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and supporting the patriotic energies so eminently displayed, during the recent investigation of abuses, before the House of Commous

Impressed with this scrtiment, we unequivocally return our warmest thanks to Grylura Lloyd Wardle, Esq. M.P. for his dauntless intrepidity and manly firmness on the late trying occasion, who, unawed by power, unbiassed by interest, boldly attacked corruption in her strong hold, and who, single-handed, entered the lists against the whelming phalanxes of influence and patron


That duly sensible of the obligations which the Nation at large owe to the virtuous minority of 125, who voted for Mr. Wardle's motion respecting the criminal conduct of the Duke of York as Commander-in-chief, we hereby tender the tribute of our grateful thanks to Sir F. Burdett, Bart. Lord Viscount Folkstone, Sir S. Romilly, Knt. General Ferguson, Samuel Whitbread, Esq. C. W. Wynne, Esq. W. Honywood, Esq. (member for this county), and the rest of that patriotic band, who stood, as it were, between the living and the dead, and arrested iniquity in the zenith of her career.

Meantime we unequivocally express our abhorrence at the conduct of those, whio, contrary to the dictates of common sense, voted with the Minister; and we hereby declare them to be, in

our opinion, unworthy of public confidence, and to have justly merited the censure of all honest


Finally, we sincerely trust, that the consoling reflection of an approving conscience-the wellearned meed of public praise, and, above all, the cheering hope of complete success, will operate with these faithful guardians of the people's rights as a stimulus to unrelaxed exertion, and that their unremitting perseverance will eventually purge from the British soil the polluted film of baleful venality.


Was held at the Town Hall, on the 25th of April. The Mayor, J. Martyn, Esq. stated that he had called the meeting in compliance with a requisition from six respectable persons, to consider the propriety of returning thanks to G. L. Wardle, Esq. for his late conduct in Parliament.

Mr. Alderman Russel, in a concise speech, proposed the resolutions and address, which was seconded by Mr. Clarkson, and unanimously agreed This address of the inhabitants of Guildford, for its brevity and force of expression, has scarcely been equalled. The following is a copy of the



"To G. L. Wardle, Esq. M.P.

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SIR, We consider that no foreign conquest or efforts of genius so essential to the country as the honest exertions of independent Members of Parliament to expose, and endeavour to exterminate, corrupt practices.

"We revere our King and Constitution, and complain of no sacrifices that we are called upon for their security and support; but when such transactions as have lately been exposed are suffered to exist without notice, how truly thankful must every true and loyal Briton be that such an independent member as yourself stands forward as champion in the cause of truth.

"We most unfeignedly give you our cordial and grateful thanks, and most sincerely wish that you may for many years enjoy the heart-felt satisfaction of being instrumental to the happiness of your own countrymen.

J. MARTYN, Mayor."


This meeting was held at the Town Hall, on the 18th of April, in conformity to a requisition, signed by a great number of the inhabitants, Mr. Henry Rawson, senior, constable, in the chair.

The business of the day was opened in an appropriate speech, by Henry Jackson, Esq. who brought forward a number of resolutions, which were all approved of as far as they went.

The resolutions that passed on this occasion, besides thanking Mr. Wardle, Thomas Kemp, and Henry Shelley, Esqrs. the independent members for the Borough of Lewes, expressed nothing remarkable.

The first and second in order, passed unanimously, but on the third being put, Mr. Henry Blackman rose, and proposed an amendment, by adding the lines, following the word " lesson," which he ably supported in an animated, impressive, and comprehensive, speech of considerable length. Mr. Parker, a dissenting minister, spoke in favour of the amendment; and Mr. Jackson, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Hooper, and Dr. Blair, against it; after which it was put and carried, with the appearance of but few dissentient hands. Mr. Blackman then followed up his amendment, with the fourth resolution, as premised in his speech, which was in like manner objected to by the same gentlemen, who contended, that it was irrelevant to the business before the meeting, not being expressed or implied in the constable's notice, and consequently, in point of order, not open to discussion; but the question being now

called for, a division took place, when only about eight hands were held up in favour of the objec tion.

The fifth resolution was carried unanimously.

The next that was moved and seconded, after some prefatory observations, was the following:Resolved That Thomas Kemp and Henry Shelley, Esqrs. by their conduct in Parliament, on the above trying and important occasion, have established their political independence, beyond the. possibility of a doubt; and that they are in consequence entitled, not only to the thanks of this Borough, but also to its future elective support, free of any expence whatsoever; and the more especially as an admission of an expenditure on their parts would be incompatible with that freedom which the Borough professes, and feels determined to maintain."

The above resolution was, from motives we are unable to discover, objected to, and, after much desultory conversation, reluctantly withdrawn.

The 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Resolutions were carried unanimously, and without any observations that demand particular notice. The business of the day occupied about three hours.

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