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"After he had made Cape Blanco, the fteered along the Guinea fhore, till the discovered the Tryal fnow, lying at Port en Derick, to take in a lading of gum. The frigate fent in a packet of 10 guns, which the had before taken, in order to feize the faid fnow, which the accomplished, and then made fail down the coaft to Senegal, and on her coming a-breaft of Senegal fort, the fired four guns by way of fignal to the fort, which not being taken notice of, or returned, the frigate ran down to the bar of Senegal, and there took a fnow la den with provifions from England for the garrifon, which capture greatly diftreffed the faid garrifon. She fent feveral of her prifoners on fhore in her long-boat, and then proceeded down the coaft to Goree, where (by the information of the prifoners) the intended to have cut out the Goree brig, and the other yellels employed for wooding and watering the garrifon of Goree; but, on her arrival off the hill of Goree, the discovered four fail off Dunnafs, which the immediately made fail for, and took two of them. From thence the proceeded to the river Gambia, where the brought to, and manned the packet of 10 guns, and the Tryal fnow of eight, and fent them up the river, in order to take James's fort. But the commanding officer of the fort having received the notice fent by governor Newton of the frigate's defign, about fix hours before the two veffels appeared, they gave them fuch a reception, by a difcharge of their guns, which was fo little expected by the French, that inftead of attacking the fort, the two veffels wore, in order to retreat, but in

wearing, the Tryal, being a good deal by the ftern, run a-ground, and finding they could not get her off in time, left her all but eight men, four of which were English; the other veffel (being the packet) having received the crew of the Tryal on board, made all the fail she could down the river. The mate of the Tryal being one of the four Englifhmen left on board, made the fignal of diftrefs, on which, affiftance was fent them from the fort by the governor Debatt, and she was immediately got afloat.

"Governor Debatt took out her cargo, and fent her to Goree with provifions, as he knew of the capture of the fnow with provifions from England, but before her arrival at Gorec, they had received a fupply by the arrival of another veffel from England. The Tryal then failed for Senegal on account of the African company; but on her arrival at Senegal, captain Hickes, of his majefty's floop Goree, feized her, as alfo a brig in the river Senegal, belonging to the conful of Teneriffe, in confequence of which the Tryal was fent to England without the cargo defigned.

"The captain of the Amethyft, appointed by the French king, is faid to have behaved well to the prifoners; but the. fecond captain who belonged to the adventurers, together with the reft of the officers and crew, were perfect bafhaws in their behaviour."

Died lately at Petersbourgh, the fpoufe of a prince of Mongala, who came there to feek for refuge. The chan of Undoria, her hulband, in alliance with other petty chans, had waged continual war against the Chinese for near a century. Three


years ago he took a journey to Peking, and, under pretence of making his fubmiflion, and defiring to enter into the emperor's fervice to fubdue his neighbours, he obtained the command of an army of 30,000 men, whom he led to the frontiers of his country, and there caused them all to be maffacred. To revenge this treachery, the Chinese marched a numerous army to overrun his country, whom the chan encountered; but after an obftinate engagement of 17 hours, being defeated, he was obliged to fly for fhelter, with 600 families, to Siberia, where he died latt winter. His extenfive country, the Chinese converted to a defert, and the Czarina has affigned the remaining families a fafe retreat on the confines of Perfia.

Died. Thomas Brooks, Efq; in Goodman's-fields, aged 89, who had made the tour of France, Portugal, Spain, and Italy, of about 8000 miles, on foot. He has left a fum of money for the encouragement of industry.

Mrs. Rafby, 30 years a prifoner for debt in York cattle.

David Eagle, aged upwards of eighty, who has lived above thirty years by begging about this city, and for the laft feven years lodged in Bread fireet, and paid fix-pence a night for his lodging, but never fullered any body to go into his room, either to clean it, or make his bed, nor fuffered a clean pair of theets to be laid on the bed, fince the firit night he lodged there. On fearching the cloaths he wore every day, they found 251. 3s. 1d. and are in expectation of finding more concealed in the room.

A man in the island of Ely, in the 101th year of his age. As he

was a few days before driving a cart, his fon, who was aged about 70, being too near the fhafts, was thrown. down, and the wheels going over him he was killed upon the fpot. This accident fo affected the father as to caufe his death.

Ann Waites in St. Clement's alms-house, aged 106. Barbe Semperin, at Vienna, aged 106.

William Proleyn, Efq; at Newland, Gloucefterfhire, aged 106. Widow Rogers, at Wrexham, aged 107.

At Liverpool, William Marsh, aged 111.

At South-Waltham, in Norfolk, Sarah Brown, aged 112. Dame Otherley, at Naples, aged




His majefty reviewed the Dorfetfhire militia in HydePark, and expreffed his entire fatisfaction at their behaviour. Their colonel is the earl of Shaftesbury. They reprefented a fcene as if defeated, and all ran 500 different ways amongft the crowd, and all of a fudden every man, in a few minutes time, was in his place again.

Laft night between eleven and twelve o'clock the following odd affair happened. A gentleman went into a hackney coach at Templebar, and ordered the coachman to drive him to Dock-head; but the coachman being in liquor, turned under Black-friars gate way in Ludgate-ftreet, drove to the bottom of Water-lane, down the flight of stone steps, and on to the causeway it luckily happened to be quite low water, fo that no accident enfued; but it was with great


difficulty the horses got the coach up again, tho' all poffible affiftance was given them.

This day the parliament

3d. met, and his majefty went

with the ufual ftate to the house of lords, where being feated on the throne, and the houfe of commons attending, his majefty fignified his pleasure to them by the lord high chancellor, that they fhould return to their house, and chuse a speaker, and prefent him on Friday next. They returned accordingly, and unanimoufly chofe Sir John Cutt, Bart. member for Grantham in Lincolnshire.

A little after fix in the evening, a meteor, resembling a ball of fire, was feen at Whitby. Its direction was from N. E. to S. W. and in its progreffion, which was parallel to the horizon, it threw off a vaft quantity of fire, that formed a train acrofs the hemifphere, which continued a quarter of an hour after the meteor itself had difappeared. It is fuppofed that its rapid motion through the higher regions of our atmofphere, in a path directly contrary to the wind, caufed it to throw off from its body that long train of fire that made fo beautiful an appearance in the heavens, and was gazed at with wonder and delight by the connoiffeurs.

The fociety for the encourage ment of arts and commerce voted

the difbursement of a capital of 20001. for establishing the fupply of fith, by land carriage for London, at the entire difpofal of John Blake, Efq; pursuant to the moft excellent fcheme for this purpofe lately projected by Mr. Tull.

The king went with the 6th. ufual ftate to the houfe of lords; and the commons being fent

for, they prefented their speaker Sir John Cuft, whom his majefty approved. His majefty then made a moft gracious fpeech from the throne. See the State Papers.

The convocation of the province of Canterbury met at St. Paul's cathedral, and heard a Latin fermon, and afterwards chofe a prolocutor.

The Eaft India company have received an account, that the cru-' elty of the Dutch at the island of Ceylon, had caufed the natives to rife, and deftroy most of them, with their plantations of cinnamon and other fpices.

An order of council was iffued, to fupprefs the unlawful combination lately formed by numbers of the journeymen cabinet - makers, and to enjoin all magiftrates to profecute the mafters of public houses, where fuch journeymen fhall refort. The journeymen on the other hand charge the mafters with entering into a combination, every whit as dangerous and blameable, to hinder the timber merchants from felling to fuch among them as may be able to purchase it, ftuff to work up on their own account. Juftices of the peace have a right to interfere, upon complaint made to them on thefe occafions, and check oppreffion in the mafter, and idlenefs in the journeymen; but unfortunately for the latter, they feldom know any thing of the redrefs provided for them by our excellent conftitution; for which reafon it were to be wifhed, that fome of cur great men would condefcend to become their protectors. This is practifed in other countries, where the working people contribute far lefs to the wealth and power of their fuperiors, than they do here in England.

Being the lord mayor's day, 9th. their majeftics and the reft of the royal family honoured the city of London with their prefence at Guildhall, and were entertained in a manner that reflects great honour on the opulence of the metropolis, and its duty and affection to their majefties.

A most horrid murder 10th. was committed by John M' Naughton, Efquire, on Mifs Knox, daughter of Andrew Knox, Efq. knight of the fhire for Donnegal in Ireland. See a full account of this murder, and the murderer, among our Characters for this year, p. 73. Our troops at Belleifle are faid to fufler extremely by a fevere fever and flux. (See our article of Projects for this year, p. 122.) There are 14 hofpitals in the town of Palais, which are not enough to hold the great number of fick, therefcre more are erecting. There are alfo regimental hofpitals in different parts of the ifland, particularly Saufon and la Maria, where, at each place, a brigade is quartered. A confiderable number of the troops have been brought to the ifle of Wight. It is furprifing what quantities of live ftock and garden ftuff it has been found neceffary to fend them from time to time. Moft of thefe articles were fupplied from


The houfe of commons

15th. waited on the king with their addrefs of thanks for his fpeech, and likewife on the queen, with their addrefs of congratulation on her nuptials.

During the courfe of laft month were exhibited in the garrifon church of Berlin, three fine paintings: The first reprefents the immortal count de Schwerin, as he was found dead

in the field with a pair of colours in his hand, after the battle near Prague. The dying hero, as he falls, embraces Victory, under the figure of a woman, holding out to him a crown of laurels.At the fame time his wound is feen.

In the fecond picture is feen lieutenant general Winterfield com-pletely armed, who was flain near Gorlitz. A woman with a garland round her head fhews War coming to meet him with a lighted torch; upon which he fnatches up his hel met, and puts his hand to his fword, for the defence of his country.

The third painting reprefents major Chriftian Lehwald de Kleift, a gallant warrior, and an eminent German poet, who was mortally wounded at the battle of Kunnerdorff, and died foon after at Franckfort on the Oder. Friendhip, under the figure of a woman, is weeping over his urn, and at the bottom of the tomb is a lyre furrounded by laurels, with a fword.

The portraits of feveral other heroes who have died in the bed of honour this war, in defending the rights of Frederick the Great, will be fucceffively put up in the church of the garrifon.

By a private letter from Spain, the following remarkable intelligence has been received. That Burrington Goldfworthy, his Britannic majefty's conful at the ports of Cadiz and Port St. Mary's, intending to celebrate their majefty's coronation at his boufe at the latter port, on the 30th of September last, had written a circular letter to all his majesty's fubjects, requefting the favour of their companies to rejoice with him on to great and happy an event; intimating at the fame time, that to illuminate their


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houses would be a further demonftration of their joy on that cocafion; but though this letter was fent to 45 English and Irish gentlemen, no more than ten houfes were illuminated at Cadiz, and at Port St. Mary's only the confuls and vicecnful's, the refl excufing themfelves for fear of giving umbrage to the Spaniards.

17th. The prifoners in the feveral priton of thiscity, who claimed the ben stof the compuilive claufs in the act of infolvency, were carried to Guildhall to be difcharged; but were all ordered back to the prifons from whence they came, a Silf for explaining this claus being now before the parliament.

Saturday laft his royal ichnofs the duke of York, attended by lord Anfon and feveral noblemen, gentlemen of the admiralty and navy boards, were at Woolwich, to examine his majefty's filp Alarm, whofe bottom is entirely plating over with copper to proferve her from worms in fouthern climates; this is the fit hip ever done in this manner; this heathing is extremely neat and curious, without being heavy, or very cxpenfive, and gave a great fatis


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The academy of fien. ind belles lettres at Befancon in France, have promifed a gold medal, fee value of 950 livres, to the culor who, in a piece of cloth no, that may be read in half an hour, thal bettrefolyeth's queftion: Whether it be trap that furtune often with, the alug, or that the man'seek forte a

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