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(i.) 2x2 + 2 + x2−x=12x2—8x, .'. 9x2—7x=2,
whence += 1 or-3.

(ii.) 2 + 7 / +7 +1 = 18..

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or - .

Whence =, or 5%.

"Mr. W. COTTON seconded the resolution, which was unanimously adopted.

class between the two less wealthy than the upper, College, founded in 1848, for the promotion of and not so poor as the lower, and including public school education among the upper, middle, among its numbers small shopkeepers and artisans, and lower middle classes, and which already confor whom little or nothing had yet been done. A ducts three large schools of these several classes, beginning has been made, and a very important is deserving of public support for the extension of one, at St. Nicholas' College, in Sussex, by Mr. its operations." Woodward, towards supplying this great defect, and it is for the purpose of aiding these endeavours that we are now assembled. I hold it to be abso- Lord LYTTELTON said that he had recently inlutely essential that the endeavours of Mr. Wood-spected the school at Lancing, and bore witness ward should receive assistance, in order to promote to the excellent manner in which it was conducted, (12.) If a, b, c be continual proportions, then the great objects which he has in view. (Hear, and the beneficial results which had arisen from a+c is > 26. hear.) The school in all its details is a self-sup-its establishment. His Lordship moved "That porting one, and as regards the payments, they are this meeting accordingly pledges itself to assist not, I believe, intended to be more than 131. the society of St. Nicholas' College in erecting a-year, the instruction being afforded by masters a public boarding school for the lower middle furnished by St. Nicholas' College. All that is classes, on a site which has been obtained near wanted is a suitable building to receive the boys. the Balcombe station, on the London and Brighton The school already contains 300 boys, and they Railway." have demands made for the admission of 700 more than can be accommodated. It is very unwise to delay proceedings of this sort until it may be too

If a bbc and b> a, much more is c>b, .. a+c>26.

(13.) Sum the series

(i.) 9+8+7+...... to 50 terms. (ii.) + 2 + 12+...... 5 terms.


(i.) 9 +84 +7% + &c., to 50 terms (18-49 x ) 25 late. He hoped that in the course of the proceed-
(ii.)+2+12, &c., to 5 terms=-

June 10th, 1861.


(65—1) __ 1555






Mr. G. A. SALA said that he had always felt a deep and serious interest in the progress of education, and cordially seconded the resolution. He expressed a hope that corporal punishment, which degraded alike the master and the pupils, would be done away with at Shoreham. In the French Schools of which he had himself had experience, this mode of punishment was entirely dispensed with.

Mr. ACKROYD also supported the resolution,


ings all reference to the exciting politics at home and abroad would be avoided, especially at this moment, when there existed a degree of susceptibility, and of what was commonly called touchiness, in certain quarters, not more in sovereigns, emperors, kings, and presidents, than in Sir W. PAGE WOOD supported the resolution, nations themselves; for if this age is distinguished and pointed out the healthful advantages which by many great qualities-by its progress in liberal accrued from the action of public schools in formpolicy and its useful and wholesome institutions-ing the character of men in their social and politiit is no less distinguished, as it appears to me, by cal capacity. Educated as a Wykehamite himself, the irritability of national bodies. The mob has he had many advantages of seeing the manly A Public Meeting was held on Saturday, its caprices as well as monarchs, and it does not virtues and noble qualities which were attained in at St. James's Hall, for the purpose of im- become us in any manner or way to interfere or to that and kindred establishments; and knowing proving Middle-class Education in the counirritate its caprices. For this reason I refuse to the value of the system of education adopted try, and promoting the intersets of St. Nicholas' preside at a meeting which I had previously pro- there, he felt it his duty to endeavour to the utmost mised to attend, because I found that it was to of his power to provide the same advantages for College, Shoreham. The college was founded in assemble to consider the subject of American the middle classes. 1848, for the special object of improving mid- slavery. Heaven forbid, not only that I should dle-class education, and it has, in addition to preside-which I can prevent myself from doing which was carried unanimously. large buildings at Lancing, on a property of but Heaven forbid that any such meeting should Mr. A. B. Hope proposed a vote of thanks to 230 acres, at the head-quarters of the society, be held for such a purpose, for there is no one sub-the noble chairman, and paid an eloquent tribute with a grammar school for the sons of gentle ject which our friends upon the other side of the to the great public services rendered by his lordmen-a college at Hurstpierpoint, in Sussex, Atlantic are so irritable upon as that question of for training middle schoolmasters; a public American slavery. Nobody can doubt my opiboarding school, in the same building, for the nions on that subject, but the present is not a moupper class of tradesmen, farmers, clerks, &c., ment at which any such subject can safely be at a payment varying, according to circumstances, from 201. to 301. a-year, containing more than 250 boys, who are taught by seven clergymen and graduates of the universities, with six other trained masters; together with cheaper boarding school at Shoreham, for the sons of small shopkeepers and artisans, at which the payment for board and education is but 13 guineas a-year. This is carried on for Mr. WALTER, M. P., seconded the resolution, the most part in houses hired by the parents which was supported by Lord REDESDALE and of the boys 230 of whom are already admitted, Lord JOHN MANNERS. The last speaker said and no more houses can be hired. This dis- that M. Montalembert, in his interesting and phiadvantage it is now sought to remedy by the losophical work on the institutions of this country, erection of premises to accommodate 1,000 laid very very great and very just stress on the most boys, with an adequate staff of masters. It is important and beneficial influence which our great towards the building of this cheap school that public schools had exercised on the fortunes of this the college now solicits aid. country. It was also said, that after the peace which crowned the immortal services of the Duke

[blocks in formation]

Among the noblemen and gentlemen present of Wellington, that great general said, on seeing
were Lord Brougham, the Archbishop of the playing fields at Eton, that there had been won
York, Lord Redesdale, Lord Lyttelton, Lord the crowning victory of Waterloo. In the conduct
R. Cecil, M. P.; Sir W. Page Wood; Mr. of the present schools in Sussex for the lower
Walter, M. P.; Mr. A. B. Hope; Lord W. stratum of society, Mr. Woodward and its man-
Lennox; Rev. Mr. Wood, and others.
agers would have the advantage of knowing what
Lord BROUGHAM, in opening the proceedings to avoid of the evils and abuses which had been
of the meeting, said: It gives me great pleasure to shown to exist in the older schools. It was certainly
be surrounded as I am by the tried friends of strange that while the upper and lower classes
education, without regard to sect or party or dis. of society were provided with facilities for obtain-
tinction of any kind. It has been found at all
times that there exists great difficulty in providing
the means of education for certain classes of the
community, and these classes, far from being the
least numerous, are still farther from being the
least important. We have, by the munificence of
our ancestors, in former times, obtained the means
of education, more especially for the higher classes
and the professional men. But there was still one

ing education so little should have been hitherto
done for the middle classes; and their position
reminded him of that of a middle child in a family
-the elder son, it was said, could walk over the
gutter, the younger would be carried over, but the
middle one would tumble into it.

The resolution was unanimously agreed to.
The Bishop of CHICHESTER moved the second
resolution, That the Society termed St. Nicolas'

Mr. BLENCOW seconded the proposition, which was carried by acclamation.

Lord BROUGHAM having briefly returned thanks the meeting was brought to a close.


The Bromsgrove Latin Grammar. By the Rev. G. A. Jacob, D.D., Upper Grammar Master of Christ's Hospital. pp. 302. Fourth Edition. Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. 1858. The Bromsgrove Elementary Latin Grammar.

By the Rev. G. A. Jacob, D.D., Upper Grammar Master of Christ's Hospital. pp. 85. London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. ¿ The Bromsgrove Greek Grammar. By the Rev. G. A. Jacob, D.D., Upper Grammar Master of Christ's Hospital. pp. 326. Third Edition. Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. 1861. Elementary Greek Grammar. By the Rev. G. A. Jacob, D.D., Upper Grammar Master of Christ's Hospital. Second Edition. London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. 1860 "SCIENTIARUM janitrix Grammatica" was the motto of Camden's old Greek Grammar; a motto which commends itself more readily to our reason than many of the sharp epigrammatical sayings which have obtained a greater will be inclined to deny that it is of vast imcurrency among us. Few persons probably portance that the porteress whose office it is to conduct us to the " sciences," should not be a garrulous gossiping dame with a lightly furnished head and a tripping tongue, and they will therefore be proportionately gratified to be introduced to such guides, through the thorny approaches which lead to their treasured stores,

as we have enumerated at the head of this and to this part letters or syllables are added to
form each particular case.

Dr. Jacob's series of Grammars enjoy a reputation sufficiently well established to require no" introduction," in the proper sense of the term, from us. Yet there may be many of our readers, to whom they may be new, or who may not have had an opportunity of examining them with the care and attention their merits deserve.

(a) That part of the noun which remains the same throughout, is called the Crudeform [or root] of the noun.

(b) The letter or syllable which is added to form each particular case, is called the caseending or casual affix.

(c) Thus in declining pes a foot,

Gen. ped-is; Dat. pedi; Acc. ped-em; Abl. ped-e; the crudeform is [PED]; the case-endings, is, i, em, e.

2. The casual affixes are nearly alike in all

Dat I
Acc. eM
Voc. S, or [no affix]


Nom. ES or I
Gen. UM or RUM
Dat. IBUS, or IS
Acc. ES, (i. e. emS)
Voc. ES, or I
Abl. IBUS, or IS.

3. In neuter nouns, the Nom. Acc. and Voc. are alike in both numbers, and in the plural end in a.

Reserving for a future article an examination of the Greek, we propose therefore here to nouns. give a short account of the two Latin Grammars Sing. which head our list, and we think we shall | Nom. S, or [no affix] best perform our duties, both to the reader and Gen. IS, or I to the author, by describing the principal features of these works, as far as possible, in the author's own words. In most languages the first part of grammar is necessarily taken up with the forms and changes exhibited in their separate words; and in languages which, like the Latin, abound in nominal and verbal inflexions, this etymological part or "accidence" occupies, or ought to occupy, a most important in both numbers, except in the Sing. of nouns in place. In order to ground the pupil thoroughly us of the second Declension. in this important department of grammar, Dr. 5. The Dat. and Abl. plural of all nouns are Jacob, in a short introduction, presents a alike. general view of the principal component parts which are found in declined or inflected words, and explains with admirable clearness the various changes which they undergo, in the course of inflexion, composition, derivation, &c.

The case endings of nouns, and the endings cf the tenses, and persons of verbs, which at first sight present much variety and irregularity, are, when traced to their causes, shown to be referable to certain laws, which, when once clearly apprehended, will be found to simplify, in an amazing degree, the difficulties of the "Accidence:

"Thus we have as Datives mensæ, diei, domino, tussi, gradui; but an examination shows, that the real termination of the Dative is one and the same in every noun in the language,—and that it is simply the letter [1]. For mense is contracted from mensai, a form found in actual use in the Genitive. Domino is contracted from dominoi, as may be plainly seen in the Greek declension, which gives [óyos] óye with the [] subscript, compared with the datives μol, sol, &c., and the adverbial dative olko, &c. This also explains why many datives of this declension in Latin actually end in [i], as ullus, ulli; because in these words the letter [] has gained a greater prominence than the o. Tussi is a contraction for tussii, like ingenii, ingeni. And diei and gradui, when the termination is rightly set off, exhibit the [i] without any alteration.

"The same thing may be seen in Verbs. Thus we have amas, deles, audis, regis, all apparently different, and yet [is] is the real termination of them all. For amas is contracted from amais (like Tiμá-eis, Tiμậs); deles from dele-is (like tristeis, tristes); audis from audi-is, which makes the syllable long; while regis remains uncontracted, and therefore is short.

"A similar explanation may be given of all the other cases of nouns, and the other persons and tenses of verbs; from whence it follows, that, strictly speaking, there is only one declension and one conjugation; the same terminations, with a few trifling varieties, being found in all. But as contractions produce many apparent differences, a distinction of declensions and conjugations is perhaps better for beginners."

Proceeding in this way, Dr. Jacob reduces all the variations in the formations of nouns, through their various case-endings in the several declensions, to the following simple rules:


1. In Latin nouns there is one part of the word which remains the same throughout all the cases;

4. The Nom. and Voc. of all nouns are alike

As a test of the application of these rules, we append Dr. Jacob's arrangement of a noun of the second and of the third declension. SECOND DECLENSION. Crudeform, ends in o. PLUR. Nom. domini SING. Nom. dominus

Gen. domini
Dat. domino


[blocks in formation]

Gen. dominorum

Dat. dominis
Acc. dominos
Voc. domini
Abl. dominis


u for o contracted -i

u for o, altered, contracted




-e .0

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[blocks in formation]

These Extracts will be sufficient to afford the reader a key to the principle on which these Grammars have been constructed-a constant reference, namely, to the etymological principles of the language which they profess to explain.

Although in Dr. Jacob's hands, Grammar becomes a really philosophical study and not a mere exercise of memory, he has, we think, shown great good sense in avoiding, as far as possible, any unnecessary interference with the established terms and arrangements of older grammars, so far as they are in themselves unobjectionable, and have been sanctioned by long usage. His object, while there is not wanting abundant originality in the treatment of his subject, which no reader can fail to observe, is evidently not innovation, but the inculcation of sound principles of instruction at the very outset of the pupil's career, which will stand him in good stead thereafter, and carry him, with ease and advantage to himself, through the subsequent stages of his progress. The Crude Forms are introduced, where they are necessary to explain the formation or derivation of words, and the terminational inflexions of nouns and verbs; but the pupil is never burdened, as in some works on this system, with long lists of these formidable vocables to commit to memory, and then expected to reason out the language from them as in a proposition of Euclid.


We hoped to have been able to dwell at some length upon this feature in the plan of the Grammar which distinguishes it from every other with which we are acquainted; but spatiis inclusi iniquis, we must refrain. shall return to the subject, and to the other grammars of the series in a future Number. In the meantime we strongly recommend every teacher to examine these works for himself, feeling assured that he will derive from them a fund of information and instruction as to the best mode of teaching the classical languages, which he will look for in vain in any publications of a similar character.

The Popular Education of the Bristol and
Plymouth Districts, with Special Reference
to Ragged Schools and Pauper Children.
Pp. 123.
By Patrick Cumin, M.A., Assist-
ant-Commissioner to the Commissioners ap-
pointed to inquire into the state of Popular
"Education in England. London: Longman
and Co. 1861.

The most enthusiastic dabbler in educational


Tunes for Holy Worship: composed by various English and Foreign Musicians, and simply Harmonized for Four Voices, by Dr. H. J. Gauntlett, Dr. C. J. Elvey, the Rev. W. H. Havergal, M.A., and others. Compiled by the Rev. T. R. Matthews,

B.A. London: Cramer, Beale, and Co.-This is a collection of Sacred Vocal Music arranged for four voices, compiled by Mr. Matthews, with great taste, from the works of some of our best musical writers.

statistics must, we think, have been satisfied a sum of not less than £302,731 was last year ferred upon society by such institutions may estabwith the abundance of the fare presented to contributed in the form of school pence out of lish some claim upon the pockets of the charitable, him within the last few months. Seven or the pockets of the parents. He adds: "One but certainly none upon the public purse. If, eight huge Blue Books, officially published, of the chief motives which has induced me to instead of separating the pauper children from the have been followed by a shower of quartos and republish so much of the original report, has adults in the workhouse, so as to prevent conoctavos, each containing the original matter been to show the character of the English tamination; if, instead of educating the children presented by the Commissioners or Assistant- workman, and the high value which he sets out of the workhouse, so as to prevent them from lapsing into barbarism, the public authorities will Commissioners to their colleagues, before it was upon education." insist upon neglecting their duty, that neglect can pruned down and curtailed previously to its We have already stated our reasons for not create no claim upon the funds at the disposal of admission into the general report. It is im- entering at any length into this Ragged Parliament." possible not to admire the industry of several School question. We have not at present all of the gentlemen in question. Nothing seems the data which would enable us to form a to have been too humble or too out of the way trustworthy opinion. When we get these for their supervision and criticism. Conse- data, we shall probably return to the matter. quently, readers are treated with improving We shall at present content ourselves with givhomilies on the folly of schoolmistresses wearing one or two short extracts from Mr. Cumin's ing crinoline, and gay-coloured ribands in their interesting reports. He says: "Of all the bonnets; or with speculations upon the useful-religious bodies there is none so active as the ness of the trencher-caps and leathern breeches Church of England." of charity-boys. Now that the novelty has been slightly worn off, we are beginning to grow rather weary of these accurate and exhaustive statistics; and to fear that the vexata questio of education, high class, low class, or middle class, has not been thoroughly solved even by the voluminous treatises in question. Our remarks, however, are not intended to apply to Mr. Cumin's volume. It was only natural that after the attack made on him and the Commissioners in general, by Lord Shaftesbury, relative to The Practice of Hand-Turning in Wood, Ivory, his Report on Ragged Schools, he should Shell, &c. With Illustrations for Turning such wish to tell the public exactly why and how Works in Metal as may be required in the Practice these opinions were formed. At present we of Turning in Wood, Ivory, &c. By Francis are not called upon to weigh the few pros and Campin. E. and F. Spon. 1861.—This is a little many cons which the Assistant Commis"In Mr. Turner's evening school at Bristol I treatise that may be serviceable and pleasing alike sioner advances respecting these institutions in was surprised to find the earnestness with which to young and old, to those who practise turning the volume before us. The matter is still un- the students applied themselves to their work. A only as amateurs, and to those who may have decided, as only a few days ago, the Duke of trifling incident will illustrate this. I had been occasion to apply to it with more serious intent. Newcastle informed Lord Shaftesbury that conversing with the master for some time, which of It contains useful remarks on lathes and other twenty-eight persons, male and female, were course prevented his attending to his business, tools, or materials, and on turning manipulation in now actively engaged in making inquiries as Presently I heard a restless humming, and even general. The style is agreeable, and the illustrato the real utility of this class of schools. symptoms of whistling. The master said, "Do Lions are apt and well executed. Having a due respect for that excellent apo- you understand that?" I said, "No." He rethegm, Audite alteram partem, we shall not plied, "You see these people come to work, they attempt to express our opinion on the points, pay for coming here, and they don't mean to be at issue merely from a one-sided statement. curtailed of their rights." He instantly went off to attend them, and everything was silent. I We may say, however, that Mr. Cumin's con- myself found it difficult to get them to converse. demnation of Ragged Schools is by no means They had come to study and they meant to study. so wholesale as might be imagined from Lord They seemed to think that no one had a right to Shaftesbury's denunciations. The Assistant- interrupt the school business."


"This has often been asserted, but the return obtained by myself, which I subjoin, proves the truth of the assertion. The return does not contain all the schools, because it was not always filled up. Out of 114 public schools in the Bristol district, however, the table contains 94, and out of 79 in the Plymouth district, the table contains 74; so that the numbers are quite sufficient for my purpose. It should be observed that in the Plymouth district there is not a single boys' school of any kind, and only one for girls and one for infants, which is connected with any denomination except the Church of England."

Mr. Cumin speaks admiringly of the earnestness with which adult students, composed of navigators and labourers, came to work :

[ocr errors]


There are generally about 326,000 children for whom the State is bound, by the most imperious obligation of Christian charity, and by self-interest, to make provision. Assuming that 145,000 of

Commissioner willingly allows that Evening This anecdote reminds us of the motto of
Ragged Schools have done, and are still doing, William of Wykeham's School, at Winchester,
much good-an amount of good, however, "Disce, doce, aut discede," with the spirit, at
which he considers partially neutralized by least, of which these Bristol students seem to
the day schools of the same class. The gist have been thoroughly impregnated.
of his argument is, that these schools must be Mr. Cumin holds that Ragged Schools should
looked on as nothing more than temporary, not be aided by grants from the public funds;
and partial expedients to stem the tide of and in defence of this opinion, which appears
ignorance and misery; that they are often to have been very unpalatable to many worthy
ill managed, and that even when well managed persons, he in his preface:-
they have a tendency to paralyze the energies
of parents, many of whom will not contribute
anything to the education of their children, if
they can procure an inferior education gratis.
Mr. Cumins very justly says: "With respect these obtain some sort of education, there remain
to the independent poor, it is of the utmost 181,000. Of these last, 140,000 are in the streets,
importance that their independence should be mercilessly abandoned to chance; the rest are in
respected. The rich have no right to demo-workhouses, too often studiously nurtured in
ralize their poorer brethren by aiding those vice. Now, it is from this neglected class,' as
who can aid themselves, or by relieving them Sir J. Jebb says, 'that juvenile criminals spring,
from the obligation to take care of their chil- and that the gaols are continually filled with adult
criminals.' From this class, of course, many
dren. If experience proves that some men or
women, in a humble rank of life, can afford to thousands must be yearly added to the adult popu-
provide their children with decent clothing lation of the country. No doubt the Day Ragged
and a good education, it is never demoraliza- Schools, by taking a few of these neglected chil-
dren out of the streets for a few hours in the day,
tion for the rich to supply such wants to other
men and women in the same rank of life, who may do a little to stem the torrent of corruption
which is thus continually poured upon society;
prefer to spend their wages in the gin-shop." although it is tolerably clear that if the public
Mr. Cumin asks his readers to bear in mind authorities did their duty, the occupation of the
that out of £695,388, the income of certain Day Ragged Schools would be, to a considerable
schools (inclusive of the Parliamentary grant), degree, if not altogether, gone. The benefits con-

[ocr errors]

It includes, besides some of the finest melodies of Dr. Gauntlett, and other popular English composers, several chorals of Bach, Mendelssohn, Layrz, Goss, Filitz, and others. The lovers of Sacred Music will find here most of their favourite melodies, arranged and harmonized in a convenient form, and at an exceedingly moderate price.

We have received also "Cassel's Illustrated Family Paper," part XLII.; "Cassel's Illustrated History of England," part XVII.; "The Ladies' Treasury," No. LII., (Cassel and Co.); "Cassel's Illustrated Family Bible," part XXV.; "Cassel's Popular Natural History," part XXVII.; "Geography for Beginners," by Dr. Cornwell. Map Book for Beginners"; "A Book of Blank Maps;" and "A Book of Map Projections," by "Inventional Geometry," by the same Author. "The Massachusetts Teacher,"

G. W. Spencer.


for May: "The Journal of Public Instruction of Lower Canada," for May; "Rheinische Blätter fur Erzeihung und Unterricht," by Adolf Dies terweg, for May and June; The "Journal Général del' Instruction Publique," of France, for June.

[blocks in formation]



OUR scientific societies, following the good example of our schools, are bringing their sessions to a close, and thinking about holidays. The Royal Society, the Geographical, the Geological, and the Society of Arts, as well as most of the other principal scientific bodies, have had their last soirées for the season, and their liberated members are dividing their attention between the sea-side and the preparations for the great scientific wind-up of the year-the approaching meeting of the British Association.

EDUCATIONAL AND LITERARY SUMMARY 30,000 copies of the work had been circulated. For even in Ireland men capable of filling the posts these and other particulars we are indebted to the of Assistant Inspectors of Schools can be found, preface to the eighth edition, written by the editor, without there being any necessity whatever for subTHE speech-days of our public schools, not less than Professor Traill. The sale of Archbishop Tenison's mitting them to further examination? We certainly the hot weather, give note that summer is advancing. library occupied a week. The produce of the six days' were surprised to see among papers for testing clerks Eton leads the van; and Dr. Goodford's pupils have, sale amounted to only £1410. We read in the "Athe- and guagers a set of examination questions for the on the present occasion, received warm, and, we be- næum :" "Preparations are being made for the im- special behoof of Irish inspectors of schools. We have lieve, well-deserved compliments on the marked im mediate removal of the State Papers from their present no wish at all to see the Chinese system of wholesale provement in the delivery of their speeches. The lodgings, part of them to the Repository of Records in examination adopted in this country. Paulines have also celebrated their Apposition day: Fetter Lane, and part to the Chapter House at the Merchant Taylors' School the annual election of its Westminster. The present edifice, it is said, is to be scholars to St.John's College, Oxford; and the Stationers' demolished, to make room for the proposed new India Company's New Grammar School, in Fleet Street, the Office and Foreign Office. It is to be deplored that termination of its first session-all with the ordinary fes- so beautiful a building as the State Paper Office, one tivities of the wealthy Civic Corporations to which they so well contrived for its purpose, and so convenient, are attached. The Bishop of London has just laid by its proximity to the Offices of the Secretaries of the first stone of the Godolphin School at Hammer- State, should have to be sacrificed. Surely when the smith, under a scheme of the Court of Chancery. The old Foreign Office is cleared away, together with new school is to accommodate not less than 200 boys.- Fludyer Street, Crown Street, and Charles Street, A Bill has been published "for making provision for space enough will be obtained for the range of Offices the good government and extension of the University contemplated, without touching the State Paper Office. of Durham," and appointing Commissioners with It is only thirty years since the building was erected powers similar to those conferred upon the late Com- and fitted up at an expense of £50,000. It is an missioners for the Universities of Oxford and Cam- enormous waste of the public money to build up and bridge. The proposed Commissioners are the Bishop pull down in this fashion, and we hope that some of Durham, Hon. G. Liddell, Right Hon. R. Lowe, notice of this useless demolition will be taken in ParThe Gorilla controversy, and the various inRight Hon. C. B. Adderley, Dr. Vaughan, and R. liament before the session closes, and the necessity for teresting points of comparative anatomy in relation Ingham, Esq.-The Rev. Osborne Gordon, B.D., of it--if, indeed, there is any necessity-explained to the to man, and the higher orders of the quadrumana Christ Church, is, we learn, a candidate for the Cam- public satisfaction."-The Vienna correspondent of den Professorship of Ancient History, now vacant in The Times" says that an antiquarian of Padua has growing out of it, which threatened at one time to the University of Oxford. Ex-Balliol men will see found in the archives of a noble family, fifty of the set some of our most distinguished savans by the with pride that their old College still holds the first missing books of Livy's great historical work. We fear ears, has by no means abated. The brain is the place in the University examinations. Looking at the that this is but another cuckoo-cry to be added to the special point at issue; Mr. Lockhart Clark is exlately published Moderation List, we find that Balliol thousand and one already raised touching the lost de- amining the brain of the gorilla, with the view of has four firsts, and the same number of seconds; cades of the Roman historian.—Mr. Blight, in his little comparing it, by microscopic observation, with while Corpus has three firsts and two seconds. pleasant volume yclept "A Week at the Land's End," that of the human foetus at that period when it has Christ Church, New College, and Queen's have each writes thus: "It is well known that Prince Lucien reached the stage of "development" attained one first and two seconds. Wadham and Trinity, Buonaparte has lately been studying the dialects of Eng- by the gorilla, which he considers to be at the one first and one second. Merton one first; Lin- land, and whilst engaged in these researches he visited age of three months. coln two seconds; and Exeter and St. John's one Mouse-hole, to learn what remained of the Cornish. Professor Owen has a short paper "On the second each. In the University of Cambridge, C. One result of the Prince's interest in this matter may be Cardale Babington, Esq., and not the Rev. Churchill seen at St. Paul's, in the form of an inscribed granite Brain of Man and Apes," in the new number of Babington, as has been erroneously stated by many obelisk inserted into the churchyard wall. On the the " Annals of Natural History," illustrated by of our contemporaries, has been appointed to the upper part is a Maltese cross; the inscription is as exact copies of the figures of the smallest negro's Chair of Botany, left vacant by the death of Professor follows:-"Here lieth interred Dorothy Pentreath, brain and of the brain of the chimpanzee-the Henslow. A new prize has just been founded in the who died in 1788, said to have been the last person latter as figured by the Dutch anatomists. The University, in memory of the late Bishop Kaye, who who conversed in the ancient Cornish, the peculiar results of his own dissections and of those of other in his undergraduate days took the highest University language of this country from the earliest records, till anatomists of the brains of the chimpanzee, the ouhonours on record. The prize is to be given every it expired in the eighteenth century, in this parish of rangoutang, and the gorilla, have satisfied him that fourth year to the writer of the best English disser- St. Paul. This stone is erected by the Prince Lucien the rise in the cerebral development of the lowest tation upon some subject or question relating to Buonaparte, in union with the Rev. John Garrett, negro, as compared with the highest of the quadAncient Ecclesiastical History, or to the Canon of vicar of St. Paul. June 1860."-The following in-rumana, is so marked, that “it seems to constitute Scripture, or important points of Biblical criticism.scription has been written by Mr. Walter Savage We learn that the services of Mr. Bradshaw, Fellow of Landon, for Garibaldi's house at Nice :-"His in one of the most important of the differential strucKing's College, have been engaged for two years more, ædibus natus est Garibaldus, miles strenuus, impiger, tural characters between the human and ape for the purpose of re-arranging, cataloguing and classi- dux sagax, providus, victor clemens, imperator mofying the MSS. and rare books in the University Lib- destus, vir probus." rary. Mr. Bradshaw has been similarly engaged for the A meeting was lately held at the Devonshire Square last two years.-The Senate has agreed to accept the School Rooms, Liverpool Street, Bishopsgate, under offer of Dr. Goodacre, to present his Museum of Verte- the presidency of Mr. Sheriff Lusk, for the purpose of brate Animals to the University, subject to the con- promoting free libraries in the city of London. After dition of a proper store-house being found for them.- several speakers had urged reasons in favour of the Mr. Adam Black, M.P., gave lately a white-bait dinner measure, a Mr. Richardson proposed an amendment at Greenwich, on the completion of the eighth edition declaring that the adoption of the Free Library Act of the Encyclopædia Britannica, to the contributors. in the City of London was unnecessary and uncalled After dinner, Mr. Black read the following statistical for. The amendment was carried by a large majority paragraph respecting the seventh and eighth editions --We read in "Galignani" that a manuscript missal of of this magnificent publication :-Amount paid to the fifteenth century which formerly belonged to the contributors and editors, £40,970,-cost of paper, Abbey of St. Lo, at Rouen, was lately knocked down, £52,503,-of printing and stereotyping, £36,708,-of in a public sale-room in Paris, for the sum of 24,850 engraving and plate-printing, £18,277,-of binding, francs.-Madame George Sand has received a gift of £22,613,-of advertising, £11,081,-of miscellaneous 20,000 francs from the Emperor as a compensation items, £2,269,-making a total cost of £184,421. for her loss of the prize given by the FrenchAcademy to Of these two editions of the Encyclopædia Bri- M. Thiers. This latter writer, it is said, has resolved tannica,' there have been printed above 10,000 copies. to make over again to the Academy, his prize, to be beThe amount of duty paid upon the paper, calculated stowed by the members upon some author they may at 14d., was £8,573; but 3d. per pound was paid on select, and who requires the money more than he does. a considerable part of the seventh edition." We may The French Emperor, who, it is well known, has add that the first edition of the "Encyclopædia Bri- lately occupied himself in writing the life of Julius tannica" was completed in 1771; and a second Cæsar, paid a visit, a few days ago, to Alise-Sainte edition, which consisted of eight volumes, in 1789. In Reine to verify the account of the siege of Alise, 1797, a third edition was called for; and eighteen given in the Commentaries of the Roman writer. volumes, followed shortly after by two of a supple- Vast excavations have been made here by order of the mentary character, were issued from the press. The Emperor, and we learn that some most interesting fourth edition, completed in 1810, was still further discoveries have been made. We are happy to see improved and enlarged. The fifth and sixth editions that Mr. Baillie Cochrane's motion, which aimed at were little more than reprints of the fourth, but this nothing less than a total abolition of competitive was made up for by the issue of no less than six examination, was negatived in the House of Commons fresh supplementary volumes, which were projected without a division. Mr. Cochrane could not make by Constable the publisher, who held the copyright of out a strong case even by taking disconnected scraps the fifth and sixth editions. Shortly after the com- of evidence from the reports of the Civil Service The "Chemical News" for June 22nd contains pletion of the Supplement in 1824, the copyright of Commissioners, and by jumbling together portions of an account of the method pursued for ascertaining the work passed into the hands of the present firm, examination questions set at various times on totally the value of gilded and silvered articles. For who commenced the issue of a seventh edition in 1830, different subjects. At the same time we think there testing gilded articles, chloride of copper is prewhich was completed in 1842. Up to the year 1852, is danger lest the ultra-advocates for these examina-pared, not by precipitation from solution of nitrate, when the present edition was called for, more than tions should push their theories too far. Surely as ordinarily, but by dissolving carbonate of copper


The lately discovered metal, Aluminium, is daily increasing in favour as a bijouterie metal; and the Emperor of the French when he ordered his experimental cuirasses to be made from the then all but unknown substance, could scarcely have foreseen the important part it was destined to play in the history of popular ornaments. There are at present at Leith two Danish vessels, of the mercantile marine, which are about to sail to Greenland for the purpose of procuring cryolite, a metal from which aluminium is readily extracted. The search for precious ores and stones is closely interwoven, and had very much to do originally, with the history of expeditions in the Arctic regions. Not many years ago large cargoes of plumbago were brought to this country from these popularly styled barren regions; and the abundance of cryolite in Greenland is likely to reward the enterprise of the Danish owners and attract other adventurers to the same shores.

Another new metal has been discovered belonging to the alkaline group. It occurs in minute quantity in certain mineral springs and in the mineral known as Lepedotite. It possesses a very high atomic weight, its alkaline oxide is as caustic as potassa, and it forms a deliquescent carbonate. Its determination, as it exists only in minute quantity, is another result of the new method of spectrum analysis, which promises to make us acquainted with so many new elements as to completely revolutionize chemical science.

in hydrochloric acid. The resulting chloride of ticular attention. This encouraging sign of life, 10 per cent. of the population. The total copper, when somewhat diluted, will blacken from the long slumbering land of ancient classic number of primary schools was 65,100. These golden-coloured alloys,-as brass, pinchbeck, &c., fame, is quite paralleled in interest by the discovery are divided into public communal (parochial) but will only slightly discolour thinly-gilt articles, of a new planet (the first which has ever been boys' schools, numbering in all 36,200 (or a and not affect at all those that are thickly gilt. The made in the Eastern world) by our astronomers in little more than one school for every commune chloride of copper obtained by precipitation with India at the Madras Observatory. To signalize in France); private boys' schools, of which common salt from a solution of the nitrate of this achievement, of which they are naturally there are 3,400; public girls' schools 13,900; copper, is apt to be associated with aqua regia, proud, the discoverers desire to name the new aswhich acts upon gold, and unfits it for a test. But teroid, Asia. private girls' schools 11,600. Of the public when chloride is obtained as directed above, it We learn that the first number of a new (communal) boys' schools 17,000 are mixed, forms a very satisfactory test of the thickness of "Quarterly Review of Popular Science," to be that is, they admit girls as well as boys. the gilding. For the testing of silvered articles a edited by Mr. Samuelson, author of the "Honey The great majority of the 36,200 communal solution is used, formed by the addition of nitric Bee" and other works, will appear in October. schools are taught by lay teachers, certificated acid of average strength to red chromate of potash, It is a gratifying indication of the increasing esti- by the Government; but of the 3,400 private in such proportions that all the chromate shall not mation in which science is beginning to be held, schools, about 3,000 are in the hands of the be dissolved, but part be held in mechanical sus- and of the interest it possesses even for general" Christian Brothers." Of the 25,000 girls' pension. The liquid is then stirred well, and al- readers, to observe that it is becoming an established schools, 13,500 are taught by nuns, including lowed to settle for some hours, when a reddish-topic of discussion and criticism, not only in our a certain proportion of communal schools, for coloured liquid may be poured off the sediment, scientific periodicals, but also in our leading literary which it is often difficult to find female lay which gives upon silver a blood-red spot, perfectly and political journals. Some of these critical ut- teachers in sufficient numbers.-Report of the characteristic of that metal. This spot may be re- terances are, it is true, sometimes sufficiently moved by friction with the finger only. These amusing, as witness the following exquisite morceau Royal Commissioner on Popular Education in methods have been followed for some time in the of science which recently appeared in the "Sunday France. German revenue offices. Times" :

"The atropa belladona, or common potato, is a member of the same family as the tobacco plant, and there may be obtained from the leaves of E. Solanine a similarly acrid and narcotic poison, two grains of which would prove fatal."


The Minister of Public Instruction in France We learn from the Allgemeine Deutsche has published a circular, addressed to the directors Lehrerzeitung, that the exclusive use of the of schools and colleges throughout the Empire, Russian language in girls' schools in Poland forbidding the use of tobacco and cigars by the has been abolished. The law passed under a students. The deepening conviction that the habitual use of tobacco is a source of physical and former Government, permitting the landed Can it be a matter of surprise that the purple proprietors and others interested in an elemental degeneration has steadily obtained a firmer berries of the deadly nightshade have been sold in mentary school to close it at pleasure has, howhold of the public mind since the thorough expo- the streets of London as whortleberries, made into ever, not been repealed, and in consequence of sition of the opinions of the medical profession in pies, and eaten with fatal effects, when those, this law, 150 elementary schools have been the columns of our leading scientific journals. To whose office it is to diffuse information, confound closed in one year. It is in contemplation to that discussion the late manifesto of Sir Benjamin that plant, one of the most fatal of our indigenous establish at llelsingfors, a Normal school (MasBrodie must be considered as a supplement, afford- species, with the wholesome potato, and then state ing an authoritative sanction to the conclusions that there may be obtained from the E. Solanine terschule) for Finland. Natives of Finland which were arrived at by those most competent to a similarly acrid narcotic poison? What is E. are to be sent to Germany, England, and form an opinion on the subject. In this country Solanine? And to what is the poison similar? France to study the educational systems of of free discussion and free action, the changes Were the editor's intellectual powers suffering those countries, after which they will be apwrought by conviction are worked out slowly and from the narcotic influence of a common potato pointed to take charge of the new Institution. spontaneously by individual process of resolve. taken in conjunction with chops and stout-the Across the Channel, where "Facta, non verba," latter having been prescribed quantum suff.? is the rule of the empire, the opinions elicited by the great English controversy have borne fruit in deeds. Certain statistical results have been obtained at the Ecole Polytechnique and other public schools and colleges, attesting that the smokers were also the dunces, and that the intellectual as THE Medical Graduates of Prussia, with a well as the physical development of the students population of 17,739,913 inhabitants, amount, was checked by the use of tobacco. The Minister according to the last census, to 358 "district of Public Instruction and the Préfet of the Seine physicians" (who are paid by the Government, are said to be "unceasing in their exertions to and have to attend the poor gratis); 4,327 remedy the evil.” As Paris alone contains 29,000 ordinary physicians, who have the doctor's pupils, the edict applies to a large population. It degree; 996 surgeons of the first class; 643 of would be well could the authorities of the English the second class; and 1,026 veterinary doctors colleges and universities decree the same abstinence for all students, in residence or otherwise under of all classes. To these may be added, as havcontrol. There are two classes of men in England ing received, more or less a medical education; who at this moment are addicted to frightful excess 1,529 chemists, and 11,411 midwives. in tobacco-smoking, and suffer the evil conse- We learn from the Allgemeine Deutsche quences in depression, debility, hebetude, and ner- Lehrerzeitung, that the Council of Education considering the varied nature of the business revousness. These are students at college, and officers in barrack, garrison, and camp. The latter especially smoke incessantly, beginning early in the day, and continuing till the night has fallen. The dulness of barrack life, which incites


EXAMINATION OF CANDIDATES FOR OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION.-Mr. W. T. Bedford, the Chairman of the Officers' and Clerks' Committee, presented a report on the reference to consider as to the expediency of making provision for examination of candidates for the situations in the gift of the Courts and of its Committees, &c., similar in principle to the examination conducted by the Civil Service Commissioners. The Committee stated that they had been attended by Mr. John Symonds, the mover of the reference, who was heard upon the subject. The Committee also vice Commissioners copies of the forms ordinarily stated that they had obtained from the Civil Serused in their office, and other information connected therewith; and having referred the further consideration of the subject to their Sub-Committee, they reported to them their opinion, that quire to be discharged in the several departments of the Corporation, and also the very limited number of appointments, it would not be desirable to lay down any general principles upon which an to the excess, is deepened by the habitual depres- Animals, at Munich, has recently published, connection with appointments under the Corpora The Society for the prevention of Cruelty to examination similar to that conducted by the Civil Service Commissioners should be carried out in sion which tobacco in the end produces. The for the use of the elementary schools of Bavaria, tion, and that the selection of the most eligible depressed and debilitated condition of numbers of these young men, who, from such depôts as the a series of illustrated works, intended to instil candidates will be best secured by members of the camp at Aldershott, visit London, has long been into the minds of children, humane ideas towards Court and heads of departments exercising, in the the subject of observation among the surgeons who animals, and to discourage the cruel pastimes distribution of their patronage, a careful regard to are called to treat their complaints, and have the too often indulged in by the young, of wantonly the qualifications necessary for the efficient disopportunity of comparing their nervous force with tormenting them. Among these publications charge of the particular duties of the vacant office. the standard of civil life. Nowhere are the evils may be noticed, "Pflichten gegen Thiere" The Committee fully concurring in the opinion o of tobacco-smoking more rampant than in the (Duties towards Animals), by the Rev. L. the Sub-Committee, submitted the same to the camp and the college. Is it impossible that higher Egger; "Die ungleichen Knaben" (The unauthority should intervene to ameliorate their con- like boys), a story for children, by W. Gail and Dr. Permer; Uber die Hauptgebrechen der Erziehung" (On the Chief Vices of Education), by Dr. Permer; "Geschichten aus dem Thierleben" (Stories from Animal Life), by A Friend of Animals.

dition ?

at Wurtemburg has, by a new official order,
recommended the introduction of Gymnastic
Exercises into all elementary schools as a
regular branch of education.


Considerable interest has been excited by the
distribution among learned societies in Europe of
a respectable quarto volume, containing the records
of the Observatory recently established at Athens.
The work consists chiefly of papers on the physi
cal geography of Greece, and the climate and the The total number of children in France under
phenomena of vegetation of Attica receiving par-instruction in 1857, was 3,858,000, or about


judgment of the Court.-Mr. BEDFORD moved the adoption of the report.-Mr. J. SYMONDS said he should not oppose the report upon that occasion, although he decidedly objected to the recommensubject under their consideration a very long time, and he understood that they were unanimous in their opinion. He, however, should take the liberty of bringing the subject before them in another shape. The report was then agreed to.- City Press, June 22.

dation it contained. The Committee had had the

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