Environmental Design of Urban Buildings: An Integrated ApproachMatheos Santamouris The importance of an integrated approach in urban design is becoming increasingly apparent. This book explains how to overcome related challenges in environmental design of urban buildings and offers guidance on the use of new materials and techniques and the integration of new philosophies. Supported by the EC's SAVE 13 programme, Environmental Design of Urban Buildings includes contributions from experts at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, the Hellenic Open University, Greece, Cambridge Architectural Research, UK and REHVA/University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.A free CD-ROM containing multi-media software tools and climatic data accompanies the book.CONTENTSEnvironmental Urban Design * Architectural Design, Passive Environmental and Building Engineering Systems * Environmental Issues of Building Design * Sustainable Design, Construction and Operation * Intelligent Controls and Advanced Building Management Systems * Urban Building Climatology * Heat and Mass Transfer Phenomena in Urban Buildings * Applied Lighting Technologies for Urban Buildings * Case Studies * Guidelines to Integrate Energy Conservation * Indoor Air Quality * Applied Energy and Resources Management in the Urban Environment * Economic Methodologies * Integrated Building Design * Bibliography, IndexPublished with SAVE |
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Environmental Urban Design | 1 |
List of Tables | 7 |
Architectural Design and Passive Environmental and Building Engineering Systems | 36 |
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Environmental Design of Urban Buildings: An Integrated Approach Mat Santamouris Limited preview - 2013 |
Environmental Design of Urban Buildings: An Integrated Approach Mat Santamouris Limited preview - 2013 |
Environmental Design of Urban Buildings: An Integrated Approach Mat Santamouris Limited preview - 2013 |
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Activity air temperature airflow albedo angle Architecture artificial lighting Athens atrium building design building management systems Building section showing building's cash flow Celsius cent centre chapter cities climate construction convection cooling cost daylight factor density district heating double façade effect electricity embodied energy emissions emitted energy consumption energy efficiency energy savings environmental Equation example façade Figure floor glazing heat gains heat island heat transfer HVAC illumination increase indoor air indoor air quality installed insulation integrated interior internal lamps layout method metres models natural light natural ventilation operation outdoor Owens parameters passive solar planning pollution reduce renewable energy requirements roof Santamouris solar gains solar radiation Source space strategies summer surface sustainable thermal comfort thermal mass tion transport trombe walls urban areas urban canyon urban design urban environment urban heat island ventilation system wall waste wind speed