Genetics and Experience: The Interplay Between Nature and NurtureHow much of a role do our genes play in our responses to events in our environment? This volume explores this question by examining nature and nurture in terms of their interplay in the development of individual differences. Beginning with a discussion of how contemporary research and theory in genetics and in the environment are evolving towards each other, Plomin explores such topics as genetic contributions to environmental measures both within and outside the family, such as friends and life events. The book concludes with a theory of the genetics of experience. |
Common terms and phrases
active GE correlation adolescent adoption design adoption study adoptive families adoptive siblings Adult Twins American Psychological Association assess associations Bayley Behavior Genetics Bergeman biological chapter child child-based genetic design cognitive Colorado Adoption Project contribution to environmental covariance DeFries Developmental Psychology diff SD DZ twins environmental influences environmental measures example Extraversion family environment Fulker full siblings genes genetic and environmental genetic contribution genetic correlation genetic effects genetic mediation genetic research genetic variance genotype heritability hypothesis individual differences interactions involved lac operon lactose Loehlin McClearn model-fitting mothers multivariate genetic analysis MZ and DZ nature and nurture NEAD Neuroticism nonadoptive and adoptive nonadoptive families pairs passive GE correlation Pedersen Peer perceptions personality phenotypic correlation Plomin quantitative genetic ratings reactive and active ronmental SATSA scales sibling adoption sibling correlations social support stepfamilies suggests Table theory tion traits Twin Correlations twin method twin study warmth zygosity