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But, if God foreknew all this, why did he not prevent it? The only satisfactory answer to this question is, On the whole, God saw that it would be for the best, that sin and misery should enter the system. And this reason is sufficient to give, for God's decreeing that sin and misery should exist. Sin and misery do exist. And no one can doubt but that God was able to prevent them. The same reason will justify God in decreeing, that will justify him in permitting sin. And the same objections lie against his permitting, as against his decreeing sin.

disappointed. But if you could from the beginning to the end of now foreknow that your houses the world. That he has this knowwould be broken open, and your ledge, the scriptures lead us to property carried away, it would conclude. From the foundation not be possible for you to be disap- of the world, he provided a Savpointed, in this, to-morrow morn-iour, which he would not have ing. It is so in every case. Dis-doue, had he not foreknown, that appointment is always founded on there would be sin and miserv, want of knowledge. And yet, from which his creatures would there are those, and even preach- need to be saved. ers, who say that God is disappointed in all the wickedness of men which takes place. And they will mention the following passage, in support of their opinion: "A certain man had a fig-tree planted in his vineyard: and he came, and sought fruit thereon and found none." This parable, when applied to God and to sinners of the human race, must nean, that from what he has done or them, he might have reasonably expected the obedient fruits of holiness. More than this, it cannot mean. For if God were disappointed in all the wickedness of men, he must be continually unhappy. Disappointment always produces uneasiness. Moreover, God cannot be disappointed, because sinners do not bring forth good fruit, when he knows they will not bring forth good fruit. The same preachers, who say he is disappointed, say, that God knows all things; that all things are present to his view; that time with him is one eternal now. But, that God can have all the actions of all sinners present to his view, and have perfect knowledge of them, and yet be disappointed in them, is wholly inconceivable. It is utterly impossible.

If all things were foreknown to God, then he must have foreknown, that sin would enter the system. He must have foreknown, that Adam would fall, how many sinners there would be, and how many sins would be committed

6. If God foreknows all things; then we have reason to believe, that every thing will be conducted to the most glorious issue. If he has knowledge enough, he has wisdom, and power, and goodness enough to bring about his highest glory and the greatest good.Though many things take place, which in themselves are real evils, and will prove the everlasting ruin of great multitudes; yet God knows how he shall overrule them for the general good. Since he is on the throne, since the government of the universe is with him, since he sees from the beginning to the end, and knows how every thing will proceed and terininate; his friends have every reason to confide in him, and in the darkest and most tempestuous season, to rejoice that the Lord reigns.

Finally. Since God foreknows all things, it becomes sinners, who

are his enemies, to consider where | ing down the weapons of your they are, and what they are doing, rebellion, and resigning the throne God has made you, and placed to him, and yourselves to his govyou in this world. Though you ernment and disposal. Do this, are sinful and ruined creatures; and salvation is yours. Be wilyet he has set the door of salvation | ling that God should be all and in wide open before you. He has all; that he should be the Creator made your duty plain, and set life and you the creature; that he and death before you. You are should be king and you subject; just as able to choose life as to that he should command and you choose death. God knows whether obey; that he should know more you will choose the way to life or and do better than it is possible the way to death. If you choose for you to know or do. This belife, the reward is sure; God ing done, you will feel that peace knows that endless blessedness is of mind, which the world can neiyours. If you choose death, your ther give nor take away. You punishment is sure: God knows will have the pleasing satisfaction that endless misery is yours. You of believing, that since the Lord cannot successfully resist his pow-reigns, what is best will be done. You cannot fly from his presence. Your only safety is in cast



N. H.

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RIGHT HAND OF FELLOWSHIP, Given at a late Ordination in New-England.


ed the cost,' before you resolved to devote yourself to this awfully momentous work; yet, you most sensibly feel that you greatly need the prayers of the churches, and the special and personal assistance of your brethren in the ministry. These prayers and this assistance, we, the members of this Ecclesiastical Council, are now ready to engage in your behalf.

You have now been consecrated to the work of the gospel ministry. You have received a solemn and impressive charge to be faithful in the cause of truth and the service of Christ. By the significant rite of ordination, the precious and immortal souls of the church and We are happy to bid you a corpeople in this place have been dial welcome, as a fellow labourer committed to your trust. You have in this part of the vineyard of doubtless, submitted yourself to Christ. We are happy to acknowthe solemnities of this day with ledge you an equal in office, and trembling solicitude. In view of equally entitled with ourselves to all the labours, and trials, and du- all the rights and privileges of the ties, which must consequently de- gospel ministry. We are happy volve on you; in view of the awful to acknowledge our high and solresponsibility, sustained by the emn obligation to receive, love, Christian minister; and in view of and conduct toward you, not only the scenes of that day, when you as our brother, but as our fellow must give an account of your stew-ambassadour of Christ, and stew19ardship; you can easily adopt the ard of the mysteries of God. With language of the apostle, "Who is these expressions of cordial affecsufficient for these things?"-tion, we are ready to pledge ourThough you had, probably, 'count- I selves that we will regard your

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rights and privileges as becometh | attacks of those, who do far greater

the gospel of Christ and the order of our churches.

injury to the gospel system, by their professed orthodoxy, but artAs we, this day, in the presence ful endeavours to handle the word of God and this respected assem- of God deceitfully, and to conceal bly, profess to you our love and the fundamental principles of the Christian fellowship, we engage Christian religion. This we will to prove, by our subsequent con- do, knowing that you are set for duct, that our professions are not the defence of the gospel. We vain. We will not stretch our- will not attempt to measure your selves beyond our measure, to fidelity by your apparent success; boast in your "line of things made nor say, If you preached in this or ready to our hand;" but will that manner, or pursued this or strictly adhere to the apostle's that course, a revival of religion rule; that we may by no means would certainly follow; but so interfere with your labours. We long as you are faithful in the cause will not endeavour to acquire an of truth and duty, we will bid you influence among your people, to God speed, "though Israel should your disparagement; nor weaken not be gathered." Should God, their confidence in you, by base however, be pleased to succeed and groundless suggestions re- your exertions with the special specting either your labours, or influences of the Holy Spirit, and your fidelity, or your usefulness; grant a harvest to his church in but so long as you adhere to the this place; we will greatly rejoice solemn charge you have received, with you in the ingathering of we will exhort them to follow your souls, and the success of your lainstructions with all diligence, bours. Though you have occasion and to esteem you very highly in to utter the complaint, that you love for your work's sake. When labour in vain, or spend your you declare the heart-searching strength for nought; should you and tremendous truths of God's be brought into trials and difficulword, with great plainness of tics, either personal or ecclesiastispeech," and exhibit the funda- cal; we will sympathize in your mental principles of the gospel in afflictions, and tender our support. their fulness, purity and simplici- Should you need our counsel, or ty; we will not endeavour to weak- personal labours; such help we en your hands, nor discourage promise to afford, so far as opporyour heart, by disingenuous insin- tunity and circumstances will aduations, that you are guilty of im- mit. We will also offer up our prudence, or that your preaching unfeigned and fervent prayers to is unprofitable; but we will en- Almighty God, that utterance may deavour to second your exertions be given unto you, that you may in the cause of truth, by bringing open your mouth boldly, to make forward the plain and explicit tes- known the mystery of the gospel: timony of the Holy Scriptures, to that therein you may speak boldsanction the all-important doc-ly, as you ought to speak; and We will that you may have grace and inculcate. you stand with you in contending earn- strength to perform all the duties, estly for the faith once delivered and endure all the trials, of the to the saints, against the open assaults of avowed enemies; and especially against the insidious


ministerial office.

These, my brother, are offices of kindness, affection and fellowship,

which we promise toward you, and which we expect from you toward ourselves. In solemn token of these material engagements, permit me now, agreeably to apostolick example, and by appointment of this Ecclesiastical Council, to offer in their behalf, and receive from you, THE RIGHT HAND OF


This is a pledge never to be forgotten. God is witness, this day, to these solemn and mutual engagements. May that love, which is the fulfilling of the law, and the bond of perfectness, ever stimulate us to a faithful discharge of these, and all other obligations. May we all stand with our loins girded and our lights burning, in this day of darkness, of rebuke and of blas

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phemy; and may we continually spend our strength, our time and all our powers, to the glory of God and the advancement of Christ's kingdom. Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord when he cometh | shall find so doing."

Now, dear brother, we commend you and this church and people unto God and the word of his

grace. We rejoice that God has opened to you an effectual door and field of usefulness in this place; and we congratulate them in receiving this day, a pastor and teacher from the great Shepherd and Bishop of souls. May you be made a lasting blessing to this people. May they be your crown, and you theirs, in the day of Jesus Christ,




wickedness. This fact exactly accords with the words of the inspired apostle, who has left it on record that "evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." It is evident from fact, as well as from scripture, that the enemies of the gospel are constantly advanc ing nearer perfection in the arts of sophistry, deception and wickedness. It is impossible in a single essay to mention all the arts of deception which are used at the present day, to subvert the gospel, and blot out the light of its truths. A few of the most successful only, will be brought into view.

Both observation and scripture unite in testifying, that the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.' The history of the Christian church in past ages, abounds with the recital of the persevering, systematic and deceitful opposition of its enemies. When errorists have been driven from one ground of opposition, they have never failed to appear on another. As soon as one false scheme has been detected and refuted, they have ever been able and disposed to invent and propa- Assuming the appearance of gate another. And though they eminent piety, and making a pubhave been sufficiently establish-lic profession of religion, is pered in their opinions, to form themselves into distinct denominations, still they have ever been changing their ground and mode of attack upon the evangelical system, and making advances in the arts of deceit, sophistry, and

haps the most successful art that has ever been practiced. The cordial belief of the pure truths of the gospel has ever been attended with morality and external religion. The doctrines of the gospel, as they were taught and ex

easier to affect the imagination, and sympathetic feelings of people, than to affect their hearts, and consciences. The fear of punishment, and the hope of reward, are

plained by Christ and the apos- I tles, were according to godliness, and did actually promote holiness among mankind. Hence it gives a plausibility to any scheme of religion, to have its advocates faith-powerful inducements in favour of fully perform the external duties becoming religious. And there is of religion. This the advocates reason to believe, that many of the of error very well know, and they excitements, which have been pubhave ever been disposed to avail lished as revivals of religion, were themselves of this argument in fa- occasioned by the exhibition of invour of their various schemes of ducements, which are perfectly error, which they have propagated. selfish. Such appearances of the Many of the heathen philosophers, efficacy and utility of error, are and especially the Scribes and well adapted to strengthen the Pharisees were uncommonly strict schemes of those, who wish to in the performance of the external subvert the pure truths of the gosduties of religion. They practis-pel, ed more apparent self-denial than many who are friendly to the gospel. And almost all those who have endeavoured to subvert the gospel since, have assumed the appearance of eminent piety, and manifested much zeal in favour of religion. In this way they deceive vast multitudes of the cred-by which they are supported.ulous and indiscriminating.

and give them a currency among mankind.

Another art which has been used by the enemies of the gospel. is to misrepresent its truths, and keep an absurd and ridiculous view of them before the minds of the community, instead of exhibiting them fairly, and the evidence

Thousands and tens of thousands of the unintelligent and indiscriminating, have been led by this means to believe, that the evangelical system of doctrines is inconsistent, absurd, and even of a pernicious tendency. The doctrine of the entire dependence of creatures on God for their actions, has often been represented as subversive of free agency and accountability. The doctrine of the uni

Another art, which is used with much success of late, by the enemies of the pure gospel, is, to counterfeit revivals of religion. The preaching of the apostles produced great excitements, and promoted revivals of pure religion. Perhaps revivals are the most incontestible evidence of the efficacy and utility of the truths of revelation. And until of late, they were good evidence of a faithful exhi-versal decrees and agency of God, bition of the pure truths of the has often been represented in such gospel. But those who wish to a way, as to be inconsistent with pervert the gospel have not failed the use of means. The doctrine of to avail themselves of this advan- regeneration by the immediate tage, and turn it in favour of their agency of the Holy Spirit, has ofschemes. It will not be denied ten been represented in such a that there are spurious conver- manner, as to be inconsistent with sions. And why may there not be the duty and practicability of ima number at one time? It is an easy mediate holiness. And the docthing to make a great excitement trine of the certain perseverance mong mankind, by a pungent ex- of all real saints, has as often been hibition of motives which are per-represented in a manner inconsisfectly selfish. Indeed, it is much tent with the absolute necessity

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