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The estimates, pay rolls or accounts of salaries or wages of officers and employees whose certification and employment conform to the records in this office will be forwarded to the Comptroller by the Secretary, bearing the following certification:



All officers and employees whose names appear upon this pay roll and opposite which the letter 'L' is stamped are holding their positions accordingly to the provisions of the Civil Service act; and those opposite which the word 'Exempt' is stamped, are by law exempt from the classified service.

Board of City Service Commissioners.


All estimates, pay rolls or accounts of salaries or wages which are not in conformity with the certification and employment records of this office, will be red lined and the pay roll sent to the Comptroller's office with these items eliminated. A notice will also be sent to each department of these items which are eliminated so that same be corrected. A supplementary pay roll with corrected items will be received in this office for check, certification and transmission to the Comptroller's office.

In order to prevent any unnecessary delay in the final allowing and payment of claims, salaries or wages for services by this office, it is sug gested that you arrange to have all estimates, pay rolls or accounts of salaries or wages delivered to the Civil Service office at least one or two days in advance of the usual time they were heretofore delivered to the Comptroller's office.

This arrangement is to go into effect with the March pay rolls. By Order of the Board of City Service Commissioners.

Yours very truly,


Secretary, Board of City Service Commissioners.



Chief Examiner and Secretary


Board of City Service Commissioners



JANUARY 1, 1914

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I have the honor to submit to Your Honorable Body the Nineteenth Annual Report of this department for the fiscal year from January first to December thirty-first, 1913.

The City Service Commission, during the year 1913 held twenty-nine competitive and four non-competitive examinations. Three hundred sixty applicants were called by mail for competitive examination; two hundred seventy-four, or seventy-six per cent. appeared; two hundred forty-nine, or ninety-one per cent. of those who appeared, finished the examination; one hundred fifty-four passed the examination successfully, which is equal to sixty-two per cent. of those who finished the examination.

The Board held twelve regular and six special meetings.

Upon the expiration of his term of office, Commissioner William Gutenkunst retired. His Honor, G. A. Bading, appointed Mr. Peter J. Koehler as Commissioner for the ensuing four years. Commissioner Koehler qualified in due time and took his seat at a meeting held August 4, 1913. At the same meeting, upon motion of Commissioner McIntyre, duly seconded, Commissioner Runge was unanimously elected president of the Board.

On October 28, 1913, Commissioner Fred. C. Runge, who also held. the position of president since August 4, 1913, and who had served on the Commission over three years, sent his resignation to His Honor, the Mayor, and thereupon His Honor appointed Mr. Otto F. Hoppe to fill the unexpired term. After duly qualifying, Commissioner Hoppe took his seat at a meeting held November 28, 1913. On the same date, the position of president having become vacant through the resignation of Commissioner Runge, upon motion of Commissioner Ziegler, duly seconded, Commissioner Wm. W. McIntyre was again unanimously elected president of the Board for the unexpired term.

On October 30, 1913, the Board enacted a resolution amending Rule II (classification of positions), which amendment was duly signed by the Mayor on October 31, 1913, and became effective on January 1,


Following is also appended a financial statement, accurate statistics of all applicants for both the official and labor service, besides an enumeration of examinations held, appointments made, etc.


From January 1 to December 31, 1913.


Appropriation for 1913...

Total Balance City Treasurer's Office Jan. 1, 1913...


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