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sisted by the virtuous and independent Members of the House of Commons) we look with confidence to the completion of the great work of reformation. Deeply impressed with these sentiments, we cannot but consider Gwyllim Lloyd Wardle, Esq. entitled not only to our warmest thanks, but also to the gratitude of his country.

And that the thanks of this meeting be given to Benjamin Lester Lester, Esq. the worthy representative of this town and county, to the member for the county of Dorset, and to all other the Members of the House of Commons who voted in the different minorities on the late important questions.


The inhabitants of this place had a meeting. in the County Hall, on the 19th of April, 1809, the Rev. Richard Blackmore in the chair; when it was Resolved,

That the recent inquiry before the House of Commons into the alledged abuses relating to military promotions, has indisputably proved their existence to a most alarming degree, equally tending to the degradation of the army, to subvert its best and dearest interests, and to sap the foundation of government itself.


That we feel peculiarly indebted to Gwyllim Lloyd Wardle, Esq. for his patriotism and manliness in instituting this inquiry, and for his inflexible firmness in its prosecution, which have justly intitled him to the gratitude of the United Kingdom.

That His Royal Highness the Duke of York, by resigning his situation of Commander-in-chief, has acted in conformity with the wishes of the people, in opposition to the majority of the House of Commons; that if any person, at any future period, should advise His Majesty to reinstate him, he will, by such advice, prove himself an enemy to his country.

That the late decision of the House of Commons has disappointed the hopes and expectations of the public, and convinces us of the necessity of a speedy and effectual reform in the representation of the Commons in Parliament, as a security to the throne, a support to the nobility, and a safeguard to the people.


Was not backward in following the example of its neighbours. On Saturday, May 6, a meeting was held at the Guildhall, to return thanks to Mr. Wardle, for his patriotic conduct in bringing forward the charges against the Duke of York.Mr. Pitt, surveyor, opened the meeting with a prefaced speech to some resolutions, when Mr. Nicholls proposed a strong and spirited amend. ment, which was carried unanimously. J. Atherley, Jun. Esq. late member, after apologizing for not being an immediate inhabitant, made a most eloquent address to the meeting, declaratory of his full approbation of the resolutions, and the necessity of a speedy Reform in Parliament, which measure he would stake his life to support. Sir Yelverton, the chairman, supported his situation with a dignity becoming his high station, and received the universal plaudits of the meeting.


This meeting was held on the 3d of May, at the Town Hall there. The Mayor, Thomas Wrightson, Esq. in the chair:

Besides voting thanks to Gwyllim Lloyd Wardle, Esq., Sir Francis Burdett, Admiral Markham, Lord Althorp, William Wrightson, Esq. of Casworth, the two Members of the County, William Wilberforce, Esq. and Lord Viscount Milton, it was Resolved,

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That this mecting, anxious to preserve unimpaired the purity and blessings of that excellent form of government, which our ancestors have transmitted to us, and ardently wishing to see all the constituted authorities preserved and reverenced in the due exercise of their respective functions, feels it to be an indispensible duty, at this eventful moment, when all the nations that surround us have paid the forfeit of their corruption in the annihilation of their government, to call for a strict, a temperate, but an effectual, inquiry into every species of public abuse, and to express a hope that hereafter, on similar occasions, the sense of the House of Commons may appear to be less at variance with the sense of the nation; and that a larger body of the representatives of the people may be found to defend the constitution, by correcting public abuses, so effectually as to secure to the country the honest application and economical expenditure of public



This meeting was held on Wednesday, April 19, Andrew Hollingworth, Esq. Mayor, in the chair; when it was resolved unanimously :

That it is the duty of this meeting to express their detestation of the corrupt practices proved to exist in the military administration of the country, and in various other departments of govern


That Gwyllim Lloyd Wardle, Esq. by his intrepidity in preferring charges of corruption against His Royal Highness the late Commanderin-chief, and by his ability and perseverance in establishing the same, is eminently entitled to the thanks of this meeting, and to the everlasting gratitude of his country.

That the thanks of this meeting are also due to Lord Viscount Mahon and John Stanniforth, Esq. our representatives in Parliament, to Thomas Thompson, Esq. our fellow townsman, and to Lord Viscount Milton, and William Wilberforce, Esq. the Representatives for the County of York, together with the rest of the independent minority, for their votes and exertions on this occasion.

That this meeting, seeing the shameful venality that prevails in the different departments of the

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