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named the simple prescriptions that I have given for a long time. There are other prescriptions, sneh as elixir of vitriol,—half a teaspoonful in a wine-glass of water, to be given at meals to people who are all played out. There is another remedy to which a gentleman in this room, I think, owes his life, and that is aqua regia,— five drops in a glass of sweetened water, or ten drops to be taken after each meal for one or two weeks; then to be repeated after an interval as may be required. Then you get a gastric juice that does its work.

Br. G-. W. Weld. In cases of anemia does the doctor use chloride of iron?

Dr. Atkinson. Anemia is a deficiency of the blood. I have given you my idea of what cruorin is. That is the element that is most likely to be lacking. Don't fool yourselves any longer with that notion about iron. There is iron enough in every article of food you eat to supply all of that element that can be used in the body. Iron is not incorporated into the body outside of the blood, in which its special purpose is to make a magnet of the red corpuscle and to invite the oxygen to hang about it for transportation throughout the circulation, to effect the purpose of nutrition, which is combustion. Young muscle is light colored; old muscle is a deep color. Beef is dark in color, and veal light; and that is the key to the destruction of the blood-corpuscle in the nourishment of the muscle in which the cruorin is deposited that gives it its deeper color. Of all the multiplicity of remedies that we use ashes are the active principle. What are ashes? Ashes are the oxides of metals and metalloids.

Dr. Weld. I presented at the clinic this afternoon a case of lupus erythematosus of the lips, in which there is, as you know, a peculiar functional activity. It is what is sometimes termed scabbing of the lips. The skin peels off every twenty-four hours. There seems to be at times no help for this. Whether this malady be a local expression of a constitutional disturbance or not, I do not know. In this case the patient is forty years of age; he has no scrofula, and no specific taint; he never tasted a glass of liquor in his life, nor did he ever smoke a cigar. He is a powerful man. Evidently his blood contains a great deal of iron, and yet he has been under the care of one of the best New York physicians, who is unable to cure that little disease of the lips, which at least comes under the head of lupus erythematosus. It may not be exactly that, but it resembles it, inasmuch as there is a chronic hyperemia of the parts accompanied by an apparent new cell-growth. Now, what is the difference between this case of chronic disease and one of Eiggs's disease? It is simply a want of functional harmony. In one case you have something resembling atrophy, and in the other hypertrophy, and they may be both local expressions of constitutional disease. Regarding the treatment of Riggs's disease, I believe that every intelligent dentist and physician looks to the general health of his patient and prescribes for anemia if that treatment be indicated. Whether you use iron or any other one of the restorative agents for increasing the red blood-corpuscles, if you improve tbe general health by Bo doing, you must necessarily relieve the local disease. As far as the mechanical part of the treatment is concerned, I do not think it necessary to say anything. Every gentleman present knows, I think, how to use the instruments and use them skillfully.

Dr. Atkinson. I saw that case. The doctor says the patient is not of a strumous habit. He has the thick blubber lips that belong to the strumous habit. My impression is that a solution of salicylic acid in alcohol, properly diluted or of full strength, to paint the lips and cook the epithelium so as to make a scab and allow the parts underneath to heal, will work entire cure in that case. That it has any of the characteristics of lupus I did not discover. There was no eating about it. Lupus means a wolf, and all the cases of lupus that I have seen have had a ragged edge as though they were eaten away. They are not very malignant until they have been a long time in the system and have been given opportunity for deteriorating the pabulum that is to be transported to other parts of the system.

Adjourned. B. C. Nash, D.D.S., Secretary.

00HNE0TI0UT VALLEY DENTAL SOCIETY. At the annual meeting of the Connecticut Yalley Dental Society, held at Springfield, Mass., November 5 and 6, 1885, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: E. A. Stebbins, president; J. Jn". Davenport, first vice-president; F. W. Williams, second vicepresident; Geo. A. Maxfield, secretary; A. J. £Tims, assistant secretary; W. H. Jones, treasurer; L. C. Taylor, J. P. Parker, and W. F. Andrews, executive committee.

Geo. A. Maxfield, D.D.S., Secretary.

Holyoke, Mass.


The eighteenth annual meeting of the American Academy of Dental Science was held at Young's Hotel, Boston, on the afternoon of November 4, 1885.

The annual address was delivered by Dr. W. C. Barrett, of Buffalo, upon "The Diseases of the Period of Dentition." The officers elected for the ensuing year are as follows: J. H. Batchelder, president; C. P. Wilson, vice-president; E. E. Hopkins, recording secretary; E. B. Hitchcock, corresponding secretary ; E. H. Smith, treasurer; H. C. Meriam, librarian; Chas. Wilson, E. C. Briggs, and J. S. Mason, executive committee.

E. E. Hopkins, Secretary.



A Report of the proceedings of an informal conference of some twenty leading practitioners of dentistry, held at Buffalo on the 16th of November, reaches us as we go to press. We have only space to insert the following resolution, which was adopted without a dissenting voice. On the whole subject involved we shall have something further to say in our next issue.

Resolved, That we, as members of the dental profession, deem it inexpedient to recommend the organization of a Section of Dental and Oral Surgery in the International Medical Congress of 1887, under the present circumstances.

PH0SPH0EI0 AOID IN DENTAL GABIES. We have received from Dr. E. S. Niles, of Boston, the promise of an illustrated paper for our January issue, in which he proposes to demonstrate that the presence of free phosphoric acid is the principal factor in dental caries. He designs to publish his experiments

and tests in detail.

+ + »


The Physicians' Yisiting List (Lindsay and Blakiston) for 1886. , Thirty-fifth year of its publication. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston,

Son & Co.

This useful annual contains calender, list of poisons and antidotes, dose tables, ready methods in asphyxia, list of new remedies, diagram for diagnosing diseases of heart, lungs, etc. It is probably the most popular of all the visiting lists published.

Pamphlets Eeceived.

Crown, Bar, and Bridge-Work: New Methods of Permanently Adjusting Artificial Teeth Without Plates. By Herbert Clifford, L.D.S., E.C.S.E. London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1885.

Compulsory Attention to the Teeth of School Children. A Paper read by W. M. Fisher, L.D.S., K.C.S., Eng., at the Annual G-eneral Meetings of the British Dental Association, held at Cambridge, August 27 to 29, 1885.

Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the National Civil-Service Reform League, held at Newport, K. I., August, 5, 1885, with the Address of the President, Hon. George fm. Curtis. New York: Published for the National Civil-Service Eeform League, 1885.

The Eye: Its Diseases and Therapeutics. By M. Salm, M.D., Austin, Texas. A Series of Practical Lectures. Lecture No. I: Diseases of the Lids. Eeprint from the "Texas Courier Eecord of Medicine/' Fort Worth.


WILLIAM BEFJAinH OABPEFTER, LL.D., F.B.S, Died, in London, November 10, 1885, Professor Carpenter, doubtless the most eminent and illustrious physiologist in the world. His death was caused by burns through the upsetting of a lamp while he was taking a vapor bath for rheumatism.

Dr. Carpenter was born in Edinburgh in 1813. He took all possible honors in medicine and surgery, and at the age of thirty-one was elected one of the English Immortals, a Fellow of the Eoyal Society. His works on human, general, and comparative physiology will render his name famous in all coming time.


Died, at Hartford, Conn., November 11, 1885, of typhoid pneumonia, Dr. John M. Biggs, in the seventy-sixth year of his age.

Dr. Eiggs was born in Seymour, Conn., October 25, 1810; graduated at Trinity College, Conn., in 1837, and soon after commenced the study of dentistry, and has practiced in Hartford since 1840. He was a member of the Connecticut Valley Dental Association, and one of the vice-presidents of the Southern Dental Association.

On the 11th of December, 1844, Dr. Riggs extracted a tooth for Dr. Horace Wells while the latter was under the influence of nitrousoxide gas,—the first application of anesthesia to surgery, antedating by nearly two years Dr. Morton's use of ether. Many years ago Dr. Biggs originated a method of treatment, mechanical in character, for the condition which has since come to be known as pyorrhea alveolaris, but which for a long time was called by his name,— "Riggs's disease."

Dr. Riggs was a man of strong character, and was highly respected and esteemed by his fellow citizens and by the dental profession generally. He was a bachelor.



Foe more than a quarter of a century the Dental Cosmos has held acknowledged leadership in dental journalism. The unvarying ambition of publisher and editor from the first has been to supply that which the dental practitioner and student as such most needed— knowledge in and for the practice of their profession. No effort has been spared to make it worthy of universal acceptation by dentists, and its constantly increasing subscription list is the certain indication that our efforts have been appreciated. We feel a legitimate pride in the very large circulation of the Dental Cosmos, and we purpose to maintain its supremacy by enlarging its sphere of usefulness wherever possible, so as to give it new claims to the patronage and confidence of every member of the dental profession.

To its thousands of readers, not a few of whom have been on the subscription lists from the first publication to the present time, it is unnecessary to say more than that once again the time for renewal of subscriptions has arrived. They know its value without being told: many of them have testified to us that they "could not keep house without it." We shall labor to make it more than ever a necessity to them.

To those who have not learned by systematic reading of its successive issues how properly to estimate its value we have to say that it has been, is, and will continue to be a strictly dental journal, conducted with constant, earnest, painstaking endeavor to promote the advancement of the science and art of dentistry.

The Twenty-eighth Volume will commence with the number for January, 1866. We ask for prompt renewals and subscriptions. A blank for the purpose will be found leading the advertising pages.

Subscriptions are required to commence with the January or July number. Price, $2.50 per annum, including postage to the United States and Canada. Subscribers in all other countries will remit the postage, the rate of whie| to Universal Postal Union countries is 50 cents; to Australia and New Zealand, 96 cents, per annum. THE S. S. WHITE DENTAL MFG. CO.

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