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in St Peter's ad vincula]. exclamations p.
178. [Eus. h.e. vii 30 § 9. Synes. 62ab].
professional applauders vii 43 44. Com-
plaints of the weary duty iii 9 P. 178-9.
[Ov. a. a. ii 508. Phaedr. v 5 47.] Indif
ference of audience ibid. Places of recita-
tion p. 179. The reciter's dress ibid.
preface and diffidence p. 180. Ladies pre-
sent ibid. Selections only read ibid.
lectores employed ibid. Effect of recita-
tions on style pp. 180-1. Parallels to
Roman recitations from other literatures
pp. 181-2. poems, histories, speeches etc.
recited p. 182. Rohde der griech. Roman

rector navis xii 33. -e nullo xiii 87

recta senectus iii 26. -o vultu optas x 189.
-i capilli xi 149

reda iii 10. 236. iv 118

reddere tunicam servo i 93. -unt ova co-
lumbae iii 202
redemptores iii 31

redit iii 174

redemptum a vitiis nulla virtute monstrum
iv 2

referens multum de Maecenate i 66
refert quid, dictis ignoscat Mucius an non?

i 154. Tac. ann. iv 33 antiquis scrip-
toribus rarus obtrectator, neque refert
cuiusquam, Punicas Romanasne acies
laetius extuleris: at multorum, qui Tiberio
regente poenam vel infamias subiere, pos-
teri manent

refici iii 319

regimen census omne tenet pater xvi 54
regina Iuno xii 3

regia verba lanistae xi 8

regnat Protogenes iii 119

regula verborum constet vii 250
Regulus i 33

relative. quorum (Thebanorum understood
from Thebas). xiv 241. supplied in another
case i 157. Aen. ix 590-1. Burm. on
Phaedr. i 22 12. ii epilog. 17 (4to ed.)
relics xii 47. my append. iii on Beda. Lo-
beck Aglaoph. 52. G. C. Lewis on politics
i 433

religion decay of xiii 75. -s foreign at Rome
46. 93. xiv 96-106 Jewish. 263. xv 1-32

reliquit post terga sexaginta annos xiii 16
reliquus v 149. x 260

remotior viii 178

Remi turba x 73

remis incumbere xv 128

renato nondum omni dente xiv 11
rents at Rome iii 166

repentance xiii 187-9

repetere longe viii 272. -ita crambe vii 154
repetition vii 53-5 (cf. Aen. iii 342-4). viii
74. ipse, ipse 147-8. x 9. 191. 226. 244-5.
xii 24-29. 62-66. xiv 31. 48. 315-6.
XV 29. xvi 9 10

repetundae i 47--50
repentibus pueris xiv 208
reponam i ĺ

reportandis cathedris vii 47
repulsa x 326

res humanae x 163. res 'estate' iii 23. 155.
xii 10. -rum summa pericula viii 249. -bus
Latiis xi 115

resecentur quaedam crimina cum prima
barba viii 166

resinata iuventus viii 114-5

respectus viii 64

respicere iii 185. vii 3

respiro xiv 28

resupinat iii 112. -ati galli viii 176
retiarius viii 200. 203-4. 206-8
reticulum xii 60

rei squalor xv 135

reverence paid to age in early times xiii 55-9
reverentia puero debetur xiv 47. artoptae
sit salva v 72

revocante umero lacernas i 27
revolvere longe viii 272

rex a patron i 136. v 14. 130. 137. 161. vii 45.
regem salutat viii 161. reges die a violent
death x 112-3. reges king and queen xiii 52
Rhadamanthus xiii 197

Rhenus boundary of the empire viii 51. 170.

rhetor dicturus Lugdunensem ad aram i 44.
iii 76. vii 150. x 84. 132. 167. xv 112. his
poor pittance vii 203-5. -is aera 217. -or
de consule, consul de -re 197-8. de con-
ducendo loquitur iam -e Thyle xv 112
rhetorica umbra vii 173

[blocks in formation]

rogi igne minor xv 140

Roma libera viii 244. after Cannae x 155.
and Hannibal vii 162. H. ad portas 163.
cost of land iv 7. no home for the honest
poor iii. lying necessary there 41. per-
jury 137. omnia Romae cum pretio 183.
danger of fires and falling houses 190
-222. its crowded streets 245-6. mire
247. Esquiline and Viminal 71. height of
houses 269. dangers of the streets at night,
sherds thrown out of windows, huffing
roisterers, robbers 268-314. its one pri-
son 314. incessant noise banishes sleep
232-8. the poor trampled to death in a
crowd, which makes way for the rich 239--

267. heavy wagons in the streets 255-8.
influx of Greeks and Asiatics 61-72. 83.
high rents 166. its open vice demands the
satirist i 19-150. incorporates all nations
vii 14 16. Romae conducere furnos 4.
finem inpensae non servat prodiga -a 138.
its immensa plebs xi 196. -ae conducta
pecunia 46. passage of carriages restricted
to night x 36. its origin the asylum viii
273-5. taken by the Gauls 234. Romam
fortunatam natam x 122. Romans venal
77. indifferent to politics 78. desert the
fallen 73. Roman civilisation embraces
Spain and the world XV 108-111
Romulea fera xi 104

Romulus viii 273. cf. Quirinus
ropedancer xiv 272

rosae xi 122. xiv 254. see coronae
Roscia lex iii 153-5. 159. xiv 324
rostra, heads exposed on x 120-1

rota Ixionis xiii 51. argillam atque -am pro-
perate iv 134

Rubellius Blandus viii 39

rubet auditor i 166. Gell. ix 15 § 9 male ac
misere rubente et sudante.

a matre vii 196. -i arae xiii 37
rubrae maiorum leges xiv 192-3
rubetam miscet i 70

rubor xiii 242

Rubrenus Lappa vii 72


Rubrius offensae veteris reus iv 105. Borghesi
(oeuvres v 521-2) assumes that he must
have been cos. suff. under Nero, at any
rate before the end of A. D. 70, when the
consular legation of Moesia was given him
los. bell. vii 4 § 3. He was ignobilis, for
he is the first of the name who had the ius
imaginum under the empire; nor would
Nero, who feared the nobles (Plut. Galba
3), have employed a highborn general in
his last distress (DCass. Ixiii 27)

ructavit bene amicus iii 107. -rit tot sester-
tia iv 31

rudem sibi dabit vii 171
Rufus rhetor vii 213-4


rugam trahit of a frown xiv 325. cf. xiii
215. -ae of rumpled clothes xi 188.
haesuram nitidis figentia rebus xiv 2
ruinae impulsae praeceps x 107. iii 190. 196.
xi 13

rumpere somnum v 19. tensum iecur vii 117.
ruptae adsiduo lectore columnae i 13. -is
genis xv 57

ruo quam fulmine iusto Capito et Numitor
ruerint viii 93

rursum porrecta bracchia xii 76

rursus ad x 140

russatus vii 114

russeus xi 198

rusticus tuus, Quirine iii 67

Rutilae gibbum x 294

Rutilus xi 2. xiv 18

Rutulum ferocem i 162. vii 68. -ae arbores
xii 105

Rutupino edita fundo ostrea iv 141

sabbata observed by proselytes xiv 96. of
the Jews 104-6. Aug. c. Faust. vi 4
Sabella mensa iii 169

Sabina baca iii 85. -i veteres x 299

sacculus xi 27. xiv 138

saccus -i olentis mercator xiv 269

sacello pecudem spondere xiii 232. -is voveas
exta x 354

sacer honos i 109. -ae senectae xiii 59. tua

-a imago 221. -is libellis 19
sacerdos Cereris xv 141. vittata iv 10
sacramentorum emolumenta xvi 36
sacrifice xii 83-92. expiatory 116. for a
friend's safety 1-92. worn-out victims
offered 95 96. x 270. Several comic pas-
sages cited by Clem. Al. str. vii § 30. cf.
Lobeck Aglaoph. 85 n. Iulian. misop. p.
362. human, in Gaul xv 111. flesh eaten
or sold xi 85

sacrilege xii 129. xiii 119. 147-153. xiv
261-2. -gus Verres viii 106. minor xiii
150. -a fraude 72

saeculum x 248. xiii 28. servatum in tua -a
rhombum iv 68

saepta asparagis squilla v 81

saevit gula v 94

saevitiae tempora iv 151

saeva grandine v 78. -os ventres xiv 148.
-as Alpes x 166. ior aperire iv 109
saffron of Corycus xiv 167
saginans iv 67

sagittae (arguments) vii 156
Saguntina lagona v 29
Saguntum xv 114

Salamis x 179

Saleius Bassus vii 31. 80

salictum xi 67

salit cor vii 160

saltantem structorem v 121

salutatio matutina i 96. 128. iii 127. 130. iv
64. v 19-23. 76-79. vii 91. Quintil. xii
11 § 18 vanus salutandi labor
salutatrix turba v 21

salutat dominum regemque viii 161. -es Cos-
sum iii 184. 130. -ari sicut Seianus x 90.
-ato nido crepitat Concordia i 116

salva sit artoptae reverentia v 72. Servius
Aen. iii 108 fin. salva regulae reveren-
tia is nummis quid infamia? i 48. -a
fronte xi 204

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

scelus aput tragicos xv 30
scenae vacantem urbem viii 118
sceptrum eburnum x 43
schoenobates iii 77. xiv 272

schools, moral dangers of vii 237-241. x 224.
cf. Cic. p. Cael. § 6. of carving xi 136-141.
of grammar and rhetoric i 15-18. vii 215
seq. 150 seq. speech-days 160. attended
by the parents 166
school-books, Horace and Virgil vii 227.
declamations, hackneyed themes i 16. 72.
vii 151. x 120. 125. 166. 173-184. 286. 307.
xi 31. xii 119 120. see nigros. holidays x
116. boys followed by a slave with their
satchel of books 117. masters struck by
boys vii 213

scindes artem Theodori vii 177. scissa palla
x 262

Scipio Nasica iii 137-8

scobs xiv 67

scrinium vii 26

[blocks in formation]


sed after parenthesis x 185. 318. 'aye, and
what is more' iv 27. v 147. anthol. cited ii
p. 214 med. Hermog, de ideis ii 2 (rhett.
gr. ii 416 5) τῆς κατὰ μέθοδον δεινότητος
ὀλίγον, ἀλλὰ καὶ σφόδρα ὀλίγον ἔχει.
Balzac entretien 7 cinquante lettres qu
lui demandaient des réponses, mais des
réponses à être montrées.' Diderot of
Seneca' c'est un auteur de beaucoup, mais
de beaucoup d'esprit.' Leopardi episto-
lario Firenze 1864 i3 57 me ne dica con
sincerità, ma intera e perfetta, la sua opi-
nione. ibid. 75 'vi prego, ma di cuore.'
ibid. 128 'con sostanze e onestà di nascita
e conoscenze molto ma molto inferiore alle
nostre.' ibid. p. 140 'fra i quattro princi-
pali che sono il Chiabrera, il Testi, il Fili-
caia, il Guidi, io metto questi due molto
ma molto sotto i due primi.' sed et xii 41.
xiii 102 p. 287. sed nec xi 7. see glossary
to Beda

sedet sportula i 96. of a suppliant x 161.

in quorum facie -ebat pallor iv 74. feroci
bellatore -ens vii 127. sedisti (of a master)
vii 223. Rufin. h. e. ii 9 of Greg. Naz.
tantum de collegae amore praesumpsit,
ut sedentem Basilium de doctoris ca-
thedra deponeret

seges met. of a poet's remuneration vii 103
segnipes ἅπαξ λεγόμενον viii 67

Seianus x 56-107. adoratum populo caput
62. life 63. birth-place 74. his hopes of
the throne 76. his levées 90. his patronage
91-2. his punishment 66. deserted by
his friends 68. charge against him 69. his
friends involved in his fall 81. his corpse
outraged 86

Seius iv 13

Seleucus a harper x 211

self-knowledge xi 27

sella i 124. vii 142. meretricis iii 136
semenstri auro vii 88 89. Marquardt Staats-
verw. iil 357

semesum leporem v 167
semianimuin orbem iv 37

semita tranquillae vitae x 363

senators in the theatre x 213. shoes of vii

Seneca a bountiful patron v 109. to be chosen
before Nero viii 212. his wealth x 16. his
death ib. Seneca imitated i 49. iii 279. x
25-27. xiii 160 seq. xiv 40-43. (poet in)

senectus Albani Albanum vetus xiii 214.
principis aged emperor' x 75. Crispi iv
81. prima et recta iii 26. longa et cervina
xiv 251

senescit aegro in corde cacoethes vii 52
senior bulla dignissime xiii 33

Senones took Rome viii 234

sensus communis viii 73

sententia xiv 205. )( verum viii 125. vicit iv

sentio vii 56

Septembri medio xiv 130

septimus annus xiv 10 11. sol xv 44. -a
quaeque lux ignava xiv 105-6

sepulchris data fata x 146. see tombs
sequuntur restem x 58. secutus urnam i
164. Plin. ep. ii 1 § 5 liber, quem forte ac-
ceperat grandiorem, et seni et stanti ipso
pondere elapsus est. hunc dum sequitur
colligitque, cecidit.

serenum vii 179. xiii 228
Seriphus parva x 170

sermo promptus iii 73 74. tecum est mihi
viii 39

serpens Hesperidum aut Ponticus xiv 114.
-te nutrit ciconia pullos 74. -tum maior
concordia xv 159. -tibus satura ibis 3.
atris v 91

serracum iii 255. -a Bootae v 23
Serranus a poet vii 80

serta xii 84

Servilia x 319

servitii longi tempora perierunt iii 125
Servius cites x 255

Servius Tullius vii 199. 201. viii 259-268.
ancilla natus 259

servulus iii 253. unus semodio scobis haec
emendat xiv 67

servus dives i.e. freedman iii 131. matronis
lugendus viii 266-7. publicus x 41-2. -i
as informers against their masters 86-8.
sent to the country as a punishment viii
180. octo vii 141. ex officio admissionis iv
64. -o horrenti tunicam non reddere i 93,

-orum nomina x 234. cohors xiv 306.

sescentis balnea vii 178

sestertia centum i 92

Setinum vinum v 34. x 27. -a xiii 213

seven, the number xv 44

[blocks in formation]

sexta die school speeches vii 160. cervice
feratur i 64

sheep worshipt in Egypt xv 11

shipwreckt sailors carrying a picture of the
storm xii 27-28. xiv 302. shear the head
xii 81

shoes of senators vii 192
shopping vii 133

si omitted iii 78. conditional sentence with-
-out, the protasis being stated as a suppo-
sition 100. viii 24. xvi 17-22. si nescis v
159. Prop. iiiii 15 12. si pudor est iii
154 Mart. x 90 9. si quid mihi credis x
68. si sic dixisset, potuit x 123-4. si
tollas, quis amplectitur? 141-2. si vacat i

Sibyllae folium viii 126. Cumanae civem
donare iii 3

[blocks in formation]

-us totus pande i 150.
deret modo sinus

siparium viii 186

Sírena nullam flagellis comparat xiv 19
sistrum xiii 93

sitis the measure of drink xiv 318. famae x

slaves ab argento v 40. bearers of sedans i
64. cursor Gaetulus v 52 53. Mauri 51.
flos Asiae 56-65. their insolence to clients
52-65. 74 75. price of pages 55-60. crowd
of, at the bath and in the forum vii
131-2. Maedi 132. Asian, Cappadocian,
Bithynian, Galatian vii 14-16. price of
cooks and carvers 184-5. of dwarfs viii
33. bilked of their rations xiv 126. cruel
treatment of 16-24. 63. branded x 183.
xiv 24. legs broken x 60. number of iii
141. viii 180. xiv 305. of our flesh and
blood 16 17. sold nudo talo vii 16. with
whited feet i 111. Syrian 104. tall v
83. their clothing xi 146 149. Phrygian
and Lycian 147. market i 111. vii 133. xi
147. rations vii 120. iii 167. way to wealth
58-125. i 111. vii 14-16. wore iron
rings xi 129. in chains xi 80. Alkiphr. iii
24 § 3 a slave steals the goats, lives in the
perfumer's, and plays the flute and harp 'if
I catch him, δεδήσεται τω πόδε χοίνικας
παχείας ἐπισύρων, καὶ τῇ σκαπάνῃ προσα-
νέχων ὑπὸ τῇ δικέλλῃ καὶ τῇ σμινύῃ τῆς
μὲν τρυφῆς ἐπιλήσεται. see servi. vernula
slavery of parasites v 161. 170-3
snake-charmers v 91

socialibus bellis calcatam uvam v 31
society, origin of xv 150-7
socios circumscribere x 222.
guine frangis virgas viii 136. inopum mi-
serere 89.
-is florentibus et modo victis

-orum in san-

non idem gemitus 99. -is nunc iuga pauca
boum 108

Socrates vii 205-6. x 347. xi 27. xiii 233.

placable 185-7. Socratici penates xiv 320
sol Herculeo gurgite stridens xiv 280. -em
algentem rapiat cenatio vii 183. bibat nos-
tra cuticula xi 203. Aristoph. eccl. 63 64
ἀλειψαμένη τὸ σῶμ ̓ ὅλον δι' ἡμέρας | ἐχραι
νόμην ἑστῶσα πρὸς τὸν ἥλιον. -ibus rupta
glacies iv 43. Solis radii xiii 78
solacia xiii 120. 179


soldiers xi 6. their career i 58. promotion
vii 88 89. xiv 193-8. rations xi 85.
cape punishment xvi 1-34; have speedy
justice 35-50; have a castrense peculium
51-60; enlistment as an escape from
justice 9. assault civilians 9-12
solida hora xi 205. merces v 13
solito maturius ibat xi 88

sollemne Idaeum xi 194. -ia x 259
sollicitas portas vii 42

Solon and Croesus x 274-5

solstitia iv 93. Cic. n. d. ii § 50

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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Sullae consilium dedimus, privatus ut altum
dormiret i 16

sulpure coepta incendia xiii 145. p. 287. rupto
poscentem -a vitro v 48

sum est ellipsis of x 257. in rel. clause viii
30. esse omitted xv 21. sunt qui with conj.
or ind, xiii 86. esto v 112-3. viii 21. 79.

sumen xi 138. xii 73 (of the scrofa alba)
summittere malum ferro xii 54. Thymele
-ssa a Latino i 36

summovet euros xiv 186. 'thrust aside' i
37. limine iii 124
summula vii 174

summa in summa iii 79. often in Plin. ep.

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