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Charles Wesley makes a proposal of marriage to Miss Sarah Gwynne-
Letter from Mr. Perronet respecting the literary property of the Wes-
leys-John secures one hundred pounds a year to his brother-
Charles's marriage-Hymn on the occasion-Letter from his sister
Martha-Charles's arrival in Bristol-Illness-Letter to his brother-
The Gwynne family remove from Garth to Ludlow-Destructive riots
in Cork-Charles Wesley presented by the Grand Jury as a person
of ill-fame, and a vagabond "-Rents a small house in Bristol-Con-

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CHARLES WESLEY was the youngest son of the Rev. Samuel Wesley, Rector of Epworth, in Lincolnshire, and of his estimable wife Susanna. He was born December 18th, 1708; being about sixteen years younger than his brother Samuel, and about five younger than John. His birth was premature; so that at first he appeared rather dead than alive. He neither cried, nor opened his eyes, and was kept wrapped up in soft wool until the time at which he should have been born according to the course of nature, when he opened his eyes, and caused his voice to be heard.*

The income of the Rector of Epworth was comparatively small, and his children were very numerous. Twice the parsonage house was unfortunately burned down, and rebuilt at his own expense. His circumstances, therefore, were painfully embarrassed; and the children were far from having any superfluity of either diet or clothing. The hardy manner in which they were necessarily trained prepared them to contend with the trials of life; and, in the arrangements of a wise providence, fitted John and Charles for the privations and labours which they were destined to endure as itinerant teachers of religion. Their venerable mother, in a letter, dated January 20th, 1722, and addressed to her brother, Mr. Samuel Annesley, says, "Mr. Wesley rebuilt his

• Dr. Whitehead's Life of the Rev. John Wesley, vol. i., p. 97.


house in less than one year; but nearly thirteen years are elapsed since it was burned; yet it is not half furnished, nor are his wife and children half clothed, to this day."*

Perhaps no family in the kingdom was placed under better regulations than the Wesley family at Epworth. The father was a man of great learning, and of studious habits. He also spent much of his time from home, attending the sittings of the Convocation in London: so that the care of the children devolved principally upon their excellent mother; a woman of sincere piety, and of a strong and well-cultivated understanding. They were all placed under her tuition; and the laws by which she governed them reflect the highest honour upon her character. They are thus stated by herself:

"The children were always put into a regular method of living, in such things as they were capable of, from their birth; as in dressing, undressing, changing their linen, &c. The first quarter commonly passes in sleep. After that, they were, if possible, laid in their cradles awake, and rocked to sleep; and so they were kept rocking, till it was time for them to awake. This was done to bring them to a regular course of sleeping; which at first was three hours in the morning, and three in the afternoon; afterward two hours, till they needed none at all.

"When turned year old, (and some before,) they were taught to fear the rod, and to cry softly; by which means they escaped abundance of correction they might otherwise have had; and that most odious noise of the crying of children was rarely heard in the house; but the family usually lived in as much quietness, as if there had not been a child among them.

"As soon as they were grown pretty strong, they were confined to three meals a day. At dinner their little tables and chairs were set by ours, where they could be overlooked; and they were suffered to eat and drink (small beer) as much as they would; but not to call for anything. If they wanted aught, they used to whisper to the maid which attended them, who came and spake to me; and as soon as they could handle a knife and fork, they were set to our table. They were never suffered to choose their meat, but

• Moore's Life of Mr. Wesley, vol. i., p. 565.

always made to eat such things as were provided for the family.

"Mornings they had always spoon-meat; sometimes at nights. But, whatever they had, they were never permitted to eat, at those meals, of more than one thing; and of that sparingly enough. Drinking or eating between meals was never allowed, unless in case of sickness; which seldom happened. Nor were they suffered to go into the kitchen to ask anything of the servants, when they were at meat. If it was known they did, they were certainly beat, and the servants severely reprimanded.

"At six, as soon as family prayers were over, they had their supper; at seven, the maid washed them; and, beginning at the youngest, she undressed and got them all to bed by eight at which time she left them in their several rooms awake; for there was no such thing allowed of in our house, as sitting by a child till it fell asleep.


"They were so constantly used to eat and drink what was given them, that when any of them was ill, there was no difficulty in making them take the most unpleasant medicine for they durst not refuse it, though some of them would presently throw it up. This I mention, to show that a person may be taught to take anything, though it be never so much against his stomach.

"In order to form the minds of children, the first thing to be done is to conquer their will, and bring them to an obedient temper. To inform the understanding is a work of time, and must with children proceed by slow degrees, as they are able to bear it; but the subjecting the will is a thing which must be done at once; and the sooner the better. For by neglecting timely correction, they will contract a stubbornness and obstinacy, which is hardly ever after conquered; and never, without using such severity as would be as painful to me as to the child. In the esteem of the world, they pass for kind and indulgent, whom I call cruel parents, who permit their children to get habits which they know must be afterwards broken. Nay, some are so stupidly fond, as in sport to teach their children to do things which, in a while after, they have severely beaten them for doing. Whenever a child is corrected, it must be conquered; and this will be no hard matter to do, if it be not grown head

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