportion as the word is important; i. e. shape the vowel sound completely, by the appropriate organs, and give it all its necessary power, filling it full of the influence of the mind, in the proportion as you wish your ideas to be impressive and abiding. Mind possesses a magnifying power over words, making them mean more than they naturally do: which will be perfectly obvi ons in the specific practice of the principles which we are gradually approaching.

Anecdote. “I suppose," (said an arrant quack, while feeling the pulse of his patient,) "that you think me a fool." "Sir," (replied the sick man,) "I perceive you can discover a man's thoughts by his pulse.”

If all our hopes and all our fears,
Were prisoned in life's narrow bound;
If, travelers through this vale of tears,
We saw no better world beyond;
Oh! what could check the rising sigh?
What earthly thing, could pleasures give!
Oh! who would venture then, to die,

Or who would venture then, to live

bred fellow, when he suddenly attains an elevated station. 8. Either never attempt a thing, or accom plish it. 9. Fortune-favors the bold, and abandons the timid. 10. Acts of kindness, shown to good men, are never thrown away. 11. War-is death's jest. 12. Of two evils-choose the least.

Varieties. 1. If you make a present, give what will be useful. 2. Do not the wings, that form the butterfly, lie folded in the worm? 3. Language-should first be learned by imitation. 4. One of the greatest obstacles, in the road to excellence, is indolence. 5. Humility-is that low, sweet root, from which all heavenly virtues shoot. 6. Acquire a thorough knowledge of all your duties. 7. God-is an infinite abyss of wisdom: which is not comprehensible either by men or angels, as to one millionth of its parts: of its infinite store, they are to receive fresh supplies to all eternity. THE MOTHER'S INJUNCTION, ON PRESENTING HER SON


Remember love, who gave thee this,

When other days shall come.
When she, who had thy earliest kiss,
Sleeps-in her narrow home,
Remember, 'twas a mother-gave
The gift to one-she'd die to save.
That mother-sought a pledge of Lɔve,
The holiest for her son;
And, from the gifts of God above,
She chose a goodly one

She chose, for her beloved boy,
The source of light, and life, and joy,
And bade him keep the gift,-that, when
The parting hour would come,
They might have hope-to meet again,
In an eternal home.

She said-his faith in that would be
Sweet incense-to her memory.
And should the scoffer, in his pride,

Laugh that fond faith to scorn,
And bid him cast the pledge aside,

That-he from youth had borne;
She bade him pause, and ask his branst
If he, or she, had loved him best?
A parent's blessing on her son
Goes with this holy thing;
The love, that would retain the me
Must to the other cling.
Remember! 'tis no idle toy,

A mother's gift, Remember, boy!

236. The only way that provincialisms, foreign accents and brogues, can be removed, is by individual attention to the first principles of our language, as here exhibited, and, at the same time, following a teacher who can give the true English pronunciation; for sounds can only be learned by imitation; and this is the way in which Elocution and Music must be taught. Our language has suffered, and is suffering, greatly, by being improperly taught by foreigners, who cannot pronounce one half of our words with propriety. But a teacher may be able to pronounce single words with a good degree of correctness, and yet be unable to deliver sentences, in a proper manner. A few minutes every day, for a few weeks, devoted to the study and practice of these principles, will enable almost any one to discover and amend his errors and defects in articulating our forty-four sounds, and pronouncing correctly, the words in common use; and if spelling by sounds and by sight, be faithfully practiced, one may secure another rare excellence,that of writing our words with correctness and despatch.

237. Every thing in the universe, both of mind and of matter, exists in reference to certain fixed principles, which are called laws of order, originating in the Great First Cause, and thence emanating throughout all creation, animate and inanimate: and so long and so far, as these laws are obeyed, we are shielded from all evils, physical and spiritual: hence, if a man suffers, either in mind, or body, from within, or without, the cause of the suffering is an infringement of the Laws of Life. Such, then, are our constitutions, and relations, that we cannot will, think, or act, without obeying, or violating, these laws of Life, of Being, of GoD. Oh the lengths, the breadths, the heighths, and the depths of the wisdom and love of Gon, as manifested in the creatim, redemption, and



Proverbs. 1. Neither great povogreat riches will hear reason. 2. Wine—is a turncoat; first a friend, then an enemy. 3. Diet and exercise are the two physicians of nature. There is many a good house-wife that can't sing, or dance. 5. Love-can neither be bought, not sold. 6. He, that is a wise man, by day, is 1.0 fool by night. 7. The society of ladies-is a school of politeness. & An enemy to beauty in a foe to nature. 9. When a man's coat is threadbare, it is easy to pick a hole in it. 10. The study of vain things-is laborious idleness. 11. No mine equal to saving. 12. Dependence is a poor

trade. 13. All is good that is useful.

CONTENTMENT-produces, in some meas ure, all those effects, which the alchymist usually ascribes to what he calls the philoso pher's stone; and if it does not bring riches, it does the same thing, by banishing the desire of them. If it cannot remove the disquietudes, arising from a man's mind, body or fortune, it makes him easy under them. of man, in respect of every being to whom he It has indeed, a kindly influence on the soul stands related. It extinguishes all murmur, repining, and ingratitude, towards that Being, who has allotted him his part to act in this world. It destroys all inordinate ambition, and every tendency to corruption, with regard to the community wherein he is plac ed. It gives sweetness to his conversation, and a perpetual serenity-to all his thoughts.

Varieties. Is it not strange, that nations of men could ever have admitted into their creed, the idea of a plurality of Gods; when the whole of Nature bears on it so distinctly, the impress of ONE MIND? 2. He is not the best reader, who speaks his words most rapidly; but he who does justice to them, by pronouncing them correctly, and effectively. 3. If a person delights in telling you the faults of others, be sure he intends to tell others your faults. 4. Never be a minute too late. 5. Avoid loud talking and laughing in the streets. 6. The moral and intellectual man, Anecdote. Piły. A would-be orator, of seems to mould and modify the physical very moderate abilities, after a long ha-man. 7. We are filled with the life of heaven, "angue, asked a real friend, if he did not ex-just so far as we are emptied of our own, and ite much compassion. He replied, "most find in us an utter inability to do good, with out divine assistance. ertainly, you did sir; every one of the autience pitied you most heartily.”


"The way was long, the wind was cold,
The minstrel-was infirm, and old;
His wither'd cheek-and tresses gray,
Seem'd to have known a better day.
The harp, his sole remaining joy,
Was carried-by an orphan boy."

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Meet the tender office long engage,
fo rock the cradle of reposing age;
With lenient arts-extend a mother's breath,
Make languor smile, and smooth the bed of death;
Explore the thought, explain the asking eye,
And keep, a while, one parent from the sky!

A cloud lay cradled-near the setting sun-
A gleam of crimson—tinged its braided snow;
Long had I watched the glory-moving on,

O'er the still radiance-of the lake below.
Tranquil its spirit seemed-and floated slow;
Ee'n in its very motion-there was rest,
While every breath of eve, that chanced to blow,
Wafted the traveler to the beauteous west-
Emblem, methought, of the departed soul,

To whose white robe, the gleam of bliss is given,
And by the breath of mercy-made to roll

Right onward to the golden gates of heaven;
Where, to the eye of faith, it peaceful lies,
And tells to man—his glorious destinies.

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