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That we seek no other reform, than that which shall insure to us the restoration of that free and glorious Constitution, which our forefathers' so bravely acquired, manfully asserted, and so reHigiously transmitted to their posterity, as their best, their inalienable birthright, &c. &c.

The thanks of the meeting were voted to Mr. John Winter, jun. the Sheriff, and the other independent citizens, at whose instance it was convened.


This Meeting of the gentlemen, clergy, and freeholders, of the county was held at Presteigne, on the 26th of April; John Whitaker, Esq. High Sheriff, in the chair. It was then unanimously Resolved,

That the thanks of this meeting be given to Gwyllim Lloyd Wardle, Esq. for his independent and intrepid exertions, in promoting the investigation into the conduct of the late Commanderin-chief of his Majesty's forces.

That while we acknowledge with gratitude our Sovereign's paternal regard to his subjects, and his patriotic endeavours to amend the situation, and to lighten the burdens of his people; it is our opinion that it is only by the perseverance and temperate firmness of such men as Colonel Wardle that a due and speedy effect can be given His Majesty's benevolent intentions.

That the Sheriff be requested to sign these resolutions in the name of the meeting.


Was held at the Town Hall, at Usk, on the 28th of April; when, besides the resolutions passed for thanking Mr. Wardle, Henry Bankes, Esq. and the rest of the minorities, it was Resolved,

That it is the opinion of this Meeting a very considerable number of Placemen and Pensioners, who have seats in Parliament, are under the influence of government, and that a temperate Reform in Parliament is therefore necessary; and that it is the duty of this county to express its wishes to their representatives, that they would support a strict investigation into the various abuses of the public expenditure.

That the abuses attacked by Col. Wardle and Mr. Bankes form only a part of a corrupt system long acted upon, and that no permanent good will arise from the late investigation, unless followed up by a general reformation of the public abuses in many departments of the state.


At a Common Hall, held there on the 11th of April, the following resolutions were moved by Dr. Jones, and seconded by Mr. Thomas Jones :

1. The members of this corporation, feeling the profoundest veneration for those institutions, under which their forefathers have enjoyed liberty and protection, and anxiously wishing to transmit them unimpaired to their posterity, have witnessed with the deepest sorrow and indignation the corruption and profligacy which a late inquiry before the House of Commons has disclosed.

2. That in bringing forward charges against the Commander-in-chief, and producing evidence in support of them; our countryman (Col. Wardle) has displayed firmness, zeal, and industry, worthy the imitation of every Member of Parliament, and the admiration and gratitude of every true Briton.

3. That as a public expression of the sentiments they individually feel towards a man who has so well discharged his trust as a representative of the people, they do move the thanks of this corporation to G. L. Wardle, Esq. hoping that the public approbation he has so honourably obtained will stimulate him to persevere in his endeavours to detect and expose abuses in every department of the state where they are supposed to exist.

4. That the thanks of this corporation be also given to the minority of 125, who divided with Col. Wardle, amongst whom it is peculiarly gra

tifying to them to find the names of so many gentlemen,* connected with the principality of Wales, and this country in particular.

To those who are unacquainted with the politics of this independent borough, it may be necessary to add, that the above resolutions were negatived by every one present, except the mover and seconder.


The "Cardiff Sympathetic Society” have lately celebrated their fifteenth anniversary. After dinner the Vice-President, Dr. Reece, proposed as a toast, "Mr. Wardle, and the independent members who so nobly supported him," which was drank with the greatest enthusiasm ; when the President succeeded that toast, by giving, "May the effect ever live in our memory, but the cause be buried in oblivion;" which was also received as the former. Several points were afterwards discussed for the benefit of the institution, and the members departed with mutual good-will towards each other.

*Sir W.W. Wynn, Bart. Sir E. P. Lloyd, Bart. C.W.W. Wynn, Esq. C. II. Tracy, Esq.


A Meeting of the Burgesses and Inhabitants of this place, was held on the 5th of April, when a vote of thanks was passed to Col. Wardle, expressive of the "gratitude which such patriotism merits, and actuated by a national feeling that the object of their address derives his origin from Canıbrian blood."


At the annual vestry, held at this place, on the 3d of April, the inhabitants, with the Vicar, Churchwarden, &c. resolved, that the following spirited resolution and address should be presented to Mr. Wardle:

SIR, Impressed with the highest admiration of your parliamentary conduct, we take leave to congratulate you on the happy success of your exertions.

To sce an independent country gentleman, equally unconnected with those in power, and with those that are considered as immediate candidates for it, standing forth the assertor of the people's rights, and the determined opposer of corruption in whatever shape it may appear, is a phenomenon which has rarely shewn itself in the present system of politics. As such we hail you.

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