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fessed even by his friends, and very little to

exercised there, by the power of a few ill men, which, at that time, had spread itself over this kingdom; and therefore we had no reason to expect, that we should at this season (when we are doing all we can to wipe out the memory of all that hath been done amiss by other men, and, we thank God, have wiped it out of our own remembrance), have been ourself assaulted with those reproaches; which we will likewise forget."This is but a poor apology. If circumstances had not enforced, Cromwell had been no dissembler. To go on. Sheffield observes, that "Charles was not false to his word; but full of dissimulation, and very adroit at it."-And Saville, after taking notice," that princes dissemble with too many not to have it discovered;" adds, "no wonder then that he [Charles] carried it so far that it was discovered. Men," continues he, "compared notes, and got evidence: so that those whose morality would give them leave, took it for an excuse for serving him ill. Those who knew his face, fixed their eyes there; and thought it of more importance to see, than to hear what he said. His face was as little a blab as most mens; yet, though it could not be called a prattling face, it would sometimes tell tales to a good observer. When he thought fit to be angry, he had a very peevish memory: there was hardly a blot that escaped him. At the same time that this shewed the strength of his dissimulation, it gave warning too: it fitted his present purpose, but it made a discovery that put men more upon their guard against him."

Kennet's Register, p. 289.

Buckingham's Works, vol. II. p. 58. Character of K. Charles II. p. 15.

After this, it will be no difficult matter for the reader to believe," that, when the king passed through the city towards Westminster, the London ministers attended him with acclamations; and, by the hands of old Mr. Arthur Jackson, presented him with a richadorned Bible, which he received, and told them, it should be the rule of his actions"." Nor can we wonder that a prince of this character, in order to keep up appearances, should order attempts to be made to recover his brother from popery; which he himself was, probably,—as we shall soon see-far from being disinclined to. This particular we find in a letter from Sancroft to Morley, dated, Feb. 11, 1678, in the following words: "Yesterday I had a private intimation from my superiour, that it is his pleasure that some further attempt should speedily be made to recover the duke of York out of that foul apostacy into which the busy traytors from Rome have seduced him"."

There is another story related, by an anonymous writer, which, possibly, may be true, as being consistent with the king's character; though I will not charge myself with the proof of it.- "Whilst the king lay at Breda, daily expecting the English navy for his transportation; the dissenting party, fearing the worst, thought it but reasonable to send a select number of their most eminent divines to wait upon his majesty in Holland, in order to get the most advantageous promises from him they could, for the liberty of their consciences. Of the number of these divines, Mr. Case was one; who, with the rest of his brethren, coming where the king lay, and desiring to be admitted into the king's presence, were carried up into the chamber

a Baxter's Life, p. 218. b State Letters of Henry, Earl of Clarendon, vol. 11. p. 275. 4to. Oxon. 1763.

next, or very near, the king's closet; but told withal, that the king was busy at his devotions, and that till he had done they must be contented to stay. Being thus left alone (by contrivance, no doubt), and hearing a sound of groaning piety, such was the curiosity of Mr. Case, that he would needs go and lay his ear to the closet door. But, Heavens! how was the good old man ravished to hear the pious ejaculations that fell from the king's lips!-Lord-since thou art pleased to restore me to the throne of my ancestors, grant me a heart constant in the exercise and protection of thy true protestant religion.-Never may I seek the oppression of those who, out of tenderness of their consciences, are not free to conform to outward and indifferent ceremonies.-With a great deal more of the same cant.". This account is far enough from being improbable: for, on good authority, we are assured, "that when he received the London ministers, which went to him at the Hague, he had these memorable and rare expressions: That he would make it his business to bring virtue and sobriety into fashion and repute in England; and though there were a profane drinking party, which would be esteemed his best and only friends, he would make the more haste into England, to let such men know, that he was their worst enemy, for they were the devil's party, and none of his. These were his words; and, which is the true honour of them, they were free; not drawn from him, or suggested to him"."-These, and facts like these, will establish the character of Charles for dissimulation; and class him, in this respect, with many of his most zealous opponents. Lord Halifax attempts to

* Secret History of the Reigns of Charles II. and James II. 12mo. p. 20. 1690. b Kennet's Register, p. 460.

be relied on.He is accused, perhaps not without foundation, of ingratitude* to

apologize for him, however, on this head. "If he dissembled," says he, "let us remember, first, that he was a king; and that dissimulation is a jewel of the crown: next, that it is very hard for a man not to do sometimes too much of that, which he concludeth necessary for him to practise. Men should consider, that as there would be no false dice, if there were no true ones; so if dissembling is grown universal, it ceaseth to be foul play, having an implied allowance by the general practice. He that was so often forced to dissemble in his own defence, might the better have the priviledge sometimes to be the aggressor, and to deal with men at their own weapon". What force there is in this, the reader will determine.

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4 He has been accused of ingratitude.] This was the charge against him soon after his restoration, by parties, and private persons." They who had suffered much in their fortunes, and, by frequent imprisonments, and sequestrations, and compositions, expected large recompences and reparations in honours, which they could not support, or offices which they could not discharge, or lands and money which the king had not to give; as all dispassioned men knew the conditions which the king was obliged to perform, and that the act of indemnity discharged all those forfeitures which could have been applied to their benefit; and therefore they who had been, without comparison, the greatest sufferers in their fortunes, and in all respects had merited most, never made any inconve

a Character of K. Charles II. p. 56. Compare a passage from the Anti-Machiavel, quoted in the Life of Charles I. p. 83.

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wards those from whom he had received very great obligations in his necessities;

nient suits to the king, but modestly left the memory and consideration of all they had done, or undergone, to his majesty's own gracious reflexions. They were observed to be most importunate, who had deserved least, and were least capable to perform any notable service; and none had more esteem of themselves, and believed preferment to be more due to them, than a sort of men who had most loudly began the king's health in taverns; especially if, for any disorders which had accompanied it, they had suffered imprisonment, without any other pretence of merit, or running any other hazard"."These are the words of Clarendon : words of severity, but perhaps justice, to many of his party; though they come with a very ill grace from a man who received twenty thousand pounds, from the king's bounty, soon after his arrival in England: who had never suffered imprisonment, or run hazard in the field, for the royal cause; and who, moreover, had procured of the king the manor of Cornbury, in Oxfordshire, forfeited by the attainder of Sir John Danvers, one of the late king's judges. We are not to wonder then that the cavaliers complained highly of their being neglected, as Burnet assures us they did: or that, upon Clarendon's beating down the value they set on their services, an implacable hatred took place in the breasts of many of them against him. For to be neglected, and contemned at the same time, by persons. we have wished to serve, and for whom we have suffered, is hardly to be borne by men of virtue; much less

• Clarendon's Continuation, vol. II. p. 35. Athenæ, vol. II. c. 534.


b Id. p. 60. See Burnet, vol. I. p. 165.

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