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English names, and how much more easily the students will get along.

With regard to the periodical literature, most of the journals contain much advertising matter, of which complaint is made in some quarters. He could see nothing against the admission of advertisements. If a subscriber is to receive 48 pages of reading matter a month and gets it, it does not hurt him if 500 pages of advertisements are thrown in. Many turn to the advertisements the first thing, and many will be found who can tell what is advertised in their journal who do not know what is in the reading pages. It shows that the advertisements are of interest to the dentist. Some of the journals are so much on stilts that they refuse to mention appliances in their editorial pages. He thinks the true editor should give his opinion of these. It is the only way many have to get a fair idea of them. In the advertisements, as we all know, •everything is the best that was ever made for this particular purpose. Another thing: were it not for the proceeds of the advertising pages the publishers could not support their journals as they do.

Dr. Patrick thought that Dr. Taft, in advocating "anatomy made easy," and "physiology made easy," must have forgotten that the high schools teach these, and a man who has not been through a high school has no business to take the responsibility of the study of dentistry upon him. Gray's is the only anatomy that stands good all over the world. It has not an unnecessary word, and he does not see how any man can fail to understand it. The elementary principles of these subjects are now taught in the common schools, and dentists will find children who will take issue with them on points connected with one or the other, and give their teachers as authority.

Dr. Walker thought that hygiene should be added to the list of studies proposed by Dr. Taft for school children. One of the crying evils of the day is a lack of primary education in the principles of the laws of health.

Dr. Salomon was surprised at Dr. Chisholm's attacks on American dental literature. When the speaker came here in 1867 he thought he knew a good deal about dentistry because he had studied in Berlin, but he found he had to begin over again. The (German periodicals have few advertisements, it is true, but the American journals contain much more valuable, practical matter to the dentist. We ought to be thankful that we have so good a literature.

Dr. Chisholm replied that Dr. Salomon had misunderstood him. He had taken exactly the same position—he deprecated attacks on the journals because of the advertisements they carried. Our literature is the evolution of the times, and improvements will come as we need them. The only thing we can do to advance our interests in this direction is to take into the ranks only educated men. This could not be controlled in the early days, but now the time is coming when it can be.

Dr. Taft said that in his remarks he simply reiterated what has been said before. We know that as a fact a majority of those who become students of dentistry have not studied anatomy in the high schools, and the knowledge of those who have is of the most elementary description, and of no value in entering the profession. We should have graded books. As to the foreign journals, they do have a great deal that is valuable. We are indebted to them for much of our science.

Dr. Spalding, as an illustration of what he had advocated, that medical men know nothing of dental anatomy, and are therefore not fitted to teach it, referred to Gray's "Anatomy," which has been quoted here as authoritative the world over. If you will turn to the pages devoted to dental anatomy, you will find there the views of Goodsir, which were announced before the means of studying dental anatomy were discovered. A very large part of the chapter is wholly erroneous, and it is not true at all. Now, are we to wait till some medical man chooses to study the histology, the history, and the anatomy of the teeth, and then writes a book for us?

Dr. Patrick. Gray's "Anatomy " is a text-book, an elementary treatise for the general medical practitioner. It is not to be expected that it will serve as a guide for any specialist. Carabelli wrote, fifty years ago, an excellent treatise on the teeth, but his name is rarely mentioned. Greater still is Eichard Owen's treatise. We are not lacking in text-books for professional men.

Dr. Harlan said it had occurred to him, while listening to the remarks that have been made, that the members of the dental profession are not mere boys beginning to learn the rudiments of their studies. The trouble is not lack of text-books, but lack of reading,— failure to study those we have. The great lack of the books is that they are too truly elementary; and another trouble is that too many, when they have read the primer, think they know it all. He does not believe that the profession can be built up by the aid of primers. Some who read them get a smattering of knowledge and put forth their insignificant ideas founded on such knowledge as men of science, when they are but the merest troglodytes. Have we not Tomes's and Sewill's "Anatomys," and several dental materia medicas? But the great trouble is that as a class we do not read. Too many get an edition of a work of say 1865, and when a later comes out never buy it. If they would get the new editions as they come out and study them they could be instructive to younger men who come to society meetings to learn.

Dr. Taft disclaimed any reference to the kind of books to which Dr. Harlan had objected. These "primers," so called, are not for beginners. Gray's book is a magnificent work, but it was not written under the light of histological knowledge as it stands to-day. If it was it would be much different from what it is, not only in dentistry, but in other directions also. He thought it would be a good idea for the Committee on Dental Literature to bring to the next meeting of this body a copy of each of the books published within the year, and copies of the various journals. That would be the best kind of a report on the subject.

Dr. Teague thought some notice should be taken by the association of the little work of Mrs. M. W. J., which has certainly filled a long-felt want. He moved the thanks of the association to the authoress.

Dr. Taft moved to amend by recommending it to all practicing dentists for circulation among their patrons.

The motion as amended was adopted.

The subject was passed.

Dr. McKellops desired to call attention to violations of the Code of Ethics, especially Section 3, Article II., which he read. Those now present who were also members of the American Dental Association would remember that, at the meeting of that association at Boston, the speaker had introduced a series of resolutions condemning the giving of certificates by dentists concerning preparations of the composition of which they are ignorant. This is a subject to which apparently a good many do not pay much attention. Many cut out from prints certificates by prominent dentists, of different preparations, and use these advertisements to call the attention of their patrons to them. He held in his hand at that moment a printed advertisement of a mouth-wash, to which were appended some wonderful certificates. He thought that we were not doing ourselves justice when we commended a preparation which we didn't know anything about. If anyone can tell what is in this preparation, and if it is as good as these certificates would seem to indicate, he wanted to use it. He proposed to have it analyzed, and to see if he can what it is that gives it its virtue. He had been fighting this matter of giving certificates to secret preparations a good many years, and it pained him to find the names of men whom he respected appended to them. It would be much better to attend the meetings of this association than to sign such certificates.

The annual election was then held, the result of which has already been printed.

Dr. Wardlaw, the newly-elected president, and the other officers were duly installed.

Mrs. M. W. J. was elected an honorary member of the association.

The thanks of the association were voted to the board of management, the trustees, and the faculty of Tulane University for the use of their hall; to Mr. J. W. Selby (of The S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co.) for the use of chairs for the clinics, etc.; to the retiring officers, and to the dentists and dealers in dental supplies of New Orleans, for their generous entertainment of the members of the association. A resolution of sympathy with Dr. Geo. J. Friedrichs, a member of the association, in his recent painful affliction, was also adopted.

The association adjourned to meet in Nashville, the fourth Tuesday in May, 1886.



The eleventh annual meeting of the North Carolina State Dental Association was held in Charlotte, N. C, June 2, 3, and 4, 1885, and much business of importance was transacted. The officers elected for the ensuing year were: J. E. Matthews, president; B. H. Douglass, first vice-president; H. C. Herring, second vice-president; T M. Hunter, secretary; J. W. Hunter, treasurer.

The Board of State Dental Examiners held their annual meeting at the same place, June 2,1885, all the members being present. The following names compose the members of the board: Y. E. Turner, chairman; J. F. Griffith, secretary; J. W. Hunter, E. L. Hunter, J. E. Matthews, and J. H. Durham.

The State Dental Society and Board of State Dental Examiners will hold their next annual meeting in Ealeigh, beginning on the first Tuesday in June, 1886.

Thomas M. Hunter, Secretary, Fayetteville, N. C.


At the annual meeting of the Dental Society of the State of New York, held at Albany, May 13 and 14, 1885, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

Frank B. Darby, president; Gr. C. Daboll, vice-president; J. Edw. Line, secretary; H. G. Mirick, treasurer; Wm. H. Atkinson, correspondent. Censors: First district, Wm. Carr, vice N". W. Kingsley; Third district, S. D. French, re-elected.

On recommendation of the Board of Censors, the degree of M.D.S. was conferred upon Charles S. Ives, of New York; B. A. E. Ottalengui, of Brooklyn; and E. J. Taylor, of Syracuse.

Delegate certificates will be issued to members who desire them for use at the coming meeting of the American Dental Association, on application to the secretary.

J. Edw. Line, Secretary,

Eochester, N. Y.

FLOEIDA STATE DENTAL ASSOCIATION. The annual meeting of the Florida State Dental Association convened in Tampa, May 5, 1885.

The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Duff Post, president; H. M. Granniss, first vice-president; J. N. Jones, second vice-president; J. D. Cromwell, corresponding secretary; J. A. Giddens, recording secretary; Jas. Chase, treasurer. The Executive Committee is as follows: B. T. Co wart, chairman; H. M. Granniss, L. M. Frink, J. D. Cromwell, and C. F. Kemp.

J. A. Giddens, Recording Secretary.

Tampa, Fla.


The Minneapolis Dental Society held its annual meeting June 17, 1885, at the office of Dr. E. F. Clark, Minneapolis, Minn.

The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: W. A. Spaulding, president; E. B. Dillingham, vice-president; M. G. Jenison, secretary; and E. H. Angle, treasurer.

OENTEAL ILLINOIS DENTAL SOCIETY. The fourth annual meeting of the Central Illinois Dental Society will be held in Bloomington, 111., commencing on the second Tuesday in October, 1885, the sessions continuing for three days.

C. E. Taylor, Secretary,

Streator, 111.


The annual general meeting of the British Dental Association will take place on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the 26th, 27th, and 28th of August, 1885, in the University town of Cambridge, England

We anticipate that the regular proceedings will be of considerable interest, and arrangements have been made for social entertainments which promise to be very successful. The annual Dinner will be held in one of the college halls, and there will be one or two garden

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