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ON REVIVALS OF RELIGION. | When they are older they will

No. X.

In the two last numbers professors of religion were called upon to consider the importance of a revival of religion to themselves as individuals, and to the church to which they belong and several topics of reflection were suggested to assist them in obtaining suitable sense of its importance in these respects. It may now be observed,

III. Let them consider its importance in relation to their children.

feel their incapacity to instruct them much, and they will find great difficulty in engaging their attention to what they attempt to teach. Children are very quick sighted to see what their parents have most at heart; and seeing them manifest no solicitude on the subject of religion, they will fee justified in the indulgence of the natural inclination to disregard it Thus, after a few feeble attempts, parents will be likely to do little or nothing towards the religious instruction of their children; and 1. It is important to their chil- the children will grow up in aldren, in order to secure their be- most total ignorance of the great ing instructed in the things of re- truths of the gospel. But this will ligion. In a time of declension not be the worst. Their minds, this will not be done. I do not though destitute of correct views mean that absolutely nothing will of religious truth, will not remain be done effectually. The efforts vacant. The native depravity of that are made will be few, in com- their hearts will predispose them parison with the importance of the to the belief of error; and their object-they will not be well di- intercourse with the wicked will rected, nor uniform, nor steadily furnish them with abundant inpersevered in. The church as a struction in its principles. And body will be likely to neglect the before parents are aware of the subject altogether, as is usually danger their children are in. the the case; or if they cannot ex- children have become confirmed in cuse themselves entirely, they the belief of the most pernicious will be likely to acknowledge and destructive heresies. How their duty in words, and adopt a often have parents to lament this few resolutions, and then sit down result, when it is too late to prosatisfied, without carrying them vide a remedy! To guard against into effect. Parents will feel such a result, a revival of religion very little of the importance of is all important. It would stimu. paying personal attention to their late the church to do their duty, children, and will meet with a and it would stimulate parents to multitude of discouragements in do theirs. Let the church be in the attempt. Having little or no the lively and vigorous exercise of sense of the amazing responsibili- the Christian graces, and they ty which attaches to them in re- will not regard the welfare of the lation to the souls of their chil-rising generation with so much indren, they will see but little of their duty and will be disposed to find excuses for neglecting that little. When their children are young, they will conclude it is in vain to attempt to teach them, because they cannot understand.

difference. Let them be awake, and they will feel hat the admission of children under their care by baptism has some meaningthey will feel that there are some duties which grow out of it, of serious and solemn import. Let pa

rents be awake, and personal attention to the religious instruction of their children will not be neglected. Let them feel the worth of souls, and the souls of their own children will not be disregarded. In the morning they will sow their seed, and in the evening they will not withhold their hand. Both will be watered with their tears; and both will be accompanied with their prayers to God that he would give increase. Their children will see that their parents are in earnest, and will be convinced that it is a matter of importance. They will be prevailed upon to give their attention to the subject, and to store their minds with those truths which are able to make them wise unto salvation. From early childhood they will know the holy scriptures, and will be effectually guarded against the seductions of error. They will understand the great doctrines of the gospel, and know the evidence by which they are supported. And although their inclinations may still be on the side of error, their understanding and their conscience will be too well informed for them ever to embrace it.

2. Let parents consider how important is a revival of religion to their children, in order to secure their being restrained from wickedness. In a time of declension, parents will be still more likely to be deficient in the government of their children, than they are in their instruction. To establish parental authority over the minds of children, requires so much pains, such continued attention, such firmness of purpose, and such an habitual regard for ultimate consequences, that parents, who are not under a constant sense of their accountableness to God, and who have not their eyes steadily fixed on the eternal welfare of their children, will be extremely

liable to fail in this duty. "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child." They are depraved by nature. They will desire a thousand gratifications which are inconsistent with the law of God. They will choose the society of the wicked, and eagerly learn their evil ways. In a time of declension, many things come into practice under the specious name of innocent amusements, which are well adapted to attract the attention and interest the feelings of youth, and lead them further and further from every thing of a serious nature. At such a time, parents find it extremely difficult to restrain their children from participating in these gratifications, though they are sensible of their injurious tendency. Not having well established their authority over their children, and finding that the children of othere are indulged freely in these things, it requires too great a struggle to resist their solicitations. And having but little sense of the evil of sin, and of the danger of indulging in it, they try to satisfy their conscience by expressing their opinion on the subject, and then permitting their children to follow their own inclinations. After having thus, in a few instances, felt their own weakness, and exposed it to their children, they become sensible that all their power to restrain them is gone, and that every attempt to interpose is only making the matter worse.— They cease, therefore, even to make faint struggles, and their children are completely let loose. These first walk in the counsel of the ungodly, then go in the way of sinners, and are soon qualified to sit in the seat of the scorner.How soon does the rising generation, under such circumstances, grow up a generation of vipers, and become proficients in every

evil work! Does the Christian parent dread such a result? Nothing can prevent it but a revival of religion. A revival in the hearts of parents would make them sensible of the importance of guarding the souls of their children from the snares to which they are exposed. It would make them feel the importance of establishing their authority over them when young, and of exercising that authority to keep them from the influence of wicked companions. A revival also would render this much easier, by its influence upon all classes of society. When a revival becomes general in any place, the wicked are overawed. The presence of God is so visible, that they feel a powerful restraint.They dare not indulge in their wicked practices so openly. That thoughtlessness and lightness of mind, which were before so general among the youth, gives place to seriousness and solemnity.Those vain and sinful amusements which before presented so many and so strong temptations to the young, now decline and die. It is easier, then, for Christian parents to restrain their children from wicked company and wicked practices, and to train them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

3. Let parents consider how important is a revival of religion to their children, in order to secure their preparation for usefulness in the world. A faithful course of religious instruction and religious restraint, will have a powerful tendency (even if they do not become pious) to form their minds to such habits of thinking and acting as will make them respectable and useful members of society. Habits of subordination, of truth, of integrity, and of regard for the welfare of others, will secure for them the respect and

confidence of their fellow men, and contribute very much to their success in life. But, on the contrary, those who grow up without religious instruction, and destitute of religious and moral restraint, who form habits of insubordination, and of disregard to truth and integrity, who are addicted to low gratifications, and are sordid and selfish in their pursuits, take the course which leads to disgrace in this world, as well as ruin in the next. If parents regard only the temporal welfare of their children, therefore, they will feel that a revival of religion is of great importance.

But 4. Let parents consider how important is a revival of religion to their children, in order to secure the salvation of their souls. Let no revival take place, and they are inevitably lost. Let no revival take place in the hearts of parents, and they will not pray for their children so as to prevail; they will not set before them a suitable example, nor instruct them faithfully, nor restrain them from wickedness. Let no revival take place, and their children will go on in their sins, treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath. Let parents sleep on, and their children will soon become ripe for destruction, and the vengeance of an angry God will cut them down, and sink them to the regions of endless despair. But let a revival take place, and their souls may be saved. Let parents awake, and call upon God, and their prayers may prevail. Let them faithfully instruct their children in the things which belong to their peace, and affectionately and earnestly press divine truth upon their conscience, and God may bless the means of his own appointment, and save their souls alive.

A Friend to Revivals.


Answer to the question of Mathetes (p. 405) respecting Matthew xi. 21. Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida: For if the mighty works which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.

It is granted, that "human depravity, in every age, and in all places, is the same." By human depravity is here meant, moral depravity, which belongs, exclusively, to the heart or will, and consists in that selfishness, which is the opposite of such love, as the Divine Law requires. The native moral depravity of mankind, is total; i. e. all the affections, volitions and actions of unrenewed men, are selfish and sinful. But it does not from hence follow, that unrenewed men are all equally depraved. There are degrees of total depravity, as well as of perfect holiness. Unrenewed men are more or less depraved, according to the capacity which they possess and the light which they enjoy. Though human depravity is always the same in nature; yet it exists in different degrees, in different men. It may be added, that as total depravity admits of various degrees; so it becomes more or less visible, and exhibits itself in different ways, according to the different circumstances in which men are placed, and the number and force of the restraints which are laid upon them.

It was manifestly the design of our Lord, in the passage under consideration, to represent the inhabitants of Chorazin and Bethsaida, as more depraved and obstinately wicked, than the inhabitants of Tyre and Sidon. "Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works

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were done, because they repented not: Woe unto thee Chorazin! woe unto thee Bethsaida: For if the mighty works which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, in sackcloth and ashes." -It is here plainly asserted by Christ, that the means, which had been used with Chorazin and Bethsaida without effect, would have brought Tyre and Sidon to repentance; and hence he leaves us to draw the inference, that Chorazin and Bethsaida were more. wicked than Tyre and Sidon: Indeed, he draws the inference himself: v. 22," But I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment, than for you."

The difficulty presented by the passage, lies in reconciling our Lord's assertion and inference, with the nature of human depravity and the necessity of the special influence of the Holy Spirit, in every case, to bring men to true repentance.

The word repent sometimes expresses that change of mind, which arises from love to God, and sometimes that change of conduct, which arises from fear of punishment. It is used in the former sense, when it is said, that "godly sorrow worketh repentance unto salvation" It is used in the latter sense, when it is said, that "Judas repented, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver."

Now, in order to remove the difficulty suggested by the question of Mathetes, a difficulty which has been felt by many, I would observe,

First. There is reason to think, that Christ uses the term repent, in this place, to express that change of mind and conduct, which flows from slavish fear. He had preached the gospel, as never man preached it, to the inhabitants of

Chorazin and Bethsaida, and performed his mighty works before their eyes, without at all awakening their fears, or bringing them even to the least external amendment. So far from this, they became more fearless respecting themselves and more bold in reviling and persecuting him, the more he preached and the more miracles he wrought. They manifested the utmost stupidity and hardness of heart. Christ perceived, that, as they had abused all the means and advantages, which they had enjoyed previously to his coming amongst them, and now resisted all the light, which his doctrines and miracles poured upon them, they were much greater sinners and much more hardened in iniquity, than the Heathen, who had never known the oracles of God, or heard the name of the Saviour. He knew, that such powerful means of conviction, as had been used with them to no effect, would have awakened and alarmed the inhabitants of Tyre and Sidon, and led them, like Ahab, to humble themselves, or, like the Ninevites, to clothe themselves in sackcloth and sit in ashes. Hence he said, "If the mighty works which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes." Tyre and Sidon, less stupid and hardened in iniquity, would have been awakened by such powerful means, and repented, like the inhabitants of Ninevah, in sackcloth and ashes. But,

Secondly. If we suppose, that Christ used the term repent, to express a saving change of mind; still his words may be reconciled with scriptural views of human depravity. In bringing men to repentance, the Holy Spirit makes es use of various means. By these means, which are adapted to the capacities and powers of men, as

rational free moral agents, He first awakens their attention, then convinces their consciences, and finally changes their hearts. It is his agency, throughout, that gives efficacy to these means: and He could, if he pleased, make the weakest means as effectual as the strongest. But it is fit and proper, that the strength of the means used, should, ordinarily, be in proportion to the degree of the stupidity and obduracy to be subdued. There is the same reason, that the strength of the means should be proportioned to the degree of depravity, as that means should be used at all. Means are not used by the Holy Spirit, because he cannot effect the end without them; but to make his operation manifest to men, and to give his friends an opportunity to be "workers together" with Him, in bringing sinners to repentance. By adapting the strength of the means used, to the degree of depravity to be removed, the Holy Spirit exhibits both the strength of human depravity and the power of Divine Grace. It is God that worketh all in all, in the natural world. But while a breeze bends the willow, it requires a gale to prostrate the mountain oak. And so in the moral world; while God turns the hearts of men as the rivers of water, He does it by means adapted to their rational nature, and more or less powerful, according to the strength of the moral obstacle to be removed.

Two or three Reflections so obviously arise, that I cannot dismiss the subject, without mentioning them.

1. Sinners ever exhibit a degree of moral blindness and obduracy, proportioned to the strength of the means of conviction, which they resist. The means of instruction and salvation used with sinners, are adapted to awaken and con

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