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the creator of physical
man, i 182; typifies
early Third Race, ii
183; reincarnated cre-
ator of man, ii 192; the
intelligent, ii 247; first
progeny of, ii 275
Daksha's daughters, i 521
Damaskios, i 70, 235, 343,

Damavend, ii 397
Dan, ii 211

Dana, Prof., ii 324
Danavas, i 92, ii 192, 336,

Dangma, i 27, 45 et seq.
Dunkmoe, i 228
Danville, ii 394
Darem, i 466

Darkness, 1 70, 356, 443
Dermesteter, i 336, 11 97,
291, 2-2
Inrianan i 47

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Dahar, i 350

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442, 452, 458, 478, 573, 601, 604, 630, 635, 638, 652, ii 60, 102, 108, 120, 233, 267, 275, 281, 303, 307, 318, 361, 366, 683 Dhyani Chohans, primordial men, i 10; transmit thought, i 16; have divine powers, i 22; spiritual beings, i 38; creative spirits, i 42; the highest, i 51; the invisible deity and the, i 114; hosts of angelic beings, i 119; guiding intelligences, i 146; ethereal races of, i 188; have to become angels, i 221; relations with humanity, i 226; monad is an individual Dhyân Chohan, i 265; high planetary spirits, i 278, 635; Elohim, i 295; Builders, i 375; creative powers, i 427, ii 60; solar and lunar Pitris, i 442; aggregate of intelligence, i 452; seven divisions of, i 458; human, i 478; consciousness i 573; intelligences, i 601; cosmic, i 604, 630; or archangels, i 638; of supramundane spheres, i 652; four orders classes of, ii 102; are Devas, ii 108; essence, ii 120; pure celestial beings, ii 233; Sons of Wisdom, ii 267; incarnate, ii 275; lower, ii 281; gods themselves, ii 303; help of, ii 307; hierarchies of, ii 318; informing groups of, ii 361; primitive, ii 366; heavenly man, ii 683 Dhyanipasa, i 90 Dhyanis i 181, 183, 184,


571, ii 16, 80, 210, 228 Diana, i 386, 395, ii 123 Didymium, i 141 Dinosaurians, ii 218 Diodorus Siculus, i 366,

ii 143, 344, 363, 775 Diogenes Laertius, i 434, 650 Dionysos, i 360

Diorite, ii 692 Dioscuri, ii 363 Dirghatamas, ii 97 Disc, i 1, 4 Djin, i 295 Dolichocephalic, ii 168 Donnelly, ii 221, 333 Dorjesempa, i 52, 571 Douay version, i 128 Dove, i 354 Dowler, ii 352 Drach, Chev., i 467 Draco, i 411 Dracontia, ii 756 Dragon, i 127, ii 98, 206, 210, 218, 351, 353, 354, 365, 379, 386, 397 Dragon, the old Devil, ii 98; Chinese, ii 206; and Serpents ii 210; Great, ii 351; the contellation, i 353; fabulous, ii 354; Yellow, ii 365; Sons of the, ii 379 et seq.; the fiery serpent, ii 387 Dragon Logos, i 409 Dragons, ii 202 Draper, i 104, 357 Druid Circles, i 209 Drushim, i 438 Dryden, i 644 Dryopithecus, ii 675 et seq.

Du Bois-Reymond, i 485,
518, ii 650
Dugpaship, ii 221



E Delphicum, ii 580 Ea, ii 61, 139, 226 Eagle, i 127, 441 Earth. i 132, 141, 155, 159, 180, 250, 253, 257, ii 33, 66 Earth, Devaloka worlds, i 131; personification of, i 141; moon as a satellite of, i 155, 180; visible representative of the globes, i 159; three earths, i 250; forms of nature, i 257; progeny of moon, i 33; formation of, ii 66 Earth's rotundity, ii 708 East, i 123, ii 535 Easter Island, i 321, ii 223, 317, 331, 336 Ebionites, i 197 Echath, i 130 Echod, i 73, 113, 130 Eckstein, ii 357

Eddas, i 344, ii 27, 386 Eddin Ahmed ben Yahya, ii 362

Eden, i 127, 244, ii 42. 410, 494

Eden, abode of gods, i

127; tree of good and evil, i 247; true and perfect serpent, ii 410 Edens, ii 202

Edison, i 784

Beaumetz, i Edkins, Jos., i xxviii, 72,

Dulaure, i 652

Duncan, P. M., i 102
Dunlap, i 195, 353, ii 212
Dupuis, i 653, ii 32
Duran, ii 276

Dvâpara Yuga, ii 147
Dvija, i 209, ii 70
Dvipa, i 257, ii 155, 264,
320, 350

Dvipas, described in Purânas, i 264; seven, ii 320; seven great islands, ii 350

Dyaus, i 101, 347, 376 Dzyan, i xx, xxiii, 606, 674, ii 46, 220, 241, 375 Dzyu, i 108


Edom, ii 2, 55

Edris, ii 366, 529

Edwards, Milne, ii 723
Effects, ii 74

Egg. i 65, 359, 366, 367. 368, ii 181

Egg, mundane, i 65; at a universal symbol, 359; evolves Chemi, 367; Buddha's refusa 1 to eat, i 369; of Grea Serpent, ii 181 Ego, i 243, ii 109 Egos, i 181. ii 291 Egypt, ii 557

Egyptians, i 134, 229, iš 357, 435, 536

Egyptian temples, i 125 Eka, i 73, 113, 129 Ekasloka Sastra, i 61 Ekphantos, i 117

El, ii 509

Eleazar, Rabbi, ii 134,
200, 315, 532
Electra, ii 768
Electricity, i 81, 111, 139
El-El, i 463

Elements, i 218, 460, 462,

546 et seq., ii 114

Elephant, ii 219
Elephanta, ii 221
Eleusis, ii 270

Elijah, i 466, ii 531
Elivagar, i 367
Ellora, ii 221

Eloah, ii 509

Elohim, i 73, 90, 112, 113, 114, 197, 225, 355, 421, 442 447, 493, 548, 619, ii 37, 38, 44, 61, 95, 134, 220, 243, 280, 474 Elohim, as Jehovah, i 73;

number for, i 90; in-
ner divine entity, i 113;
meaning of, i 114; in
systems of Gnostics, i
197; man a child of, i
225; tribal gods, i 421;
assuming god-name, i
442; let there be a fir-
mament, i 447; sacri-
fice to, i 493; septen-
ary, i 548; minor lo-
goi, ii 37; Jehovah, ii
38; create man, ii 44;
inferior, i 61; lower
divine beings, ii 95;
brought forth man, ii
134; impart secrets, i
220; know good and
evil, ii 243; symbols of,
ii 474

Elohistic, ii 473
Eloi, i 577

Elion, ii 380

Emerson, i 48

Emepht, i 367

Empedokles, i 497
Enfield, ii 594
Ennoia, ii 244

Enoch, i 207, 609, ii 145,
229, 230, 366, 454, 482,
529,532, 533
Enoch, sage and hiero-

phant, i 207; Uriel to him, i 609; visions of, ii 229; 229; Archbishop Laurence on, ii 230; generic name, ii 267; traditions of, ii 366; Son of Man, ii 533

Enoch, Book of, ii 145,
482, 529, 532
Enoïchion, ii 529
Enosh, ii 129
Enos, ii 125, 469

En-Soph, i 109, 214, 357,

Entities, i 106, 133, 145,

215, 233, 493 Entity, i 14, 143, 154 Eocene, ii 9, 690 Ephialtes, ii 70

Epicurus, i 518, 568, 629,
ii 285
Epigenes, ii 620
Epiphanius, ii 569
Erard-Mollien, i 657
Eratosthenes, ii 367
Erdmann, i 630
Erebos, i 110

Eridu, ii 203, 226, 693
Eros, i 109

Eros-Phanes, i 365
Esoteric, i 306

xvii, 152, 156
Esoteric Tenets, ii 449
Essence, Absolute, i 273
Essenes, ii 111

Ether, i 12, 13, 325, 342,


462, 482, 486, 524, 587 Ether, grossest form of Akâśa, i 13; undulatory, i 325; subdivisions, i 342 all things have come from, i 462; universal, i 482; produced sound, i 587 Ethiops, ii 417 Euclid, ii 522, 552 Eugenius Philalethes, i 260

Eugibinus, ii 134
Euler, i 491

Euripides, i 123

Europe, ii 368
Eusebios, ii 342

Eusebius, i xxvi, i 53, 278, 357, 368, 692 Eustathius, ii 463 Evans, J., ii 722 Eve, 129, 355, ii 43, 95, 130, 193, 220, 270, 410, 467

Evil Spirit, ii 475 Evolution, i 187, 219, ii 131, 191, 544, 649, 683, 719


Evolution, cyclic, i 634
Evolution, Law of, ii 256
Evolution of a cathedral
organ, ii 348
Evolutionists, ii 187
Ewald, ii 454
Exodus, ii 426

Eye, Third, ii 288 et seq. Ezekiel's wheel, i 363, ii 128

Ezra, i 655, ii 4, 143, 461


Faber, i 360, ii 142, 144,
264, 344, 360, 364, 365
Fabre, ii 746
Fafnir, i 404
Fa-Hwa-King, i 470
Falconnet, ii 342
Fall, ii 62

Fall of Man, ii 228
Fallen Angel, ii 475
Faraday, i 507, 510
Fravashi, ii 480

Faye, i 165, 496, 500, 505,

541, 588, 599

Fergusson, ii 220, 226
Feridan, i 398

Ferouer, i 235, ii 478, 480
Ferrel, ii 64
Ferrier, i 125
Fetahil, i 195
Fetus, ii 131

Fichte, i 50, 51, 79, 281
Figanière, ii 289
Figuier, i 136
Filioque dogma, ii 635
Filippi, ii 646

Fire, i 6, 85, 121, 141, 203,
252, 599

Fire Mist, i 83, 140
Fire Philosophers, i 81
Fire Worshipers, i 121
First Cause, i 327, 342
Fishes, Palaeozoic, ii 170
Fiske, i 680, 786
Flagae, i 222

Flame, i 81, 121, 215, 599,
ii 234

Flammarion, ii 135, 699,

Florence, ii 221
Flower, W. H., ii 169
Fludd, i 70
Fohat, i 16, 30, 76, 82,
85, 109, 122, 137, 138,
143, 145, 147, 204, 216,
328, 493, 557, 590, 635,
673, ii 65, 400, 586


Fohat, animating principle, i 16; hardens the atoms, i 30; hisses as he glides, i 76; gives an impulse, i 82; impresses mind on matter, i 85; an abstract philosophical idea, 109; takes five strides, i 122; son of the son, i 137; seven conditions of, i 138; in Occult science, i 142; scattering products, i 143; produces seven laya centers, i 147; has many abodes, i 204; seven sons, i 216; cosmic energy, i 328; energizing and guiding intelligence, i 493; potential breath of, i 635; the key of occultism, i 673; in manifestation, ii 65; Vedic names of, ii 400; and the Svastika, ii 586 Foh-tchou, ii 215 Foix, de, ii 96 Fo-Kien, i 271

Foraminifera, ii 257
Force, i 147, 482, 502,

509, 517, 529, 587
Force, the coming, i 554
Forces, i 440, 464
Fossil relics of man, ii


[blocks in formation]

Galileo, i 117, 568, 623, ii 534

Gamma, ii 583, 590
Gandharvas, i 92, 126,
523, 524, ii 90
Ganga, i 385
Gangâdvâra, ii 571
Ganymedes, ii 785
Garden of Wisdom, ii

Gardiner, Starkie, ii 782
Garga, ii 49

Garuda, i 366, 421, ii 254, 565, 570 Gases, i 82 Gaudry, Albert, ii 646, 678, 714, 739, 749 Gauramukha, ii 323 Gautama, i xxi, 47, 108, 161, 368, 379, ii 339, 423, 637 Gebers, i 114 Gebirol, Ibn, i 347, 376, ii 461 Geborim, i 114 Gehenna, i 463

Geiger, Dr., ii 358, 757
Geikie, ii 720
Gelukpas, i 108
Gemara Sanhedrim,


Genesis, i 70, 73, ii 1, 60,
81, 213, 375, 453
Genesis of man, ii 797
Genii, i 288
Gentil, M. le, i 663
Geoffroy St. Hilaire, ii
206, 646, 651
Geological chronology, ii

Geological periods, ii 688
Geometrical forms, i 97
George, St., ii 238, 397
Gharma-ja, ii 124
Giamshid, ii 398
Giants, ii 277 et seq., 341,
752, 777

Gibborim, i 415, ii 70, 279,
Gibraltar, ii 8
Gilgoolem, i 568
Gimil, ii 100

Ginnunga-gap, i 367, 427
Ginsburg, ii 284

Giraldus Cambrensis, ii 345

Gladstone, W. E., ii 383,
766, 770
Globigerina, ii 257
Gnostic works, ii 530

Gnostics, i xliv, 410, 448,

473, 577, 636, ii 96, 214,

243, 389, 538, 580, 604 Gnostics, doctrines of, i

xliv; C. W. King's book, i 410; their Hebdomad, i 448; sacred serpent, i 472; Christos Sophia, i 473; Codex Nazaraeus, ii 96; adore the serpent, i 214; Ilda Baoth, ii 243; founded by Initiates, ii 389; Egyptian, i 538; "five words" of, ii 580; Pistis Sophia, ii 604 Goat, i 357

Goat of Mendes, i 253
Gobi, ii 331

God, i 147, 295, 347, 576, 636, ii 60

God, name of, ii 602
Goddesses, i 396
Godefroy, i 506

Gods, i 288, 396, 495, 548,


Gods of Darkness, ii 483 Goethe, i 83

Gogard, ii 97

Golden Age, ii 421, 520
Goldstücker, ii 524
Gordon-Cumming, ii 440
Gorilla, ii 263
Gorresio, i 415
Gosse, ii 440

Gould, Ch., ii 8, 54, 280,
293, 302, 311, 429, 441,
695, 715
Gratiolet, ii 681
Gravitation, i 490
Gravity, i 529
Greely, i xxiii
Greenland, ii 11
Gregorie, ii 467
Grihasta, i 210, ii 499
Grote, ii 760

Grove, Sir W., i 102, 465, 469, 483, 486, 491, 496, 508, 509

Guanches, ii 740

Guardian angels, i 222
Guatemala, ii 50

Gubernatis, i 304

Guebre, ii 363
Guhya, i 90

Guinness, H. G., ii 622
Gulguleh, ii 338

Gull, Dr., i 540

Gultweig, ii 520

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tes, i 326, i

i 473, i 211: name of Th misteries 234; or Thy, ii 247: 27 god of wisdom, # 380; theals his hocks, ti 58: CHEVE Vf the Ser#53; the Lixos,

i 541

Trismegists, i 27. 671, 1:3. 379 Hommes Trismegistos, a i 27: his wisden, i 279; -laby M Kings2-1. 671: ford. wide shes to Huxley, i 625, atronor in 1 che servations, i 604, the


#347 vas, ⠀ 145, 401

i 39 philosophy, i 162 style. i 115


rehts, i 409, 653

okrates. i 223, ii 132, 259, 312

oplytos, ii 563, 569 fecupatami, ii 219 iram Abif, i 314 Himanva, i 360

Hiranunghorba, i 18, 66, 99. 286, 406, 426, ii 470 Hiranyagharba, manifestation of spirit, i 18; luminous egg. i66; the gelden womb, i 89; glory to, i 286; is Brahma in its highest manifestation, i 406; golden egg, i 426; radrant egy, ii 470 Hornyakatipu, i 420 Hiranyasura, 11 323 Hirn, G. A, 1 422, 487, 511 Hivim, ii 320 Hoa, i 78 Hoklimah, ii 83

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