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In this work, it has been the author's object to exhibit as complete a body of information, respecting the progress and present situation of the United States, as the existing sources of information could supply. He has spared neither pains nor expence, in collecting materials; and, besides what he could procure through the ordinary channels, he has been favoured with communications from intelligent correspondents in different quarters of the Union. Throughout, he has been solicitous for the accuracy of his statements, and he has generally given authorities for facts of importance. These he could have easily multiplied, had it been necessary. His information has been drawn almost entirely from original sources; and, indeed, so rapid and extraordinary have been the changes in the state of the country, within these few years, that he could derive but little assistance from


the labours of his predecessors. Except in the Introduction, where a few general remarks are made, he has seldom indulged in discussion or speculation. His view was rather to put his readers in possession of a full and authentic collection of the most interesting facts regarding the population, industry, wealth, power, and resources of the United States. And he has adopted an arrangement, which, he thinks, will render this information more accessible and more valuable than it would have been if presented in the usual form. This arrangement, he flatters himself, will be considered a material improvement. Although he has used no small diligence to avoid errors, he has no doubt that some will be found in the work. These he leaves to the candour of the reader, trusting that what he has undertaken will be judged of with a reference to the means which exist for its execution, and that where the subjects are so extensive and multifarious, some allowance will be made for unavoidable mistakes and omissions.

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