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and said (2. Use direct form here) that He was "the resurrection and the life."

14. It is now sixteen or seventeen years since I saw the Queen of France, then the Dauphiness, at Versailles; and surely a more (5) delightful vision never lighted on this orb, which she hardly seemed to touch. I saw her just above the horizon, decorating and cheering the elevated sphere she had just begun to move inglittering like the morning star, full of life, and splendor, and joy. There has since that (10. Oh, what a . . .) been a great revolution, and I would have (10) a hard heart if I could contemplate without emotion that elevation and that fall. When she added titles of veneration to those of enthusiastic, distant love, I little dreamt (10. Give "little" the most emphatic position, and "dreamt" the next) that she would ever be obliged to carry poison (8. antidote . . . disgrace. .) with which to save herself from the vengeance of her people; (Repeat in emphatic position "little" ... "dream") that I should have lived to see such disasters fallen upon her in a nation of gallant men (Repeat "in a nation" and expand "gallant "). gallant"). I thought her courtly attendants (8. . . swords . . . scabbards .) would instantly have avenged the slightest (8. . . . look . . .) attempt to offer her insult. But I was very far astray (6), for the days of noble (8. chivalry) and self-sacrificing deeds are past (4), and are succeeded by the reign of sophisters, economists, and calculators, and the glory of Europe is forever (Make "forever" emphatic) extinguished.

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15. Frederick immediately sent relief; and in an instant all Saxony was overflowed (11) with armed men.

16. The brain-women (6) never interest us like the heartwomen (6); white roses please less than red (8). (Justify or suggest improvements in this and the next two.)

17. When you can get the bitter out of the partridge's thigh, you can make an enlightened commonwealth of Indians (6). A provisional race (6), Sir, — nothing more.

18. On the rich and the eloquent, on nobles and priests, they looked down with contempt (4).




Explain wherein these sentences are deficient in strength, then make any improvements you can.


1. He advanced up to the door.

2. As I previously remarked before now, I say again.
3. He reduced the pound down to shillings and pence.
4. He appears to enjoy the universal esteem of all men.
5. I went away, full of a great many serious reflections.
6. The sentence is full of the greatest number of mistakes.
7. The whole of it is filled with gems of thought.

8. He was a man of fine reputation and enjoyed a high degree of popularity.

9. When such a man is found, his name is on every one's lips, his deeds are lauded by all.

10. The man of virtue and of honor will be trusted and esteemed and respected and relied upon.

11. We should not avenge ourselves on our enemies, nor take revenge on our foes.

12. Man is immortal; he will live forever.

13. The lawyer questioned the prisoner minutely, and examined him at length.

14. We often conjure up grounds of apprehension, and give ourselves unnecessary uneasiness.

15. We rested under the umbrageous shadow of a shady oak, and then again resumed our journey anew.

16. That esculent succulent on which so many poor people depend for their daily sustenance.

17. Cook Teets was last week sentenced to be hanged for poisoning Rosannah his wife about this time last year.

18. They periodically and regularly exposed the mould to

the air.

19. The picture was universally admired by everybody.

20. The President holds the executive power of the land, but the legislative power is vested in Congress.

21. I heard him often reiterate repeatedly, that he would never again, if a safe and secure path was open to him, prefer the perilous road of danger, however alluring and attractive the latter might be.

22. Alfred the Great, of England, was one of the most remarkable and distinguished men that we read of in history. Though his efforts were unable and insufficient to entirely banish the darkness of the age he lived in, yet he greatly improved the condition of his countrymen, and was the means of doing much good to them.

23. While these whispers were passing, the sleeper's features did not betray the least token of interest, his heart did not throb, nor his breath become agitated.

24. He thought of May Dacre, he thought of everything that was pure, and holy, and beautiful, and luminous, and calm.

25. I know not why you came, without it was to learn how we all are, as a sociable neighbor ought to.


26. The people gave him their support, and he was again re-elected to the same position from whence he had been rejected.

27. On their journey to the Pacific coast, they passed through Detroit, Chicago, and Victoria; returning home again the next year by the same road, they passed through the same cities again.

28. It is only in novels, and on tomb-stones, that we meet with people who are indulgent to the faults of others, and do not look with mercy on their own.

29. We have passed the clause which gives unlimited authority over the national wealth, and here is one by which unbounded control is given over the strength of the nation.

30. Every body of matter, with the possible exception of the molecule, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, may be forced into a smaller volume. (Compare,- Matter is compressible.)

31. Those who are habitually silent by disposition and morose, are less liable and open to the fault of exaggeration than those who are habitually fond of talking and of a pleasant disposition.

32. Consider the flowers how they gradually increase in their size; they do no manner of work, and yet I declare to you that no king whatever, in his most splendid habit, is dressed up like them.

33. If, then, God in His providence doth so adorn the vegetable productions, which continue but a little time on the land, and are afterwards put into the fire, how much more will He provide clothing for you!

34. Fashionable society gets at these rich natures very often in a way one would hardly at first think of.

35. The lake is very grand and inspiring when rough, but very beautiful when calm. (Make exclamatory.)

36. Charity beareth all things, and believeth all things, and endureth all things.

37. In the Attic commonwealth, it was the privilege and birthright of every citizen and poet, to rail aloud and in public.

38. I have got a cold together with a fever.

39. On the supposition that one person salutes another person, does the first person lie under an obligation to exclaim in a vehement and plaintive voice?

40. He had been false to his God, to his conscience, to his mother.

41. There is no government without a magistrate; no enjoyment of property without government; no obedience where every one acts as he pleases; and no magistrate without obedience.

42. The elegancies and suavities of life die out one by one as we sink through the social scale.

43. This animal is said to have the power of living in the air or in water. (In this and the two following sentences, substitute one word for the words in italics.)

44. This writer everywhere exhibits a vain show of learning which he attempts to display in stiff and pompous phraseology.

45. When we became better acquainted with him we found him to be a man fond of fine dress, and extravagantly nice about his personal appearance.

46. A chairman and a deputy-chairman and subscriptions and an annual sermon would give great dignity to their proceedings. 47. "I will die for you, I will relieve you," said the cloud.

48. He determined to seek out its author in the inmost recesses of the consecrated bed-chamber, of the palace, of the capital city - and wherever found to lodge a dagger in his heart.

49. The soldier, in order to attend to his duties, forsook friends, wealth, pleasure.



Every sentence should possess Unity, that is, every part of it should be subservient to one principal affirmation.

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Subsidiary Clauses and Details. This Unity does not preclude the enumeration in a sentence of various details, nor the introduction of several dependent clauses; but these details must be closely related, and the thoughts of these dependent clauses must be subordinate to one governing idea, or must be a consequence of it, or an inference from it, so that all the parts of the sentence may combine to form a unit, not a collection of units.

How attained. In seeking to attain Unity, care must be given to these matters: Change of Subject, Things Unconnected, Parentheses, Supplementary Clauses.


In the course of the same sentence, the subject should be changed as little as possible.

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