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XIV. Ex contrario si debitor creditori suo, quod debet, legaverit, inutile est legatum, si nihil plus est in legato, quam in debito: quia nihil amplius per legatum habet: quod si in diem, vel sub conditione, debitum ei pure legaverit, utile est legatum propter representationem. Quod si vivo testatore dies venerit, vel conditio extiterit, Papinianus scripsit, utile esse nihilominùs legatum, quia semel constitit: quod et verum est. Non enim placuit sententia existimantium, extinctum esse legatum, quia in eam causam

$14. On the contrary, a legacy by a debtor to his creditor of the money, which he owes him, is ineffectual, if it amount merely to the value of the debt; for the creditor receives no benefit. But, if a debtor bequeath simply to his creditor a sum of money, which was to be paid at a day certain, or which he owed upon condition, the legacy will take effect on account of the representation, i. e. because it becomes due before the debt. But, according to Papinian, if the day of payment should come, or the event of the

pervenerit, à quâ incipere non po- condition happen in the lifetime of


the testator, the legacy would nevertheless be effectual, because it was once good; which is true. For we are not satisfied with the opinion that a legacy once good, may afterwards become extinct, by falling into a state, from which it could not have taken a legal commencement.

De dote uxori legata.

XV. Sed, si uxori maritus dotem legaverit, valet legatum : quia plenius est legatum, quam de dote actio. Sed, si, quam non accepit, dotem legaverit, Divi Severus et Antoninus rescripserunt, siquidem simplicitèr legaverit, inutile csse legatum ; si verò certa pecunia, vel certum corpus, aut instrumenta dotis in prælegando demonstrata sunt, valere legatum.

$15. If a man bequeath to his wife her marriage portion, it is valid; for the legacy is more beneficial than the action she might maintain for the recovery of her portion. But, if he bequeath to his wife, her marriage portion, never actually received, the emperors Severus and Antoninus have declared by their rescript that if it be left simply without any specification of a sum certain, the legacy is void; but if any sum or thing be specified, or if the instruments, in which the exact value of the portion is mentioned, be referred to, the legacy is valid.

De interitu et mutatione rei legatæ.

§ XVI. Si res legata sinè facto hæredis perierit, legatario decedit. Et, si servus alienus legatus sinè facto hæredis manumissus fuerit, non tenetur hæres. Si verò heredis servus legatus sit, et ipse eum manumiserit, teneri eum, Julianus scripsit nec interest, sciverit, an ignoraverit, à se eum legatum esse. Sed et, si alii, donaverit servum, et is, cui donatus est, eum manumise

$16. If a thing bequeathed should perish before delivery without fault of the heir, the loss falls upon the legatee. And, if the slave of another, who is bequeathed, should be manumitted the heir not being privy to the manumission, he can be subject to no action. But, if a testator bequeath the slave of his heir, who afterwards manumits that slave, it is the opinion of Julian, that the

rit, tenetur hæres ; quamvis ignoraverit, à se eum legatum esse.

heir is answerable; whether he knew of the legacy or not. Also if the heir hath made a present of a slave bequeathed, and the donee hath manumitted him, the heir is liable although ignorant of the bequest.

De interitu quarundam ex pluribus rebus legatis.

XVII. Si quis ancillas cum suis natis legaverit, etiamsi ancillæ mortuæ fuerint, partus legato cedunt. Idem est, et si ordinarii servi cum vicariis legati fuerint: quia licèt mortui sint ordinarii, tamen vicarii legato cedunt. Sed, si servus fuerit cum peculio legatus, mortuo servo, vel manumisso, vel alienato, peculii legatum extinguitur. Idem est, si fundus instructus, vel cum instrumento, legatus fuerit; nam, fundo alienato, et instrumenti legatum extinguitur.

§ 17. If a testator bequeath his female slaves and their offspring, although the slaves die, their issue becomes due to the legatee: and so, if ordinary slaves are bequeathed together with vicarial; for although the ordinary slaves die, yet the vicarial slaves will pass by virtue of the bequest. But, where a slave is bequeathed with his peculium, and afterwards dies, or is manumitted, or aliened, the legacy of the peculium becomes extinct. The consequences will be the same, if a piece of ground is bequeathed with the instruments for improving it; for, if the testator aliens the ground, the legacy of the instruments of husbandry is of course extinguished.

De grege legato.

XVIII. Si grex legatus fuerit, et postea ad unam ovem pervenerit quod superfuerit, vindicari potest. Grege autem legato etiam eas oves, quæ post testamentum factum gregi adjiciuntur, legato cedere Julianus ait. Est autem gregis unum corpus ex distantibus captibus, sicùt ædium unum corpus est ex cohærentibus lapidibus.

$ 18. If a flock is bequeathed, and afterwards reduced to a single sheep, that sheep is claimable; and if a flock receive an addition, after it hath been bequeathed, this addition will also according to Julian enure to the legatee. For a flock is deemed one body, consisting of separate members, as a house is reckoned one body, composed of materials, joined together and adhering.

De ædibus legatis.

§ XIX. Edibus denique legatis, columnas et marmora, quæ post testamentum factum adjecta sunt, legato decimus cedere.


$19. And lastly, when an house is bequeathed, the marble or pillars which are added after the bequest is made, will pass under the general legacy.


$ XX. Si peculium legatum fuerit, sinè dubio quicquid peculio accedit vel decedit, vivo testatore, legatarii lucro vel damno est. Quod si post mortem testatoris antè aditam hæreditatem aliquid servus acquisierit, Julianus ait, siquidèm ipsi manumisso peculium legatum fuerit, omne, quod antè aditam hæreditatem acquisitum est legatario cedere; quia hujusmodi legati dies ab adita hæreditate cedit: sed, si extraneo peculium legatum fuerit, non cedere ea legato, nisi ex rebus peculiaribus auctum fuerit peculium. Peculium autem, nisi legatum fuerit, manumisso non debetur: quamvis, si vivus manumiserit, sufficit, si non adimatur: et ita Divi Severus et Antoninus rescripserunt. Iidem rescripserunt, peculio legato, non videri id relictum, ut petitionem habeat pecuniæ, quam in rationes dominicas impenderit. Iidem rescripserunt, peculium videri legatum, cum rationibus red

$20. When the peculium (of a slave) is bequeathed, it is certain, that the increase or decrease of it in the life of the testator, becomes the loss or gain of the legatee. And, if the peculium of a slave be left to him with his liberty and he increase the peculium subsequent to the death of the testator, and before the inheritance is entered upon, it is the opinion of Julian, that the increase will pass to him as legatee: for such a legacy does not become due, but from the day of the acceptance of the inheritance: but should the peculium of a slave be bequeathed to a stranger, an increase, acquired within the period above-mentioned will not pass under the legacy, unless the acquisition were made, by means of something appertaining to the peculium; for the peculium of a slave does not belong to him, after he is manumitted by testament, unless expressly given; although, if a master in his life-time manumit

ditis liber esse jussus est, et ex eo reliqua inferre.

his slave, his peculium will pass to him of course, if not excepted and such is the rescript of the emperors Severus and Antoninus; who have also declared, that when a peculium is bequeathed to a slave, it does not seem intended that he should have the right of demanding what he may have expended for the use of his master. The same princes have farther declared that a slave seems intitled to his peculium, if his liberty be left him on condition, that he will bring in his accounts, and supply any deficiency out of the profits of his peculium.

De rebus corporalibus et incorporalibus.

XXI. Tam autem corporales res legari possunt, quam incorporales; et ideò, quod defuncto debetur, potest alieni legari, ut actiones suas hæres legatario præstet; nisi exegerit vivus testator pecuniam: nam hoc casu legatum extinguitur. Sed et tale legatum valet; damnas esto hæres meus domum illius reficere: vel illum ære alieno liberare.

21. Things incorporeal may be bequeathed as well as things corporeal and so therefore may a debt, due to the testator; and the heir be obliged to transfer his right of action to the legatee: unless the testator in his life-time received the money due to him; for in this case the legacy would become extinct. Such a legacy as this, is also good; I command my heir to rebuild the house of Titius: or to free him from his debts.

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