Page images

Alumni Dental Department, Uni-

versity of Pennsylvania 376

American Academy of Dental Sci-

ence 36, 764

American Dental Association...441,

537, 597, 682, 722

American Medical Association 862

Baltimore College of Dental Sur-
gery 247

Boston Dental College..... 305

British Dental Association 502

California State Dental Association 177

Central Illinois Dental Society 502

Chicago College of Dental Surgery 305

Chicago Dental Society 304

Connecticut Valley Dental Society.

116, 636, 764

Correction 444

Dental Society of the State of New

York ...304, 501

Fifth and Sixth District Dental So-
cieties 636

Fifth District Dental Society, State

of New York 246

First District Dental SociPtv, State

of New York...27, 96, 171, 226,

298, 415, 611, 691, 753

Florida State Dental Association... 502

Georgia State Dental Society 441

Georgia State Dental Society and

Examining Board 246

Harvard University—Dental De-

partment 503

Illinois State Dental Society 246

Indiana Dental College 251

Indiana State Dental Association... 304

Iowa State Dental Society 177, 440

Kansas City Dental College 249

Lake Erie Dental Association 246

Maryland State Dental Association 36

Massachusetts and Connecticut Val-

ley Dental Societies 305

Minneapolis Dental Society 502

Minnesota College Hospital, Dental

Department 251

Minnesota Dental Society 567, 630

Minnesota State Board of Dental

Examiners 692

Mississippi Dental Association 443

Mississippi Valley Association of

Dental Surgeons 116

Missouri Dental College 249

Missouri State Dental Association.. 443

National Association of Dental Ex-
aminers 177, 303, 565

National Association of Dental Fac-
ulties 304, 376, 633

Nebraska State Dental Society..245, 692

New Hampshire Dental Society 377

New Jersey State Dental Society...

442, 626

New York College of Dentistry 250

New York Odontological Society..7,

81,153,207, 289,338,401,476,(553, 733

North Carolina State Dental Asso-

ciation 305

North Carolina State Dental Asso-

ciation and Board of Examiners.. 501

Northwestern Dental Association... 503

Odontological Society of Pennsyl-
vania 104,239, 371, 433

Ohio College of Dental Surgery 247

Ohio State Dental Society 636

Pennsylvania College of Dental Sur-

gery 37, 248

Pennsylvania State Dental Exam-
ining Board 378

Pennsylvania State Dental Society.

443, 567

Philadelphia Dental College 248

Royal College of Dental Surgeons

of Ontario 253

Second District Dental Society,
State of New York.... 245

Seventh District Dental Society,
State of New York 246

South Carolina Slate Dental Asso-
ciation 440

Southern Dental Association...,176,

277, 351, 394, 494

St. Louis Dental Society 116

Tennessee Dental Association 245

University of California—Medical
and Dental Departments 37

University of Iowa, Dental Depart-

ment *.... 252

University of Maryland—Dental

Department 37, 252

University of Pennsylvania—De-

partment of Dentistry 377

University of Tennessee, Dental De-

partment 250

Vanderhilt University, Dental De-

partment 251

Vermont State Board of Dental Ex-
aminers. 177

Vermont State Dental Society..l77, 303

Wisconsin State Dental Society 566

Wisconsin State Dental Society and
Examining Board 444

Aide-Memoire du Chirurgien Den-
tiste 45

Annuaire General des Dentistes 313

Applied Medical Chemistry 695

Chemical Problems 637

Cholera: Its Origin, History, etc... 510

Das Fiillen der Zahne mit Gold,

etc., nach Deutscher Methode 505

Dental Bibliography 692

Dental Caries: A Critical Sum-
mary j and the Prevention of

Dental Caries 41

Dental Surgery for Practitioners

and Students 182

Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic

Nasal Catarrh 118

Elements of Surgical Diagnosis 46

Essentials of Histology 693

Guide to the Diseases of Children... 311
Handbook of Ophthalmic Science

and Practice.. 47

Insomnia and Other Disorders of

Sleep 312

Intestinal Obstruction 46

Manual for the Practice of Surgery 181
Medical Directory of Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the

Southern half of New Jersey 312

Milk Analysis and Infant Feeding. 696

Modern Medical Therapeutics 117

Modern Tharapeutics of the Dis-

eases of Children 381

New Local Anesthetic, Hydrochlo-
rate of Cocaine (Muriate of Co-


[ocr errors]

Personal 311

Phosphoric Acid in Dental Caries... 765

Proprietary and Mixed Anesthetics 255

Record of Artificial Dentures 117

Size of the Teeth as a Character of

Race 40

Wisconsin Dental Law 310

caine), and Etherization by the

Rectum 183

Notes from the Physiological Lab-

oratory of the University of Penn-

sylvania 312

One Hundred Years of Publishing. 183

Pamphlets Received....47, 119, 183,

314, 382, 569, 638, 697, 765

Physicians' Daily Pocket Record... 119

Physicians' Visiting List 765

Practical and Analytical Chemistry 636

Praktische Darstellung der Zahn-

ersatzkunde 567

Principles and Practice of Dentis-

try 179

Quiz Questions 697

Science and Art of Surgery.... 182

Scientific Adaptation of Artificial

Dentures 697

Smith's Diagram of Parliamentary

Rules 183

System of Practical Medicine by

American Authors 180, 509, 695

Tabulae Anatomicse Osteologiae 697

Text-book of Medical Chemistry.... 694
Transactions of the American Den-
tal Association, 1884 313

Transactions ot the College of Phy-

sicians of Philadelphia 313

Transactions of the Odontological

Society of Pennsylvania 118

Urinary and Renal Derangements
and Calculous Disorders 445

Carpenter, Wm. Benjamin, LL.D.


Clendenin, William, M.D ,

Forbes, Isaiah, D.D.S .,

Grant, General Ulysses S

Holmes, J. P., D.D.S





Margetson, William, L.D.S., Eng.. 184

Meredith, L. P., D.D.S 383

Newland, William A., D.D.S 639

Riggs, Dr. John M 766

Samuel, John H., L.D.S 698

Tull, R. F., D.D.S 314

Wallace, Ellerslie, M.D 445

Wright, Alfred, L.D.S 698


The Dental Cosmos for 1885 48 I The Dental Cosmos for 1886.,






That acute observer and distinguished physiognomist and con-
troversialist, Lavater, has left many epigrammatic remarks worthy
of attention, but none more deserving of remembrance than the fol-
lowing—the failure to observe the principle involved being very con-
spicuous in these days of experiment and discussion:

"He only sees well who sees the whole in the parts and the parts
in the whole. I know but three classes of men: those who see the
whole, those who see but a part, and those who see both together."

This concise presentation is in substance thus commented on by
one who has accustomed himself to measure men by the Lavater
standard: "Of these three classes, the party of the second part is
doubtless in the majority; the party of the first part next in
numerical preponderance, and the party of the third part—those
who can take in the general in their mental scope, and still distin-
guish and duly weigh the parts—are in a feeble minority. If they
were not too small a party to form a constant power in politics,
theology, or science, floods of words and oceans of ink would be
saved. Class number three is the best one in which to enroll one's
self for all purposes of investigation."

Much of the divergence of opinion with reference to medical and
dental practice is explainable only on the assumption that the ex-
tremists on either side belong to the party of the second part.

A report of a discussion which recently took place before a medi-

cal association represents one of the speakers as saying that den-

tition had no more influence in the causation of pathological con-

ditions than have the growth of the hair and the nails,—basing his

assertion on the fact that they were alike physiological processes.

On the other hand, lancing of the gums was deemed good routine

practice whenever there occurred a departure from a normal eon-

Vol. xxvn.—l.

dition during the teething period. Thus, the derangements of health which are so frequent and so serious during the period occupied in the eruption of the deciduous teeth are viewed by these extremists either as having no relation whatever to dental evolution, or as almost invariably dependent upon this process. As is generally the case, the truth is probably midway between these two extremes.

Dentition is without controversy a physiological process, and under conditions in every respect favorable may proceed with little or no disturbance to the child. So, also, are the beginning and cessation of menstruation physiological processes. Such, also, is uterogestation. These, however, are subject to perversions and deflections, which not infrequently place them within the domain of pathology, and it seems not unreasonable to assume that dentition is frequently concerned in the production or aggravation of infantile derangements. Those, therefore, who assume that in every case of dentition mechanical help is desirable and useful, if not absolutely necessary, are, it would seem, as much in error as are those who teach that such help is never required.

When dental evolution proceeds without apparent disturbance, interference would be manifestly unwise and improper. But there are other cases in which the indications point so plainly to dental complications as the disturbing element that only preconceived opinions could prevent their recognition.

The peculiar impressibility of infancy, and the direct and sympathetic relations of the teeth to the whole organism, should be considered in forming a judgment as to the probability of disturbances of equilibrium resulting from any want of accord between the propulsive and resistive forces concerned in the liberation of the dental organs from theirosseous and fibrous coverings. So, also, should the special tendency in infancy to reflex phenomena—explainable by the predominance of the spinal system—be accorded the importance to which it is entitled.

Nor should the fact be overlooked or disregarded that the body of an infant is characterized by peculiarities of structure and function differing from the adult. These differences explain the tendency of disease in children to assume a sthenic type, and also explain the facility with which morbid action is transferred by extension, metastasis, or reflection to organs not originally implicated; the activity of the vascular system, the free supply of blood to the tissues, and the susceptibility of the nervous system contributing to the creation of a special liability to intense and dangerous reactions from local irritation. Yarious cftuses may produce such an irritation of the spinal centers that the coordinating function of the brain may be

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