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he confined some at Chester, and others, as the princes Llewellyn and Owen, at Bristol Castle, in the 18th year of his reign* he gave orders to Walter de Cambhowe, constable of Bamborough, to expend 47. on the robes of Resus ap Maylgon and Conan ap Mereduth, then incarcerated in this fortress, and 13s. 4d. for the robes of a servant waiting upon them; being an allowance for the 16th and 17th years of his reign of 21. 6s. 8d. per year; or a sum of threepence a-day each for Rees and Conan, and twopence for their servant. Robert and Peter le Poer, who were imprisoned at Conway Castle for five years, and Howel ap Rees for a longer period, were allowed twopence each. The princes Llewellyn and Owen received an allowance of threepence each, and had their robes, linen, shoes, and other necessaries found them by the crown. In the 24th year of Edward's reign, Rees ap Maylgon and Conan ap Mereduth were conducted to Newcastle-on-Tyne in a dying state, and on the 7th of June from hence to London. The Liberate Roll, 26 Edw. I. m. 4, also gives the following charges for forty-two Welsh prisoners, who were carried for greater security to the north of England. John Byronn, the sheriff of York is allowed 103s. 4d. delivered by him, by the king's command, to ten Welshmen (of North Wales) confined in the castle of York, from Monday before the feast of St. Margaret to Thursday on the morrow of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, 24 Edw. I.; 103s. 4d. for ten Welshmen confined in Richmond Castle during the same period; 103s. 4d. for ten Welshmen confined in Skipton Castle during the same time; and 61. 4s. for twelve Welshmen confined in Scarborough Castle during the same period.

In the 3d of Edw. II., we find four Scotch prisoners detained here; and in the 9th of Edw. III., the Earl of Murray.

I will now adduce other facts to those already given concerning the history of Bamborough Castle, because the information throws some light upon the way these royal buildings were governed, to what uses they were appropriated, and how the charges for their maintenance were sustained. The survey made by Bellysis in 1537 is suffi

Rot. Lib. 18 Edw. I. m. 6.

ciently interesting to be printed, like these particulars, for the first time, and will be found in the notes.*

The vieu of the castell of Bawmborgh, wich is of thre grett wardes and in grett reuyne and decay, albeit the scytuacy on and standyng of the said castell is of the strongest and inpregnable ground that may be. And theis thynges folloyng is most nedfull ther to be doyn.

Fyrste, the draw bryge at the entrye of the est warde must be all new mayd, and all thynges ther to will cost xls.

Item, ther must be a new gaytt mayd of wode with seym and royve for the gaythowse at the entre of the said draw bryge of foure yerdes and a half hye and thre yerdes and a half broyde, wich wille cost by estimacion, all mayner of thynges, vli. Item, the walles of the two vtter wardes is veray mych in rouyne and decay, albeyt the grounde and the situacion of theym is marvellus stronge, so that yf ther were but xlli. be stowyd in dyuers places of the said walles wher most ned were wolde do mych gude.

Item, ther must be an yron gaytt mayd for the innere warde of foure yerdes and a quarter hyght and thre yerdes and a quarter of breyde, wich will tayke two tonne of yron, xli.

Item, to the smyth for maykyng of the said yron gayt, vjli.

Item, ther is a gret chambere within the inner warde that will serue very welle for the halle, whereof the leydes of the royf must be new cast, and a foyer of leyde more towarde the mendyng of the said leydes. And the castyng and the layng of the said leydes and the warkmanschype therof, iijli.

Item, ther muste be for the said halle two doyrs and two wyndowes, wich wille cost xxs.

Item, half a royde of sarkkyng bord for the said hall, vjs.

Item, ther is a nothere fayre chambere jonyng of the north syde of the said halle that must haue a new balke of vj yerdes and a half longe, wich balke most be hade frome Chopwelle wodes be west New Castell, wich wodes pertenys to the layt monestery of New Mynster, and the balke must be carryd by watter. All charges ther of, xijs.

Item, ther must be for the said chambere half a royd of sarkynge borde, vjs. Item, the leydes of the royff of the said chambere must be new cast, and a foyer of new leyd more towardes the mendynge of theym. And for gutters, spowttes, and fyllettes, and the charges of the castyng and laynge, xlviijs.

Item, ther is thre fayre vawtes vndere the said halle and chambere convenyent for a buttre, a sellere, and a store howse wich must haue thre newe doyres, xxs.

Item, ther must be a new royf mayde for an howsse at the est end of the halle wiche must serue for the kychynge and for larders. And vndere the said howsse ther is a fayre vawte wich wyll serue for a stabylle for xxiiij horsses. And for maykyng of the said royff there must be vj balkes of viij yerdes longe; and for wyvers, wallplayttes, spars, and other tymbere for the said royff xvi tonne of tymbere, wiche tymbere must be had in Chopwelle wodes appertenyng to the layt abbay of New Mynster. And for the caryage and makyng of the said royf, vijli.

Item, ther must be for coueryng of the said royffyve royde of sclattes with lattes, broddes, and lym. Alle thynges by estimacion will cost vjli.

Item, for the said kychynge and layrdere, for wyndoys, dores, and particyons, by estimacion, liijs. iiijd.

Item, ther must be for the stabylle a boue said of xxiiij horsses bays, mayngers, and rakes, and a doyre, the charges ther of for caryage of the tymbere and warkmanschype, iiijli.

Item, there is a narrow towre of a convenient lenthe at the est syd of the said kychynge, wych will be two chambers for lodgynges, and must haue xij geystes of iij yerdes longe, and half a royd of florynge borde and xij spars of thre yerdes longe, and a royde of sarkynge borde; the charge ther of, xls.

Item, the royf of the said howse must be new theykyd with leyd and must haue two fudders and a half of leyd more then is of it. And for the castynge and laynge of the said leyd, xxiiijs.

Item, ther is a lyttyll towre at the sowthe end of the sayd kychynge, wherof the leydes of the said towre must be new cast and half a foyer of leyde putt to it, The castyng and the laynge of the said leyd, xijs.

Item, for the saym towre a royde of sarkyng borde, xijs.

Item, for the floyres of the said towre a royde of florynge borde, xiiijs.

Item, for the said towre for dores and wyndowes, lokes and bandes for dores,


Item, ther is two fayre chambers well wallyd jonynge boithe to getheres standynge at the est ende of the olde walles, callyde the Kynges Halle, and vnder the

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The constableship of Bamborough Castle was worth a hundred marks per annum, as appears from various entries on the Liberate Rolls, in the 10th, 11th, and other years of the reign of Henry III. A single entry will be sufficient to show the form in which the writs for payment usually run. "Rex ballivis Novi Castri super Tinam salutem. Precipimus vobis quod de firma villæ nostræ habere faciatis Johanni Wascelin constabulario de Bamburg lx marcas de termino Paschæ anno regis nostri x° in parte solutionis c marcarum quas percipit per annum ad custodiam castri de Bamburg et computabitur vobis ad Scaccarium. Rege apud Keniton, vi die Februarii." After the same

said two chambers ther is foure fayr vawttes; and the said two chamberys must haue two newe royffes of v balkes of viij yerdes longe for ather of the said two chamberys. And the ryst of all mayner of tymbere for the royffes of boithe the said chamerys will be xxx tonne of tymbere, the said tymbere to be hade at Chopwelle woddes a for said, and at the Bykere wodes a lyttylle from New Castelle, wich Bykere wodes was layt the erle of Northumberlandes. And this said tymbere must be caryid by watter. And all mayner of charges, as well for caryage as warkmanschype of the said roy ffes, xiiijli.

Item, ther must be for couerynge of the said two chamber royffes x royd of sclaytt, wiche wille cost with lyme, lattes, broides, and other necessarys, by estimacion, xiijli.

Item, ther muste be for the said two chambers and for the said foure vawttes, for doyrs, wyndows, lockes, and kays, and other necessarys therto appertenynge, by estimacion, iiijli.

Item, ther must be half a foyer of leyde for a gutter to the said two chambers. For the plummere wages, iijs.

Item, ther is a brewhowsse and a bakhowse boithe under one royff, wiche is decayd, wherfor ther must be a new royff of v balkes vj yerdes longe, and for all other tymbere appertenynge to the said royffes xiiij tonne of tymbere, wich tymbere may be had at Chopwelle and Bykare wodes aforsaid, and framyd and wroght in the said woddes, and caryd by watter. All mayner of charges ther of by estimacion, vjli.

Item, ther must be for couerynge of the said howse of sclattes foure royde, wiche wyll cost, with lyme, lattes, broddes, and othere necessarys, by estimacion, vli. Item, for dors, wyndowes, party cyons, and lookes to the said howsses, xxs.

Item, for maykynge ovynnes, rayngyes,


fornesses, and brewynge vesselles meyt for a brewhowse, by estimacion, viijli.

Item, ther must be a fother and a half of leyde for maykynge of the brewynge leydes.

Item, ther must be a horse mylne, wych wyll cost, all thynges meyte for the saym purpos, xli.

Item, ther is two draw welles, wherof one in the dongyone, wich dongyone the royff therof is all decayd, and the sayd welle is of a marvellus grett dypnes.

Item, the other welle is in the west end of the west warde, and the walle that inclosys the said well to the castelle must be amendyt. For the mendynge therof and clensynge of the said welle, by estimacion, iiijli.

Item, ther must be for repellynge and a mendynge boithe of dyuers fayre towres and for the walles of the innere warde, that is to say, for battylmenttes and for putynge in of aschelare stones and for pynynge with stone where the walles is rent, and rowgh castynge of the said walles with lym, by estimacion, xlli.

Item, ther is foure towres within the said innere warde, wherof the walles ar veray god and the tymbere of the royffes fresche; and the leyde of the said foure royffes must be new castyn, and there must be thre foyer of leyde more for mendynge of the said royffes. And for the castynge of the leyde of new of all the foure forsaid royffes, with gutters, spowttes, and fyllettes, iiijli.

Item, dyuers of theis howses aforsaid must be dyght and clensyd, for ther is a grett substans and quantyte of sand within theym, wiche in mayner has fyllyd full dyuers of the said howsses. And for the labore and carrynge owte therof, iiijli.

Summa totalis, ccxli. xs. iiijd.

And ouer and aboue the said summe ther must be for the said castell x foyer of leyd.

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