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21. His father was a true blue Revolution soldier, and his mother a sincere Christian.

22. His style of writing was such as to enable people to clearly understand him.

23. These rooms are generally occupied by the more quiet inclined of the travelling public.

24. There is some agitation over the impracticable character of the instruction of our public schools.


25. The three months are passed, and Shylock is wild for the fulfilment of his bond.

26. He has just received a cablegram informing him of the death of his friend.

27. Do you catch on to his meaning?

28. I never heard such a lovely singer before.

29. He gets rattled over the merest trifles.

30. That man is all broken up on works of ceramic art.

31. The people of the Hebrew persuasion expect to return to live in Palestine.

32. The liquor business is run because it is profitable.

33. Let me tell you sub rosa he behaves just comme il faut. 34. He tries to bulldoze the House, but his pretences are far too thin.

35. That will not go, it is altogether too thin.

36. He just scraped through his exam., and he is in for making his pile.

37. A teacher cannot afford to experimentalize.

38. He took the shibboleth of his party.

39. When he got to that town he found himself strapped. 40. He was somewhat addicted to wrath and usquebaugh.

41. The Society intends to excurt on the 4th of July.

42. He will get himself into a fix some day.

43. They have determined to rendezvous near Qu'Appeile.

44. His house was burglarized the day after he sent in his declamature.

45. He is not thoroughly posted on that subject.

46. I am greatly beholden to you.

47. Having acquired the savoir faire, he is never afraid of making a faux pas, and in every conversation plunges in medias res. 48. The fair debuttante is on the look-out for un bon parti, but her nez retroussé is against her.

49. She is accompanied by mamma en grande toilette, who, entre nous, looks rather ridée, even in the gas light.




Examine each word and determine which may be used and which should be rejected. In all cases of doubt, refer to some standard dictionary.

1. Donate, on dit, tapis, siesta, ungallantry, confutant, disillusioned, blaze, soupçon, imprimatur.

2. Buildress, enthuse, gent, pant, gubernatorial, hydropathy, electropathy, experimentalize, controversialist, walkist.

3. Practitioner, proven, reliable, disposable, anchorable, complainable, unrepentable, preventative, casuality, resurrected.

4. Incurable, paragraphist, agriculturist, stabbist, intercessed, flattress, presidential, multerosity, role, fabulosity.

5. Gallantness, obloquy, periculous, moonrise, docible, ovate, memento, née, locate.

6. Soi-disant, acrobat, traducement, kraal, distingué, amende, amour-propre, skedaddle, opaque, confutement.

7. Cablegram, ivorytype, credibleness, ultimatum, incertain, exonerableness, persiflage, parvenu, verbatim, atelier.

8. Misaffected, fête, plateau, spirituel, fauteuil, confutant, optigraph, employé, alibi, saleslady.

9. Currentness, impromptu, patois, fashionist, jumpist, matin, mulish, protégé, obedential, dilettante.

10. Boycott, Copperhead, blue-stocking, incog, cablegram, cute, educationalist, suicided, reportorial, spec.



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1. A noun or pronoun, used as subject of a verb, is in the nominative; as, “I am ; "This person is one who can be trusted." 2. A noun or pronoun, used as the subjective complement of a verb, is in the nominative; as, "He is the man"; "It is he."

But when a noun or pronoun is used as an objective complement, it is in the objective; as, "They appointed him marshal."

3. A noun or pronoun, denoting the direct or indirect object of an action, or, following a preposition, is in the objective; as, " His teacher gave him (indirect) a book" (direct).

4. A noun or pronoun, used as the subject of an infinitive, is in the objective; as, "I believe him to be the man."

5. A noun, used to denote time, value, weight, measure, and the like, is in the objective; as, " He stayed twenty days."

6. A noun or pronoun whose case does not depend on any other word is in the nominative absolute; as, "Our work being done, we retired."

7. A noun (or pronoun), used in apposition to another, agrees with the latter in case; as, "Washington, the first President of the United States."

8. A noun or pronoun, used to limit a noun, is in the possessive case; as, "A man's life " "; "His hand."

This rule applies when the limited noun is a verbal, simple, or phrasal; as, "This depends on your obeying the order."

When several nouns qualify the same noun, only the last takes the possessive form, if the possession is common; but all take it if the possession is individual; as, " A, B, and C's shares are as 6, 3, 9 " is evidently wrong, as each has a share. It should read, 'A's, B's, and C's shares are as 6, 3, 9."

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For the sake of euphony, the s after the apostrophe is sometimes omitted; as, "For righteousness' sake."

9. Incomplete verbs take the same case after them as before them; as, "I supposed it to be him"; "I supposed that it was he."


1. A pronoun or pronominal adjective must agree in gender, number, and person with that to which it refers.

In the case of the relative pronouns, the agreement is chiefly nominal.

2. When a pronoun or pronominal adjective refers to a collective noun, its number depends on the sense and follows the number of the verb; as, "This class seldom know their lessons." "This class is working its way through Reduction."

3. A pronoun or pronominal adjective that refers to a noun qualified by many a is singular or plural according to the sense; as, "Many a light glimmered for a time, but soon they all became extinguished.” “Many a flower wastes its sweetness on the desert


4. When a pronoun or pronominal adjective refers to a word that embraces both genders, it may be plural; as, “Every one enjoyed themselves."

It is better, however, to say, "All enjoyed themselves."

5. When a pronoun or pronominal adjective refers to two or more singular nouns connected by and, it is plural; as, "The lady and the gentleman left their seat."

6. When the nouns are taken separately, the pronoun or pronominal adjective is singular; as, "Neither John nor James saw his opportunity."

7. When the nouns are of different genders and are taken separately, a singular pronoun or pronominal adjective must be used for each; as, "Such a course is a benefit to any boy or girl in any sphere he or she may enter."

Similarly when the nouns are connected by and; thus, "Every young man and woman present was enjoying himself or herself" (themselves?). This expression is awkward and should be

avoided. Say, "All the young men and women present enjoyed


When a relative clause is descriptive, it is introduced by who or which.

When a relative clause is restrictive, it may be introduced by that; but there is usually a choice between who or which and that. The following points deserve notice. In restrictive clauses who or which is used,

a. When the antecedent is limited by that.

b. When the conjunction that occurs in close proximity.

c. When the antecedent is a pronoun or pronominal adjective. d. After a preposition.

e. For variety when there are two or more relative clauses. f. When the relative is separated from the rest of the clause.




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·Correct all errors in the following sentences, and give a reason for each change.

1. They asked you and I to come.

2. Who do you suppose he meant?

3. Is there any prospect of the Council passing such a by-law? 4. He was prouder of nothing than of wit and raillery, but he was far from being happy in it.

5. If a Pythogoras or a Galileo suffer for their opinions they are martyrs.

6. Do you think there is any chance of me finding him at home?


If any person wishes employment he or she should keep

their eyes open.

8. About three-sevenths of the work are his own.


That is the man whom I heard was ill.

10. Nothing but trials and disappointments seem to await me. II. Mrs. A.'s compliments to Mrs. B., and I should like if you would be kind enough to spend an evening with us.

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