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the signature of its secretary, and I exercised no special influence whatever over them.

It is implied, rather than distinctly stated, in your article, that I availed myself of the accident of my position as Juror, to obtain indirectly honourable mention of myself, or of the institutions and persons with which I have been professionally associated. I do not think it necessary to reply to this charge, or even worth while to complain of it. One might have supposed that the names of the noblemen and gentlemen who composed the Jury would alone suffice to refute it. But I am very sure, that if the writer of the article had known anything of me, or of the facts of the case, he would now regret, that he had unintentionally contrived to misrepresent both.-I am, Sir, your faithful Servant,


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Mr. Federer, however, without any grounds whatever, assumes that "Zeta will allow that rook' is the English for kopóvn. I beg to assure him that Zeta will allow no such thing. Mr. Federer has himself given some evidence which tends to show that kopón is a raven; but if he will prove by plain and unmistakeable passages from good Greek authors, that kopávn means a 'rook," Zeta will then admit his assumption. In the meantime I am at present concerned only with the Latin words cornix and corvus.


Professor Long, after attempting in his | from Hesiod, as far as it proves anything, edition an emendation which appears to me supports, instead of invalidating, my stateto make the matter worse, fairly gives the ments. For I have noticed that cornix was a passage up as "hopelessly corrupt.' I must bird of evil omen, and kорóvŋ, which he adconfess that in its present form it presents great mits to be the same as cornix, is here spoken difficulties. Anthon makes 'quod' a relative of as an evil-omened bird. to agree with frumentum-by removing the semicolon after conferant,' and putting a full point after debeat,' which he changes into debeant. The next sentence then begins with Si,' and to make it intelligible, he alters it as follows:-"Si jam principatum Galliæ obtinere non possint, Gallorum, quam Romanorum imperia perferre satius esse, neque dubitare debere quin. The interpolation satius esse,' is unauthorized by any good MSS.; and all the modern editions, since the time of Oudendorp, by whom I believe it was first proposed, accordingly reject it, and print The argument which Mr. Federer derives the sentence as I have given it. Schmitz, from corresponding words in French and other Editor of Chambers's Edition, translates modern languages, is a legitimate one, when SIR,-May I take the liberty of pointing be preferable (they say) to bear the sway of support of proofs drawn from the actual use of ""because it must used as secondary or collateral evidence, in quod præstare debeat, out an oversight which appears in the "Educational Times" for January, 1863? the Gauls, than that of the Romans.' To a word in its own language; but when, as in In the second column of p. 229, my name is construe, debeat præstare' by 'it must be the present case, it is opposed to such proofs, mentioned among some distinguished authors preferable,' seems to be so opposed to the it is utterly worthless. of educational works to whom medals have ordinary usage of these words, that I cannot of a learned foreigner, who affirmed that the not been awarded at the International Ex-reconcile myself to the use of it; and yet there English word "glass" must mean ice, because hibition of 1862. And you remark, that the appears no other mode of resolving the dif- this is the meaning of "glace" in French, and works of these gentlemen have “directly inficulty. Long, following Anthon, suggests glacies in Latin. Derivatives often depart fluenced, and in many cases almost revolu-quod præstare debeant; but as he leaves from the meaning of their original; and the tionized, the elementary teaching of this neque dubitare debeant' in the next clause, only real and reliable proof of the meaning of country. The least deserving of them will, appears to me to make the sentence worse a word, at any rate in a dead language, must than he found it. we think, be found on inquiry to have done be taken from its use in good authors of the something more for education, and contributed language itself. something more worthy of mention to our educational literature, &c."

To the Editor of the Educational Times.

I beg leave to refer to p. 313 of the Jury Awards, in which it will be seen that a medal was awarded to "R. Potts, for the excellence of his works on Geometry;" and to state that I received the medal a few days ago. I may also add, that at an early period (in April, 1861,) I received a circular respecting the exhibition of educational works, with instructions in what form to make application for space. All my educational works were duly sent, simply for the inspection of any persons who had not seen them, but who might desire to see them. The circulation which the books have attained may be seen noted in the Official Catalogue, Class 29, which was not issued until after the Awards of Medals by the Jurors had been published.—I am, Sir, your obedient servant,

Trinity College, Cambridge, 17 Jan., 1863.





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1 should feel much obliged if any of your
of the passage (if it is translatable), or a better
correspondents would give a translation
reading from some generally received text.-I
am, Sir, yours obediently,

Bristol, 27th Jan.


M. C. P.


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By what Her
1. There

What should we think

takeable passages in good Latin authors, that
I proved by a reference to clear and unmis-
corvus is a "rook," and generally a bird of
good omen. I beg permission to quote some
such passages again :-

"Tum liquidas voces presso ter gutture corvi
Aut quater ingeminant, et sæpe cubilibus altis
Inter se in foliis strepitant, &c."-VIRG.
Nescio qua præter solitum dulcedine læti

"Hinc ille avium consentus in agris

To the Editor of the Educational Times. SIR.-On turning to Forbiger's "Virgil," find that he gives the rendering of "numen" proposed by your correspondent Aliquis.' He makes also the following remark:-"Quam Et læta pecudes et ovantes gutture corvi."—VIRG. locum capiendi rationem jam Servio probatam "Et e pastu decedens agmine magno praefero. I venture to submit two reasons Corvorum increpuit densis exercitus alis."-VIRG. "Corvorumque greges."-LUCRET, &c. &c. in support of the rendering, Majesty having been insulted." Now, Sir, if corvus in these passages is a or anything else than an honest appears to be a parallelism between the two "raven," participial clauses, "Quo numine laeso," and "rook," I have no more to say. the feeling expressed in dolens, and quo of 'quid dolens." Quid indicates the cause of that expressed in laeso. If Virgil could have quo vexata," or something like it, instead of quid dolens," no question would

written "

have arisen.


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But if Mr. Federer is right in so translating corvus, he not only proves our dictionaries to be correct, but establishes a remarkable fact 2. In the phrase, "numine laeso," Virgil thologists, and every one else in the country, in natural history, respecting which our orniCLASSICAL NOTES AND QUERIES. seems to make a near approach to the expres- have been' hitherto strangely in the dark. For sion laedere majestatem, the sound of which it will follow that the interesting birds which To the Editor of the Educational Times. was familiar enough to Roman ears. The chief objection to this translation is that the describes, and which we in our ignorance have we have often watched doing exactly as Virgil SIR,-The extent to which Cæsar is used as a text book in Classical Schools, will, I trust, be use of quo as an ablative of the cause, along called rooks, are not rooks at all, but ravens. my apology for troubling you with a request is very little more so than "quid dolens." them "ravenries;" and the with the ablative absolute, is rather forced. It We must no longer speak of rookeries, but call for some elucidation, from your classical correspondents, of the following passage in Book Both are instances of contracted questions, a must be acknowledged to be a dismal raven's I. c. 18:"Hos seditiosa atque improba but foreign to the genius of the Latin sider this. On the whole of this question, I style of expression common enough in Greek, croak. I would request Mr. Federer to conoratione multitudinem deterrere, ne frumentum conferant; quod præstare debeat, si jam language.-Yours respectfully, would beg your readers to mark the following principatum Galliæ obtinere non possent, Galpoints. lorum, quam Romanorum imperia perferre; Leque dubitare debeant, quin, si Helvetios superaverunt Romani una cum reliqua Gallia Eduis libertatem sint erepturi. . . . I use the Oxford Edition of Messrs. Parker in my classes, and I find this is also the reading of Chambers's Edition-both of which profess to be from Schneider's text, considered to be the best published.

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solitary bird,-it uttered a harsh ill-omened | fore the student betakes himself to the spe- mentioned in the list. We confess we should note, which the Greeks (if any argument is to cial profession which he intends to follow, no have wished to see a knowledge of Latin made be taken from them) called exactly as we do, a matter what that profession may be, is patent compulsory on every candidate. Our law is so [Feb., '63. croak;" xpów, root kрwk. And besides it is most improbable that the raven and rook, two birds so obviously different in size, appear- compensate for the absence of that general hardly see how a philosophical knowledge of it to everybody. No amount of legal lore will interwoven with that of the Romans, that we ance, and habits, should have been called by information which every English gentleman can be acquired by any person altogether unthe same name; while the "crow," a bird very may be expected to possess. This general acquainted with Latin. Nevertheless a correct much like a rook, was distinguished by a knowledge, too, is especially necessary for and accurate acquaintance with the other subdistinct name of its own. was certainly a rook, it could not have meant that it is vastly important to the public measure insure the necessity of the law student Hence, as corvus the future Attorney or Solicitor, seeing jects mentioned in the schedule, will in a great 4. That the " crow, a bird of the same size and appearance as a rook, though differing liberal view of his profession, and should general knowledge not the less useful that it welfare that he should take a large and being possessed of some amount at least of from it in its habits, would naturally, in a lan- not merely know what the laws are, but also only bears indirectly upon his future profesguage which had only the two names cornix why and how they have taken their present sion. and corvus, be called by the same name as the rook, i. e. corvos, with which it might easily be confounded. Hence passages are most direct mode of effecting this desirable form. The Law Society has taken the found in Latin authors, in which acts be- object, by requiring all persons intending to

a raven also.


WE recommend to the attention of our rea

longing to the crow, and not to the rook, are become articled clerks to produce certificates ders the letter from Mr. J. G. Fitch, which ascribed to the corvus; as, non pasces in cruce of having passed certain specified examinations; appears in another column of this journal. From these considerations it follows that their own examiners. The subjects for this the complaint which we made in our last numor failing this, to undergo an examination by This letter, though professedly a refutation of

cornix must be translated



I am, Sir, your obedient servant,

corvus "rook"

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or crow."

Jan. 20th, 1863.




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examination announced by the Society for the ber against the miserable jobbery which cha-
present year, are as follows:-
racterised the Educational Department of the
1. Reading aloud a passage from some English
International Exhibition, really furnishes
2. Writing from dictation.
Grammar. 4. Writing a short English compo- We regret to have to say, that we consider
3. English strong proofs of the justice of that complaint.
sition. 5. Arithmetic.
of the four first rules, simple and compound. 6.
A competent knowledge Mr. Fitel's statements, notwithstanding their
Geography of Europe and of the British Isles. apparent tone of moderation, to be neither ac-
7. History.-Questions on English History. 8. curate nor fair.
Latin.-Elementary knowledge of Latin.
Latin. ii. Greek; Modern or Ancient. iii. French.
9. i.
iv. German.
in the following books at the examinations in
v. Spanish.
dates in the subjects numbered 9, will be examined
vi. Italian.-Candi-
February and May, 1863 :-

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Mr. Fitch commences his letter by saying, "ferred to, in the Jury Report. But it is It is quite true that the work of the College "of Preceptors is not described, or even reIn Latin.-Sallust, Catilana; and Virgil, Æneid, Eton, Harrow, and Rugby, and many of equally true that the Universities of Oxford "and Cambridge, the great public schools of Kal Пow@v μетаppаoμévoν and Thy 'ITαλikh ra@oment." There is a suppressio veri in this In Modern Greek.-Βεκκαρίου, περὶ Αδικημάτων σε "the noblest educational establishments in the σαν, 1-15; or, Βεντοτῆς Ἱστορία τῆς ̔Αμερικῆς, country, are not mentioned in that docuBIBλiov C. creditable to Mr. Fitch as a fair champion of statement which, we must say, is not altogether the cause which he seeks to uphold. amining bodies of the country were referred to complaint was, that, though several of the erin the Report of the Jury, the College of Precarry out the system of Middle Class Examiceptors, which was the first to devise and nations, was altogether ignored. cannot require to be told that "the great pubMr. Fitch "lic schools of Eton, Harrow, and Rugby the mention of their names would be altogether are not examining bodies, and that therefore inappropriate in the Report; although not judged reference to Mr. Fitch's own school, in more so, it is true, than the singularly illthat "the Universities of Oxford and Camthat document. When he tells us, however, we must ask him to use his eyes, and turn to bridge are not mentioned in that document, The last ten years have witnessed two or p. 12 of his own Report, where he will read"three movements, the incidental influence of Law Society, though we may state our each candidate will be examined in one lan- "most salutary, and has produced a visible With reference to the subjects numbered 9, "which on the middle-class schools, has been opinion that its founders and conductors have guage only, according to his own selection." improvement. The establishment of exami done very much to raise the branch of the Candidates who select Latin will be examined" nations, as the only avenue to the Civil legal profession to which they belong in the both Cicero and Horace. In Modern Greek, Service of the Crown, the opening of many estimation of the public at large. The neces- French, German, Spanish, and Italian, can- important posts in the Indian Service to sity of a general preliminary examination be- didates have the choice of either of the authors" public competition, and the system of Oxford

ELSEWHERE in this journal will be found an announcement which we hail with no little satisfaction, as a proof that the educational exertions of the College of Preceptors are gradually meeting with due appreciation. By order of the Judges, the First Class Certificate of the College is in future to be recognised by the Incorporated Law Society, as on a par with those given by the Examiners at the Oxford and Cambridge Loca! Examinations and all Law students who gain the certificates in question will henceforth be exempted from passing the preliminary examination now required from all persons who are desirous of entering into articles of clerkship to Attorneys and Solicitors.



It is hardly within the province of this journal to discuss the past history of the

In Greek.-Herodotus, book i.
In Modern Greek. Βεκκαρίου, περὶ Αδικημάτων
al Hory Meтapparμévor and The Iran -
BBxlov n'.
Ποινῶν μεταφρασμένον τὴν Ἰταλικὴν Γλῶσ-
gav, 17-30; or, BeyTorns IσTopla Tns 'Aμеpins,

Le Malade Imaginaire.
In French.-Voltaire, Sémiramis; or, Molière,

Göthe's Campagne in Frankreich.
In German.-Schiller's Willhelm Tell; or,
xxx. xlv.; or, Fernandez de Moratin, El Si de
In Spanish.-Cervantes' Don Quixote, capit.

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the Christian Knowledge Society, the Sunday
vitation of the Commissioners." Where is
School Union, the Congregational Board, and this invitation mentioned in the Report, and to
other similar bodies, though not "subsidized," whom was it sent? Mr. Fitch goes on to say:
are yet mentioned in the Report of the Jury?"I wish simply to remind your readers, that
Mr. Fitch goes on to say,
66 a similar remark "in regard alike to authors, to publishers, and
applies to the awards made by the Jury to "to societies, the Jury could only deal with
authors and publishers of educational books." that which was officially before them." If
Many of the most eminent of these were not this statement be correct, why is Mr. Fitch
represented in the Exhibition." This mix- himself brought forward in the Report as de-
ing up of publishers and authors together is serving of a medal for his "labours" in the
hardly ingenuous, though it is not ill calcu- British and Foreign Training "College"?
lated to mislead the reader.
Were these "labours" exhibited, or were they
in any way before the Jury?

The Jury regret that they had not before" "them, in any formal shape, the programmes "and schemes for the education and examina-"

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With regard to the last paragraph of Mr. Fitch's letter, our language will not bear the construction which he endeavours to put upon it. We never either stated or insinuated that Mr. Fitch had "availed himself of the acci"dent of his position as Juror to obtain indirectly honourable mention of himself," &c. We believe, since Mr. Fitch compels us to be explicit, that he owes this distinction solely to the accident of being himself a member of the Jury, to whom, but for this circumstance, his name would in all probability have been unknown. Our complaint against him is, that in assuming, in his capacity of Reporter to the Jury, the function of reviewing the condition of education and educational literature in this country, for which he is qualified neither by position, reputation, or knowledge of the subject on which he undertakes to write, he has performed his task with culpable negligence and injustice, and that by holding up him, and persons of his stamp, to the public and to foreigners, as the representatives either of the educational profession, or the educational writers of England, the Jury have thrown a marked slur upon both.

tion of adults, which were specified in the "list drawn up by the National Committee, "and circulated by the Royal Commissioners. 'Especially they regret that they had not Our complaint was and is, that the Jury, before them the programme of the examina- composed mainly of foreigners and persons un"tions instituted by the Society of Arts." connected with education, should have ventured Mr. Fitch and the Jury then proceed to avail to decide upon the merits of educational authors themselves of the absence of the programme in at all, inasmuch as it was quite impossible for question, to pass a very lengthy and glowing such a body to do them justice. The merits of eulogium upon the Society of Arts, and upon a book, so far as relates to the publisher, "our colleagues" in that society; to detail printer, or engraver, is a matter of comparathe number and names of its examiners; the tively easy decision, and may fairly enough extent of its examining operations, &c. &c. come under the cognizance of a jury such as We yield to no one in our appreciation of the that to which Mr. Fitch belonged; but an important services rendered to education by author, to be estimated, must be read. Will the Society of Arts, but without instituting Mr. Fitch maintain that either he or any other any comparison between that body and the member of the Jury has read through a tithe College of Preceptors, we must be permitted to even of the small collection of books which the say, that the names of the examiners connected Exhibition contained, not to speak of the host with the latter corporation are at least as emi- of authors who were altogether unrepresented nent in the literary and educational world, there? Is he prepared to say, that the works of (Mr. Fitch may satisfy himself of this fact by even the five or six authors selected for medals a glance at the first page of this journal) as were perused by the Jury? If so, by what the supporters of the Society of Arts, or any standard have their merits been adjudged? If other examining board in the kingdom. The "circulation" is taken as the criterion, what College of Preceptors, too, had this further claims have they against such publications as claim to mention, viz., that it was the first Butter's Spelling, Darnell's Writing Books; educational body in England which established or to rise somewhat higher in the intellectual the system of Middle-Class Examinations. scale, the really useful and deservedly popular Speaking deliberately, therefore, we reiterate works of Professor Sullivan, of the Irish Naour charge against the Report of the Jury as tional Board? As a further proof (if such were showing culpable incapacity, or still more, needed) of the great unfairness of the system of culpable unfairness. management, or mismanagement, adopted by We need only read the next sentence of Mr. the Jury, we may instance the letter of Mr. Fitch's letter, to show that he therein flatly Potts, of Trinity College, Cambridge, which is The Bible Hand-book: an Introduction to the contradicts the words of his own Report. If to be found in another column of this journal. the Jury took cognizance only of those facts Here is a gentleman who was directly invited "which came before them in connection with to contribute. To how many authors, we the Exhibition," why does Mr. Fitch go should like to know, was such an invitation out of his way in the Report of the Jury to sent? Instead of a public and general invitation is evidently a work of very considerable take cognizance of the Society of Arts (which tion to authors, the Jury appear to have sent it seems trustworthy and correct. It is furlabour; and, so far as we have examined it, he regretfully says in his Report was NOT re-out private invitations to some few favoured nished with a copious index, an indispensable presented before the Jury), and which he persons. We have already, perhaps, suffi- adjunct in works of this class. Numerous raises in language which almost amounts to ciently burdened our columns with instances sections are marked which the younger reader idulation? of Mr. Fitch's self-contradictions, but we must will perhaps do well to omit, at least on a first A few sentences further on we find another ask our readers to refer to the latter portion perusal, as it has been the aim of the writer to make his work a suitable book of reference for alpable contradiction between Mr. Fitch's of the Report of the Jury quoted in Mr. Fitch's more advanced as well as for young students. Report and his letter to us. "The very copious letter. How, we may ask, was the measure of Dr. Angus says in his Preface: "To some of extracts," he says," from the Report which the "beneficial influence," alluded to by Mr. the subjects enumerated in this list, this volume have appeared in your recent numbers, will Fitch, decided? What representative was is only an introduction, intended to guide suffice to show how limited the inquiry was, there on the Jury of middle class education in the advanced reader to larger works; but on and will account for the fact, that while the this country, or of the books which circulate most it will be found sufficiently full to enable Training Colleges, which are subsidized by among middle-class schools? We pointed out the evidences, facts, and doctrines of Scripture. earnest-minded inquirers to study and master the State, and form a part of Government before, and we reiterate the assertion, that no Its aim is to teach men to understand and machinery of education, are described in the just or competent tribunal moderately ac-appreciate the Bible, and at the same time to Report, many other institutions of undoubted quainted with the state of educational litera- give such information on ancient literature and importance, and probably of superior use-ture in this country, would have made such cation among all classes." Although the work history, as may aid the work of general edufulness, are not so described." If this be selection as that on which we have felt it our can claim no higher honours than are usually rue, why then is it that the Society of Arts, duty, however unwillingly, to animadvert. accorded to successful compilations, it may be The Civil Service Commission, the Universities, Mr. Fitch, in his letter, speaks of "the in-doubted whether the Biblical student will find



Study of Sacred Scripture. (pp. 660.) By J.
Angus, D.D., Member of the Royal Asiatic
Society. London: the Religious Tract So-
ciety. 1862.

THIS handy and comprehensive compila


elsewhere so much aid within so moderate a compass, and at so reasonable a cost. The introductory chapter is especially well done in it the manuscripts, ancient versions, and the more important of various readings of Scripture, are carefully noted and compared. We select a specimen or two, almost at haphazard, of the contents of these pages:"Classical Usage.

of Tiberius begins A. U. c. 779. Christ, therefore, tation' of the races by which our islands have been was born in A. U. c. 750, or 749. ... Again, from successively peopled; in the extent of AngloJohn 2. 20, we learn that then the temple had been Norman dominion on the Continent; and in the forty-six years in building (Greek). Josephus geographical discoveries which immediately prestates that Herod began this work in the 18th ceded the planting of our earliest colonial settledeath of Antigonus, A. U. c. 714). Hence, when least of equal importance to the youth of Britain, year of his reign (which is reckoned from the ments? Surely these and kindred topics are at our Lord spoke (the time being the date of his in the nineteenth century, with the topography first Passover, when he was probably thirty and of the Thrasimene Lake or the Caudine Forks." a-half years old), the 65th year from the com"In the case of the New Testament, we may mencement of Herod's reign was in progress, or seek the meaning of its words and phrases in clas-A. U. c. 779. On this reckoning, therefore, Christ sic authors. must have been born A. U. C. 749. The Latin fathers, moreover, had a tradition, that Christ was put to death in the consulate of the Gemini, Rubellius and Fufius, i. e., A. U. c. 782-3, and reckoning his ministry at three and a-half years, we are again brought to A. U. c. 749, as the date of his birth." (pp. 563. 564.)

"TiσTIS, which commonly means 'faith,' is used in the sense of proof. Acts 17. 31; so Aristotle, Polyb.

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•érαyyéλλoμai means, by itself, to announce,' and so to promise:' followed by certain nouns, it means to 'profess' (1 Tim. 2. 10). The word is regularly used for professing an art or science, Diog. Laert., Proem 5, 12; Xen. Mem. i. 2, 7.


Tapá, in composition, often means in the Greek

Testament by the way,' Rom. 5. 20; or secretly,' Gal. 2. 14: Jude 4; a usage found in classic “Tò éπißáλλov μepos, Luke 15. 12, is a legal phrase, indicating the share which fell to a man as

authors, Polyb., Herodian, Plut.

heir the use of the word here shows how com. pletely the prodigal son was estranged from all filial feeling.

[ocr errors]

“ ἐπιβαλὼν ἔκλαιεν, Mark 14. 72, when he

The interweaving of History and Geography, in the way Mr. Hughes recommends, is undoubtedly calculated to be of material assistance in the study of both these important subjects. Districts and particular places become associated in the mind with the great events of which they have been the theatre, and not unfrequently, as is well shown in the rise and progress of commercial and manufacturing Of some of the more usually received towns, their history is intimately connected interpretations of the Book of Revelations, with the geographical peculiarities of the lothe author gives his readers a concise sum-calities in which they are situated, and by mary. Of course his book would not have which their fortunes have been mainly influ been complete without such an addendum, enced. Keeping this important relation conthough we feel almost inclined to say of his stantly before the reader, Mr. Hughes, in the attempts to reconcile conflicting statements in present work, begins by giving a general view this portion of his work of the situation, extent, and superficial aspect of the British Isles; their climate, animal and vegetable productions, &c. The history of Great Britain from the earliest times is next


Effusus labor.

thought thereon,' rather, 'having rushed out;' and The Geography of British History. By Wil. traced, through the Roman, Saxon, Norman,

so it agrees with Matthew and Luke, Polyb.

"Exwv év Ty àσbeveía, John 5. 5, is classic Greek for to be ill;' so that, when these words are translated there was a sick man thirty eight years old' (Paulus), the rendering is contrary to Greek


"The apparently-incomplete sentences in Luke 13. 9: 19. 42: 22. 42 (Gr.), are all good Greek; the custom being, frequently, to omit the apodosis (or conclusion) of a sentence after ei or èáv, when

the meaning is clear, Raphel.

Bos, Elsner, KYPKE, Grotius, Wolf, WETSTEIN,

RAPHEL, have largely illustrated the phraseology of the New Testament from classic sources; Kypke and Raphel from particular authors, and the rest from classic authorities generally." (pp. 188, 189.)

Touching the Chronology of the Gospels, we have a short but useful summary, part of which

we extract:

"The Chronology of the Gospels. "The chronology of the Gospels is a subject of much interest and considerable difficulty. It will be sufficient to indicate the evidence and results which have been ascertained by recent and protracted inquiry.

"1. The present Christian era A. D. 1, is a .U. C. 754, and was fixed in the 6th century by Dyonysius Exiguus. It came into use in the 8th century, and was adopted by Bede. Shortly afterwards we find it employed in public transactions by Pepin and Clarlemagne. Now Herod the Great died A. U. o. 750, just before the Passover (i.e. between the latter part of March, and the latter part of April): a statement made by Josephus, and confirmed by astronomy, which shows that an eclipse of the moon, said to have taken place just before his death, did take place in that year. Allowing, then, four or six months for the visit of the Magi, and the flight into Egypt, the birth of our Lord cannot be later than January, 750, or October, 749, see Matt. 2. 1-6; Jos. Antiq. xvii. xviii. 1, xvii., 9, 3. The Christian era, therefore, is wrong by at least four years, and in this decision nearly all chronologers agree.

"The conclusion to which the testimony of Josephus leads us, is confirmed by other evidence. From Luke 3. 1, 2, 23, we learn that John entered upon his ministry in the 15th year of Tiberius, and that Christ was about thirty years of age at his baptism. Both probably entered upon their work when they were thirty (see Num. 4. 3, 35, 39, 43, 47). Tiberius was associated with Augustus (and the original of Luke implies that he dates from that time), A. U. c. 764; so that the 15th

liam Hughes, F.R.G.S. (pp. 719.) London:
Longman & Co. 1863.
THIS work, which owes its origin to a series of
lectures which the author was called
upon to
deliver at King's College, London, on English
History and Geography, fills a void which has
long existed in our educational literature. On
the Geography of the British Empire, Physical,
Political, and Commercial, we have had trea-
tises numberless; but few or none worthy of

the name, on what may be called the "Geo-
graphy of its History;" a term which Mr.
Hughes thus defines:-


and succeeding periods; and short notices are given of the chief battle-fields, the divisions of its great towns, and the rise and extension of the country at various periods, the growth of its commerce and manufactures.

In this way, the Geography and History of England, Scotland, and Ireland are suc and being illustrated by, the other. The value cessively passed under review; each illustrating, of the work is greatly enhanced by some carefully executed maps, showing the extent and divisions of the British dominions at various periods of our history, and by a very complete and copious index.

Schiller's Wallenstein. New Edition. With English Notes, Arguments, and an Historical and Critical Introduction. (pp. 523.) By Dr. H. Buchheim, Lecturer on Modera and Ancient Languages at the Medical Col leges of the London and Middlesex Hospitals. &c. London: Whittaker & Co. Bell and Daldy, 1862.

Dr. Buchheim speaks thus in the preface of his editorial labours :

By the geography of history, the writer understands not only what is universally admitted, at least in theory, to constitute the basis of all historical study-viz., a description of the natural features, climate, and productions of a country; but, in addition, some account of its race (or races) of people, of their place in the family of nations, and of the successive stages by which they have advanced towards the position at which their proper history as a distinct nation begins. To these subjects he adds a commentary (geographical in its main features and purpose) on such external events as require reference to the map for their full comprehension, and an adequate appreciation "The present commentary is the result of of which is admittedly necessary, not merely for several years' study and labour. I have read the sake of the facts themselves, but from their nearly everything that has been written on the place in the record of those changes, social and trilogy, and I have carefully perused the most im political, which belong to the higher aims of his-portant historical works on the Thirty Years' War, tory. With these latter, the writer does not affect from the quaint little pamphlets of the year of to interfere: he seeks only to cast on them such Wallenstein's death down to the most recent light as geography-using the word in its highest historical writings. These studies and researches sense-may hope to supply. The distribution of have enabled me to make the present commentary, population and industrial pursuits, the foreign and in which I have fully explained every idiomatical internal trade of a nation, and the characteristic difficulty, and all the historical allusions, which conditions of its manufacturing and commercial are far more numerous, and have a much deeper industry, may be claimed as constituting a portion meaning, than the general reader may suppose. of his subject so regarded. . . . I have done the same for the astrological passages, which cannot be thoroughly understood without some knowledge of the science' of astrology, and which contain terms which have not yet been translated or explained, not even in the best Ga man dictionaries.

"That the relationship of Geography to History is too liable to neglect in the case of our own country, is fully recognised in the instances of the great historic countries of antiquity. Our students bestow (and worthily bestow) elaborate care upon the geographical conditions of Greece and Italy, of ancient Egypt and Assyria. The minutest typographical details that are associated with the names of Marathon and Salamis, with the campaigns of Hannibal or Cæsar, are diligently sought out by the student. Should not the student of British history entertain something of correspondent interest in connexion with Bosworth and Naseby, Clarendon and Runnymead; in the local habi

"The Introduction contains a brief summary of the Thirty Years' War, a biographical sketch of Wallenstein, and some information about the organization of his army; and lastly, a shurt analysis of the drama and its relation to history.

"I am well aware that those who think that either the master or the book should do the whole work for them will consider my notes insufficient, whilst others will be of opinion that I have done

too much for them. I feel, therefore, bound to and with an almost surprising command of the
declare that, during the ten years of my profes- Latin language; we doubt, however, whether
sional career, I have very often read Wallen- the young beginner will find these pages as
stein' with my pupils, and I have thus practically easy as his Latin Delectus. As a specimen of
found out what kind of notes students with average the work, we quote the following (page 63)
abilities and earnest diligence require. I have
further most carefully examined the German- quite at hap-hazard :-
English dictionaries most in use, and whenever I
did not find the required version, I put it in my
notes. It is a matter of course that I could not,
in such instances, give the merely literal transla-
tion, but only such a one as seemed to me best
adapted to convey the poetical meaning of the

So far as we have been able to examine Dr. Buchheim's work, we can conscientiously say that it is greatly in advance of its predecessors. Even that terrible crux to AngloGerman scholars the "Lager" will be found in these pages, thanks to the editor's assistance, by no means formidable to the diligent student. And the student who has vanquished Schiller's Wallenstein has achieved no mean victory. He has literally vanquished the German language itself. All students of Schiller are aware how full "Wallenstein" is of historical and astrological allusions; these the editor has most carefully and laboriously explained, while he has in no case, that we can discover, neglected a real idiomatic difficulty. This book is, indeed, a specimen of laborious and conscientious editing-a phenomenon in these days of perfunctory performances which ought to be duly chronicled.

"In tugurii ostio sedebat
Vetus ille sagittarum faber
In terrâ Dacotarum mucrones
Ex iaspare et achate concinnans;
Filia autem sedebat juxtà
Pulchra-Minnehaha amabilis,
Componens scirpeas storeasque.
Ille de præteritis rebus,
Hæc de futuris cogitabat.
Ille de priscis venatoribus,
Quibus nemo jam viveret compar;
Hæc de juvene quodam venatore,
Qui sagittas patris pridem emerat ;
Quem sane pater laudaverat
Ut fortem virum atque sagacem.
Numne iterum a torrente Minnehahâ
Idem forte sagittas petet?—
Talia meditans, vacuis oculis,
Manus intermisit industrias.
Inter hæc frondium agitatio
Et hominis gressus auditur:
Mox genis et fronte fervidâ
Damam in humero portans
Prodiit subitus Hiawatha."

Among the new words which Professor
Newman affiliates upon the Latin language
are arrisus, a smile; atror, blackness; effusci-
namentum, a fascinating object, mussatio, a
buzzing; noctuolus, an owlet; ruscetum, a
heath; subsaltus, a hop, &c.

principle on which the method is based. But by whatever name it may be designated, the system itself, and Mr. McLeod's work as the most complete exposition of it which has hitherto been published, are well worthy of the

attention of teachers.


Philip's Library Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geography. Edited by William Hughes, F.R.G.S. London: Philip and Son. 1862.This very elegant and useful atlas comprises a series of forty-seven maps, constructed from the most recent authorities, and embracing the principal countries of the world. In additionto the ordinary maps of the various States, corrected and brought down to the date of publication, it includes special charts of Palestine, the Roman Empire, Greece, and the world as known to the ancients; together with a diagram, showing the comparative heights of mountains and lengths of rivers. A copious consulting index is added, giving the latitude and longitude of upwards of 22,000 places. The work is thus, whether for reference or for study, as complete and comprehensive as can be desired. For accuracy and judicious selection, as well as for legibility and beauty of execution, the maps are unsurpassed by anything we have seen. The sea is uniformly tinted a light blue; the effect of which, in softening and harmonizing the colouring of the divisions of the land, is very remarkable. Each page, though a mass of colour, forms a complete and harmonious picture, in which, while the outlines of land and water, and the divisions of each country, stand out clearly and Hiawatha: rendered into Latin, with AbridgSolutions of Questions in Arithmetic by First distinctly, there is nothing gaudy or offensive ment. (pp. 110.) By Francis William Newman, Principles. (pp. 103.) By Walter McLeod, to the eye. The printing, binding, and general Professor of Latin in University College, F.R.G.S. London: Longman and Co. 1863. appearance of the work are in harmony with London. London: Walton and Maberly. 1862. The present work is an attempt to teach the excellence and beauty of the maps. Professor Newman says in his preface, arithmetic by a system of analysis, without forms altogether a very handsome volume "My object in this version is, to afford to rules, which Mr. McLeod terms the method of for the library table; and when we add that it learners of Latin a pleasing book, which will "First Principles." This system, which will is brought out at the low price of fifteen shilmooth their way to some of the difficulties of be familiar to those acquainted with the arith-lings-less than four-pence for each map-it the language, and allure them to enlarge their metical books of Mr. Tate and Mr. Hunter, is may fairly claim, considering the labour exocabulary." Elsewhere, Professor Newman sometimes termed the method of analysis, and pended on it, and the style in which it is got as suggested that a competent version of can scarcely be made intelligible by a defini- up, the merit, among its other recommendaRobinson Crusoe into Latin would be much tion. It will, however, be readily understood tions, of marvellous cheapness. nore likely to allure the young learner than from the following example of a question in The Poetry and Poets of Britain. (pp. 557.) he Latin authors ordinarily chosen for that Interest, which we give as worked out by Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Blackurpose. It is 'on this plan that Hiawatha Mr. McLeod. From among the almost innumerable selecas been here rendered into Latin. We fear, tions of English poetry which offer themHowever, that such crustula blanda will prove selves to the choice of the student, the handf but small avail. The merits of Hiawatha some volume before us merits a word of re, to our taste, very moderate, even in the praise. It contains several hundred poetical riginal English; and they hardly become extracts, from the time of Chaucer to the preore conspicuous in their borrowed garb. sent day, many of which are well chosen. 'rofessor Newman insists, however, that in To the name of each writer is appended a brief hese pages the beginner will become acbut tolerably comprehensive resumé of his uainted with a far larger vocabulary than can life and writings. Perhaps, however, the most e found in native poetry; a commendation useful part of the volume consists in the Notes hich is doubtless true, as the Professor has illustrative of the text. Many of them are scarded all metre in his translation, and has etymological, and contain useful and interestlarged the Latin language by presenting it ing notices of the various alterations which ith many words hitherto unknown in its = £42.5s. 6d. Ans." have taken place in the forms in words, and cabulary-words, however, we believe, in all Here each step leads on to another, until, by of the grammatical condition of the English ses more or less strictly formed on analogy. an insensible gradation from the given number language in successive stages of its developWith the following we agree, partly at least:- to unity, and from unity to the number required, ment. The Notes further contain an abunI cannot afford space here to defend, what I the result is arrived at by a process of simple dance of parallel passages, and explanations hieve to be a sound principle, that we ought, demonstration. The most striking advantage respecting the geography, mythology, and hishenever possible, to learn a language first, of this method is, that the rules of arithmetic tory referred to in the text. That the selecd study its more characteristic and arduous are altogether dispensed with. The present tions, as a whole, are well chosen, we have erature afterwards. I have written in the work consists of a series of solutions of already stated; though, of course, it would not dinburgh Museum (January 1862) a rather questions in simple and compound propor- be difficult to name extracts for which we aborate argument, that it is wise to teach tion, per centages, commission, interest, dis- think better substitutes might readily have atin by modern compositions,easier than those count, stocks, profit and loss, partnership, &c., been found. Much, however, will depend on the ancients, precisely because we cannot fully worked out on this plan; and thus showing the taste of the reader; though, in forming our ach by talking. Unless books are very easy, its application to all the ordinary rules, and to judgment of a book of this class, we ought to pupils can read enough to get imbued with every form of arithmetical calculation. The consider how far the extracts will tend to the e words and genius of a foreign tongue; and term "First Principles" is, we think, an un-improvement as well as to the pleasure of the thing can make up for want of quantity." fortunate one. The "Unitary System" would, reader. Tested by the former, it may, perr. Newman has translated with great fidelity, in our opinion, more correctly indicate the haps, be doubted how far such extracts as

"Question. Find the interest on £325 from March 1, 1841, to May 31, 1844, both inclusive, at 4 per cent. per annum ?-Colenso's Arithmetic.


A. The number of days=(365 × 3) +31 +30 +
31-1187 days.

B. The interest
on £100 for 365 days=£4
,, £1 for
1 day
£325 for 1187 days=



100 × 365


4 × 325 × 1187
100 × 365

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