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New York Medical Journal,

Edited by FRANK P. FOSTER, M D.,

Published by D. APPLETON & CO., 1, 3, and 5 Bond Street.

Because: It is the LEADING JOURNAL of America and contains more reading matter than any other journal of its class. Because: It is the exponent of the most advanced scientific medical


Because: Its contributors are among the most learned medical men of the country.

Because: Its "Original Articles" are the results of scientific observation and research, and are of infinite practical value to the general practitioner.

Because: The " Reports on the Progress of Medicine," which are pub

lished from time to time, contain the most recent discoveries

in the various departments of medicine, and are written by practitioners especially qualified for the purpose.

Because: The column devoted in each number to "Therapeutical Notes," contains a résumé of the practical application of the most recent therapeutic novelties.

Because: The Society Proceedings, of which each number contains one or more, are reports of the practical experience of prominent physiciaus who thus give to the profession the results of certain modes of treatment in given cases.

Because: The Editorial Columns are controlled only by the desire to promote the welfare, honor, and the advancement of the science

of medicine, as viewed from a standpoint looking to the best interests of the profession.

Because: Nothing is admitted to its columns that has not some bearing on medicine, or is not possessed of some practical value.

Because: It is published solely in the interests of medicine, and for the upholding of the elevated position occupied by the profession of America.

A department entitled "SOUTHERN NOTES" has been opened in the Journal, and will contain matters of interest to physicians living in the Southern States, as well as to those in the North and West

The largely increased, and still increasing, list of subscribers to the Journal testifies, as does its list of contributors, to the high standard it has always striven to maintain; and a glance at its advertising pages will prove its standing with the better class of advertisers, who always patronize the best medium for reaching the medical profession.

Subscription price, $5.00 per Annum. Volumes begin in January and July.



E ask the attention of Physicians to the annexed list of recent additions of Compressed Tablets, as we think all of them are well deserving the care ful attention of practitioners. We would be pleased to send to any phy sician, circular matter, compiled with great care and accuracy, giving therapeutic value and results in a concise form, that we are confident will be of interest, and possibly of advantage, to medical men who have not yet had access to the foreign and home authorities, from which we have culled the information we give.

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7.7 Hydrarg. Chlor. Corros., 7.3 Ammonium Chloride.

More than six months since, we sent a circular to the drug trade, stating that we had discontinued the manufacture of our Antiseptic Tablets, introduced by us several years since at the suggestion of Dr. Charles Meigs Wilson, of this city. We have, however, received so many letters from physicians urging us to resume the manufacture, insisting that the Tablets prepared by us dissolved more readily and were more satisfactory than any substitute they had been able to procure, that we feel we could not ignore such persistent demands from our medical friends, who have found our Tablets an absolute necessity. We have therefore concluded to again prepare them, in a building entirely separate from our main establishment, with appliances and admirably devised protection by means of improved respirators, that will completely overcome any harmful ef fects to those engaged in their manufacture.

Druggists and physicians will be glad to learn that the Tablets as now prepared are perfectly white and free from the coloring matter that we formerly added. This was done to lessen the danger of their being taken, or used in mistake; to guard against any such possibility, each Tablet, as now made, has the word "POISON " stamped upon it.




Is the Nearest Approach to Human Milk that has
thus far been Produced.

During the past season a large number of Physicians and eminent Chemists visited our Laboratory at Goshen, N. Y., and witnessed every detail connected with the production of Carnrick's Soluble Food. This invitation to witness our process is continuously open to Physicians and Chemists. All expenses from New York to Goshen and return will be paid by us. The care used in gathering the milk, its sterilization, and the cleanliness exercised in every step, cannot be excelled.


Prepared (in both Liquid and Pill form) from Extract of Pancreas and Bile.

This preparation is designed expressly to increase the digestion and absorption of fats.

We believe that the fat-digesting properties of pancreatine and bile are inseparable, and that without their union in the intestinal tract but little, if any, fat would be digested and absorbed.

PANCROBILIN will be found of great service in Phthisis and other wasting diseases, Nervous Prostration, Constipation, Inanition, Malnutrition, Intestinal Indigestion and wherever there is a failure to assimilate fats.

If the skin is first wet with LIQUID PANCROBILIN, the inunction of oils will be greatly facilitated.

LIQUID PANCROBILIN is put up in pound bottles.

PILL PANCROBILIN is put up in bottles holding 100 pills. The coating of the pills will resist acid digestion when given as directed, but will be quickly dissolved in the alkaline secretions of the duodenum.

Phospho-Caffein Comp.

(Granular Effervescing)

Formula for each dessertspoonful :


Acidi Phosphorici, ää, grains ss.

Ext. Apii. Grav. dulc. (Celery), ää, grains 1.
Sodium Bromide, grains v.

The satisfactory results produced by PHOSPHO-CAFFEIN COMP. in Headaches, Neuralgia, Insomnia, Neurasthenia, and general Nervous Irritability are not due to the effect of any one ingredient, but to the happy effect of the combination. A thorough series of comparative tests have demonstrated the superiority of the above formula over any other in the market.


Mention the MEDICAL INDEX.


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"QUINEPTUS" is an aromatic, pleasant and neutral liquid, for disguising the bitterness of Quinine and other nauseous medicines. It will be found a valuable adjunct to the drug. >gist and physician, especially in administering Quinine to delicate women and children.

The bitterness of Quinine preparations to the palate is in many cases destructive of appetite in sensitive patients, and, when given as a tonic, this bitterness in a measure defeats the Quinine. By giving it suspended in "QUIN EPTUS," this objection will be overcome.

It is pleasant to the taste, being a de licious, standard flavoring.

It is not viscid. like syrups, but is limpid, and can be easily swallowed.

It does not cause muscular revulsion or mechanical irritation, such as frequently accompany capsules or pills.

It is generally acceptable to the most delicate stomach.

"QUINEPTUS" permits the Quinine or other medicine to enter at once into the circulation, without awaiting dissolution of the covering, as is necessary with p lls and capsules, and without being exposed to the danger of passing through the stomacih and intestines undissolved.

It enables the physician to be sure of the quantity of Quinine given, and makes him more certain of the power and freshness of it. It also assists the therapeutic action of Quinine. "QUINEPTUS" is a pharmaceutical preparation, carefully prepared by experienced chemists, and is always uniform and trustworthy.

It cannot be easily counterfeited, for, although no secret as to its composition, it must be made from perfectly choice and fresh materials, must be handled rapidly, and requires peculiar and expensive machinery, thus making imitations sure to betray themselves at once; and, furthermore, the price is so low it will not pay to counterfeit. Physicians and pharmacists are thus doubly protected. It is the successful result of fifteen years' experimental research for a delicious, low-price flavoring for general use with bitter drugs. It is prescribed by thousands of physicians in Europe and America. Formula accompanies every bottle.

FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS. Price, 75c per Pint Bottle.

Manufactured by The Academic Pharmaceutic Co.,

No. 522 Washington St., New York City.

An Important Communication


Thirteen years have now elapsed since the introduction of SCOTT'S EMULSION of PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL with HYPOPHOSPHITES of LIME and SODA Since which time its growth and development have been very large, not only in this country but in South America, Great Britain and a large part of Continental Europe, and it has, in a very large degree, supplanted the Plain Cod Liver Oil. Its success is largely due to the happy combination of all its -components, making a perfect chemical union, that will not separate for years, which we believe is not true of any other Cod Liver Oil preparation.

The innumerable reports from physicians, of the brilliant results obtained justifies the statement that in almost every case where Cod Liver Oil is indicated, the combination of Cod Liver Oil with the Hypophosphites as prepared in Scott's Emulsion is infinitely superior.

Physicians who have never tried this Emulsion, or who have been induced to try something else in its stead, wiil do us the favor to send for sample, and we know they will always use it in preference to plain Cod Liver Oil or any other preparation.

We call your attention to the following preparation :


A combination of the tonic principles of Prunus Virginiana, Malted Barley, Hypophospites of Lime and Soda, and Fruit Juices. An elegant and efficient brain and nerve tonic. Send for samples of the above-delivered free.

SCOTT & BOWNE, Mfg. Chemists, 132 & 134 S. 5th Ave., N. Y.

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